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Pro-Hamas Rallies in Canada

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3 hours ago, eyeball said:

If you think the kids killed since October had it coming, the whole world has it coming too, especially you.

If you think lying about what i said will change anything, the whole leftard universe has it coming, especially you. 

I think it's terrible that Hamas decided deliberately to have these children kill this part of its war that it started with Israel. Clearly they believed that if they got these children killed then people around the world would think that was terrible and for some reason would blame the Israelis. And as it turns out there was a small amount of truth in that. But clearly not as much as they hoped

Being on the side of stupid and the wrong side of history does not make your moral outrage any more justified. Any outrage you feel should be directed at the people who started this war on October 7th and then chose to hide behind the very children you pretend to care about but obviously don't. Further, if you actually gave a single crap about the kids you would be calling for hamas's surrender which they could do tomorrow. And no more kids would have to die.

But that's really the difference isn't it. If Hamas surrendered tomorrow nobody else would need to die. If Israel surrendered tomorrow then all of Israel would need to die including the children.

So let's not pretend you give a shit about the children. All you care is Virtue signaling for points.

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38 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

So let's not pretend you give a shit about the children. All you care is Virtue signaling for points.

Yeah well, why don't you go catch a disease...something slow and lingering.

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5 hours ago, eyeball said:

Fu ck Hamas, they're a bunch of no account terrorists. Hamas deserves to be destroyed. Hamas is a POS that has it coming.

You're position seems to be that only Hamas has it coming and that means you got it coming too.

Hey, now we are getting somewhere. So... if you think they deserve to be destroyed, why do you spend so much time criticizing Israel for doing so?

In this situation, yes, only Hamas has it coming. No, that doesn't mean I have anything coming. Please explain how it has anything to do with me. 

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1 hour ago, User said:

Hey, now we are getting somewhere. So... if you think they deserve to be destroyed, why do you spend so much time criticizing Israel for doing so?

Because they're incapable of doing so without creating the next Hamas in the process.

The only way to destroy Hamas is to make it redundant. With peace. And if that's impossible then fu ck Israel.

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8 hours ago, eyeball said:

I'm after everyone, except the kids.

Fu ck everyone else.

If you cared about the kids the first thing you'd have said would be hamas needs to surrender or at the very least 'hamas needs to come out of hiding and fight away from civilians.  Because both of those things end the killing of kids that hamas started. 

But nope - just 'israel bad because 1948'.  

How can you say you care about the kids and not be condemning hamas  first and foremost for their deaths? No sane person could if that's what they really cared about 

1 hour ago, User said:

Hey, now we are getting somewhere. So... if you think they deserve to be destroyed, why do you spend so much time criticizing Israel for doing so?




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51 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Because they're incapable of doing so without creating the next Hamas in the process.

The only way to destroy Hamas is to make it redundant. With peace. And if that's impossible then fu ck Israel.


Peace with Hamas doesn't destroy Hamas. You say you want to destroy them, now you say you want peace with them. 


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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

Because they're incapable of doing so without creating the next Hamas in the process.


They had peace before october 7th and they chose to throw it away. 

maybe if their homes are bombed to rubble and they have to live like animals to rebuild they'll be too busy to think about planning the slaughter innocent people again. 

And maybe if hamas is wiped out and israel takes over the area the people will decide to reject a 'hamas' gov't in the future and will decide that elections are a good idea and participate more in their leadership. Knowing that if they don't - their leaders can drag them into a heap of trouble. 

If not - scatter them to the winds and F*ck the Palestinians.  They made their choices. 

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6 hours ago, User said:


Peace with Hamas doesn't destroy Hamas. You say you want to destroy them, now you say you want peace with them. 


Peace with hamas will stop current events.

Peace will allow Palestinians to get back to "normal" and allow/enable elections.

Should hamas lose, then it is known the people do not want them.

Should hamas win again, then perhaps Israel has done so much damage it is now irreparable.

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1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:

Peace with hamas will stop current events.

Peace will allow Palestinians to get back to "normal" and allow/enable elections.

Should hamas lose, then it is known the people do not want them.

Should hamas win again, then perhaps Israel has done so much damage it is now irreparable.

Hamas surrendering would stop current events too. Hamas started the current events by, oh, you know, invading Israel and slaughtering a bunch of young adults at a party, gunning them down as they ran for their lives... by going into homes to rape, torture, kill, and take hostage families including women and children. 

We are getting to the truth here, and its that you support Hamas. 

There is no "normal" with them. Hamas never allowed elections since they first won them. But now you think leaving them in power will lead to elections?

You are either being woefully ignorant about the situation or purposefully deceitful to support Hamas. Which is it?

The discussion you jumped in on was eyeball first claiming he wanted to destroy Hamas. As it turns out, he really didn't and both of you want to see them survive this war and stay in power. 

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2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Peace with hamas will stop current events.

