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Everything posted by Boges

  1. Oh yeah murdering 2 million people. That'll bring peace to the region. ?
  2. Lots of Blue States on this list. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/least-educated-states Here are the top 10 least educated states: West Virginia: 22.40 Mississippi: 25.64 Louisiana: 27.36 Arkansas: 30.87 Alabama: 34.46 Oklahoma: 35.32 Nevada: 35.70 Kentucky: 35.70 New Mexico: 36.99 Texas: 40.14
  3. Oh! So now you believe AOC. Regardless, no new money is being used to build these portions of the wall.
  4. From the article in the OP. The Biden admin is simply following the law.
  5. The thing about the Pandemic is that the Provinces were completely transparent about how many people were getting sick. You could check the available beds every day. I remember we'd get reports daily on how many people were testing positive, dying and being admitted to the Hospital. So you really have to have your head in the sand, or completely believe in Deep State corruption to believe that they'd just do it again without being completely transparent of the cause.
  6. This is a lie. Canadian Urban population is about 80% https://www.statista.com/statistics/271208/urbanization-in-canada/#:~:text=Canada's urban population now accounts,percent of it's total population. Perhaps the Tax base has eroded. Or doctors just don't want to live in your town. I'm just telling you that access to Healthcare isn't as big an issue if you live in a place with the proper infrastructure.
  7. What do you think would require vaccine mandates to be re-introduced? Just for the fun of it? More money spent on implementing a passport system and forcing service workers to check people's passport to go to a restaurant? It was not a pleasant time for anyone. But we were in uncharted territory with a disease. It was either the mandates or these services stayed closed, or quarantine periods would have been kept up. So getting the Vax was a no-brainer to most well adjusted people.
  8. Living in a Rural area comes at a cost. I don't see these issues in the Big city Burbs. Urgent Care is a helluva service to avoid ER visits. The PCs have been in charge for the last 5 years. They've implemented laws that allow for more private delivery. What else are you looking for? Are you simply looking for a second tier so you can get healthcare if you can afford it, or a healthy tax hike so that rural areas get comparable Healthcare to people in the city. Earlier this year that I had a Vasectomy. The doctor had a line-up of men getting the procedure that day. I was the only dude that actually lived in the region. The rest had to travel for it. Probably because they didn't have Urologists in their town. Not sure what you want to do about it other than making Rural people pay for their procedures if they don't want to travel or wait.
  9. The fact that these diseases have largely been eradicated in places of high vaccination. Small Pox for example. What's your evidence they DON'T work?
  10. I am a parent. My children are young, so any signs of "gender dismorphia" can't really be treated as a mental illness at this point. That being said I do reenforce traditional gender roles to my kids. I don't think that makes me transphobic, but I certainly won't make them feel that any of those feelings are a mental illness in the future. I did miss this article, Thanks. It encapsulates the debate well. It clarifies the teacher's position. Also I maintain there's a big difference between using a different pronoun and advocating "mutilation" which is the nature of the OP. You need to distinguish the difference between mutilation and using different pronouns. From all evidence I've seen school are simply using the child's pronoun of choice and not telling the parent if the child doesn't wish they do. Again this is only a law in two provinces and the courts have struck it down in one, so I'm not sure if you have the majority opinion here. Perhaps. I'll still vote for the Ontario PC and will probably give PP a shot. But it's refreshing that you make political ideology based on single issue disagreements.
  11. I think they're better off showing the Electorate that the Republicans are controlled by fringe members. If there's a government shutdown it'll be 100% on the Republicans to own. It wasn't the Dems that called for the vote to Vacate, but they weren't going to save the GOP from shooting themselves in the foot. The party looks like a joke now.
  12. Because most intelligent people aren't skeptical of vaccines.
  13. Vax Mandates were focused on Adult. Please cite instances of children being banned from school for not getting Vaxxed. In Ontario, one of the ways the Ontario PCs were able to win was the fact the Liberals pledged to ad COVID to the list of Yellow Card vaccines children need to go to Public schools.
