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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2017 in all areas

  1. Agreed. It's time for the conspiracy types to ramp-up their game. The Twin Towers and WTC 7 (sinister music plays) are actually on the Moon and now occupy the very same spots claimed to be Lunar landing sites.
    3 points
  2. Not me, I'm creeping DoP up and GS down. It seems like someone noticed and is countering my up votes. I guess it is a new month and maybe I should change my policies.
    2 points
  3. Tanker's choice during WW2. Made the (relatively small) 2-pounder a killer in the desert. Rhenium has one of the highest melting points and is useful in things like rocket nozzles, etc. A tad expensive...heh. Very rare.
    2 points
  4. Why would you need a link, you are the one that brought up the comment about NIST and free fall. Obviously you have the link already. As I stated, it is on page 40 & 41 of the report, that would be section 3.6. In the FAQ it is #11. What clearer citation do you need?
    1 point
  5. No, i pulled it out of the NIST report you are citing. Did you even read the report, or are you just repeating stuff you read on conspiracy sites?
    1 point
  6. The rigging of the so-called explosives would have had to occurred in 1969-70. George Bush Jr was getting kicked out of college about then...
    1 point
  7. You are the one quoting NIST, obviously you have the source to be quoting - page 40 & 41. Read it, the details are there as well as in the FAQ they created in 2011 (update 2012). Concerning you blowing up the towers theory, how long did it take to rig the explosives in these 3 towers?
    1 point
  8. Irony would be if she spoke perfect French...
    1 point
  9. Agreed...no need to spend experienced foreign service on Canada. Trudeau prefers to beg for Trump's attention directly anyway.
    1 point
  10. Where do you get the 10 seconds from, did you have some special camera that saw through the massive debris cloud?
    1 point
  11. Yet another out of context quote. Yes, there was a period of near free fall for a part of the structure after lower support columns buckled out of the way and then when more resistance was encountered things slowed down again. The examination of video showed that the 18 story part of the structure that was visible in the building was 40% slower than free fall.
    1 point
  12. I'm now leaning towards Bernier. He is a Conservative.
    1 point
  13. Anybody knows the policy of Kelly Leitch other than that screening for values? I went to her website - I can't find any policy she's running on.
    1 point
  14. No, if anything he just rigged it.
    1 point
  15. Trump never promised election reform like somebody else in North America.
    1 point
  16. An empty promise of security and prosperity for all. Oh well,m it's not like the bar for yet another Trump speech was very high going in and Congress sounded like a typical crowd of cheering rubes. The widows and orphans were a nice touch.
    1 point
  17. Yes, listen to your team and stick to the script.
    1 point
  18. The bow of the USS New York (LPD-21) was made out of recycled WTC steel.
    1 point
  19. Some will expand their operations, some will hoard the money saved through lower taxes and others will reward their shareholders. Who knows. Yet what we know for sure is that what politicians say when they want to win power doesn't always translate in the real world.
    1 point
  20. Trump is wearing a blue tie, what does that mean?
    1 point
  21. That's very exotic steel, of course. Full of all sorts of atomic goodies like vanadium to avoid being brittle.
    1 point
  22. C'mon folks, it isn't only me who noticed the obvious: Kimmel's flat performance! He was like a drink of coca cola without the sizzle. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/arts/film/oscars-2017-what-we-learned-from-jimmy-kimmels-toothless-opening-monologue/article34143415/ Even the way he just stood there - he was so wooden. Meh. He let his bitterness over Trump's win - and Trump's come-back to Streep's attack - get the better of him. Immature.
    1 point
  23. We live in a nation were we have access to world class education, health care, access to the free market to purchase anything your imagination can think of. I can get a burger in under 5 minutes, or a 15 course meal. we can raise our kids in almost complete safety, we have plenty of job opportunities, our standard of living is second to none.....And with all that there is..... still some saying we can not share any of that, we can not use our resources to maybe change some of that.....because it is dumb and wasteful....
    1 point
  24. Indeed, as structural ferrous metals are routinely preheated before welding to slow joint cooling, prevent brittle fracture, and reduce shrinkage stress. Submarine hull cuts (HY-80 and HY-100 steel) are welded closed using bodacious electric strip heaters around the welded joint.
    1 point
  25. That is a tungsten. Wolframite is the typical tungstate that we get the pure stuff from. Most folks are familiar with tungsten from things like nail punches rather than armor piercing shot. Too brittle for a skyscraper, of course. Rhenium, however, has some flex to it.
    1 point
  26. We are discussing it. Worldwide turmoil can be avoided simply by choosing the proper building materials.
    1 point
  27. I have. No I do not create things I have no academic expertise in. You've done no work, you repeat what you have been told by others as well. Please don't pose as having created your conspiracy theories. They are far from original. I also have presented my own ideas in a separate post.
