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Canada's dangerous slide into antisemitism

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2 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Yeah - pretty much all agencies are reporting more anti-jew crime and violence and threats. That part doesn't seem to be up for debate

Nothing is up for debate for those who don't want it to be. Herbie will believe whatever he feels like believing, facts be damned. 

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Israel has set a new standard of care for civilians during urban warfare. It has put far more effort into protecting Palestinian civilians from harm than any military has in any campaign in history.

The Israel Defense Forces conducted an operation at al-Shifa hospital in the Gaza Strip to root out Hamas terrorists recently, once again taking unique precautions as it entered the facility to protect the innocent; Israeli media reported that doctors accompanied the forces to help Palestinian patients if needed. They were also reported to be carrying food, water and medical supplies for the civilians inside.

None of this meant anything to Israel's critics, of course, who immediately pounced. The critics, as usual, didn't call out Hamas for using protected facilities like hospitals for its military activity. Nor did they mention the efforts of the IDF to minimize civilian casualties.

In their criticism, Israel's opponents are erasing a remarkable, historic new standard Israel has set. In my long career studying and advising on urban warfare for the U.S. military, I've never known an army to take such measures to attend to the enemy's civilian population, especially while simultaneously combating the enemy in the very same buildings. In fact, by my analysis, Israel has implemented more precautions to prevent civilian harm than any military in history—above and beyond what international law requires and more than the U.S. did in its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.


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Violence or threats of violence against other Canadians for any reason are not excusable so that is easy enough to condemn whenever it happens. Also demonstrating outside places of worship, schools or hospitals should be punished by criminal charges. I am a secular social democrat. Theocracy in any form, indeed anything less than complete separation of religion and state, is anathema to me. 

However, as someone who came here from a part of the world with its own troubles, I would caution anyone who talks about one side being the good guys. If you’re willing to look back into the history of any such situation that is virtually never true. For starters, there are often more than two sides. In the current conflict, yes, Hamas are to blame. However, the Palestinians didn’t drive Jews out of Russia after 1881, or block their entry into Britain in 1905, or slaughter them by the millions in Europe after 1933. On top of all that, the British saw fit to or open the borders to Jewish immigration to Palestine after 1917 without consulting the majority population at all, setting two nations on a collision path, and then ruthlessly crushed the Arab revolts that resulted. Anybody complaining about the effect that immigration is currently having in Canada should ponder that for a second. Even words to the effect of ‘from the river to the sea’ were used by Likud long before they became a slogan for confused millennials. Furthermore, Likud relentlessly turned those words into ‘facts on the ground’ in the West Bank which is surely far more offensive than just saying them? 

Edited by SpankyMcFarland
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So about those Palestinian protests. Why they're so well-organized, and how they can keep turning out so many people week after week for months on end.

After the horrors of Oct. 7 — and after the pro-Hamas crowd started showing up in big numbers, with professional-looking organizers and signage — suspicion grew. In the past, anti-Israel protests were rag-tag efforts, and few and far between.

The post-Oct. 7 protests were anything but. They were big, they were noisy, and they were causing chaos from the island of Manhattan to the island of Vancouver. They looked like the sort of rallies that professional political parties put together.

Did that many people really hate the Jewish state?

No. Because if you’re getting paid to be there — effectively just an actor — then you’re just playing a role. Which suggests that the anti-Israel protests are as phony as a three-dollar bill.



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1 hour ago, I am Groot said:

So about those Palestinian protests. Why they're so well-organized, and how they can keep turning out so many people week after week for months on end.

After the horrors of Oct. 7 — and after the pro-Hamas crowd started showing up in big numbers, with professional-looking organizers and signage — suspicion grew. In the past, anti-Israel protests were rag-tag efforts, and few and far between.

The post-Oct. 7 protests were anything but. They were big, they were noisy, and they were causing chaos from the island of Manhattan to the island of Vancouver. They looked like the sort of rallies that professional political parties put together.

Did that many people really hate the Jewish state?

