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Brandon Biggest Threat To Democracy

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5 hours ago, Hodad said:

I've spent far more energy than any reasonable person would trying to explain basic concepts to you.

You've never "tried to explain basic concepts" - you tried to use big words that you didn't understand. Apparently "vaccine" is one of them.


It's time I take Jeff Foxworthty's advice.

You're gonna wear the sign?

Thanks Hodad. People will be able to figure out how stupid you are 3 seconds faster if you wear the sign.

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5 hours ago, robosmith said:

You shoulda bought the good stuff. Then you wouldn't have to make up stupid stories.

Here we see the death rate in the US of unvaxxed vs vaxxed was 10x higher Jan 8, 2022. Nuff said. 👋

2 things about that page:

1) The explanation of "base rate fallacy" is interesting, but it's misleading in this context.

86% of covid deaths in Canada were among the multi-vaxed when they finally stopped giving us access to the stats. 

That would be a relative success if 99% of Canadians were vaxed, a failure if 50% of Canadians were vaxed, but 85% of Candians were vaxed. 

2) Those American stats are the exact opposite of what we saw in Canada. It seems like bullshit.  

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10 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

You've never "tried to explain basic concepts" - you tried to use big words that you didn't understand. Apparently "vaccine" is one of them.

You're gonna wear the sign?

Thanks Hodad. People will be able to figure out how stupid you are 3 seconds faster if you wear the sign.

Nah, I've explained efficacy to you many, many times. You can't seem to catch on. And it's not a difficult concept.

I can't fix stupid. You're either as thick as a brick or comfortable pretending to be. Frankly not sure it matters. A person who won't think is just as useless as a person who can't think. 

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46 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

2 things about that page:

1) The explanation of "base rate fallacy" is interesting, but it's misleading in this context.

86% of covid deaths in Canada were among the multi-vaxed when they finally stopped giving us access to the stats. 

That would be a relative success if 99% of Canadians were vaxed, a failure if 50% of Canadians were vaxed, but 85% of Candians were vaxed. 

Since you don't understand the mechanisms, your understanding of what the statistics mean is highly SUSPECT. 

46 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

2) Those American stats are the exact opposite of what we saw in Canada. It seems like bullshit.  

Your OPINIONS "seem like bullshit." Find an EXPERT in epidemiology who has come to your conclusion and post it here.

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57 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

You've never "tried to explain basic concepts" - you tried to use big words that you didn't understand. Apparently "vaccine" is one of them.

You clearly don't understand the nature of viral vaccines cause you keep claiming they should work the same as bacterial vaccines despite the differences which have been explained to you numerous times.

57 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

You're gonna wear the sign?

Thanks Hodad. People will be able to figure out how stupid you are 3 seconds faster if you wear the sign.

We've figured out how stupid you are long ago.

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9 hours ago, robosmith said:

Did you and your family get vaccinated?

Do you want MORE people to DIE because of RFK's vaxx disinformation? Or just don't care if HE serves YOUR short term interests? 🤮

Anyone who can keep Brandon and the Democrats out of office, is fine with me.

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9 hours ago, Hodad said:

Nah, I've explained efficacy to you many, many times. You can't seem to catch on. And it's not a difficult concept.

I can't fix stupid. You're either as thick as a brick or comfortable pretending to be. Frankly not sure it matters. A person who won't think is just as useless as a person who can't think. 

You haven't explained anything, dummy.

You thought that what I said about the death rates was a base rate fallacy and it wasn't. 85% vaxed, 86% of deaths come from the vaxed. I never even said that the jabbed were dying at a higher rate than the unvaxed, they're just dying at the same rate as everyone else. 

Then you tried to say that "vaxed people were dying at the same rate but they were getting infected far more often", which isn't even a bonus because - if you're correct - that just means that they're getting sick more often to die at the same rate as the unvaxed. 

Dummy: the whole reason that we started jabbing people was to bring the number of deaths down. We jabbed 85% of our population and deaths went up by 30%. 

We jabbed 85% of our population and deaths went up by 30%. 

We jabbed 85% of our population and deaths went up by 30%. 

We jabbed 85% of our population and deaths went up by 30%. 

Do you get it?

And the excess deaths weren't among the unvaxed, 86% of them were vaxed. 

We jabbed 85% of our population and deaths went up by 30%, and the excess deaths weren't among the unvaxed: 86% of them were vaxed. 

