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Khadr should make us ashamed to be Canadian

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Guest Manny

Suspect the reason there is no interest in a trial is that something else would come out, something that the authoritities do not want to be made public.

That's always the reason, when someone seems otherwise "untouchable".

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Some circumstantial evidence is looked at. But just circumstantial evidence? I don't believe a conviction could be laid on that alone.

If there were more than simply circumstantial evidence, do you not think someone would've laid charges by now? The Khadrs aren't exactly Canada's most loved family.

No, I don't think Ottawa would dare charge his mother even if she signed a confession. Acknowledging Omar Khadr's status as an indoctrinated child soldier would open up a really messy can of worms.

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  • 4 weeks later...
No, I don't think Ottawa would dare charge his mother even if she signed a confession. Acknowledging Omar Khadr's status as an indoctrinated child soldier would open up a really messy can of worms.

But he was an indoctrinated child soldier. Why did Canada just lock him up?

Hypocrisy? A divided country? A Conservative wing-nut's anti-Liberal ideology? Xenophobia? Racism? A Country-wide juvenile awareness of world issues and UN conventions? A slow entropy in the quality of our country's leaders? An extra-judicial torture/treatment put upon him because his Dad cavorted with Bin Laden and we wanted to squeeze as much information from this immature fruit bud as possible, disregarding his civil rights and UN rights?

....A subservience to whatever America wants?

Did I just re-open the can?

.... Sorry, but Omar deserves some compensation for how Canada treated him.

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But he was an indoctrinated child soldier. Why did Canada just lock him up?

Hypocrisy? A divided country? A Conservative wing-nut's anti-Liberal ideology? Xenophobia? Racism? A Country-wide juvenile awareness of world issues and UN conventions? A slow entropy in the quality of our country's leaders? An extra-judicial torture/treatment put upon him because his Dad cavorted with Bin Laden and we wanted to squeeze as much information from this immature fruit bud as possible, disregarding his civil rights and UN rights?

....A subservience to whatever America wants?

Did I just re-open the can?

.... Sorry, but Omar deserves some compensation for how Canada treated him.

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

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Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

Yes, that's why the government won't do anything that might acknowledge Khadr's indoctrination. If that ever happened and worse, if it was found to have been aware of it's potential culpability, as suggested by it's order to claw back any discussion about Khadr's young age back when he was still a kid... well, I doubt if any Canadian official would actually do any time over it, but a fair bit of shit would still hit a fan somewhere.

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Yes, that's why the government won't do anything that might acknowledge Khadr's indoctrination. If that ever happened and worse, if it was found to have been aware of it's potential culpability, as suggested by it's order to claw back any discussion about Khadr's young age back when he was still a kid... well, I doubt if any Canadian official would actually do any time over it, but a fair bit of shit would still hit a fan somewhere.

So you're allowed to kill people if you're so-called indoctrinated? Where's that exemption in the law?

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An extra-judicial torture/treatment put upon him because his Dad cavorted with Bin Laden and we wanted to squeeze as much information from this immature fruit bud as possible, disregarding his civil rights and UN rights?

Has it been proven in a court of law that he was in fact tortured,or his rights violated until it has how can we talk about compensation.


Given the facts of Omar’s situation, Canada’s legislative support for human rights, and the Supreme

Court’s previous reasoning, its reversal of the order to request Omar’s repatriation is both shocking and

mysterious, particularly since the court failed to address children’s rights and the issue of torture that

figured so prominently in the Federal Court reasoning. The Court did confirm that the interrogations

conducted by Canadian officials with knowledge that Omar had been subjected to sleep deprivation

techniques signified Canada’s active participation in a process that violated international human rights

and deprived Omar of his right to liberty and security of the person guaranteed by s. 7 of the Charter. It

even found that the order to request Omar’s repatriation was an appropriate remedy. It is the reversal of

this order on the grounds that it touched on the Crown prerogative over foreign affairs that is troubling.

What does it mean to grant government officials such broad discretion to suspend the laws of Canada

with regard to a particular individual, especially when that person’s rights were violated as a child? Its

rationale for doing this was poorly explained, revealing some rather ominous cracks in what people have

generally assumed to be an enviable legal regime.


