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Everything posted by Boges

  1. Again I would be on your side if this boxer had competed as a man at one point and came out as trans. But this boxer has always identified as a woman. What you're suggesting is that women be tested for Testosterone levels prior to being able to compete as a woman. That's a slippery slope.
  2. But that's not the issue here. She was never identified as a man.
  3. They were in the same weight class correct? Apparently she had been boxing for years prior to a 2023 "failed gender test". Did she have a kill count prior to this controversy?
  4. And you can get it through genetics. Are we in the world where we exclude CIS women from competitions because their T is too high?
  5. It's a neat trick you play there where you no claim that race doesn't matter where it mattered for so long. And whitey benefited greatly. See redlining in Real Estate throughout the 20th Century. I know it tough to know that a POC in her 50's is a lot harder to beat than and old man in his 80's. Especially with minority groups Trump hopes to court.
  6. Would you estimate a women like Serena Williams has more testosterone than a Justine Henin?
  7. I'm watching Canada in the Mixed Doubles Bronze Medal match. That Dutch man is serving a Tennis Ball 100 mph at that woman's head. This is abuse!!! 😉
  8. Can the right-wing outrage machine stop implying that this is just some man trying beat up women. Because that's a good majority of the analysis I've been seeing.
  9. There's polite and there's loudly applauding which was done here. Obama was a very popular.
  10. Is using an accent from the area you're visiting is offensive now? Jamaican's seemed to love this.
  11. When pressed on if he thought Harris was a DEI hire, Trump repeatedly asked for a definition (If he didn't know he's incompetent). Then he went on his screed about her suddenly deciding that she was black. As if a bi-racial person can't be two things at the same time. It's a really offensive line of thinking.
  12. There's also a cultural element to this. As someone whom also has Jamaican heritage, I know this. A person with a different heritage can certainly embrace other cultures, especially if they were raised in such cultures. They shouldn't be treated as if they're a fake. Kamala is on record as saying her parents were very active in the civil rights movement.
  13. If people in the GOP were colour-blind they wouldn't be calling the Harris appointment a DEI hire and saying she can only be Indo-American, when she's clearly bi-racial.
  14. Who is this strategy supposed to appeal to? Are black people really gonna be like, "Damn Right! She's not one of us!". As if you can only be "black" unless you can draw a genetic line back to slaves in the antebellum south? And the idea that she's not African American because her heritage comes from India and Jamaica. Do you know who's African American by that definition? Elon Musk. Does the term Biracial not even compute here? JD Vance's children are both White and Indo-American. It's not that complicated. Parsing someone's racial identity is the epitome of racism.
  15. Because Drag Queens are ick, duh.
  16. They were not trying to make fun of the Last Supper! Chreestians have some thin-ass skin.
  17. I hope the Trumpers continue with this line of rhetoric. Showing their true colours. Of course ignoring the fact that a Border deal was negotiated by the Biden administration, but Trump had it blown up because he needed the wedge issue. https://apnews.com/article/biden-border-trump-immigration-9fd40a8ba7096362ca3ff4d810c01b21
  18. Harris' events seem positive and hopeful. Her team is also doing an excellent job trolling Trump on the Socials. Trump seems angry and unhinged. More-so than usual. Also JD Vance's comments about child-less people is a really bad look. He's on record saying that non-parents should have influence than parents.
  19. Actually nobody likes JD Vance. 🙃 Early Polling has the race neck and neck where it was a healthy lead for Trump before the change.
  20. And lost his re-election campaign. It's quite common for VPs to run for POTUS.
  21. Doesn't make it a thing. Her role as a prosecutor might have hurt her when BLM was staging mass protests across the globe, but now I don't think it'll matter. Especially against the dude that had BLM protestors cleared for a photo-op with a Bible.
  22. All the messaging around Biden being too old for office could be flipped around on Trump. He's now the oldest person to ever run for POTUS. Republicans aren't doing themselves any favours by calling her a DEI nomination. She was the DA of the largest state in the country and a Senator. That's more experience in public life than Trump ever had. She'll also likely nominate a Governor from a swing state as a Veep. If Trump does agree to debate her, the way he handled Hillary won't work against Harris. Is BLM still a thing. It could be argued that her failure in 2020 was because of BLM. But I think the political winds have changed.
  23. So you aren't drawing any conclusion then. No am I. I see the head of the Secret service stepped down today.
  24. Hey look. I think it's sketchy AF that bro was able to sit on top of that roof. But you have to ask yourself. Was the goal to kill Trump or make it look like the Dems hate him so much they'd try to kill him?
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