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Oops...Racist Libbies Get What They Deserve.

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4 minutes ago, User said:

And yet you did not offer anything substantive to support your original worthless assertion either... 

Can you not read?

4 hours ago, Black Dog said:

Thread is yet another proof that right wingers not only love state violence, it is the central pillar of their ideology. 



But, since you asked, lets take a look at these campus protests in support of Hamas or otherwise blocking the roads. You find that in the more liberal Democrat run places they are hesitant to arrest and even when they do, likely not to even bother with pressing charges after. (See San Francisco Bridge)





The people arrested on the Golden Gate Bridge will be charged by the San Francisco District Attorney's Office.

Along with the conspiracy charge, they're also facing other charges ranging from vehicle code violations to false imprisonment for drivers who were trapped on the bridge for the duration of the demonstration.




Yet, we all know if it were the Proud Boys camping out in the middle of a campus shutting things down and harassing black students, folks on the left would be screaming bloody murder, mobilizing the National Guard to beat them with rifles and drag them all away coming up with every charge in the book they could throw at them and then some. (See January 6th, See Targetting of Pro-Life demonstrators)


Imagine equating non-violent protestors exercising their First Amendment rights with a violent street gang like the Proud Boys. You really don't have a clue.

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43 minutes ago, ironstone said:

What starvation? If all the aid isn't getting through, it is 100% the fault of Hamas. Hamas controls the amount of aid that gets to civilians. First in line for the aid are the Hamas terrorists, then eventually some of it will reach the actual civilians. All of this after Hamas takes its usual cut of course.

The IDF always gives advance warning to civilians to get out, and they will also deliver aid.

Your beloved Hamas gives no quarter.

Your LYING about my "love" for Hamas ONLY DISCREDITS YOU.

When Biden spoke to Netanyahu about aid, suddenly the number of trucks getting through TRIPLED, so you are WRONG about Hamas being the bottleneck.

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41 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Can you not read?

Yes, I can read. This was you making a baseless assertion about it being their "central pillar" and no further explanation for how this thread is proof of state violence support. Remember, I already pointed out the stupidity of what you were doing here:

"Enforcing laws != "State Violence" otherwise the term is near meaningless as the enforcement of laws always requires violence to those who resist."

43 minutes ago, Black Dog said:


Oh, Oops indeed:

""At this time we anticipate having to send the case back to the CHP for continued investigation," Jenkins explained."

Golden Gate Bridge protesters released after SF DA Jenkins asks for more conspiracy evidence


I am not holding my breath waiting to see if she follows through or not.... likely wait for this die off in the media cycle or succumb to the pressure of the radical left who is demanding she doesn't press charges. 

Oh, speaking of the left-wing and supporting my position, here you go:

"Outside the jail, supporters showed up to call for the protesters release prior to them being set free. It was a second day of protest, this time demanding the 26 people arrested on the bridge be released with no charges."

46 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Imagine equating non-violent protestors exercising their First Amendment rights with a violent street gang like the Proud Boys. You really don't have a clue.

I was not equating them, I was comparing who might be doing the same thing. Speaking of asking if you can read, here you go again:

"Yet, we all know if it were the Proud Boys camping out in the middle of a campus shutting things down and harassing black students, folks on the left would be screaming bloody murder, mobilizing the National Guard to beat them with rifles and drag them all away coming up with every charge in the book they could throw at them and then some. (See January 6th, See Targetting of Pro-Life demonstrators)"

I clearly was pointing out the comparison to if the Proud Boys were doing the same thing as these Pro-Hamas protestors were doing... 

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2 hours ago, impartialobserver said:

Can you prove who the source is? Must be.. is not sufficient. Can you furnish the name of the source, the dollar amount, and some evidence of the transaction (check number).. or are you just guessing and can't just say that?


the usual narrative is that folks roam around and are paid to protest something. They are like traveling magazine salesmen and get into character at each new protest. Your links do not support that narrative. They show folks protesting and then some non profit coming in after and aiding in their ability to continue their protest. 

lastly.. can you prove that in every protest that there are paid protestors who simply go from to town regardless of topic? 

