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Pro-Hamas Rallies in Canada

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18 hours ago, eyeball said:

Palestinians were all terrorists right from the get go in 1948?  There never was such a thing as an innocent Palestinian?

This question about shoes is really throwing you guys for a loop. You just can't do it.

The ones that participated in those attacks against Israel in 1948, yes...they were not part of any palestinian army, but rather a group of civilians that took up arms and attacked Israel what do you call them...according to Canadian law, inter national law they are classified as terrorist...

Sure, i'm sure there is innocent Palestinians that have not supported or took part in terrorist attacks in Israel...Today the Hamas government , freely elected by palestinians who won by a majority of the vote...decided to attack Israel with a series of terrorist attacks...What did you think would happen...

Israel was expected to turn the other cheek, how dare they defend themselves...US lost 3000 people in 9/11, that war went on for 16 plus years...hundreds of thousands died..not one of you people cried one tear....right now in sudan there is a conflict ongoing where everyday a new war crime is committed, civilians are stacked laying down then shot to save on bullets remind you of another period of time in history...not a single tear all we hear is crickets from you people...but mention anything jewish and you people loss your minds...

Since when has it been OK to stand up for a terrorist group, and it's people...it is obvious that we don't share the same morals or values a line has been drawn in the sand...and your on the wrong side of it...


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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

You seem to be asserting that Palestinians celebrated the creation of Israel and greeted their new neighbours with flowers and donated their homes and farms to them out of the goodness of their hearts.  Do you really think that's what happened?

Many palestinians crossed the borders armed by other arab countries and started killing Jews...of course they were joined in by many arab states...all with the same goal to push the jews into the sea...it was not with flowers or well wishes it was with rifles and bayonets'...thousands of jews paid with their lives...How did you expect them to treat those arab attackers ? much like how Russia treated Germany , poland or the other warsaw pact countries...what Russia is doing right now, or the dozens of other examples of how nations seized lands and territory from other nations in combat....

Palestinians think that over 60/70 years of conflict is going to change anything , they will continue to bang their heads against the wall until their heads  split open... and somehow you feel sorry for them...

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57 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

The ones that participated in those attacks against Israel in 1948, yes...they were not part of any palestinian army, but rather a group of civilians that took up arms and attacked Israel what do you call them...according to Canadian law, inter national law they are classified as terrorist...

I'd say they were rightly pissed off. According to Israels staunchest ally they'd be called patriots.  Amongst the parts and parcels that go into apartheid and colonization is to characterize resistance as terrorism.  

What do you call Irgun Lehi, Haganah and Palmach that participated in attacks against Palestinians before Israel was created? Ironically enough they were regarded as patriots afterwards.


Today the Hamas government , freely elected by palestinians who won by a majority of the vote..

20 years ago...maybe it was free then, who really knows, but if you want to stand all this the death and destruction on a merit like that...it's as pathetic as Israelis pissing and moaning over all the human shields its being forced to kill.

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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

much like how Russia treated Germany , poland or the other warsaw pact countries...what Russia is doing right now, or the dozens of other examples of how nations seized lands and territory from other nations in combat....

Yes but we're talking about lands and territories that were forcibly granted through some putatively legal process by a bunch of nations, including us, who had no business doing so but since we did it anyway we should be held responsible for our actions.

That said, I suppose the consequences of our folly are now rubbing that responsibility in our noses really really hard anyway aren't they? Just think of it the way you do with Gazans and Hamas, its what we voted for.


Palestinians think that over 60/70 years of conflict is going to change anything , they will continue to bang their heads against the wall until their heads  split open... and somehow you feel sorry for them...

How long would it have taken you to give up?  One year, five, ten or 75 years...a couple of days maybe? 

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On 5/17/2024 at 1:24 PM, eyeball said:

Fu ck off, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Israel is in the bible and 1st Nations aren't, ergo...

You think I give a damn what's in the bible when looking at policies like these, you f*cknut?

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7 hours ago, CdnFox said:

SO you're claiming that based on what happened almost 100 years ago they  are justified in wanting to kill all jews today. 


About 100 years ago my family was driven from it's home, had it's lands siezed, most of the family were killed. We fled to a new land and we made a new life for ourselves and thrived.  While they were very sad and upset about what  happened, they weren't stupid enough to cling to a war they lost, and they taught their children to live and thrive rather than die in the name of hatred. 

They lost the war.  they already submitted.  That was last century 

Now - they have to decide TODAY if they want to build and prosper, or keep fighting  a war they already lost and die. 

Your mental gymnastics trying to justify their slaughter of over a thousand innocent women and children is pathetic.  They chose WAR - not to 'resist'. They chose to kill and mutilate out of hatred, not resistance.  These are not freedom fighters. These are not the good guys defending their homes.  These are evil people born of hatred who revel in endless bloodshed and have no interest in ever seeing it end. 

