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The Budget Bombs: Trudeau government gets an angry reception as it promotes federal budget

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Pushback was fast and furious the day after the Liberals unveiled $39.3 billion in net new spending along with a new tax increase that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said is targeted at the “ultra-rich” but medical professionals and others say will hit them hard.

Indigenous leaders, disability groups, doctors, real estate investors, business groups, opposition Conservatives and other political rivals of the Trudeau government blasted measures that either didn’t go far enough for some, or for others were bitter reminders of 2017 when Ottawa tried to tax investment income of small corporations only to climb down in the face of a fierce backlash.

What it all means is that despite prebudget fanfare about how Liberals will “solve” the housing crisis, expand child-care spaces, and help schools feed hungry children, the Trudeau government has a massive selling job on its hands.

Also noted in the story - doctors are actively looking at leaving due to the new taxes on them, the business community hates it, The first nations and poverty groups really hate it, and Polievre noted that the mega rich and trust fund babies like trudeau will simply hide their money or move it out of country and it will wind up being the middle class who pays the price.
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Well - that was a pretty serious failure to launch.

Justin spent a tonne of money, a tonne of effort hyping it, and pinned his hopes on getting a serious bounce back in the polls on this.

It's obvious he was prepping for an election, he obviously was hoping the budget would help bump him up and then maybe he could roll the dice at the polls

But it would appear that it's going to have the opposite effect.

I would imagine the ndp is going to be watching the reaction from this pretty closely. At some point they HAVE to break from trudeau - there's worse things than a budget that 'doesn't go far enough' for a lot of the nitersectional groups that might vote for them.

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I will be watching this closely to see how Canada's small business owners react. Personally I'm not surprised by this "new" Liberal strategy which basically boils down to penalizing those smart enough to wisely invest "after tax dollars". This is just another example of the Liberals rapacious need for monies to squander.

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I would bet my next pay check the NDP or liberals lite will back this budget, so there wont be an election this fall...NDP are playing the field right now seeing how it fairs amongst the people but like i predict the election is not until 2025....

I really hope thats not the case i hope the liberals/ NDP burn in hell...and the election is before the years end...

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On 4/18/2024 at 9:14 AM, CdnFox said:

Polievre noted that the mega rich and trust fund babies like trudeau will simply hide their money or move it out of country and it will wind up being the middle class who pays the price.

This is why advanced economies need to come together with similar enough rules and rates of taxation that there's nowhere to move to check this race to the bottom.

A local corollary to this is underscored in the current backpeddling in Ottawa to force fish farms in BC to switch from open-net pens to closed-containment systems by next year. Farmers are threatening to move to a country that will let them do what they want which is to keep on getting rid of their pollution the easy way. Ottawa appears to be caving.

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Good opinion letter in Calgary Sun:

Didn’t think it through

My wife and I are not wealthy, we live off CPP and OAS. Hearing the NDP want to tax the rich, I thought, OK, Canada needs the money. Until I read reports including an insightful one from Bloomberg News. Past socialist governments in France initiated a wealth and capital gains tax. It cost the French government almost twice as much as yielded by the wealth taxes. Many charities lost donations, causing some to demand taxpayer support. Many students lost bursaries. Donations were reduced to hospitals, colleges and universities. Over 10,000 wealthy people left France. When these individuals left, France lost their wealth tax revenue, their income taxes, and their local spending. The idea was scrapped in 2020. These tax increases may sound good but be careful what you ask for. They may cost us more in the end. Young people are supposed to be happy with increased national debt. What a legacy the Liberals have left them.


Edited by Zeitgeist
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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

This is why advanced economies need to come together with similar enough rules and rates of taxation that there's nowhere to move to check this race to the bottom.


I understand why you might say that but it's not practical.  It would just wind up being that all countries had the same loopholes for the rich.  And it would mean that if we wanted to change tax policy to attract business or the like we'd have to ask permission from 100 other countries and get them to agree.  And how do you address things like what's a tax break? A country that wanted to charge less actual tax could just allow more write offs.  So what, you'd have every country have exactly the same tax code?

It just doesn't work. You'd just introduce MORE inefficiencies and the rich would STILL dodge it and the poor would still suffer.