Peace will allow Palestinians to get back to "normal" and allow/enable elections.

Should hamas lose, then it is known the people do not want them.

Should hamas win again, then perhaps Israel has done so much damage it is now irreparable.

You obviously don't have much understanding of how things work over there.

There are thousands of Hamas members and their only reason for existence is to kill Israelis and destroy Israel.

With Hamas in Gaza, there is no such thing as a normal election.  

If they are left alone in a so-called peace arrangement, all that will do is give Hamas a chance to regroup, re-organize and rebuild their weapons and rockets, and prepare for the next attack on Israelis.  They have absolutely no interest in peace and they are supported by other terrorist groups and Iran.  They are not interested in the well-being of the people of Gaza.

Edited by blackbird
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1 hour ago, User said:

Hamas surrendering would stop current events too.

If someone knocked on your door and told you to pack a bag and leave because the UN said it was okay for them to move in you'd just submit? What if they killed your kids in the process?

Put yourself in their shoes.

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2 minutes ago, eyeball said:

If someone knocked on your door and told you to pack a bag and leave because the UN said it was okay for them to move in you'd just submit? What if they killed your kids in the process?

Put yourself in their shoes.

Here you are again... what happened to your focus on Iran, China, and Russia being the problem?

As I drill down more into tearing apart your facade, we get to the real truth here. You do support Hamas. Now you are justifying their actions.

Hamas and the Palestinians have been left to their own devices in Gaza since 2006. Instead of building a country, Hamas squandered billions on building tunnels to hide under their own people, to build rockets to hide in schools and around Hospitals and other civilian infrastructure. Instead of devoting their lives to building themselves up, they have chosen to kill as many Jews as they could. 

This is what you support. 

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1 hour ago, User said:

Hamas surrendering would stop current events too. ...

We are getting to the truth here, and its that you support Hamas. 

There is no "normal" with them. Hamas never allowed elections since they first won them. But now you think leaving them in power will lead to elections?

You are either being woefully ignorant ....

The discussion you jumped in ...

Israel can stop and admit they did enough damage too

I support neither side. You just do not like opposite opinion LOL

Normal is yet to be seen. Elections can be forced upon them .

I am far form ignorant, unlike you and your blind, single minded pro Israel stance.

Oh and, been here from the beginning, never jumped in anywhere..

Can't p iss me off or change my mind...keep on keeping on... you just lose LOL





Edited by ExFlyer
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1 minute ago, User said:

This is what you support. 

Okay so you've drilled down and got me all figured out.  Now what about you?

What would you do if you were in a Palestinian's shoes?



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1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:

Israel can stop and admit they did enough damage too

I support neither side. You just do not like opposite opinion LOL

Normal is yet to be seen. Elections can be forced upon them .

I am far form ignorant, unlike you and your blind, single minded pro Israel stance.

Oh and, been here from the beginning, never jumped in anywhere..

Can't p iss me off or change my mind...keep on keeping on... you just lose LOL

The purpose of this war is to defeat their enemy, Hamas, so they will no longer have to put up with the constant attacks and attempts to kill their people. 

It is not a tit-for-tat. 

You claim you don't support either side, only when your support for Hamas is called out for what it is. 

Who is going to force elections on them? 

Your positions here certainly are ignorant. You tried to act like letting Hamas live on will bring elections and "normal" and you can't offer anything more than they will have elections forced on them. 

Your obstinance in refusing to admit you are wrong is not a victory for anything other than your continued ignorant positions on the subject. 

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

Okay so you've drilled down and got me all figured out.  Now what about you?

What would you do if you were in a Palestinian's shoes?

What about me?

My positions are quite consistently clear here. I don't change them every other post. 

You are trying to equate whatever morality, culture, and understanding you have (or me) with that of a Palestinian devoid of any context. You might as well ask what a Space Marine in the movie Aliens would do if he were in the shoes of one of the Aliens. 

You are either on the side of the people who want to kill all the Jews and just kill around 1000 of them, as well as the rape, torture, and Hostage-taking... or you are on the side of stopping that. 

I am on the side of stopping it. 

I hope Israel and the international community can take whats left and turn around the generations of brainwashing put upon the people of Palestine to hate Jews and want to wipe Israel off the map so they can live in peace and start building a future for themselves beyond how many Jews they can kill. 

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5 minutes ago, User said:

The purpose of this war...

Your obstinance in refusing to admit you are wrong is not a victory ....

it's a 4000 year old religious skirmish and vendetta...

Your obstinance in refusing you are not right is not a victory for the jews. LOL

Like I said, you cannot p iss me off nor can you make me think like you so, if you want to keep wasting your time , by all means keep hitting your head against the wall LOL

But hey, what did some scientist say,..... doing the same thing over and over and not getting change is just demonstrating your foolishness LOL

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3 minutes ago, User said:

I am on the side of stopping it. 

I am too but by taking a different approach than your's. Because I firmly believe your approach only perpetuates it. It's the same approach Hamas takes.