Do you get it stupid? The jab was NOT a success here in Canada. Statista and our own Health Canada tried to massage the numbers to make it look like a success but it was not a success at all.

Stop blaming me. I didn't tell doctors to say that 30% more people died of covid in 2022. I didn't tell doctors that 86% of covid deaths here were among the multi-vaxed. Those are just facts that YOU have to learn to accept. 

We don't get access to vax rates of the people with serious underlying health issues here, so there's no way to determine if the jab protected sick people. And FYI age isn't the main factor in covid deaths, it's underlying health issues. 

People who are extremely elderly with underlying health issues are the prime targets of covid. If we had access to their vax rates and death rates we could go into more detail but we don't. 

At the very best, the jabs helped a little bit, but definitely not enough to justify forcing people to take it who were young and healthy enough to be safe from covid. 

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9 hours ago, robosmith said:

Since you don't understand the mechanisms, your understanding of what the statistics mean is highly SUSPECT. 

Buddy, I understand the math 100%, and I'm not the one who's determining how many people died "of covid". Doctors do that. 

And here's what the statistics mean: when death stats told us that lots of people were dying, we decided to do something, and we did it, and then statistics told us that the number of deaths went up by a lot, and the people who were supposed to be protected by our safety protocol were dying super-fast. 

It doesn't take a genius to know that deaths going up by 30% wasn't what we were told would happen.

"Hey Canada: we're gonna force people to take the jab or they'll lose their jobs and/or be banned from society. It will kill an acceptable number of youths who didn't even need a vax to begin with, and deaths will go up by 30%. Sound like a plan?"  


Before we even started vaxing youths I was saying on this site that they were the key to "vax success rates". Covid was never going to kill them, so whatever group they stayed in was going to have a massive group with a 100% survival rate. 

Whatever group the elderly with health issues were in was going to have a rough go of it.

At the very pinnacle of the covid death demographic is "people who are so old and so sick that they don't care anymore, and who will definitely die the next time they get a flu or covid". 


Your OPINIONS "seem like bullshit." Find an EXPERT in epidemiology who has come to your conclusion and post it here.

They're statistics.

FYI epidemiologists and virologists get to guide us, but at the end of the day it's statistics that tell us if the medical professionals were right.  

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9 hours ago, robosmith said:

You clearly don't understand the nature of viral vaccines cause you keep claiming they should work the same as bacterial vaccines despite the differences which have been explained to you numerous times.

Buddy, I don't care how they work. I care if they work.

Deaths went up by 30%. That's not a "success". 


We've figured out how stupid you are long ago.

The flat earthers thought that globers were stupid when they burned them to death at the stake. Just because you're on the side of the people who had the power to force youths to take the jab doesn't make you right. 

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14 hours ago, myata said:

From the crowd that is all ready to lay their brains at the door and worship their Lying Idol brainlessly and mindlessly? Yep, of course how could it be anything else? There are only two dead brain harmonics known to the science, since the beginning of this Universe.

First dead brain harmonic: worship, worship, adore Him Our One and Only Idol!

Second dead brain harmonic: ANATHEMA!!!

A braindead cultist is a person who says things like: "The FBI didn't commit any crimes", "There's no inflation", "The border is secure", "Mostly peaceful protests", "Jan 6th is like Pearl Harbour and 9/11 - the gov't was almost overthrown", "Russian collusion", "Pandemic of the unvaccinated", "the vaccines are safe and effective", "Who cares if the Bidens made $10M+ dealing with the Chinese gov't's top agents?", etc...

That's a lot of lies, and the MSM is complicit in basically all of them. 

It's insane that CNN/WashPo etc would have the audacity to call anyone else a liar. Their only job is to say what's happening but they can't: they just lie about all of it.

They'd literally get paid lots of money just for telling the truth but they want no part of it.

You gotta admit it's pretty bad when the FBI is committing crimes for Biden, the Dems tried to add 4 SCJs, the media lies for Biden, there are corrupt judges putting in people in jail for almost lying and letting guys like Clinesmith and Biden off without even a slap on the wrist, etc.

That's really bad for democracy. Democracy is almost dead and you're having a pro-Bidolt party. 

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  • Kennedy argued that the greater threat to democracy is “not someone who questions election returns” but a president who forces social media companies “to open a portal and give access to that portal to the FBI, to the CIA, to the IRS … to censor his political critics.” 