No. Because if you’re getting paid to be there — effectively just an actor — then you’re just playing a role. Which suggests that the anti-Israel protests are as phony as a three-dollar bill.



Yup  This is a paid professional effort, not a legit protest .

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On 3/28/2024 at 12:13 PM, SpankyMcFarland said:

Violence or threats of violence against other Canadians for any reason are not excusable so that is easy enough to condemn whenever it happens. Also demonstrating outside places of worship, schools or hospitals should be punished by criminal charges. I am a secular social democrat. Theocracy in any form, indeed anything less than complete separation of religion and state, is anathema to me. 

However, as someone who came here from a part of the world with its own troubles, I would caution anyone who talks about one side being the good guys. If you’re willing to look back into the history of any such situation that is virtually never true. For starters, there are often more than two sides. In the current conflict, yes, Hamas are to blame. However, the Palestinians didn’t drive Jews out of Russia after 1881, or block their entry into Britain in 1905, or slaughter them by the millions in Europe after 1933. On top of all that, the British saw fit to or open the borders to Jewish immigration to Palestine after 1917 without consulting the majority population at all, setting two nations on a collision path, and then ruthlessly crushed the Arab revolts that resulted. Anybody complaining about the effect that immigration is currently having in Canada should ponder that for a second. Even words to the effect of ‘from the river to the sea’ were used by Likud long before they became a slogan for confused millennials. Furthermore, Likud relentlessly turned those words into ‘facts on the ground’ in the West Bank which is surely far more offensive than just saying them? 

You forgot to include Canada in that list of countries not accepting Jews.

"This included more than 900 Jewish passengers of the M.S. St. Louis, who were refused entry into Canada, and were forced to return to Europe. Subsequently, when the Nazis invaded Belgium, France, and the Netherlands in 1940, more than 250 of the passengers who were denied entry were murdered in the Holocaust. Additionally, many Canadians lost relatives, loved ones and friends in Nazi death camps.

As a result of Canada's wartime policies, nearly 2,300 men were interned as "enemy aliens" in camps across the country between 1940 and 1943. These were mostly Jewish refugees from Austria and Germany."

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6 minutes ago, eyeball said:

You're in possession of legitimate receipts stamped 'paid'?

Bullshit you are.

Do you really think the protesters are just a group of random half wits.

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21 minutes ago, eyeball said:

You're in possession of legitimate receipts stamped 'paid'?


this has already been confirmed by the authorities and discussed.

Here's some info.


sorry kiddo - i know that hurts your feelings but these are paid political events, not actual 'protests'

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16 minutes ago, Legato said:

Do you really think the protesters are just a group of random half wits.

No, I think that have a very good handle on the situation.

If you really have good reason to say these protests are paid for you must have receipts or cancelled cheques to prove it. Only a half wit would expect people to just take your word for it.

Here's one now.

3 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Here's some info.

But no receipts.

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Just now, eyeball said:

No, I think that have a very good handle on the situation.

Sure they do - go protest get paid,  they have the same handle that any other employee does.



f you really have good reason to say these protests are paid for you must have receipts or cancelled cheques to prove it. Only a half wit would expect people to just take your word for it.

Here's one now.

But no receipts.



Sure - i've got them all right here. Why not.  I mean if you're just going to deny reality we might as well go all out  :)

Eyeball - if you have to lie to make a point it's a bad  point.  The media reporters looked at the receipts. They reported what they saw.

Only a NO wit would pretend that it wasn't true at that point

And only a leftie loser would demand evidence - be given good evidence- and then have their brain melt and demand evidence again.


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25 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

The media reporters looked at the receipts. They reported what they saw.

Like the nails they saw sticking out of vaginas? Why no pics?

Oh right, the same reason they don't have copies of receipts.

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48 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Like the nails they saw sticking out of vaginas? Why no pics?


You're asking why they didn't post degrading pictures of women with nails in their vaginas on the internet.


