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Pro-Hamas Rallies in Canada

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19 hours ago, eyeball said:

Who says they don't care? Israel and it's allies know better than to behave the way they do and when they do misbehave it's more outrageous - like when a priest diddles with little kids.

Well, it seems they are pretty quiet about all the other conflicts, no mass protests, they are not in the media every night, their inaction is very telling.

Do you think China should know better,  what do you know about the Uyghurs did you know china has been forcibly mass  sterizing Uyghur women, China is committing mass genocide of an entire race and religious group in camps...Every see a mass protest on this subject...what about Ukraine, or any of the 150 other conflicts around the globe...see any protests about them...

What message does that send to you ? ...  and why does everyone randomly pick a terrorist group to rally behind ? not only are Canadians  joining the palestine ranks in these protests, or whatever events that support palestine but they are not smart enough to know they are being used by them for their cause...., and what is supriosing is the LGBTQ community as well, knowing for well they would be killed in Gaza how does that even compute with them...perhaps it is popular to join a protest, maybe they earn some sort of badge like the boy scouts, or maybe they are being paid, money always talks...but this just shows us that we do not make good decisions...

I guess we expect terrorist to behave the way they do, they get a hall pass when killing soft targets like Israelis civilians in their homes, defenceless men, women and children...thats OK....or at a music festival..... whats not ok is when Israel defends itself with fighter jets and tanks against a terrorist group who has been raining rockets down on the civilian population...

Maybe it is because it has not influence your life in anyway.... but i bet any one of the posters on here that has been showing their support for the terrorist organization Hamas and it's people, would change their minds in a heartbeat, if their families were in Israel right now and faced this terror every day and night...

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1 minute ago, Army Guy said:

I know , it is a complex subject and your speechless.

No, I just know when it is fruitless :)

Like all things, there 2 sides and what is happening there is happening here. No one likes the other side.

Like you say "would change their minds in a heartbeat, if their families were in GAZA right now and faced this terror every day and night... "

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17 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Yeah, secular left wing Israelis need to make peace with left wing secular Palestinians.


Do you know what the penalty for apostasy is?

Do you know how much sway "secular Palestinians" have in Gaza? The ants in Mike Tyson's back yard have more say in what girls he brings home than secular Palestinians do in Gaza ffs. 

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1 minute ago, ExFlyer said:

No, I just know when it is fruitless :)

Like all things, there 2 sides and what is happening there is happening here. No one likes the other side.

Like you say "would change their minds in a heartbeat, if their families were in GAZA right now and faced this terror every day and night... "

Been in Gaza, posted  in Sinai desert for 8 months while in the military, seen both sides, every time we went into gaza we were armed to the teeth...never once had to be armed in Israel...

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Posted (edited)
37 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Your assumptions a[that all Palestinians are Hamas supporters is well, your assumptions . You have no premis or evidence to say that.

I never said "ALL". Your lack of reading comprehension just failed you again. 

Hamas has had ENOUGH support to do whatever the hell they wanted in Gaza. There was no one who dared stand up to them. Their replacement is was not imminent.

I have all the 'premis' in the world to say that, because it was 100% true. 

I'd like to see you try to find me some examples of other prominent groups from within Gaza who were trying to get them to negotiate peace...


Seems to me that the worlds governments are aiding Palestinians with airlifts, sealifts and land aid ....

There are civilians there, but there are not groups of civilians there who could stand up to Hamas. Does that make sense to you? The will of Hamas was a life or death decree within the borers of Gaza. They don't just kill Gazans for acting against the Hamas will, they torture them. 

The Trudeau gov't is bad, but they don't torture or kill opposition party members yet. 


So, killing 30,000 Palestinians is not genocide? Justified revenge?

Stop saying "Palestinians" as if they are all women and children, or civilians. It's a non-starter for actual discussion. 


Make free elections a condition of ceasefire?

😂 Sure. "Free elections" will change things over there.

Do you know how much external influence there is on Palestinians from places like Iran, which give them vast gobs of money, and who refuse to bring in Palestinian "refugees"?

Do you even know what the Khartoum resolution is?  


My way out? As I said, nuke the entire region, make it a wasteland of both sodes and that is the only way to end a 500 year old fight. Thing is though, there are over 400 million arabs (muslims) and only 15 million jews in the world...who really wins??

There are over 200M muslims in India, EF. Worldwide there are well over a billion. 

Are there a million muslims who oppose genocide in Israel? I doubt it.