I forgot to mention social media censorship above. My bad. 

MSNBC even responded to the above quote with a lie. Why did they do that? Why should a media corp tella lie for the president? He has enough liars working for him, he doesn't need MSNBC to lie...

They said:

  • Kennedy mischaracterizes a First Amendment lawsuit pending before the Supreme Court brought by Republican attorneys general in Louisiana and Missouri and five social media users. The question there is whether the federal government crossed the line from persuasion into coercion when it requested that social media platforms remove content tied to misinformation about Covid and the 2020 presidential election. The lawsuit does not accuse the Biden administration of forcing social media companies to hand all their data to the federal government. Nor does the lawsuit accuse the president of censoring his political rivals

The lie is the second part I bolded. Kennedy accused Biden of censoring "political critics", not "political rivals".

They absolutely did silence political critics. There's no doubt about that. 

I can't even read two paragraphs from MSNBC without catching them on a lie. They're as a bad as CNN. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:


Kennedy argued that the greater threat to democracy is “not someone who questions election returns”

^This is ONE reason RFK is a nutcase. No one said "question election returns" is a threat to democracy.

Trump did that MANY times in court and LOST. 

Threatening SoS with legal sanctions if they don't give him more votes (enough to win) and tampering with the EC vote certification are the greater threats to democracy in which Trump engaged.


2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

but a president who forces social media companies “to open a portal and give access to that portal to the FBI, to the CIA, to the IRS … to censor his political critics.” 


Another reason: ^this NEVER HAPPPENED.

2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I forgot to mention social media censorship above. My bad. 


No that was accidentally correct.

2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

MSNBC even responded to the above quote with a lie. Why did they do that? Why should a media corp tella lie for the president? He has enough liars working for him, he doesn't need MSNBC to lie...

They said:

  • Kennedy mischaracterizes a First Amendment lawsuit pending before the Supreme Court brought by Republican attorneys general in Louisiana and Missouri and five social media users. The question there is whether the federal government crossed the line from persuasion into coercion when it requested that social media platforms remove content tied to misinformation about Covid and the 2020 presidential election. The lawsuit does not accuse the Biden administration of forcing social media companies to hand all their data to the federal government. Nor does the lawsuit accuse the president of censoring his political rivals

The lie is the second part I bolded. Kennedy accused Biden of censoring "political critics", not "political rivals".

They absolutely did silence political critics. There's no doubt about that. 

I can't even read two paragraphs from MSNBC without catching them on a lie. They're as a bad as CNN. 

YOU claiming "no doubt about that" does not make your denial true, NOR MSNBC LYING.

Twitter has ALWAYS said, THEY made the decisions about censorship BECAUSE of violations of their ToS, NOT demands from the government.

And that's why you've POSTED NO EVIDENCE for YOUR CLAIMS.

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On 4/2/2024 at 4:15 PM, robosmith said:

Great minds think alike. RFK's anti-vax ideas are pure life ending nutcase. He's just on a futile ego trip.

In that first link, what did RFK say that was not true?

Biden, first President to use federal agencies to censor political speech, censor his opponent. This is correct. And how is that not a 'threat to democracy'?

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53 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Another reason: ^this NEVER HAPPPENED.

Social media companies banned people from the internet for talking about the BSL4 lab where Fauci funded GOF research to make coronaviruses more transmissible among humans, and then the FBI told them that there was "Russian disinformation" coming out about a laptop. 

The FBI works directly for the Dems, so yeah, that actually happened.


No that was accidentally correct..

Everything I've ever said here s correct.

You know that, you just lie about everything. 


YOU claiming "no doubt about that" does not make your denial true, NOR MSNBC LYING.

Look at the quotes, stupid. Both the quote from RFK and their own commentary on it are in my post above.

The proof that they're liars is in their own paragraphs.

They correctly quoted him as saying "censoring his political critics" and then they accused him of saying "censoring his political rivals". 

They count on the stupidity and cultish devotion of their viewers to get away with stuff like that. It works on you, not on people with IQs over 50.


Twitter has ALWAYS said, THEY made the decisions about censorship BECAUSE of violations of their ToS, NOT demands from the government.

Twitter is part of TNI, whose stated goal was to "combat election disinformation", but they do that along with all the dregs of the leftard media, such as NYT, WashPo, etc, so you know that "combat election disinformation" means "lie and shill".

In the end, all that they did was cover up Biden's influence peddling and lie about covid. 