Wow - bud.  honestly i've always thought you were kind of quirky and not TERRIBLY bright but over all a decent person.  That's the first time i think i've seen you be that much of a disgusting scumbag.

were you thinking that kind of thing was going to make your argument convincing? That the protesters are legit as long as the gov't hasn't posted degrading pictures of women's mutilation on the internet for their families to see? 

What were you saying about how your children and grand children will view you?

F*uk dude. Seriously.

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4 hours ago, CdnFox said:

You're asking why they didn't post degrading pictures of women with nails in their vaginas on the internet.


Really. I'm saying where's the evidence? Why should anyone believe there is or ever was any?

No one's been charged, no one's been arrested, no one's been convicted. Why isn't there a division of forensic experts  finding and identifying the perpetrators of these atrocities? Shouldn't they be doing things like matching DNA evidence from rape victims bodies with captured Hamas fighters or the bodies of thousands they've presumably killed? 

It's funny how you guys fret about stories in the news seemingly dropping out of sight all the time.

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39 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Really. I'm saying where's the evidence?

No, you're not.   Evidence was provided and you can find even more about it with a search or two.

What you're doing is defending the scum and trying to obfuscate.  You know they're funded, that's been determined and enough reporters and officials have seen the facts to be reasonably sure at this point. Thats even MORE true of the female humiliation and mutilation during the hamas attack which you are attempting to deny happened unless you've seen it personally it would seem.

Dude - you're over the line and on the wrong side of history there. It's not ok to try to dismiss that kind of crime just because you like the politics of the guys who did it.

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10 hours ago, CdnFox said:

It's not ok to try to dismiss that kind of crime just because you like the politics of the guys who did it.

By the same token it's wrong to use alleged disputed atrocities to juice up the savagery of your response to them. As the saying goes an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.

The inability to get to the bottom of what happened is a result of neighbours refusing to have normal relations with one another -  without formal processes and channels thru which proper criminal investigations can occur.

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22 minutes ago, eyeball said:

By the same token it's wrong to use alleged disputed atrocities to juice up the savagery of your response to them. 

No - no it isn't even in the same league!!!!  RAPING AND KILLING WOMEN AND CHILDREN IS FAR FAR WORSE!

And the savagery of the response is appropriate - whether the atrocities happened or not. I assume you're not disputing that the attack happened and civvies were killed - although i don't have a receipt that says so handy so perhaps you are.  That's enough to declare war.

All you are doing with your attitude is proving that the only solution is to wipe these people from the face of the earth because they are heartless monsters and so are their supporters.

You are perfectly fine and happy about the rape, mutilation, and burning of women and children but you are horrified that Gaza has to live with the consequences of a war that it started and could end at any minute. Nope, I don't think you would recognize a human if one bit you in the ass

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On 4/2/2024 at 9:06 AM, CdnFox said:

And the savagery of the response is appropriate - whether the atrocities happened or not. I assume you're not disputing that the attack happened and civvies were killed

Of course there was an attack and innocent people were killed, no one is disputing that. Innocent people are killed all the time on both sides over there.

That doesn't excuse the war crimes and crimes against humanity being committed by the authorities calling the shots against innocent civilians everywhere over there.  All of them need to be held to account through normalized negotiated channels. Picking one authority or government over the other especially for ideological and religious reasons is not the appropriate action of outsiders committed to peace in the region.

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27 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Of course there was an attack and innocent people were killed,

Are you sure? Do you have a receipt?

Your other denials are so insanely rediculous that it's hard to say with you what you'll deny or support one minute to the next



That doesn't excuse the war crimes and crimes against humanity

Do you have a receipt for these alleged disputed war crimes? No?

They must not be happening then.  Right?

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:










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21 minutes ago, eyeball said:


That was a pic of your brainscan i presume?

what's the matter little guy - truth not to your liking? Your own logic sound pretty stupid when it's used on you does it?

Having trouble with your support of hamas and their activities are you?

Maybe don't root for the terrorists and deny the facts and you'll have something to say.

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