Yeah, it's usually Alex Jones-quality analysis. All protestors are paid. The bad ones are false-flag plants. Ray Epps works for the government and all the dead kids and grieving parents from Sandy Hook are "crisis actors."

In other words, nutball conspiracy nonsense. 

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43 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Your LYING about my "love" for Hamas ONLY DISCREDITS YOU.

When Biden spoke to Netanyahu about aid, suddenly the number of trucks getting through TRIPLED, so you are WRONG about Hamas being the bottleneck.

Not suddenly at all. Israel has been consistently working to improve the flow of aid, the trend has been going up for months now. The limiting factor has consistently been what the UN is able to pick up and deliver. Almost every other day Israel COGAT posts pictures of how much aid is piled up waiting for the UN to pick up and deliver. 


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40 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

I can say with complete certainty that if these protesters were protesting against immigration or abortion.. the conservatives would change their tune instantly. 

Well, we already have a million special laws on the books to protect abortion clinics from protests. If someone blocks the entrance, they face special federal charges with years in federal prison. 

Notice, you don't see Conservative protestors blocking traffic like this and taking over campus like this every other year for something... gee, I wonder why. We don't have to even consider having a double standard because we already respect the rule of law more to begin with. 

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3 hours ago, impartialobserver said:

Can you prove that this is being funded? Spare me the impassioned opinions. Lets see a source, a dollar amount, names of recipients (actual names not simply libbies). Links to articles that agree is not sufficient either. 

I said...


Now I wanna know who's been funding this crap.

Lets see you NOT warp peoples' statements for a change.

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7 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

I said...

Lets see you NOT warp peoples' statements for a change.

just imploring you to back up your statements with something other than more opinion, rhetoric, assumptions, or propaganda. If I was to state that the unemployment rate in Montana is 3.3% for the month of March.. I could give you the numbers involved in that calculation and where they came from. 

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8 minutes ago, User said:

Well, we already have a million special laws on the books to protect abortion clinics from protests. If someone blocks the entrance, they face special federal charges with years in federal prison. 

Notice, you don't see Conservative protestors blocking traffic like this and taking over campus like this every other year for something... gee, I wonder why. We don't have to even consider having a double standard because we already respect the rule of law more to begin with. 

Lol. Sure you do. Everybody forget about the "freedom convoy" and, oh, some little thing that happened on Jan, 6.

Nothing says "respect for the rule of law" like a howling mob smashing through the capitol, assaulting police officers and pursuing our lawmakers through buildings and barricades until a LEO finally had to pull the trigger. 


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47 minutes ago, User said:

Yes, I can read. This was you making a baseless assertion about it being their "central pillar" and no further explanation for how this thread is proof of state violence support. Remember, I already pointed out the stupidity of what you were doing here:

"Enforcing laws != "State Violence" otherwise the term is near meaningless as the enforcement of laws always requires violence to those who resist."

Read the thread title ya dingus.



Oh, Oops indeed:

""At this time we anticipate having to send the case back to the CHP for continued investigation," Jenkins explained."

Golden Gate Bridge protesters released after SF DA Jenkins asks for more conspiracy evidence


I am not holding my breath waiting to see if she follows through or not.... likely wait for this die off in the media cycle or succumb to the pressure of the radical left who is demanding she doesn't press charges. 

Oh, speaking of the left-wing and supporting my position, here you go:


You being upset they aren't cooking up some baseless charges for these protesters is another data point in favour of my thesis.