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. On the contrary. You are embarrassing yourself here. There will be nothing found on Trump that the the liberal media and the democrats are hoping will be found. The liberal media and the democrats keep always bringing up Trump and Russia gate but yet there has been nothing proven so far. So quit dreaming, Trump will be Americas president for the next eight years because the people want him there to help clean out the swamp of the liberal lying losers, and democrat liars, and those zionist globalists who have been trying to destroy America for decades now. It's amazing as to why the lying liberal media and the democrats cannot accept their defeat.And the sad part is that they have said that these constant attacks on Trump will go on until they can get something on Trump. It is said that when an honest person tries to tell the truth the controlled establishment media will be set upon them like a pack of wolves to ridicule, attack and made a fool of until that person has no credibility left anymore. Then it is up to the people to decide as to why this person is being so viciously attacked, and not just accept the medias side of the story only. So many good and honest people have been destroyed by the lying media. The main scream media cannot be trusted anymore for the true and real facts. It is up to the people to check out the facts for themselves, and not just take another person/s or medias word for it. Trump is not being given a chance. He is a threat to the elite globalist establishment, and they will do whatever they can to try and destroy Trump by using their media controlled so-called honest to goodness reporters. LOL.
    1 point
  30. I'm from Missouri! ...being the rest of the statement.
    1 point
  31. It is in the Harry S. Truman presidential library at Independence MO, of course. And it doesn't mean what most people think it means: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2012/10/buck-stops-here-clinton-obama-truman.html
    1 point
  32. You also prefer war heroes that weren't captured?
    1 point
  33. But yet we still deal with the Saudi's. Once you are man enough to take our government to task for dealing with one Islamic fascist while condemning another, we will have made some progress. Until then, go on with your 'blame islam' game.
    1 point
  34. HAHA-very funny to say Harper started a media war! Media spent years whining about his alleged "hidden agenda"-the one that never materialized! Balancing the govt books and maintaining Cdn security in the face of Muslim terror is not some sort of dirty secret. If we want to conitnue having an open border and good trade between Canada and U.S. then we MUST recognize Yankee security concerns! With 3000 dead in the ruins of World Trade Centre they are entitled to be nervous! The only "agenda" I have seen is the one where liberals demonize ALL Conservatives! How is it that Conservatives can be smeared for making senators Wallin and Brazeau pay back money that Consevative party feels was used wrongly and for suing senator Mike Duffy for refusing to pay back his carelessly spent share? While at the same time both media and liberals IGNORED that liberal senator MacDonald Harb who had mis-used MORE money than Wallin, Brazeau and Duffy COMBINED! Talk about hiding an agenda! Talk about biased reporting! But then liberal values are such that they were probably appalled by the idea of a political party taking real responsiblity-as Conservatives did- for anything! And liberals were absolutely horrified at the idea of actually paying tax payers back for money mis-used! Our Media promoted liberal propaganda-such as alleging Harper was "muzzling" Cdn scientists-reality is he was simply preventing them from insulting and reviling Conservative party on govt time! Civil servants do not care about politics-their ONLY concern is their oh so comfortable place on what Rob Ford rightly called the govt gravy train! Many civil servants see nothing wrong with using their time at work for what amounts to very partisan union business-which means disputing and smearing views that are counter to their own greedy and narrow self interests. Civil servants are demanding raises in pay and massive new funding for their already gold plated pensions while significant numbers of older Cdns cannot find the cash to purchase the medical drugs they have been prescribed! Civil service/liberal values and entitlements are way out of line-and they want to blame their greed on Harper-with media aid! And media only cares about regaining viewers and readers. Ad revenue for conventional main stream media is fading like snow in July so they are desperate to attract people-hence their willingness to cater to any point of view that gets them attention-regardless of truth about "hidden agendas"! This is why our vaunted CBC started to mock the liberal electoral reform plan-Cdns recognized electoral reform as a vote rigging scam-and CBC did not want to be on the wrong side of that fight with so much hostile public opinion -so they joined other media and mocked the badly biased liberal effort to fragment and break up our parliament. By breaking our parliament into a mass of small, one issue parties, liberals figured they could paralyze parliament and ensure that no single party could gather enough power in future to shut off the mad liberal spending machine. Fortunately CBC recognized they might be on the wrong side of that argument and did the right thing-for once!
    1 point
  35. First of all, any ordinary person could easily understand that there are somethings strange happening around the World. They dont need someones to tell them whats happening. But I am also able to reach some more informations that ordinary citizens cannot reach
    1 point
  36. It's highly revealing that a lady from Turkey knows "these things" and "more", but the well informed westerners, with the greatest news media on the planet know next to nothing, except for what they have been told, by, of course, their world class media.
    1 point
  37. Europe is starting to resist! The ground is shifting! https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/explainers/understanding-migration-and-asylum-european-union Which is why all Conservative leadership candidates who still buy into this open borders propaganda - have all missed the boat! They're all busy trying to pander to liberal mindsets! They're all cowards - they aren't willing to stick out their necks proposing sensible policy that's based on SHEER COMMON SENSE! It's up to us conservatives to set things right! Give a message, loud and clear to these self-serving candidates!
    1 point
  38. It refers to the US's plan that was already in place before the false flag event of 9-11 to invade seven countries in five years. General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years
    1 point
  39. I wish that that was the only thing, the worst thing that soldiers had/have done. So do the Syrians, the Iraqis, the Afghans, the Libyans, the ...s .
