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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/2019 in all areas

  1. Wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am thankful for being Canadian, for the freedom we enjoy as individuals, for the relative safety we have, for the roof over my head, abundant food, my friends and family and to have a job that provides security and satisfaction.
    2 points
  2. That's most of the country, most are opposed to paying for a poorly-equipped military and flat out refuse to pay for a well-equipped military. Welcome to Canada.
    1 point
  3. The guys in green and back packs those guys are JTF 2, and you'd be hard pressed to find a liberal in that crowd....
    1 point
  4. A better question would be what has Peter MacKay got to do with conservatism.
    1 point
  5. Right wingers/conservatives overwhelmingly believe you have an absolute right to your opinion and to express it. The same cannot be said of most left-wingers. Maybe you're one of those that believe the world will end in 10-12 years,or that there are dozens or hundreds of different genders or gender pronouns. It's nonsense but I firmly believe in your right to have your far-out opinions.
    1 point
  6. It seems to me that there are far more nutjobs on the left than on the right. It is primarily leftists that are opposed to free speech, which means any and all opposing views. ANTIFA is a leftist group and a perfect example of their sick mindset.
    1 point
  7. I think the facts will show that an enormous amount of money has flowed out of Alberta over past decades,mostly to the benefit of Quebec. Why wouldn't Albertans be frustrated with this? Where would we be in this country without the contributions from the oil and gas sector? https://edmontonjournal.com/opinion/columnists/gary-lamphier-how-much-money-has-flowed-out-of-alberta-to-ottawa-a-lot
    1 point
  8. Canada is not so much an American territory as much as Canada today has really become a globalist socialist territory country. Even America has pretty much become a globalist country, although at least nationalist Trump is trying to change all of that. Our pro globalist dear Canadian leaders, like Blackface, are pushing Canadians into a global new world order where global corporations and the United Nations are now making the plans for how Canada will operate. Canada 200 years ago may have been a great nation in the making, but today Canada is now turning into a non-western chit hole of a country. The destiny for Canada today is for more global slavery to the globalist corporations of the world. In another five years you may wish that Canada would become a territory of America. Your freedom may depend on it.
    1 point
  9. Gorgeous autumn afternoon here, and it's a long weekend! Happy Thanksgiving! Maybe we can barbecue that turkey...
    1 point
  10. Hi Argus, it is more than clear who the real haters are. And it is not Bernier's group. They were having a peaceful lawful event until hate showed up in mobs and masks and became violent. Calling people heinous names and accusing them of being the haters ironically. The ultimate hypocrisy!
    1 point
  11. I've been using this term to describe technology for a few years, specifically talking about how things are going to fail. The more things are connected, the more problems on a large scale you are going to see. I am going to use modern cars as an example. https://www.ctvnews.ca/autos/new-cars-vulnerable-to-hacks-that-could-leave-thousands-dead-report-1.4534027 Imagine needing anti-virus and firewall protection for your car when it is connected to the grid. Same for your home. And the more things are connected more, the less privacy and security you will actually have. Your smartphone is already proving that. I deal with IT stuff every day and I see these kind of issues daily. One service goes down, but it is connected to some many others and those services are affected. It's all this cloud technology. The tech is also advancing at an alarming rate and we have barely wrapped our heads around what we got and how vulnerable it is. The transport companies currently using a lot of this technology are at risk of these hacks and wide spread issues and outaged. A good friend of mine showed me how connected transport trucks are and it's staggering. Now mind you the tech really is to monitor the vehicle (grabbing 300 different datapoints) but they will be the first to go fully automated before cars and such. The other issue is the liability. Who is to blame when this tech fails or someone hacks it and people die? What happens when an automated truck fails , plows through other vehicles killing many people. Sure the risk is there with a human driver, but instead of one truck, all of the interconnected vehicles can all fail at the same time. We see large hacks all the time on banks and such, 106 million accounts from one bank recently. An outage on Amazon's servers have caused Youtube, Google, and Facebook outages. A glitch in the system at an airport can make it come to an instant halt, no one is landing, no one is taking off. It's very concerning.
    1 point
  12. The people opposing white supremacists, anti-fascists opposed to fascism, represent most Canadians. White supremacists don't represent any voices that anyone wants to hear. No one goes to public rallies to listen to white supremacists. Saying it doesn't make it true, and you've provided no evidence yet. Bernier enables and supports white supremacists, for their votes, and who's to say he isn't? It would be interesting to see who does go inside to hear Maxime Bernier. At $50pp, it's an expensive gig, so the usual ragtag white supremacist will likely be hanging outside harassing Mohawk students of colour & LGBTQ+ people, yelling slurs and insults as usual. Manners and decency for living in civil society are not their forte. 'Inciting and promoting hatred against identifiable groups of people' is a crime in Canada. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/section-319.html I get your hatred for 'Antifa', because you just don't win when they're around: You can't get away with harassing and assaulting Muslims and LGBTQ+ people. You don't win ever, anyway, because you're racist bigots and nobody wants to hear you, everyone drowns you out and chases you away. There is no public tolerance for hate speech in public spaces. Your problem isn't Antifa: Your problem is that NOBODY wants to hear what white supremacists have to say. And white supremacists have no integrity either: You try to water down your bigotry for public consumption and don't even have the courage to publicly state what you really stand for ... because if you did, it would be a criminal act.
    0 points
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