You are on the WRONG SIDE bud.  They really are the 'baddies'. 

Excellent post.

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:


How long would it have taken you to give up?  One year, five, ten or 75 years...a couple of days maybe? 

Less than 80 years thats for sure.

It was pretty obvious by the 60's that israel wasn't going anywhere.  Certainly by the end of the 70's they'd had their wars and israel was clearly kicking butt and wasn't going anywhere, was well recognized by the international community, and nothing was going to be changing that.  

That was over 50 years ago. 

But even then -  being 'pissed' does not justify an attack like October 7th. You are siding with the terrorist, not freedom fighters not patriots not 'displaced peoples' - just a bunch of terrorist drunk on hatred and eager to kill. 

Still the wrong side to be on, 

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4 hours ago, eyeball said:

I'd say they were rightly pissed off. According to Israels staunchest ally they'd be called patriots.  Amongst the parts and parcels that go into apartheid and colonization is to characterize resistance as terrorism.  

What do you call Irgun Lehi, Haganah and Palmach that participated in attacks against Palestinians before Israel was created? Ironically enough they were regarded as patriots afterwards.

20 years ago...maybe it was free then, who really knows, but if you want to stand all this the death and destruction on a merit like that...it's as pathetic as Israelis pissing and moaning over all the human shields its being forced to kill.

We have already discussed colonization, and apartheid...there has been none...

I'd call them terrorist as well, but when your surrounded by enemies on all sides and they are coming to push you into the see , do you really care about your soldiers background...not really...Israel's military was forged in fire...and no longer operates in terrorist ways.

You should know something about the group you cheer for, i mean come on man...Palestinians had several groups in which to vote for...and what they chose was Hamas...who did not hide the fact they were terrorist and made it quite clear their terrorist agenda going forward...and they won by a majority of the vote...imagine that...

Stop right there, the merit is that Hamas and many citizens joined in and massacred by deliberately attacking unarmed innocent civilians "well over a thousand of them"...took hostages which it is yet to give back, paraded dead civilians through the streets as trophies, went house to house killing everyone in them, unarmed men ,women, children, thats OK...but how dare they defend themselves...

Hamas took this war to another level...and now Israel is repaying that act...there is no rules stating how many people must die before it is even, or the other side satisfied...there is no rules of war dictating how long a conflict can last, nor is there any rule on what weapons can be brought to bear, and for how long...it is a conflict, brought on by hamas and it's terrorist attacks period...well those rules apply to everyone except Israel...the rest of the globe insists those rules do not apply to Israel...you insist those rules don't apply to Israel.  

no one can bit*h and moan about how many are being killed, or how much damage is being done, or when the last aid convoy was allowed in...THIS is a war...started by Hamas...and it will be finished when Israel says it is...And currently that is when Hamas military structure is destroyed, it's leadership killed or captured, it's ability to wage terrorist attacks against Israel is done... And when this is all done, and the palestinian people elect another terrorist regime....and this starts all over again , Israel will have the right to defend itself once again...rinse, wash dry , fold, repeat until palestine have lost their appetite for terrorism.

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4 hours ago, eyeball said:

Yes but we're talking about lands and territories that were forcibly granted through some putatively legal process by a bunch of nations, including us, who had no business doing so but since we did it anyway we should be held responsible for our actions.

That said, I suppose the consequences of our folly are now rubbing that responsibility in our noses really really hard anyway aren't they? Just think of it the way you do with Gazans and Hamas, its what we voted for.

How long would it have taken you to give up?  One year, five, ten or 75 years...a couple of days maybe? 

Bullshit, the ottoman empire took those lands in battle, they created dozens of new countries over the years....it's funny the only country everyone has issues with is Israel one of the last ones created....i mean if you rip one up rip all of them up...and see what shit storm you crate then... there was no malice intent when these nations were created, most new nations actually want it...

I did not vote for anything, and i have no guilt over their decision at all...tens of millions of people are quite happy with the result...

you should ask someone that grew up in Gaza that very question...Mosab Hassan Yousef, he's the son of Hamas leader ask him what he thinks of his fathers plan, his fathers crimes against the palestinian people...He gave up a long time ago, and now lectures people on what hamas is really like...He has written a book you should read it, "Son of Hamas" he sees palestines struggle differently than you or blackdog does...he has lived through all of it...He will never see his father again, as the Israelis will kill him for sure. 

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On 5/17/2024 at 7:45 PM, eyeball said:

Palestinians were all terrorists right from the get go in 1948?  There never was such a thing as an innocent Palestinian?

This question about shoes is really throwing you guys for a loop. You just can't do it.

There's a lot that goes into the pre-1948 history.

The Ottomans ruled over the ME for 600 years before Britain got there, and religious bigotry - defining Jews as 3rd-class citizens - was codified into their laws that whole time. 

Through the ages Jews have experienced ethnic cleansings and genocides of varying sizes all over the ME. I have posted the laundry list of attacks against Jews since just 1830 a few times here, just recently. It's not short.