Or, give Palestinians a country like they did  to Israel.

Palestinians HAVE a country, just like Israel. 

Gaza was 100% under Gazan control for the last 15 years. Israel had no soldiers or police there. 

Palestinians also had all of Gaza and all of the West Bank all to themselves in 1948. They had the backing of several countries to ensure their sovereignty. 

Those countries opted for a war of extermination against Israel instead of a two-state solition, and they lost. That was the beginning of Israeli expansion. 

And again, read up on the Khartoum resolution. Those Arab states all agreed on The Three Noes... No negotiations, No Peace, No Recognition...

Their whole strategy was to remain in a warlike stance against Israel until the day they manage to wipe them all out.... The Iranians call it "Quds Day". It's what the Quds Force is dedicated to.  


Or, send in the UN and keep them apart like they did in Cyprus for 30 years. Let someone else keep them apart as they cannot do it themselves.

30 years 😂

Those baconally challenged dipshits hold grudges from 1,400 years ago and they're on pace to go 140,000 more. Your "30 years" falls well short of the statute of limitations on religious bigotry. 

TBH, your plan of moving everyone out and turning it into glass was probably the most peaceful solution in the long run.

Edited by WestCanMan
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33 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

did you know china has been forcibly mass  sterizing Uyghur women, China is committing mass genocide of an entire race and religious group in camps...Every see a mass protest on this subject...what about Ukraine, or any of the 150 other conflicts around the globe...see any protests about them...

About ten years ago I recall there being a terrorist attack by muslims in China. IIRC about ten people were chopped up at a subway station.

At the time I laughed at the people who did it, knowing how much of a mistake it was to try to wield power over the Chinese gov't by wantonly murdering Chinese civilians. 

I knew that they'd get their comeuppance from the Chinese gov't, and the Chinese gov't, secular as they are, went biblical. This is old-testament style retaliation, and I don't think that the Chinese are facing several decades of terrorist attacks, like they have in the Philippines and other places. The Chinese gov't has solved the problem of terrorist attacks against their people. 

It's telling that the muslims all over the world who want to freak out on tiny Israel, all just stare at their belly buttons when the topic of China comes up. 

When was the last time you saw a protest at an American university about what's happening in China?  😂

When was the last time you saw a protest at a Chinese university about what's happening in China? 😂🤣

When was the last time you saw a protest at a Chinese embassy about what's happening in China? 🧐

It ain't happening. These protesters are just bullies. They will pick on 14M Jews, but they won't say "boo" about China. 

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59 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

but if entire countries were trying to commit genocide against you and your family, your behaviour would be a lot less passive than you are now. 

I suspect I'd also be a lot less passive if Israel was trying to eliminate me.

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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

Do you think China should know better,  what do you know about the Uyghurs did you know china has been forcibly mass  sterizing Uyghur women, China is committing mass genocide of an entire race and religious group in camps...Every see a mass protest on this subject...

Of course they should know better. I've made my feelings quite well known with regards to China. No truck nor trade with them. None whatsoever at all.

Because we should know better too.

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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

What message does that send to you ? ...  and why does everyone randomly pick a terrorist group to rally behind ? not only are Canadians  joining the palestine ranks in these protests, or whatever events that support palestine but they are not smart enough to know they are being used by them for their cause...., and what is supriosing is the LGBTQ community as well, knowing for well they would be killed in Gaza how does that even compute with them...perhaps it is popular to join a protest, maybe they earn some sort of badge like the boy scouts, or maybe they are being paid, money always talks...but this just shows us that we do not make good decisions...

I'm not sure if the LGTB alphabet crowd has any idea what Hamas and the Palestinians would do to them if they set foot in Gaza. I've seen a number of videos where a lot of these protesters seem to be pretty clueless about what they are protesting for.

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2 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Been in Gaza, posted  in Sinai desert for 8 months while in the military, seen both sides, every time we went into gaza we were armed to the teeth...never once had to be armed in Israel...

Wasn't the reason you were there because of the constant and incursions and occupations by the Israelis into the West Bank?? No need to be armed in Israel because Palestinians did not go there. But Israelis were always armed when they went to the West Bank, particularly into Jerusalem.

Israel has been at war or conflict with every country surrounding it, since it's inception. "Canadian Armed Forces members took part in the United Nations (UN) peace missions in the Gaza strip and the Sinai peninsula of Egypt between 1956 and 1967, and again from 1973 to 1979. Since 1986, Canadians have also participated in the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) peace mission in Egypt." I lost 9 colleagues over there when a Buffalo aircraft was shot down during this times.

