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Everything posted by WestCanMan

  1. Just in case people here are starting to forget just how much support there is for Hamas in Canada, this article is from Oct 9th, talking about pro-Hamas rallies from the day before. The day before was actually the very first evening since the Palestinian terrorist attack. At that time, there was still smoke coming off of the babies who were burned to death. Palestinian terrorists were still sharing those videos with their proud parents, and putting them on social media. No one was buried yet. The death toll was still coming in. Israeli officials were still sorting out the dead bodies to figure out who was missing. https://kitchener.citynews.ca/2023/10/09/toronto-police-boost-presence-ahead-of-israel-palestine-rallies-warn-against-hate/ Protesters gathered at Nathan Phillips Square in front of Toronto City Hall on Monday afternoon, many draped in or waving Palestinian flags as the crowd chanted, “From the river to the sea" One sign read, “Occupation is a crime, resistance is a response.” Let's not pretend that it wasn't a 'Palestinian' terrorist attack on Oct 7th... Hamas is the government in Gaza. The 'Hamas' attacks are truthfully Palestinian attacks. Palestinians aren't condemning those attacks, or trying to stop them. They're out spitting on the naked corpses with their kids. When the US gov't goes into Iraq it's not "The Democrats" or "Republicans" at war, it's America. Clinton, Obama, Trump, and Biden don't launch attacks, nor do their parties... America does. Similarly, support for those wars at that time isn't for the Dems or GOP, it's for America, and support for what the Palestinians are doing is support for Hamas.
  2. People will stop donating money to these universities as well.
  3. Sometimes it's an insurrection involving thousands of people - but zero guns - that the FBI somehow didn't know about, and which almost overthrew the gov't, other times it was just a protest that Trump turned into an insurrection with his rousing call to war, which didn't sound warlike at all to the unaided ear, and which was done while he simultaneously pleaded for peace, civility and respect for law enforcement on Twitter and FB videos. It depends on who they're blaming at that particular moment. It was everything and nothing all at once. You're not supposed to question the narratives. Or science. Or whatever they're calling it.
  4. Trump can speak freely for hours at a time with less gaffes than Biden will have while answering a single pre-scripted ice-cream question. Trump can walk up and down stairs. Trump doesn't talk to drapes, or shake hands with imaginary people. Trump doesn't fall off of bikes. Trump doesn't shuffle through his notes to see who gets to ask the next "question" and then read the answer to it off of the same page. Biden is one heartbeat per minute ahead of Weekend at Bernie's.
  5. Wow. You've changed so much since the time you jumped on the "trucker convoy is a bunch of white supremacists with Nazi and Confederate symbolism everywhere" bandwagon, less than 4 yrs ago.
  6. Ugh. A typical pwav comment. They're as bad as cisgender males.
  7. The covid10ts here all have Stockholm Syndrome. They still love the people who lied to them and forced them to take it up the arms, and they're mad at us for proving that they were lied to.
  8. The scary thing here is that robo is a bellwether for CNN propaganda. Everything that he says and does comes directly from MSM central. If he's a Hamas supporter, there are millions more.
  9. Notice that the Dem cultists here won't even try to pretend that their alt-left politicians don't all vote as a bloc, every time?
  10. And just look at how the Dem, Lib and NDP party members all vote... 100% partisan 99% of the time. The ones that don't either get kicked out of the caucus (Canada) or get harassed on the toilet/at home (US).
  11. I can. I'm gonna say: "He didn't fall for the one about the tree-climbing, cannibalistic cows." I'll need a witness though, because almost no one will believe it. That's where you come in. TA-DA! Problem solved. Re: the OP... I'm honestly worried that he can't put the brakes on this clown car shitshow. The US is on a pretty steep slope right now.
  12. You shoulda said "On CNN they said.." at the beginning, blamed the deforestation on cisgender white male wasps, and wrapped it up with a climate change bow at the end. It would have been hilarious to see robo, Rebound and Hodad repeating it.
  13. Geez, can you imagine what that would be like? 🤣 Stupid POS.
  14. By contrast to leftist cultists, conservatives can address leftist crap head-on. You just respond to facts like snakes in boiling water.
