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Everything posted by Boges

  1. Trump shouldn't be spiking the football over that debate. Biden beat himself. You're contending that this new opponent doesn't have him off his game? Alright sure. They don't have an out. They're now locked into the same problem they had before. One undesirable or another. Kamala is a trash candidate. It's already starting to wear a gangster and this is about as good as it gets, after the convention is going to start to go downhill and she will face more scrutiny. And from the looks of things she's going to peek just slightly above trump with two full months left in the campaign. And his summer right now, people aren't paying close attention The argument is that two white men around 80 years old is not much of a choice at all. And not just their fitness for office current, but in the next four years. Higher ground? LOL I guess you're just used to relentless insults and ad hominem attacks. BTW I was kind of amused and somewhat happy Trump won in 2016. But his act wears away fast. He's a real POS.
  2. Chicken or Egg. Are the people people speaking Punjabi the only ones applying?
  3. Does he? He's slurring his speech. He's quite easy to get off message. And he's lashing out. The mushy middle whom didn't want to vote for either Trump or Biden now have an out.
  4. Tim Hortons is always hiring. https://www.careers.timhortons.ca/
  5. Trump was POTUS for a term. 2 years of which he had control of the Senate and House. Why didn't he do this then?
  6. It's momentum. What what I gather, the news here are the double-haters. There is a faction that wanted nothing to do with the same old white men from 2020. Well now there's only one old white man, who's acting increasingly more unhinged and unfit for office.
  7. Recent polls have Harris up in the three states she needs to win without help from the likes of Georgia, Nevada and Arizona. Now can Trump make his messaging more than crying about crowd sizes and name calling? If his press conference in Mar-a-Lago last week is any indication. This is not a good strategy. Bro compared his crowds to MLK.
  8. I'm shocked the Putin jock-sniffers on this site aren't calling for immediate nuclear retribution for this incursion into Russian territory.
  9. When he said Odessa, he meant Kursk but in reverse. 🙃
  10. When was JT busted for it? There is plenty of video of a huge crowd at this airport.
  11. Trump is shook AF. It's sad if it wasn't so funny.
  12. I wouldn't call Minnesota a far-left state. There's a difference between pushing the trans agenda and not denying trans kids exist and shouldn't be ostracized by society.
  13. Yesterday, Trump compared his crowds to MLK. He repeatedly couldn't hear the question being asked of him. So how does a swing vote decline to vote for Biden, because he's feeble and old but choose to vote for Trump? Does anyone believe an elected Trump be a sharp, strong and competent leader at the age of 82?
  14. I'm not sure how this is expected to stick to Walz.
  15. I'd have to concede, I'm not sure. I can see the case being made that a human is a human. But I think at early forms of development. Especially in the first 10 weeks, there's little difference between a fetus, embryo, sperm or egg. No, but should it be banned when there could be plenty of reasons to end a fetus' life due to the health of the mother? Like many say, it should be the decision of the mother because it's 100% dependent on the mother for survival. No one can step in to help like if a newborn is abandoned. But they are human. And member blackbird seems to include embryos in his definition of life. See how hard it is to get agreement on this? Personally I would like to see abortions banned in the third trimester. But as mentioned there could be reasons why it's required. Abortions should happen as early as possible if required. The irony is that the way some US states create their abortions laws make it impossible for a mother to get an early abortion. Here's a question for you. What's your line. Do you think contraception that prevents an embryo from being viable is also immoral?
  16. I believe once a fetus or child is able to survive outside a mother's womb, that's when they should be afforded protection by the legal justice system. Meaning killing at that point is murder. I concede opinions on this may vary. That's why I think a mother should be able to choose. The claim was 1% of abortions are done in the third trimester. These late-term abortions that become the main thrust of the Pro-Like narrative. So using your stat of 100,000, we're also talking 1,000 late term abortions. And how many of those are done for the health of the mother. I know this is rhetorical, but I imagine it's most. And the vast majority of abortions done for "mere convenience" are done in the first trimester. A period where the fetus doesn't really resemble a human, they just have the potential of being a human. The same as a sperm, embryo or egg.
  17. Sure but the at that point the survivability of the child isn't also a healthcare decision of the mother. I can't know when a soul, if it exists, manifests itself in a fetus or embryo. What I do know is forcing a mother to give birth to a child she doesn't want is highly immoral. The life of the fetus shouldn't supercede the decisions of the mother. Is it? Do you have stat? The point trying to be made, is abortion at this stage is rarely, if ever, a case of a mother just deciding they didn't want a child. And if it is, it's because they were denied the treatment earlier. Is it murder to abort a fetus if the mother is likely to die?
  18. Not being dependent on the mother to live. Though I think many believe if a fetus is viable outside of the mother's body, an abortion at this point is immoral. In the US they quibble at weeks where an abortion could/should be banned. In Canada we don't put a limit in law. As mentioned in this thread there is no law. That being said, late-term abortions in Canada are rare. https://theconversation.com/less-than-1-of-abortions-take-place-in-the-third-trimester-heres-why-people-get-them-182580
  19. I respect your views. But just so you know, these opinions are far outside the views a majority of people in the western world. There's no logical reason for governments to ban such practices claiming its murder.
  20. Cite the word. And if this is the case, that embryos are human life, then what of birth control that prevents fertilized embryos from implanting in the placental wall? Or IVF which creates many embryos that are not destined to ever becomes a human. Is this also murder? Ultimately, the point I'm making is that most agree what murder is. There is less agreement that abortion at certain stages of development is murder. I think the debate about when human life begins is quite lively and certainly not settled. Especially if scripture is used as the basis.
  21. It's a human fetus, or human embryo. But it's not a human. Well you believe it's a human but it's not universally thought of as murder. Some believe it is, but that's based on their religious belief system not an objective standard of what defines the term murder.
  22. I think the Bible is a very flawed guide to know what God really wants. Especially when it doesn't outright condemn slavery or summary execution. Where is this objective standard to say a Fetus is human life? And wouldn't any objective standard for life beginning at conception also include fertilization? So Embryos are also human life? IVF is mass genocide?
  23. The question is what constitutes human life. There's no objective standard for that, even if one does believe in God.
  24. There's a sliding scale to this debate. And those on either side always pick the most extreme examples to prove their point. Few believe a viable fetus should be aborted unless the health of the mother is in question. Few also believe a fetus under 10-weeks old resembles a human life. The grey area is that it may take up to 12-16 weeks for someone to find out they have an unwanted pregnancy. But still there is no objective standard to say aborting a fetus at that point is murder. Now on the extremes we have the policy in Canada where no abortion is illegal so, in theory, these late-term abortions are possible. But also, an extreme opinion is that a fertilized fetus could be considered human life. Some birth control allows for fertilization but doesn't allow the embryo to be implanted in the placental wall. Then there's the IVF debate. Are embryos life? Is the practice of fertilizing many embryos to assist a couple in having a baby a genocide? This is not a black and white issue.
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