Omar Khadr’s story presents the obscene spectacle of child abuse and torture committed

before the eyes of the world. The fact that the Convention on the Rights of the Child can be so

easily ignored, especially in circumstances that demonstrate violation of the prohibition against

torture, is a matter of serious concern for all members of the international community. This is

especially so in this case, where the violations were perpetrated and effectively condoned by

Canada and the United States, both of which claim to be leaders as far as democratic rights and

the rule of law are concerned. Despite the fact that the United States is responsible for the worst

atrocities, Canada’s complicity is particularly troubling because Canada has ratified the

Conventions which it’s Prime Minister and Supreme Court now choose to ignore.

The case has revealed serious institutional problems in Canada. The partisan stance

adopted by the Prime Minister and the Department of Justice with regard to one particular

individual who was a child at the time of the alleged offence is troubling to say the least. If the

arguments submitted to support government officials who have violated both international law

and the will of the Canadian people as represented by Parliament do not represent a lack of good

faith, they certainly demonstrate ignorance concerning both international law and Anglo-

Canadian constitutional history. The unwillingness of the Supreme Court of Canada to uphold the

rule of law by exercising its traditional supervisory role is even more disconcerting, especially

since the decision was unanimous and not one of the judges who have reasoned so impeccably in

previous cases bothered to write dissenting reasons. It is obvious that a great deal of advocacy

and educational work remains to be done. The Khadr case is a stark reminder that mere

ratification is not sufficient to ensure respect for international norms, even when they are as

widely accepted as the prohibition against torture and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

My link

.... Sorry, but Omar deserves some compensation for how Canada treated him.

Yes perhaps we can put his case in front of the veterns affairs office, one of the last soldiers to submit a injury claim is in our Bn , injured during a detention of IED mounted on a donkey, during this blast he recieved injuries to his legs and lost a testicle , Dept of VA offered to give him for all his troubles 1800.00 to which he is now repealing...his case is still pending after almost a year...

But we are not talking about just 1800.00 , he will be seeking millions, because he is a Canadian citizen, who chose to fight on the wrong side of some map, again'st coalition soldiers, his rights were claimed to be violated, he has claimed to have been tortured....he has also claimed he has planted IED's and wished to kill as many allied soldiers as he could...proving he is one of Canada's finer outstanding citizens but wait it does not stop their there is an entire family of people just like em....

Who has contributed so much to our nation and to our collective....while our soldiers who all voluntered to serve our country, gladly agreeded to lay their lives down if required in that service, are being given a golden hand shake a small check, and release from one of the only things they love to do serve our country as a soldier....Justice from a soldiers piont of view sucks , but maybe we are on to something maybe we can give out huge rewards for terrorists, in hopes one day they will defend this nation as well as our soldiers did...

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Has it been proven in a court of law that he was in fact tortured,or his rights violated until it has how can we talk about compensation.

Who has contributed so much to our nation and to our collective....while our soldiers who all voluntered to serve our country, gladly agreeded to lay their lives down if required in that service, are being given a golden hand shake a small check, and release from one of the only things they love to do serve our country as a soldier....Justice from a soldiers piont of view sucks , but maybe we are on to something maybe we can give out huge rewards for terrorists, in hopes one day they will defend this nation as well as our soldiers did...

The soldiers aren't being compensated because of Omar Khadr?

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The soldiers aren't being compensated because of Omar Khadr?

No they (the soldiers) are being compensated for their ( Omar buddies) "terrorist" actions taken against us and their own country men, ....You know in the service of our country defending those very rights that he has "claimed" were violated....He as an "ememy" of the state is looking at millions,for what exactly.... while those very same soldiers, "unquestioned" Canadian citizens who's families are also unquestioned Canadians who have bled for their country get a max of 250 K which is rarly paid out...Does that sound like justice...not from my end it does not...

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No they (the soldiers) are being compensated for their ( Omar buddies) "terrorist" actions taken against us and their own country men, ....You know in the service of our country defending those very rights that he has "claimed" were violated....He as an "ememy" of the state is looking at millions,for what exactly.... while those very same soldiers, "unquestioned" Canadian citizens who's families are also unquestioned Canadians who have bled for their country get a max of 250 K which is rarly paid out...Does that sound like justice...not from my end it does not...