    1 point
  40. Yup, I doubt Trump's team has much time or patience for any snowflakes. Was this McMaster a draft dodger or something? He should probably be sent to a re-education camp or pushed out of an airplane or something.
    1 point
  41. With no disclosed evidence - big, big difference.
    1 point
  42. Would you like to cite that so it can be discredited or admit you're mistaken?
    1 point
  43. The title is quite wide open, but the OP does narrow the subject some. I agree that my last 2 posts were a bit outside the scope of this topic, so I posted another one in a status update but it appears nobody caught on to it (ski vacation). Neither of the 2 other threads that Charles suggested however are appropriate for the posts either, so perhaps we need a thread on Trump the man(?) and another on the Trump Empire.
    1 point
  44. Countries interested in ending the conflict, and sick of wasting their time on it... decade after decade after decade. G8 nations would be a good start I guess. Im not sure what the totals are but I know its hundreds of millions, or billions. And I would support paying a lot more if it was a regime like the one I described where they only get paid for results. No, the US obviously has a large interest in not allowed "Conflict: DirtFarm" to entanble them in a regional conflict that would cost the US hundreds of billions or more. But other countries have a significant stake in ending the conflict as well. Those idiots over there waste an awfull lot of the worlds time and money, and they will go on doing it for centuries if we dont figure something out. And the US is already financing peace between Israel and Egypt to the tune of billions of dollars a year, so the rest of the west should step up and get out their checkbooks.
    1 point
  45. The more I think about this, the more evident it becomes that this is pretty much the only chance we have of helping to resolve "Conflict: Dirt farm". I mean, we have been asking these people to act civilized towards one another for decades and time after time we have been told to go piss up a rope. Lets remove all ongoing western aid to both sides, and then essentially give jews and arabs a lucrative contract to act civilized to each other. Offer them insane ammounts of money to not be dicks to each other. For example... instead of asking Israel to halt illegal settlment building you pay them to do it. "For each year that goes buy where a settlement is not built we will pay you 10 billion dollars". For each illegal settlement you dismantle we will pay you a billion dollars." "We'll install 50 billion dollars worth of desalination plants if you start turning over the control of water resources in the west bank over to palestinians so that they can grow food." And instead of asking the Palestinian authority to prevent violence and rocket attacks... "Well give you a billion dollars for each month that goes by without attacks against jews on Israel proper, or other infringements on the security of Israels legally recognized borders." "And well give the PA another 5 billion dollars if they write full recognition of Israels right to exist into their charter, and another billion dollars per year that they keep it there." Like we saw with insurgents in Iraq... even people acting out of hatred and religiously motivated violence will behave if you pay them enough. Its the same strategy that worked with Israel and Egypt. The problem of course is that it gets expensive, and you have to keep paying pretty much forever to keep the parties in the desired mode of behavior. But on the other hand those idiots and their pathetic struggle already cost us untold billions, and risk dragging us into a greater regional conflict that would cost the west hundreds of billions or even trillions. So we would probably save money! The beauty of this is that once we essentially become benefactors that finance a much improved standard of life for the people on both sides, we basically become their employers, and we can keep those hopeless idiots OUT of any planning. All that would be required is for western nations to sit down together and come up with a list of behaviors that would be conducive to peace, and figure out how much of a bounty we are willing to pay for each one.
    1 point
  46. Israel has been playing that game for awhile now. If the people they talk to don't have the power to stop all attacks on Israel, then they aren't worth talking to. Of course, if they do have the power, then they must be terrorists, so Israel won't talk to them. There will ALWAYS be attacks against Israel. There will always be extremists filled with hate, because their children have been killed or they hate Jews or whatever. You can not blame all Palestinians for an action of a few and allow a few actions to setback the peace process. That depends entirely on how civilized the nation is that is attempting to play by the rules. A civilized nation differentiates between terrorist and civilian. A terrorist does not allow a great deal of collateral damage and then blame it on the terrorists for not making it easy to find and kill them. The problem that most Israeli apologists have is that they are unable to differentiate between civilian and terrorist. They simply see them as all Arabs. So, when they kill Arabs because Arabs fired missiles at them, it was the Arabs fault. I am asking you to suggest how else Palestinians could fight against the IDF child-killers? You seem to be offering two options: 1) Accept whatever Terms Israel gives you as they are superior. 2) March in nice neat lines with uniforms and flashing neon lights, so the billion dollar warplanes can disintegrate you. The goal of the militants is to get Israel to regret the poor treatment of the Palestinian people. How do you expect them to do that? I am saying that vastly inferior military capacity, combined with unjust conditions, and a complete lack of ability to make changes through non-violence will ulimately lead to civilian casualties. If you want to call it murder, then let's call all the deaths of civilians murder, so that our language is consistent. If the Canadian government treated the Inuit people so poorly that nations of the world suggested that the international body investigate their living conditions, then I would absolutely welcome the UN investigation. But then Canada is a nation with nothing to hide. If you read it says peaceful revolution. A revolution is nothing more than a sweeping change. Yes, all civilized oountries must allow a mechanism for peaceful revolution. The Palestinians have none, making violence inevitable.
    1 point
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