I was not equating them, I was comparing who might be doing the same thing. Speaking of asking if you can read, here you go again:

"Yet, we all know if it were the Proud Boys camping out in the middle of a campus shutting things down and harassing black students, folks on the left would be screaming bloody murder, mobilizing the National Guard to beat them with rifles and drag them all away coming up with every charge in the book they could throw at them and then some. (See January 6th, See Targetting of Pro-Life demonstrators)"

I clearly was pointing out the comparison to if the Proud Boys were doing the same thing as these Pro-Hamas protestors were doing... 


Except the Gaza protesters aren't doing the things you say they are and the Proud Boys' record shows that peaceful protest is not their MO so your hypothetical isn't grounded in reality.

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15 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Read the thread title ya dingus.

What about it? 

15 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

You being upset they aren't cooking up some baseless charges for these protesters is another data point in favour of my thesis.

Baseless charges? Did they have any charges at all?

Remember, this was you trying to be cute throwing it in my face that I was wrong on them having no charges... and you were wrong. So, tell me, what charges do you think they should face then? Do you agree they should face charges?

22 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Except the Gaza protesters aren't doing the things you say they are and the Proud Boys' record shows that peaceful protest is not their MO so your hypothetical isn't grounded in reality.

It's just my imagination that the Pro-Hamas protestors are taking over college campuses all over the country, including harassing people, blocking students, and otherwise breaking the law by trespassing at a minimum and then refusing lawful orders to disperse.

You really going to be that obtuse?

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48 minutes ago, Hodad said:

Lol. Sure you do. Everybody forget about the "freedom convoy" and, oh, some little thing that happened on Jan, 6.

Nothing says "respect for the rule of law" like a howling mob smashing through the capitol, assaulting police officers and pursuing our lawmakers through buildings and barricades until a LEO finally had to pull the trigger. 


Yeah, some bad people on the right screwed up royally that day and should be punished. The exception... meanwhile, the left did far more damage over their summer of violence, attacked more police, killed more people... 

I am new here, and I am not sure if the trend is the same here as in other online forums where folks on the left pretend none of that ever happened. 


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22 minutes ago, User said:

Yeah, some bad people on the right screwed up royally that day and should be punished. The exception... meanwhile, the left did far more damage over their summer of violence, attacked more police, killed more people... 

I am new here, and I am not sure if the trend is the same here as in other online forums where folks on the left pretend none of that ever happened. 


I'd even say they aren't necessarily bad people, but they did screw up and they should be punished. 

I don't think anyone denies that there were flashes of violence and significant property damage in the BLM-spawned riots. But most of those events were protests, legitimate protests, rather than riots. A very small minority turned destructive. Rioters in those instances should be punished as well, but I certainly understand differently and empathize differently with a victim group growing fed up and lashing out than I do with elective political violence. 

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2 hours ago, User said:

Not suddenly at all. Israel has been consistently working to improve the flow of aid, the trend has been going up for months now. The limiting factor has consistently been what the UN is able to pick up and deliver. Almost every other day Israel COGAT posts pictures of how much aid is piled up waiting for the UN to pick up and deliver. 


After Biden threatened US support to Netanyahu, 3 more entry points were opened up and truck deliveries SURGED.




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2 hours ago, User said:

Well, we already have a million special laws on the books to protect abortion clinics from protests. If someone blocks the entrance, they face special federal charges with years in federal prison. 

Notice, you don't see Conservative protestors blocking traffic like this and taking over campus like this every other year for something... gee, I wonder why. We don't have to even consider having a double standard because we already respect the rule of law more to begin with. 

Do you even know what happened on Jan 6th and about all the Republicons applauding Trump's promise to pardon the HOSTAGES? 🤮

That's some huge "RESPECT the rule of law" there. LMAO

2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

I said...

Lets see you NOT warp peoples' statements for a change.

^This is you stating that PEOPLE ARE FUNDING the demonstrators, and you just don't know WHO. Duh


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1 hour ago, User said:

Yeah, some bad people on the right screwed up royally that day and should be punished. The exception... meanwhile, the left did far more damage over their summer of violence, attacked more police, killed more people... 