Doesn't sound like justice at all. Those soldiers should be getting 250k at least. Its entirely unjust that the government not pay what the soldiers deserve.

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...Does that sound like justice...not from my end it does not...

You're being screwed by the same government that screwed Omar Khadr but given you're cheering on his what seems like injustice from your end sounds more like karma from where I'm sitting.

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You're being screwed by the same government that screwed Omar Khadr but given you're cheering on his what seems like injustice from your end sounds more like karma from where I'm sitting.

I have faith in Canadians and i'm sure they have our backs and will sort this out over time....Karma, is all on Omar if he thinks he is going to get a big pay day.

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if he been in Canada sentenced as a youth offender he would be on the street by now, the is government deliberately obstructing his release, there will be a lawsuit and a payout...and harper regime will only have itself to blame...

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Guest American Woman

I've always said that if I didn't live in the U.S., I'd want to live in Canada. If Khadr gets a payoff from the government, I will no longer feel that way.

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I've always said that if I didn't live in the U.S., I'd want to live in Canada. If Khadr gets a payoff from the government, I will no longer feel that way.


Oh, please. Would you wish to be part of a country that materially supports overthrowing democracies in favour of dictatorships....or countries that collaborate with state terrorism at a genocidal level, and which makes Hamas look like the amateurs at terror which they are?

Because that rules out both your country, and my own.

But no.. a payout for Khadr, that's finally going too far.....


Edited by bleeding heart
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I've always said that if I didn't live in the U.S., I'd want to live in Canada. If Khadr gets a payoff from the government, I will no longer feel that way.

I agree. A payoff would be completely pathetic. I don't think a Harper government will let that happen. But a government led by one of the other parties would. They'd probably make him a multi-millionaire, and possibly the new greatest Canadian.

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I have faith in Canadians and i'm sure they have our backs and will sort this out over time....

That's funny, I have faith that history will vindicate him and his name will stand as a testament to the moral cowardice of our country's involvement and behaviour in the west's War on Terror.

Karma, is all on Omar if he thinks he is going to get a big pay day.

Maybe if he lives long enough to see it.

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But we are not talking about just 1800.00 , he will be seeking millions, because he is a Canadian citizen, who chose to fight on the wrong side of some map, again'st coalition soldiers, his rights were claimed to be violated, he has claimed to have been tortured....he has also claimed he has planted IED's and wished to kill as many allied soldiers as he could...proving he is one of Canada's finer outstanding citizens but wait it does not stop their there is an entire family of people just like em....

You never stop blaming Omar for `choosing' which side he would fight on.... as if a 14-year-old actually has a `choice'...

Did you not try to be like your dad at 14?

Would you not admit to almost anything after being deprived of sleep and your civil rights for so long?

His case has been shady from the start and EVERY American involved in his incarceration says he's "A GOOD KID". Why is Canada procrastinating AGAIN on doing the right thing and bringing him back?!?!

Because they know they owe him, BIGTIME.

BTW, your grammar still sucks, sir.

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I've always said that if I didn't live in the U.S., I'd want to live in Canada. If Khadr gets a payoff from the government, I will no longer feel that way.

How else can a government admit it wronged a civilian?

We won't miss your kind if you can't see that point.

"Don't come a' knockin' around my door.

I don't wanna see your face, no more.

I don't need your war machine...."

And, yes, the First Nations of Canada are owed Billions for similar reasons. No "I'm sorry" is going to cover that....

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I agree. A payoff would be completely pathetic. I don't think a Harper government will let that happen. But a government led by one of the other parties would. They'd probably make him a multi-millionaire, and possibly the new greatest Canadian.

Oooo, A "Harper Government" eh? Guess they won't be the "pathetic" ones.... they'll probably just make the kid rot in prison instead. Or let him out with a grandiose `apology'... eventually, suddenly... quickly enough that the Canadian public doesn't ask too many questions.... cause it's still quite well `under wraps'.... excellent job by the `image handlers', well done (you rats).

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My understanding is that he had a brother that said no to joining the family business of terrorism. And the only reason they are in canada is because of what you read on this board, support of stupid canadians that don't know any better, but think they are doing something nice, by backing this family. Laws need to be made to be able to get rid of families like this.