Even when they weren't being attacked in riots, driven from their homes or massacred they were still being discriminated against in a permanent and oppressive way.

It has been 1,000 years since Jews have been allowed to pray at Temple Mount. That's just religious bigotry on a massive scale. 

Jews were trying to legally purchase land and move into the Palestine area for a long time and were prevented from doing so, just out of religious bigotry.

So the short answer is that muslims have been bullying, massacring, oppressing, and denying basic rights and freedoms to Jews for as long as they've had power over them.

They never had to commit "terrorist attacks" against them in the past because it wasn't called that. When muslims wanted to kill some, or a bunch of Jews, they just did it, and it was ok, because they were just Jews. 


To act like it was ridiculous and unfair to help Jews get a homeland is ridiculous. Muslims should realize that they do need to do some penance, but their religious bigotry prevents them from acknowledging that there's such a thing as feeling remorse for a transgression against a mere Jew.

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15 hours ago, I am Groot said:

You think I give a damn what's in the bible when looking at policies like these, you f*cknut?

You might as well, you're aligned with enough other people who do. It's like I said to another poster, hard-boiled supporters of Israel are all over the map when it comes to justifying their support.

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

You might as well, you're aligned with enough other people who do. 

And yet  you get furious when anyone suggests that because you're aligned with the terrorists that you subscribe to their views and actions. 

You don't need me to explain how cheezy it is to demand that groot is religious just because others who happen to agree with him on this are 

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8 hours ago, eyeball said:

Sure like climate change. It's just a scam.

Climate change is real...it is just our government that does not take it very seriously and when they do , they c*ck it up to the extreme...and it is not just the Liberal plan your NDP play a huge role in it's failure as well...

Colonization can not happen when Jewish people have been in the area , for literally thousands of years...Apartheid...ya well you f*ck with the bull sometimes you get both horns...

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We have already discussed colonization, and apartheid...there has been none...Here is why we have already talked about it....The guy talking is the Hamas leaders son, who has broken away from the terrorist's organization...Listen to his explanation. 


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16 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Climate change is real...it is just our government that does not take it very seriously and when they do , they c*ck it up to the extreme...

That's probably because we don't take our governance seriously.

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On 5/19/2024 at 11:05 AM, eyeball said:

You might as well, you're aligned with enough other people who do. It's like I said to another poster, hard-boiled supporters of Israel are all over the map when it comes to justifying their support.

I have no difficulty whatsoever justifying my support for a Western style democracy against the savages of Gaza and their murderous rape and torture gangs. 

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8 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

I have no difficulty whatsoever justifying my support for a Western style democracy against the savages of Gaza and their murderous rape and torture gangs. 

There's no shortage of savages or torturers on either side. I take it you've ignored and rejected anything about Palestinians being tortured and murdered.

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2 minutes ago, eyeball said:

There's no shortage of savages or torturers on either side. I take it you've ignored and rejected anything about Palestinians being tortured and murdered.

Is it official policy? Were they given religious exemption so they could freely rape Palestinians?

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1 minute ago, I am Groot said:

Is it official policy? Were they given religious exemption so they could freely rape Palestinians?

I have little reason to doubt it.

An internal UN report describes widespread abuse of Palestinian detainees in Israeli detention centres, including beatings, dog attacks, the prolonged use of stress positions and sexual assault.



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8 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I have little reason to doubt it.

An internal UN report describes widespread abuse of Palestinian detainees in Israeli detention centres, including beatings, dog attacks, the prolonged use of stress positions and sexual assault.



So - no actual physical evidence.  Just interviews with released terrorist suspects.  and the article says "The allegations, which are being studied by two separate UN inquiries, have so far not been substantiated."

Sooo - sounds like you have no actual reason to believe it either.  Other than it suits your narrative. 

If they catch individual soldiers who have stepped over the line those soldiers should be prosecuted and punished.  However it doesn't seem in the slightest like it's actually Israeli policy to mistreat prisoners and there's a great deal of reason to doubt the reports at this point. 

On the other hand october 7 was a planned attack and we know it actually happened. 

So there you go. 

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Just now, CdnFox said:


If they catch individual soldiers who have stepped over the line those soldiers should be prosecuted and punished.  However it doesn't seem in the slightest like it's actually Israeli policy to mistreat prisoners and there's a great deal of reason to doubt the reports at this point. 

On the other hand october 7 was a planned attack and we know it actually happened. 

Well, given the Palestinians joyfully murdered, tortured and raped women and children with gopros strapped to their heads I don't think we have any doubt there. 

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14 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

Well, given the Palestinians joyfully murdered, tortured and raped women and children with gopros strapped to their heads I don't think we have any doubt there. 

Except for the likelihood the joyfulness was due to Iranians that participated with the express purpose of inflaming and fanning flames of hatred that are now burning around the world.

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