Canada's policy has been and still is "Canada's official foreign policy regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has long reflected a continued commitment to protecting both Israel's right to exist in security, as well as Palestinian rights and aspirations for self-determination."

Look, I still believe and always will that the Palestinians deserve their own country just like Israel. It was theirs long before 1948 so...they are equally as entitled. If you just disregard the pure human equality rights of the Palestinians, that lived there for over 2000 years, then you are not much of a fair person.

What is happening now is only worsening the dislike and disdain (hatred) for each other even more.

Edited by ExFlyer
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29 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Israel has been at war or conflict with every country surrounding it, since it's inception.

More accurate:

"Every country surrounding Israel has waged war on Isreal since its inception."

I will also point out that at the inception of Israel, Palestinians also had their own state... and they chose war instead. 

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On 4/27/2024 at 11:19 AM, ExFlyer said:

Not sure what your experience is but, considering there are millions more Arabs (448 million at last count as opposed to 15 million Jews ) and in many countries (22 I think as opposed to 1), it seems they are just as productive and certainly not all are violent.

How many Jews do you find here vs how many Muslims?


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54 minutes ago, User said:

More accurate:

"Every country surrounding Israel has waged war on Isreal since its inception."

I will also point out that at the inception of Israel, Palestinians also had their own state... and they chose war instead. 

Incorrect...on both counts

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39 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

400 million muslims vs 15 million jews. I am sure that there will be more in every facet of crime  and other things. In the US, why more blacks than whites? In Canada why more indigenous than others??

And really, using Toronto?? How narrow minded and focus. LOL

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31 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Incorrect...on both counts

UN partition plan would have given Palestinians their own land, they rejected it. British left in 1948, Israel declared themselves a state... Arabs/Palestinians go to war against them instead of keeping their own. 

1948 War - Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestinians, Egypt
6 Day war - Egypt, Syria, Jordan with more contributing

On and on and on... 

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2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Look, I still believe and always will that the Palestinians deserve their own country just like Israel. It was theirs long before 1948 so...they are equally as entitled. If you just disregard the pure human equality rights of the Palestinians, that lived there for over 2000 years, then you are not much of a fair person.

You still don't get it.  So-called Palestinians are just Arab Muslims that exist in the millions in all the countries surrounding Israel.  Israel existed there several thousand years ago.  The surrounding people living in the area have been fighting against Israel long ago.  When Islam was started in the 7th century, Muslims conquered areas all through the middle east and have been fighting over the area which Israel previously existed in.  Before the Holocaust, Jews realized they were not safe anywhere in the world and needed to get their country back and re-establish the state of Israel.  So they finally did in 1948, but the Arabs have never accepted it.  That is the way it is.  The idea you have that Israel should be carved up to give part of the land to their sworn enemies makes no sense because they are an ongoing threat to the security of Israel which already occupies a very small geographic area.  They need all the land they presently hold in order to defend their country.  They are also a democratic ally of the west but Islamic countries like Iran are not.

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4 hours ago, eyeball said:

I suspect I'd also be a lot less passive if Israel was trying to eliminate me.

They wouldn't be trying to kill your family though, and that's the difference between them and Hamas. 

The Israelis try not to kill women and children, Hamas wants to kill everyone that's Jewish. 

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1 hour ago, User said:

UN partition plan would have given Palestinians their own land, they rejected it. British left in 1948, Israel declared themselves a state... Arabs/Palestinians go to war against them instead of keeping their own. 

1948 War - Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestinians, Egypt
6 Day war - Egypt, Syria, Jordan with more contributing

On and on and on... 

Pakistan got their own country in 1947 and ethnically cleansed it right away. 800K slaughtered, 8M displaced, and virtually no one cared.

Iraq, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Syria saw that genocide and figured that they could do the same thing to the Israelis.

If every single Jew died that day the Iranians etc would be happy as clams right now, and so would people like @eyeballand his Hamas-lovin' buddy @ExFlyer

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4 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Look, I still believe and always will that the Palestinians deserve their own country just like Israel. It was theirs long before 1948 so...they are equally as entitled. If you just disregard the pure human equality rights of the Palestinians, that lived there for over 2000 years, then you are not much of a fair person.

The Palestinians have their own country. It's called Palestine. It consists of the West Bank and Gaza. 

