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  1. And despite his intimate familial awareness of this Trudeau insists on leaving the means for the state to do so to other people anyway. Do as the politicians say not as they do is the real point of the story - this attitude effectively ruins everything eventually. Trudeau is a sphincter of worst kind.
    1 point
  2. O'Leary is dropping out this evening to endorse Bernier.
    1 point
  3. You are right and trudeau will not decriminalize it, but his family is allowed to get away with it and he smoked weed as a MP and nothing was ever done about it.
    1 point
  4. Check this out! https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2017/04/25/wild-boars-overrun-islamic-state-position-kill-3-militants/100876844/ Oh the irony.........radical Muslims - killed by PIGS!
    1 point
  5. I usually hate this kind of strategic analysis. What worries me more is that Trump perhaps thinks like that too. As if world is a video game and we are all part of Civilization V being played on an Xbox. Lives of millions of South Koreans, North Koreans, Syrians, Afghans, Russians have no value. It's just a number. and all we would lose in above scenario is a game of strategic chess.
    1 point
  6. Cultural compatibility is not the problem, cultural insensitivity is the problem. Having lived in many countries with different cultures, I can tell you one thing for sure. Humans are all very much similar. If you give them respect, show them that you care, be friendly towards them, they will reciprocate. All of us want to be respected, want to be seen as important: basics of human psychology. Cultural compatibility narrative does have a racist angle to it. Humans are more driven by their basic instincts than their cultural influence. I don't know how you feel. But the best thing I like about Toronto is this feeling of being part of a unique place where you get to experience the whole world within one single city. You meet all kind of people, enjoy all types of food, express yourself and your roots while learning from people different from you. Not a single city on this planet has the same vibe.
    1 point
  7. This child is well on his way to being the next Stevie Ray Vaughan. INCREDIBLE.
    1 point
  8. Is that the only word in your liberal zionist vocabulary is racist? Why are you not able to carry on an intelligent conversation and debate an event or issue at hand without throwing the word racist around? I am getting sick and tired of liberals like you who call anyone a racist just because they are questioning an event or government policy. Get real will you.
    1 point
  9. 259,000 people are eligible to vote.
    1 point
  10. So calling people who disagree with you idiots is fine in your book, but god forbid anyone should respond in kind. Right back at'cha.
    1 point
  11. I already explained a couple of the reasons I like Canada. And I've been all over it from sea to sea to sea and met folks who think just as I do, Have you ever been out of your neighborhood?
    1 point
  12. Nope...it comes from my respect for the welcoming traditions of this country and it's disdain of racism and xenophobia.
    1 point
  13. So if people don't agree with you then they lack sense, are idiotic and support proven harmful immigration policies. This, despite the fact that Canada is rated among the best countries to live and among the top 10 performers economically, even with our 'harmful' immigration policies of the last 150 years. The facts don't support these conservative claims, Argus. That and their assumption that conservatives are the only sensible ones no doubt contributes to the way in which people consider conservatives claims more xenophobic than thoughtful.
    1 point
  14. We been all through this ad infinitem. Leftists don't care because they are multicultural marxists and don't care about the damage they are doing to western civilization by bringing in people who are totally incompatible with our values and culture and have no intention of changing. Rather than stand up for our values and country, they sell themselves out for votes.
    1 point
  15. It has nothing to do with charm! Bottom-line: Canada thinks trade with the USA is important more than the USA sees it the other way around. It was the Liberals who were like deer caught in the headlights until they came up with this brilliant idea of using "charm." Nothing wrong about that. Charm could work. But the silly twits went on tv to divulge their strategy! And they were preening like fools - fishing for compliments for that brilliant idea! And they did these media blitz a few days before they went to Washington! They made the Trump team seem like idiots on tv, who'll easily fall for it! It'll be like me posting and announcing on my status update: "I'm going to butter up to Wilber so he'll be more than willing to see my pov.........and he'll give me lots of likes!" Would you fall for the compliments I give you henceforth, and give me likes?
    1 point
  16. Take it to one of your loony topics, please.
    1 point
  17. Refugees should be in proper camps as near to their homes as safely possible...they're going home, after-all.
    1 point
  18. Maybe you should get off the land then. Natives had it long before you.
    1 point
  19. Well as someone with family who died in the holocaust I am well aware that JW's alongw ith 7th Day Adventists were shipped to the death camps refusing to swear allegiance to Hitler and willing to die for their beliefs. For that legacy I have to be deeply respectful. From a practical perspective uh yah they can be a tad annoying coming to the door preaching but hell how the hell could anyone call them dangerous? Putin is just a sordid hateful sob. He does stuff like this he gets harder to differentiate from Hitler. What next does he intend to round them all up? Then what? Not to digress but back in the Duplessis days of Quebec, Marcel Duplessis triggered the first religious persecution case using his government to harass JW's and in particular one from getting a job with the Liquor Board triggering the first major case prohibiting governments from discriminating against people based on their religion. Let's be fair. JW's are not dangerous or violent and follow all the laws everywhere. They are not terrorists or extremists.Who next? 7th Day Adventists? Christian Scientists? Amish? Christian sects have the right to their individual approaches to Christianity. Name me one JW who is violent or threatens any state? . I defend them from discrimination. JW's are not terrorists or violent and its precisely why he picks on them. Its what cowards do-go after pacifists. Leave them alone and let them worship their God in peace.
    1 point
  20. Because he's shallow and callow, knows very little about government or the world, and is only in his job because of his name and looks. His life experiences, such as they are, are that of a trust fund baby, never having to overcome anything, never having worries or obligations, born with silver spoon in mouth, with no leadership abilities. And he combines this with an almost petulant arrogance one often sees in progressives, who govern not out of knowledge but emotion. He trots around the world taking selfies and posing for smiley pictures at things like that silly womans conference in New York last week and seems to have only a peripheral interest in doing his actual job (which is probably good for us since he hasn't a clue how).
    1 point
  21. The new documentary A Stroy Of Us is amjor load of bullshit, lies and false historal facts. Severe critics of historians from both english and french sides. Trudeau introduces that self called documentary (the most approprate designation should be mockumentary) and hereby endorses those lies. If he is not yet the worst PM ever, he is really working hard to become the one. I think the worst about him is yet to come.
    1 point
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