Your grammar sucks too, PIK... If you can't put a CAPITOL letter on Canada and Canadians, then your opinion isn't very valuable and you, yourself, are a `stupid canadian' too. Or maybe you're just a 14-year-old.

Either way, there are millions of middle-eastern immigrants in Canada who construct better sentences than you.

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Everyone would immediately recognize this if the allegations were other than attacks against allied personnel.

Which means the moral compass is set firmly on the doctrinal necessities of "worthy" vs. "unworthy" victims, combatants, and chess pieces generally.

How can the moral compass of democratic nations be so easily manipulated?

Are we still feeling the effects of the 911 fear-mongerers?

I thought Canadians were smarter than that; Omar is a child-victim of history, not an adult-villian.

Only the close-minded assume a person cannot change.

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You never stop blaming Omar for `choosing' which side he would fight on.... as if a 14-year-old actually has a `choice'...

You Sir, are comparing him to a 14 year old in Canada, still considered under our law to be a minor, still treated as a minor under our customs. Although he was a Canadian citizen, he was never treated as one, he was treated as any muslim of 14 years of age would be in a muslim country, as an adult, able to make his own decisions,his own choices, take a wife, get married, have children, go to war....He held a postion within his household.It is under this treatment that he acted, that he made the choice to take up arms...

Sure, and like many sons i did take up dads profession. and like omar i made that decission.

Did you not try to be like your dad at 14?
Would you not admit to almost anything after being deprived of sleep and your civil rights for so long?

First off he as in Omar and his merry band of lawyers have yet to prove in a court of law he was in fact tortured, he has claimed it to be so, but i've also claimed that the moon is made of chesse.

Stop making it sound like some decrepted form of torture, Soldiers are often deprived of sleep for 72 hours or greater, sure we are not of sound mind at the end of 72 hours, it has been compared to having 8 to 10 drinks....it does not make you a retard, and start spilling what ever i want to hear just to get some rest. It seems all you have is excuses...but nothing has been proven has it...

His case has been shady from the start and EVERY American involved in his incarceration says he's "A GOOD KID". Why is Canada procrastinating AGAIN on doing the right thing and bringing him back?!?!

I'm sure you can find "good kids" in jail for federal crimes such as murder, or terrorism...does that excuse them from there crimes, No, does that mean you invite them over to babysit your kids....Omar was charged and convicted of murder, acts of terrorism....does that make him a "GOOD KID" not in my neiborhood....

Because they know they owe him, BIGTIME.

Owe him for what exactly, did you not read the 2 and last op i wrote, it explains how the government did exactly that and has made it stick for now. Canada does not owe him anything, except a ticket to the muslim country of his chioce, and just for shits a giggles i'm sure we can find enough Canadian citizens to pitch in for tickets for all his family as well.

What has he done for this country, i mean in his life time what has he done for our country, has he paid any taxes, has his family paid any taxes, has worked a day in this country, has his family, he vuluntered for anything, helped any one,nope...according to law to be a canadian citizen all you have to do is be born here, then you have the right to piss over everything and anything and get paid for it...while good people who spend their entire lives living by our law, becoming a productive citizen , productive Canadian, spend their lives serving their country , their community have to sit back and allow OMARS get away with everything because by law all it says is if you are born here you can shit anywhere you like...including taking part in terrorist activites again'st allied nations....I get it it's in the law...does'st mean i have to like it...and i wonder what would become of this nation if we all decided to do it....

BTW, your grammar still sucks, sir.

BTW who gives a shit,what you think of my grammar.. I was not aware that i was being graded on good grammar, you've must of been able to struggle through it to comprend my intention, which must of interested you enough to respond to it...

Not all of us we able to go or afford to recieve the education you have recieved in your case a masters in english...see when i was 16 i was preparing for boot camp, and by 17 was serving my country in shit holes around the world you just learned about in school. and while my grammar my not be at the top of it's game i think my experiences can contribute to this forum.

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Although he was a Canadian citizen, he was never treated as one...

Hence the need for his compensation.

The highlight his mistreatment shines on our country's shameful involvement in the War on Terror is another matter altogether that no one can be compensated for. Ottawa's actions in it have left as black a mark on Canada as it's treatment of First Nations has.

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