A local corollary to this is underscored in the current backpeddling in Ottawa to force fish farms in BC to switch from open-net pens to closed-containment systems by next year. Farmers are threatening to move to a country that will let them do what they want which is to keep on getting rid of their pollution the easy way. Ottawa appears to be caving.

Sure.  Like i said - they always find a way.  And if they force it one way or another canada won't have fish farms.

You have to come at it another way.  For example it may be possible to offer a tax break that was sufficient to entice the industry to do it. Etc etc.

People will follow the rules and pay their taxes - right up to the point where it's actually cheaper and easier to find a way around them. Then they find a way.

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6 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

I understand why you might say that but it's not practical.  It would just wind up being that all countries had the same loopholes for the rich.

Ok, so just wait until we all hit bottom and then figure it out.

It shouldn't take long the way things are going.

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55 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Ok, so just wait until we all hit bottom and then figure it out.

It shouldn't take long the way things are going.

The wealthy (or anyone that want to play by the rules) can always find a way to get out of taxes.

Making a wealth tax and increasing capital gains tax will only quicken the exodus of taxpayers.

Cannot wait to hear form the whiners about people "hiding" money LOL

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5 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Making a wealth tax and increasing capital gains tax will only quicken the exodus of taxpayers.

Only if they have somewhere to go.

Conversely if corporations are free to roam the planet in search of better times human beings should be able to as well. We're people too after all.

Refugees certainly seem to have adopted the corporate attitude.

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20 hours ago, Army Guy said:

I would bet my next pay check the NDP or liberals lite will back this budget, so there wont be an election this fall...NDP are playing the field right now seeing how it fairs amongst the people but like i predict the election is not until 2025....

Is there anyone stupid enough to take you up on that?
Who's thinking they will shoot themselves in the head so you all can vote in the Tories ASAP?

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43 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Only if they have somewhere to go.

Conversely if corporations are free to roam the planet in search of better times human beings should be able to as well. We're people too after all.

Refugees certainly seem to have adopted the corporate attitude.

They stay but their money goes south. Panama is actively looking for folks to put their money into Panamanian banks.

Corporations have always been free to look for better situations. That is why we have no manufacturing anymore.

Refugees are a culture of takers. They come from somewhere where they lived in camps and tents ect and they come here fully expecting to be tended to. In our town, the mission and others are full of refugees going there to sleep and eat. The director said on the news 1/2 to 2/3 of the folks are refugees or immigrants now. They know how it works.

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4 hours ago, eyeball said:

Ok, so just wait until we all hit bottom and then figure it out.


Oh no - we should absolutely do the wrong thing that won't wprk instead just so we can say we did something - like we did with climate change!!! That' worked out  right ?

FFS.  Is this how you lefties think?

 No, we have to look at ways that can actually work,  and there are a few depending on how you want to tackle it, but at the end of the day if its' cheaper to find a way around they will. so design your response with that in mind.


It shouldn't take long the way things are going.

Things are going this badly because we have a left wing woke incompetent running the country, not because a handful of wealthy people are wealthy.

When he's gone - rhings can get better.

What's with that btw? The left constantly says they're against the fabulously wealthy - yet both justin and jaggers are beyond fithly rich and are getting richer  every day and you twinkies keep voting for them.  "We need someone to stand up to the rich - lets get those rich guys over there!!!! "   yeash  - how many foxes do you have guarding YOUR henhouse?  :)

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3 hours ago, eyeball said:

Only if they have somewhere to go.

Conversely if corporations are free to roam the planet in search of better times human beings should be able to as well. We're people too after all.

Refugees certainly seem to have adopted the corporate attitude.

IF they don't have somewhere to go - they'll make somewhere to go. Or they backlash here and they elect a no-tax gov't.

Now - you were told the same thing about climate change.  If you make it painful and people don't like it or see results that matter to them, there will be a strong backlash.   You didn't listen - now it's going to the bottom of the pile and the carbon tax will be gone and people will not want to put a penny into climate change.

So this time - listen. 

The current hatred for justin and the left in general is a result of believing you can just tax people forever and that if the rich leave and take their high paying jobs then the average person won't notice.