I am new here, and I am not sure if the trend is the same here as in other online forums where folks on the left pretend none of that ever happened. 

It's quite common for right wingers here to post ^this kind of FALSE EQUIVALENCE, as if BLM protesters were incited by the POTUS.

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4 hours ago, Black Dog said:

LOL imagine posting an IDF propaganda video and thinking that has any legitimacy. Man oh man.

I have a lot more trust in the IDF than your source, which is ultimately Hamas. Journalists in Gaza are only allowed to see what Hamas wants them to see.

Some of the protesters know full well what the end goal of Hamas is, while others seem to be rather clueless about what they are joining the protest for.


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5 hours ago, impartialobserver said:

just imploring you to back up your statements with something other than more opinion, rhetoric, assumptions, or propaganda. If I was to state that the unemployment rate in Montana is 3.3% for the month of March.. I could give you the numbers involved in that calculation and where they came from. 

Nobody knows who's funding these protests...yet and you know it.

But I would like to know who that is.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, robosmith said:

Do you even know what happened on Jan 6th and about all the Republicons applauding Trump's promise to pardon the HOSTAGES? 🤮

That's some huge "RESPECT the rule of law" there. LMAO

^This is you stating that PEOPLE ARE FUNDING the demonstrators, and you just don't know WHO. Duh


Robo...I can hardly wait to see Trump pardon all the Jan 6 political prisoners. Then jail Brandon's son and fire half the doj and fbi.

Just to see you freak...snookums...

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12 hours ago, Black Dog said:

Thread is yet another proof that right wingers not only love state violence, it is the central pillar of their ideology. 

Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.

Students violently beating other people and destroying property = mostly peaceful protest

Police enforcing the laws and arresting people engaged in illegal activity after warning =  state violence.

The left's capacity for self delusion and rewriting facts into 'goodspeak' is simply incredible.

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3 hours ago, robosmith said:

It's quite common for right wingers here to post ^this kind of FALSE EQUIVALENCE, as if BLM protesters were incited by the POTUS.

There is no equivalence. The amount of destruction and violence from those BLM-associated protests / riots was beyond anything that happened on the 6th. 

They were just as incited by Democrats, like the Speaker of the House. 

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18 hours ago, impartialobserver said:

Can you prove that this is being funded? Spare me the impassioned opinions. Lets see a source, a dollar amount, names of recipients (actual names not simply libbies). Links to articles that agree is not sufficient either. 

Here you go:




Other groups have backing from major U.S. foundations. IfNotNow, an organization with the stated aim to “end U.S. support for Israel’s apartheid system,” was awarded $100,000 during the past five years by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, a decades-old philanthropy based in New York.


The Open Society Foundation, established by George Soros, has also given grants to Jewish Voice for Peace. A spokesperson said the foundation’s goal is to help establish lasting peace in the region.


Schanzer cited Hatem Bazian, a longtime lecturer at the University of California Berkeley, as an example. Bazian founded the national branch of Students for Justice in Palestine to focus on campus-based activism, and he later launched American Muslims for Palestine. Both groups advocate for the U.S. government to end its support of Israel.

Schanzer argued that Bazian and his organizations are part of a network that is “providing training, talking points, materials and financial support to students intimidating and threatening Jewish and pro-Israel students on college campuses.”


UT Austin protests: 45 of 79 arrested on Monday not affiliated with school

Columbia had nonstudent protestors as well. According to the mayor of NY, those protestors were sent to organize the students: https://www.nbcnews.com/video/nyc-mayor-says-columbia-protests-have-been-co-opted-by-outside-agitators-210003013678

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19 hours ago, Black Dog said:

Can you not read?



Imagine equating non-violent protestors exercising their First Amendment rights with a violent street gang like the Proud Boys. You really don't have a clue.

Yes just imagine.

Hey who's seen what went on at UCLA last night.

Imagine that...

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