The violation of their terms of service was "putting up posts that the FBI had flagged as Russian disinformation, on behalf of Joe Biden".


And that's why you've POSTED NO EVIDENCE for YOUR CLAIMS.

You just can't read, dimwit. 

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On 4/2/2024 at 1:12 PM, robosmith said:

The devil NEVER serves anyone's long term interests except perhaps fascists like Hitler or Putin. 

Or how about Mao and Stalin? Two of the biggest communist murderers ever and just slightly behind Genghis Khan. 👎

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On 4/2/2024 at 1:11 PM, Nationalist said:

You think RFK is a nutball?


At least RFK tells it like it is, unlike Bidumb, who tells it not like it is. 😇

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On 4/2/2024 at 3:34 PM, Nationalist said:

Ahhh...the vaxx thing. Meh...

Yup, i am another one of those anti-vax kookie people, and very happy to be one. 😁

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On 4/2/2024 at 3:27 PM, Hodad said:

Yes. That's not really a question. He's an anti-vax conspiracy kook, well known for his deadly activism long before he decided he should be president.


I am an anti-vaxer and i am very proud to say so also, comrade. The covid vaccine was part of a big pharma conspiracy. 😛

On 4/2/2024 at 4:37 PM, Hodad said:

I've spent far more energy than any reasonable person would trying to explain basic concepts to you. It's time I take Jeff Foxworthty's advice.

Take my advice. Screw off, will you, comrade. 🤣

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23 hours ago, Hodad said:

RFK went around with Jenny McCarthy parroting disgraced researcher Andrew Wakefield, telling people that vaccines cause autism and there's a government conspiracy to cover it up. 

So the gullible--the same damn people who fall for every conspiracy huckster--stopped vaccinating their children.

Polio was eradicated in the US 1979. An unvaccinated child was paralyzed by polio a couple of years ago because there is no test of intellect to license people for the(dis) information superhighway. We have kids with other eradicated diseases. We have deaths from measles, from whooping cough. It's goddamn absurd.

He's into other conspiracy crap as well, but that anti-vax crap is lethal stupidity. Anyone that susceptible to extreme nonsense has no business thinking he belongs in the oval office.

Gawd, are you ever one big stupid dummy. The covid vaccine as caused many injuries and has killed many innocent people that believed that the vaccine was safe. Big pharma and you have blood on your bloody hands, stupid. 👎

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

Yup, i am another one of those anti-vax kookie people, and very happy to be one. 😁

Ya...I got jabbed twice so my pay cheques kept coming. I had a heart attack an 2 stents installed last fall. I know there's a good possibility that the jabs created the artery blockages.

I will never trust "the science" again.

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6 hours ago, ironstone said:

In that first link, what did RFK say that was not true?

Biden, first President to use federal agencies to censor political speech, censor his opponent. This is correct. And how is that not a 'threat to democracy'?

What speech did Biden censor that wasn't FALSE disinformation?

Do you not agree that the government and citizens all have a strong interest in not allowing false information to play a role in national decision making?

So which is it? Biden is an addled old codger or a master at strategic censorship? LMAO

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5 hours ago, taxme said:

Yup, i am another one of those anti-vax kookie people, and very happy to be one. 😁

I'm very happy to be vaxxed and never got COVID. 

My friend's brother was lucky to survive 2 weeks on a ventilator in the ICU early in the pandemic before the vax.

Only 20% survived that ordeal.

5 hours ago, taxme said:

Take my advice. Screw off, will you, comrade. 🤣

Take my advice and have the stones and brains to make a logical and informed rebuttal instead of ^childish insults, IF YOU CAN. LMAO

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5 hours ago, taxme said:

Gawd, are you ever one big stupid dummy. The covid vaccine as caused many injuries and has killed many innocent people that believed that the vaccine was safe. Big pharma and you have blood on your bloody hands, stupid. 👎

How many were killed by the vaccine? I don't believe you have ANY evidence that was SIGNIFICANT.

I know of 12 or so that supposedly died from cardiac failure.

However, the CDC does not acknowledge that.


For the three Covid-19 vaccines, the CDC has stated that there's no evidence from clinical data, death certificates or autopsies to confirm reports of them directly causing death. Compare that with Covid-19 infection, which leads to death in nearly 2 percent of cases in the United States. That means 2 out of every 100 people die from a COVID-19 infection.


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