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On 4/21/2024 at 5:50 PM, herbie said:

Is there anyone stupid enough to take you up on that?
Who's thinking they will shoot themselves in the head so you all can vote in the Tories ASAP?

I'm hoping that all those who voted for the NDP will see the light. and judge their leader for who he is...Then again this was never what is best for the country, or Canadians, this has always been about propping up a failed liberal government regardless of the cost...

It had nothing to do about strengthening our country, or fixing what was wrong with it. Thats a legacy to be proud of propping up a failed government that really did not accomplish all that much, and the NDP accomplished even less.... hope that wasted vote was worth it...But i'm sure your the kind of guy that learns from his mistakes and will once again vote NDP...

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2 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

I'm hoping that all those who voted for the NDP will see the light. and judge their leader for who he is...

well the polling does indicate that young ndp voters are fleeing the party in large numbers

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6 hours ago, Army Guy said:

I'm hoping that all those who voted for the NDP will see the light. and judge their leader for who he is...

I'm voting Green next time so I doubt you have much to fear from me.

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14 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I'm voting Green next time so I doubt you have much to fear from me.

Well OK, there is a huge improvement, grizzled old whats her face...you know you make it to easy right... 

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50 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Well OK, there is a huge improvement, grizzled old whats her face...you know you make it to easy right... 

He want's to do everything he can to support both justin and Jaggers - so this won't split  the vote and if the green candidate wins (and they might, he's in bc) then there's a better chance of  a lib ndp coalition.

I mean, he's dumb - but he's not stupid :) 

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23 hours ago, Army Guy said:

I'm hoping that all those who voted for the NDP will see the light. and judge their leader for who he is...

Hope all you want. he is doing exactly what his voters want him to. As a politician not in a majority position he can bite his tongue supporting Justin and get some NDP policies implemented or at best never get any at all and probably see existing one cut or rolled back.
Now who would you say knows more about actual politics? You or Singh?

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17 minutes ago, herbie said:

Hope all you want. he is doing exactly what his voters want him to.

That doesn't seem to be what the voters are saying. Unless you mean his REMAINING voters - the polls for some  months now have noted that the ndp is bleeding to the cpc amazingly enough.  I guess when you try to convince people you represent the "average working person" while wearing a 15 thousand dollar Rolex some get a little disillusioned.

It's pretty clear his voters are not excited about him propping up the libs. And they are DEFINITELY not excited about this lib/ndp budget. If  Jagmeet goes for it it'll hurt him even further even if he gets a few cosmetic 'add ons'.

Jagmeet took the party from a 44 seat win in 2015 to 24 seats in 2019 and only recovered 1 seat in 2021, and based on polling right now he'd likely lose 5 seats if the election were held today.

He is NOT impressing his voters AT ALL.

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25 minutes ago, herbie said:

Oh, I guess you know their opinions well as you hang out with just so many Dippers.

We know you always look left, If you look to the right there's a wall, there's writing on it.

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1 hour ago, herbie said:

Oh, I guess you know their opinions well as you hang out with just so many Dippers.

Yes. From the polls.  That's what polling companies do, find out people's opinions about things :)

Also from reality - the ndp did in fact lose those seats and has for 2 elections.   That's real.

So it would seem i know more than you do.  Which surprises no one :) 


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On 4/21/2024 at 2:31 PM, ExFlyer said:

They stay but their money goes south. Panama is actively looking for folks to put their money into Panamanian banks.

Obviously we have to change the tax rules and as I said earlier join with other countries to ensure there's nothing to be gained by playing countries off against one another like that.


When Canadians were polled on the prospect of a wealth tax on the one per cent back in 2021, it garnered almost 90 per cent support nationwide, including 82 per cent from Conservative voters.

Feb 22, 2024.

https://www.nationalobserver.com/2024/02/22/opinion/canada-needs-wealth-tax#:~:text=When Canadians were polled on,per cent from Conservative voters.

I don't support Trudeau's tax because it goes after such low hanging fruit in a manner that entirely misses the point of what I and the vast majority of Canadians really want.

Poilievre still hasn't said what he'll do in respect to the 1%. Kiss its ass just like Trudeau is doing would be my guess.

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