Jews lived in that area for 4,000 years, and FYI there was never a country called Palestine until the Ottomans were kicked out of that area by the British before WWI.

Jews lived there during the whole occupation by the Ottomans and before that.

Most of the Jews in Israel now come from there from antiquity, or other countries in the ME that sided with Hitler during WWII. The ones that come from Europe are still descended from Israelites.  

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12 hours ago, User said:

UN partition plan would have given Palestinians their own land, they rejected it. British left in 1948, Israel declared themselves a state... Arabs/Palestinians go to war against them instead of keeping their own. 

1948 War - Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestinians, Egypt
6 Day war - Egypt, Syria, Jordan with more contributing

On and on and on... 



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13 hours ago, User said:

UN partition plan would have given Palestinians their own land, they rejected it. British left in 1948, Israel declared themselves a state... Arabs/Palestinians go to war against them instead of keeping their own. 

1948 War - Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestinians, Egypt
6 Day war - Egypt, Syria, Jordan with more contributing

On and on and on... 


the region was under British "control" and the Brits tried back in 1917 to sort it out but it did not come to fruition back then."In 1917, in order to win Jewish support for Britain's First World War effort, the British Balfour Declaration promised the establishment of a Jewish national home in Ottoman-controlled Palestine."  "Israel was called British Palestine in 1920 because that portion of the Ottoman Empire was given to the British to manage after World War I."

Listing the "wars" Israel has been involved in only demonstrates the disharmonious situation and tension that has been the middle east since Israel was established.

I will never say "f*ck Israel" like one poster did, All I will ever say is one group deserves a homeland as much as another.

5000 years of disharmony, fighting and hatred will certainly not be eliminated by what is going on now.

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12 hours ago, blackbird said:

You still don't get it.  So-called Palestinians are just Arab Muslims that exist in the millions in all the countries surrounding Israel.  Israel existed there several thousand years ago.  The surrounding people living in the area have been fighting against Israel long ago.  When Islam was started in the 7th century, Muslims conquered areas all through the middle east and have been fighting over the area which Israel previously existed in.  Before the Holocaust, Jews realized they were not safe anywhere in the world and needed to get their country back and re-establish the state of Israel.  So they finally did in 1948, but the Arabs have never accepted it.  That is the way it is.  The idea you have that Israel should be carved up to give part of the land to their sworn enemies makes no sense because they are an ongoing threat to the security of Israel which already occupies a very small geographic area.  They need all the land they presently hold in order to defend their country.  They are also a democratic ally of the west but Islamic countries like Iran are not.


Palestinians have lived in that area for thousands years...they were not Muslims till the 600's AD. Muslims did not "conquer", there were living there already. Muslim population grew there, Christianity did not.

The Brits promised the Jews land if they gave support to Britain in WW1. Nothing happened till after WW2 although Britain ruled the area after WW1.


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1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:


the region was under British "control" and the Brits tried back in 1917 to sort it out but it did not come to fruition back then."In 1917, in order to win Jewish support for Britain's First World War effort, the British Balfour Declaration promised the establishment of a Jewish national home in Ottoman-controlled Palestine."  "Israel was called British Palestine in 1920 because that portion of the Ottoman Empire was given to the British to manage after World War I."

Listing the "wars" Israel has been involved in only demonstrates the disharmonious situation and tension that has been the middle east since Israel was established.

I will never say "f*ck Israel" like one poster did, All I will ever say is one group deserves a homeland as much as another.

5000 years of disharmony, fighting and hatred will certainly not be eliminated by what is going on now.

I thought it was quite obvious, I will be more explicit: In 1948 those surrounding Middle Eastern countries went to war against Israel. In the 6 day of war, Egypt engaged in actions tantamount to war by closing shipping lanes, and when Israel responded as they said they would, surrounding Middle Eastern countries engaged in a war against them...

Not sure why you put "wars" in quotes. 

It demonstrates exactly what I said earlier:

"Every country surrounding Israel has waged war on Isreal since its inception."
What you posted further did not show that what I posted was incorrect, you just listed information prior to what I did. That does not change the fact that later, in 1947, the UN did develop a partition plan for 2 states. Israel accepted, Palestinians rejected it. 

When British left, Palestinians could have done similar to Israel, declared themselves a state and taken what they had... but instead they went to war against Isreal. 

The destruction of Israel has always been a higher priority to them than their own statehood. 

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