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Next President: Barack Obama

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I love my country, and wish it the Best, even if I disagree with what happened tonight. Barack Obama has the potential to be a transformational President. Clearly, though the Democrats did not get 60 Senate seats, even one who often votes independently cannot be deaf, dumb and blind to what the American people said. Put simply, the people showed that ours is a country where anyone can do anything, if they have the brains, the drive, and the will.

The United States is truly an amazing land. It is a land made up of people from all nations. Some people came involuntariiy, and are part of the heritage that Barack Obama partially springs from.

Others are descended from people wanting to leave the idiotic culture, ethnic and religious wars. In many respects, the quilt that makes up America is a speaking quilt. To quote Barack Obama's campaign slogans, the quilt says "Yes We Can". What we learned today is that the immigrants whom came here for a merit-dominated rather than religion and ethnicity based experience have prevailed.

A few words about the U.S. Presidency, and the hope that he can achieve gretness. The U.S. President is a combination monarch and Prime Minister. In order to lead successfully, they must be inspiring. They also must make decisions. The best of them, such as George Washrington, Ronald Reagan and Abe Lincoln were both inspiring and decisive. Less successful, but still great Presidents such as Truman made gutsy and courageous decisions, but were not particularly inspiring. George W. Bush fits that category.

We know that Obama is inspiring. It is up to him how to use his considerable oratorical gifts, and charisma, for the country. He will either soar, or fail miserably. I will never root against my country, and hope, despite my voting for McCain, that he meets his promise. Ronald Reagan surprised me, quite pleasantly. I both hope and fear for the future.

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Americans, en mass, rejected the 'old guard', the back room strategists and party insiders. We can regard the results with trepidation, but the voter turnout does not allow us to second-guess the will of the people. No American president elect has ever faced as large a constituency that will hold him accountable four years hence. Obama's promise is starkly simple: "YES WE CAN". He has left little room for failure and no room for excuses for failure to perform. Obama will be a remarkable president or an unmitigated disaster.

I believe in democracy and thus have to accept that my view may fall in a minority. If so, I have to respect the decision of my peers, and move on. If they turn out to be wrong, we can revisit the decision. That is the beauty of democracy. Those who refuse to accept an electoral decision and harangue the winners rather than building a better alternative for the next race are not democratic.

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The United States is truly an amazing land. It is a land made up of people from all nations. Some people came involuntariiy, and are part of the heritage that Barack Obama partially springs from.

Let's not get carried away. Many parts and aspects of the USA are an outright embrassment to civilization. Let's hope that Obama can change some of that, but I'm skeptical that he can do much--as Lincoln once said: a house divided cannot stand. The United States is an inherently divided house, and for that reason will be in a continuous state of falling down.

The North/South divide is very telling, it shows how much things have not changed, and one has to wonder whether Obama's presidency will rekindle in some the desire for a new Confederacy.

Also, while Obama is half black, he has little in common with blacks who have ancestors who were slaves and who bear the burden of a legacy of racism and segregation. Perhaps the only thing that he has in common is that his black father abandoned him at a very young age.

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It's finally over. Congratulations guys. We won :D :D :D :D

Now we wait for House seats <_<

Here's to America.

Yes you did win...nice and very clever work and those pesky blacks made wonderful dupes. Within the corporate world and America is a corporate empire the Vice President is always in total control. As we saw with Cheney and Bush - Cheney was the boss backed by a committee in poor little George W - was the fall guy and spokesman...now we have another white guy in charge by the name of Biden - and he has the very very best spokesman with the most elequent tougue on the planet - called Barry - ooops - I mean Obama - funny they all like to use a dramatic title that appeals to the great unwashed.

So what is next - besides emotion and a false sense of justice? Wait until Obama turns on the blacks - and uses them for cannon fodder - He is not the decendant of a slave nor is he really black. He is decended from slave traders and his formative years where he went to school took place on the Pacific Rim. First the Republicans rape and pileage the nation - then they hand over the remaining spoils to the Democrates. Some say that Obama has united the nation - with a 50 50 split in the popular vote he actually took a meat cleaver to the place - what a joke - a house devided can not stand and watch as the empire desolves...and globalist gangsterism takes hold. Obama will love the ride and adventure as much as Bush did - fun and games - and murdering for fun and profit - if you think that America will reform..you may be in for a surprise - we may have just fallen out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Be careful when you detract - there will be a record kept of ALL disidents - so be a centralist and be safe.

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My thoughts:

Quite a spectacle last night.

Historic from the African-American standpoint.