  15. That's a declarative statement without a hint of substance, just in case you care. The Demis are a cult because their acolytes continually rant blatantly false drivel which has no basis whatsoever in reality, and when they're challenged with contradictory facts they just shout down the messenger and hide behind a layer of insults and accusations like they're throwing holy water on Dracula himself. There are people here who still won't admit that thousands of multi-vaxed Canadians died of covid, or any healthy people were killed by the vax. In their minds the 2020 vax-promises are all true to this day and Fauci, Trudeau and Cuomo are covid Messiahs. Look at how long you pushed the bogus collusion narrative... Even Schiff had stopped lying about for months while you were still yelling at clouds here. The brain-dead id10ts here were still saying "mostly peaceful protests" after there was $2B in damages, part of Seattle was taken over and the BLM police had killed a kid and critically injured 14 yr old, people were murdered, cops were murdered, and thousands of them were injured. You guys were also going along with "There's no inflation" when the cost of gas was up by 30% and the cost of food was skyrocketing. Only cultists would say "It's clearly mid-day" at 3AM, but that's exactly what you guys do. Then all of you bright lights who demanded that Trump needed a cognitive assessment "because he was losing his mind" pretended that Fetterman and Biden were solid. For a while I couldn't tell if you were liars or just next-level stupid, but you've definitely achieved cult status now. No one's dumb enough to repeat the things that you guys get caught saying here over and over. You're like Goebbels' pawns, spewing lies with cultist fervour.
  16. Welllll, sort of. It comes from his Ministry of Propaganda, which is divine guidance/gospel to these guys. Facts carry no weight with his kind.
  17. And why did they need military might? Look where they are on the map... Look who's around them... Do you think they need to add NATO in Ukraine to their list of problems?
  18. Russia's geopolitical situation is so different from America's that there's really no comparison. Russia shares borders with North Korea, China, Norway, Finland, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Poland, Georgia, Mongolia, Latvia, Estonia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, and Lithuania. That's one troublesome/dangerous superpower plus the most batshit crazy/powerful dictator on the planet. No other country comes close to that, but the US is as far from it as possible. They're basically all alone as far as militarily powerful neighbours are concerned. They could fight a war against the rest of the continent they're on and win it by lunchtime. Ironically they come within a few km's of Russia, but that's as much Russia's problem as theirs.
  19. Because his forces have just romped through Ukraine unopposed, right? And because they showed so much aggression towards towards the US before 2014, right? Are you kidding? Sure. And Ukraine threatening to join NATO is the reason for this war. 0% threat to Sweden. If one tank rolled into Sweden there would be war with NATO, member state or not. As an ex-military member myself, I'd fully support war against Russia the moment they went into Sweden. In 1937 Germany's military might was equal to most of Europe. 1937 Germany would have rolled through Ukraine over a weekend. The survival of the planet wasn't a consideration in 1937. What a bullshit 'parallel'. Step away from the crackpipe.
  20. Do you realize that all you ever do here is peddle senseless CNN conspiracy BS? FYI Russia didn't have to seize Crimea if Biden and Obama weren't trying to shove NATO up their ass. How does a Russian naval base inside of a NATO country work, genius? Did you think that the Russians would just say "I guess we have to abandon our naval base now that Ukraine is part of NATO"? Just stop talking now you f'ing id10t. You make me want to vomit. I honestly understand that you want NATO in Ukraine. Good for you, I guess? But that doesn't come without a fight, stupid. AKA, a war. You can even see that there's a war, it's on your TV screen. You just like to pretend that it started out of the blue. The Ukrainians and Russians are bitter enemies now, thanks to the ever-divisive Demonrat party. All those evil pieces of shit do is create racial division in America, create hateful division between voters, start wars around the world, and screw over low-income Americans by bringing in tens of millions of illegal immigrant to compete with them for jobs.
  21. Right... Putin is not a threat to the USA. The Dems are. That's 100% correct. No, I'm changing the subject from 'your childish talking point' to 'the most blatantly obvious facts of the last 10 years, which prove you're wrong'. The 2nd time? Because GWB is an id10t maybe?
  22. Tactical withdrawals have been a thing since long before the Sun Tzu. The shmozzle withdrawal employed by Biden and Obama is new.
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