  14. No they weren't. My kids still haven't been vaxxed for COVID. Evidence shows COVID rarely causes severe sickness in young children. They have received the Flu shot though. This thread has descended into a Vax conversation. If you really believe Vax mandates are returned, I would suggest you're as bad as the people calling for them. Fringes of both sides of this debate that relished the polarization COVID caused.
  15. What kids were being forced to be vaccinated? Again I assume we're only discussing the COVID vaccine.
  16. You could go to a country where you're on your own footing the bill for Healthcare. . . but you get better healthcare if you can afford it. I recently read a story of a widower given a bill for $100k+ because he was in Florida with his Cancer stricken wife and her health deteriorated and insurance declined to cover her treatment in the US. That sounds like a great system as well.
  17. Personal experience from a drunk friend. Not particularly comparable to having a Trans kid. Your emotion on this speaks to a complete lack of perspective on this. You assume the parent cares enough to ask. If the child is dressing up like the other gender, perhaps you don't need the school's help. I still would need an actual real world example to show where a school completely hoodwinked an otherwise loving parent. I think this attitude is exactly why a child would want to keep it a secret. If the teacher was co-ordinating a gender affirming care, I would agree with you, that's not the teacher's place. But if the teacher simply calling the student a pronoun of choice, I don't see how that's "getting involved". Well I'm not a Liberal, or at least I don't vote that way. That being said, seeing the mouth-frothing hatred that seems to be coming from the Right lately, I keep moving further to left every day. Conservatives most certainly mentioned "barbaric" cultural practices in the past. Was that wrong of them? I think I told you, my opinion is that a parent should consider why a child lies before they get "angry". If being dishonest results in rage from a parent, like you're suggesting it could, that could be the very reason why a child may feel uncomfortable being honest with a parent I'm not a teacher.
  18. How can you know that. We're talking about hypotheticals. These laws remove the reality from the situation and forces a teacher to break a confidence a child has made in them. Black and White, no Grey area. That's what I oppose. Yep just get to the Ad hominem attacks. Great way to prove you're making an intelligent point. I could see why your child wouldn't want to tell you about their truth. You make assumptions like this. Mostly because how they are treated by others. You know the type of people that protest trans rights? Keeping secrets is not lying. The fact you think wanting to go by a different pronoun is a serious medical issue tips your hand that you're the type of person that would act negatively to a child that feels they are trans. Perhaps the child actually trusts them, unlike these hypothetical parents we're debating. Well Conservatives used to like to talk about Honour killings all the time. I guess that doesn't apply here. I'm not suggesting that that's likely but it's possible. Or a parent my disown their child, throw them out of the house. Anything. We can't know because we're debating hypotheticals.
  19. Who are "you people" do you want more tax payer money devoted to Healthcare? I think the pandemic was a relatively unique strain on the healthcare system. Last fall there were also strains because of "immunity deficit" in children and nothing was closed.
  20. Sounds like you're pretending you're an expert. Where is your evidence that the MMR vaccine is dangerous? Because the disease it has helped eradicate certainly are. As for the COVID vaccine, it's not mandatory. It was somewhat mandatory for a period of 6-8 months in late 2021 early 2022. No one is even suggesting we're going back to that reality.
  21. You're the one using the example of a drunk child. Do you surmise that a child who feels they are trans are in trouble and require intervention? If you feel that way, maybe that's the reason they don't want to tell you. Do you assume a child whom wants to use different pronouns will automatically want to mutilate themselves? Because the laws are focused on simply the use of different pronouns. As you've demonstrated, kids lie all the time, about a variety of issues. I would say to any parent, including myself; "look in the mirror" if your kids doesn't feel they can be honest about who they are. Don't blame teachers.
  22. You're conflating getting drunk at a party with how a child chooses to identify themself. I think the way certain people are acting towards the idea of Trans kids in public, trans kid certainly should feel afraid of their parents. Especially if they're super religious. You're basically telling teachers to our their student. They're not committing a crime.
  23. Is it also a legit concern that Trans kids are way more likely to commit suicide? https://www.thetrevorproject.org/resources/article/facts-about-lgbtq-youth-suicide/
  24. I think any parent should look in their own mirror if they create an environment where a child feels they can't confide in them and is more comfortable talking to a teacher. A solutions certainly aren't laws forcing teachers to taddle on their students.
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