Seeing Oprah and Jesse Jackson in tears was moving. And I think they're both twits so that's a reach for me.

Obama's speech was full of hope and uplifting.

McCain's was down to earth, humble and realistic.

Actually, a perfect contrast was made and the two speeches held up to one another showed a stark difference between what Republicans want out of government and what Dems do:

Republicans want a Servant, Dems a Saviour.

It's why Dems almost always win the debates. Because when asked what they're "going to do" about a particular issue, the Dems always have a long laundry list of expensive programs at the ready. The republicans, more or less, say "um...ahem...don't you mean what are YOU going to do? I'm not going to do anything to you." haha.

I actually saw reams of college kids and liberals with their hands pressed together in "prayer" as Obama spoke.

On the one hand, the hope they had in their eyes was inspiring.

On the other, it was tragic. Because all of these people are going to have to go back to their lives. Obama will not save them.

Now that the left wingnuts finally have their way, I think even they will be in despair at what government can and cannot do. So what next? Even more government? When Obama isn't enough, do they opt for Castro?

Anyway, a great historic night. For the spectacle.

Now everyone can go back to the ghetto and stop blaming the "rich white oil man" for their pathetic plight.

Edited by JerrySeinfeld
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I guess actually expecting any of the armchair Kreskins of this board to admit they were wrong would be too much to ask for?

I had the notion that McCain was going to win anyways. So, eventhough I supported and wanted Obama to win, I was wrong to think that McCain was going to win.

And yes it is too much to ask for. Many don't like the taste of humble pie.

Congrats to Obama and Biden. Time for talk is over, action is what is needed now.

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Interestingly, McCain was a victim of his own success.

He championed the surge...

...which was very successful...

...which led to largely peace in Iraq, and who want's to fill the news headlines with "peace"?...

...which erased it from the news...

...which made his security platform less relevant....

...which forced him to talk about non-strength issues (economy)...

...which led to loss.

Obama, on the other hand, benefitted from despair.

One other thing: SOme say this dude is the great new leader. However, step back from the froth for a minute and examine.

He won by only 4%. Was dragged across the finish line by the media.

And is quite possibly the benefit of some of the most well aligned coincidental circumstances in history.

Public tired of war.

Hatred of the incumbant.

Elderly, disorganized, futile opponent.

And to top it off, as his opponent took the lead, the world stock markets crashed.

Just in time. :(

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So what? How much did Bush win by, and under what questionable circumstances both times?

Bush did McCain in--Eight years of Bush are not easily forgotten.

Bush performed better than McCain in both elections. He didn't do McCain in any more than Clinton did Obama a favor. Questionable circumstances are part of any election, regardless of which party wins, or how close the vote may be.

It was another election with a winner and a loser chosen by voters, not the bogeymen in your imagination.....just like it's suppose to be.

Ten years of Chretien are also not easily forgotten.

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So what? How much did Bush win by, and under what questionable circumstances both times?

Bush did McCain in--Eight years of Bush are not easily forgotten.

Hey dude, we're talking about the NEW president. The one elected yesterday. Not four years ago.

Are you so infected with Bush Derangement Syndrome that your stock answer for anything is:

"So What? Look at BUSH!!!"

Nice argument. :lol:

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Bush performed better than McCain in both elections. He didn't do McCain in any more than Clinton did Obama a favor. Questionable circumstances are part of any election, regardless of which party wins, or how close the vote may be.

It was another election with a winner and a loser chosen by voters, not the bogeymen in your imagination.....just like it's suppose to be.

Ten years of Chretien are also not easily forgotten.


sorry couldn't resist. :P

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Bush performed better than McCain in both elections. He didn't do McCain in any more than Clinton did Obama a favor. Questionable circumstances are part of any election, regardless of which party wins, or how close the vote may be.

Bush is extremely unpopular, and his policies have nearly ruined America's standing in the international community. McCain tried to distance himself from Bush, but to no avail--in the end, a Republican is a Republican, and enough people were tired of the Republicans to vote for change.

It was another election with a winner and a loser chosen by voters, not the bogeymen in your imagination.....just like it's suppose to be.

Actually, there's substntiated evidence to indicate that there was tampering in both the 2000 and 2004 elections. If my facts are bogeymen to you, you need help.

Ten years of Chretien are also not easily forgotten.

Thirteen. And don't forget the 25 years or so that he was in politics before that. I think he was about 27 years old when he started to learn English, and despite that and some facial paralysis, he was and still is without doubt far more articulate than George W. Bush.

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