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Hamas is not Gaza. Confusing and conflating them into being one and the same thing and then shuffling it around like a pea in a shell game when it's convenient is clearly a terrible approach.

Not when there are so many state actors involved in the conflict - of course if Palestine were a state it would be in a far better position to represent itself and other states would be able to pursue their grievances more constructively.

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43 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

it's a 4000 year old religious skirmish and vendetta...

Your obstinance in refusing you are not right is not a victory for the jews. LOL

Like I said, you cannot p iss me off nor can you make me think like you so, if you want to keep wasting your time , by all means keep hitting your head against the wall LOL

But hey, what did some scientist say,..... doing the same thing over and over and not getting change is just demonstrating your foolishness LOL

So, you will not even try to defend your ignorant assertions about an election. 

Israel is pursuing their victory as we both sit here typing. You guys won't have a Hamas to support soon enough. 


46 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I am too but by taking a different approach than your's. Because I firmly believe your approach only perpetuates it. It's the same approach Hamas takes.

So far, your so-called different approach was to claim you wanted to destroy Hamas, and now it was to let them live on. You have yet to explain how any of this will not perpetuate anything. 

Do you even know what the stated goal of Hamas is?

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56 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Hamas is not Gaza. Confusing and conflating them into being one and the same thing and then shuffling it around like a pea in a shell game when it's convenient is clearly a terrible approach.

Not when there are so many state actors involved in the conflict - of course if Palestine were a state it would be in a far better position to represent itself and other states would be able to pursue their grievances more constructively.

We know Hamas was behind Oct 7th. We also have to presume they knew well in advance what any Israeli response would look like. So by any stretch of the imagination, how would it make life better for the average Palestinian? It wouldn't, it would have quite the exact opposite affect. The worse things get the more foreign money comes flooding in, and those in power get wealthier and wealthier. That's why Hamas has got to go, and ceasefires don't work. Unless one is under the opinion that Israel is simply going to roll over and play dead.

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1 hour ago, User said:

So far, your so-called different approach was to claim you wanted to destroy Hamas, and now it was to let them live on. You have yet to explain how any of this will not perpetuate anything. 

You can't understand how making them redundant would make them cease to exist?

Trying to destroy them the way Israel is and apparently in the only manner that will satisfy you, will only create the next Hamas in line, hence the perpetuation.

1 hour ago, User said:

Do you even know what the stated goal of Hamas is?

The same as Netanyahu's coalition, perpetuation in a word.

I'm clearly also using the name Hamas in a more general way to describe the inevitable reaction to forced dispossession, displacement, and subjugation. There will always be an organized reaction against these and why shouldn't there be?

You still haven't answered what you would do if it was you. Put yourself in their shoes and then ask how you would react if your kids were killed in the process.

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23 hours ago, eyeball said:

Facts matter? Okay. It's a fact that Israel has murdered thousands upon thousands of people who did nothing wrong and didn't deserve it, especially a bunch of little kids.

Even little girls Army Guy, I know how important they are to you.



You throw some pretty big words around, like murder, and such, yes murder can happen in conflict not very common but it can happen...But here whats happening in Gaza it is unlikely... A lot of people on here have been trying to tell you and other terrorist sympathisers that Israel has used almost every preventable measure to keep civilian casualties to a minimum. more than has been used in most other conflicts...people die in conflicts and yes little kids as well, unfortunately civilians pay the highest price...and thanks to your Hamas buddies dress in civilian cloths wearing no arm bands or any other identifiable markings Israelis soldiers can not tell the difference between combatant or civilian...add to that they are not adhering to the Geneva convention, using protected sites as military setups such as hospitals, schools, mosques, etc...and using the civilian population as shields restricting where civilians can go or leave, all of these are just a few of the war crimes they are guilty of....not to mention intentional targeting civilians , taking civilians hostages...nice guys your buddies are...

Sorry if the world does not weep for those collateral damages, you mention that incur in every conflict...If palestinians where interested in anything that had peace in it...they would be using this time to plan for what is next after Hamas is destroyed or severely weakened...my money is on them to continue to support the terrorist in one form or another...and i don't shed tears for terrorist...

Every child's death is a tragic incident, but if you for one moment think that war can be control just a little bit your wrong..  it is not like in the movies, war produces nothing other than death and destruction...You can smell it, taste it, see it, feel it, even dream about it, but you can not control it, and just when you think you can it bends you over...if our politicians spent a few days in a active war zone we would not be having these conversations...

Hamas knew exactly what it was doing when it plan the oct attacks they knew what the consequences would be..., and yet they did it anyways, they don't give a shit about Palestinians, neither does the Muslim world becasue they know first hand what they are capable of in their own countries...Yes Thats right even Muslim countries have used military force on them....

Hamas has unleashed hell upon their people. only Hamas can stop this...your angry should be directed towards them...


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