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Surgeon General of Florida's letter to the CDC and FDA

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Hello, I came across an article on Druthers.ca, that talks about a letter sent from the Surgeon General of Florida to the CDC and FDA.  It's in regards to the Covid vaccines. I think it's highly relevant to today's world, especially for Americans.  I will post an excerpt of it to give you guys a rough idea.  And then I will provide the link to the letter in its entirety so you can read it for yourself.  Kindly let me know what you think.




In February this year, Florida’s Surgeon-General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo sent a letter to the heads of the FDA and CDC, questioning the safety and efficacy of the Covid shots. He referenced a recent study, noted the drastic uptick in reports to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), and asked for an honest and transparent answer to his concerns.

The federal agencies responded to the top health official with a four-page “word salad of pandering and gaslighting”, accusing him of spreading dangerous misinformation and disinformation — the canned allegation to anyone that doesn’t embrace the gene-therapy injections as safe, effective and the only way to combat an illness with a ~99% recovery rate.

So, on May 10, 2023, Dr. Ladapo blew the whistle, big time!


In a powerful letter citing more than a dozen studies, Dr. Ladapo exenterates the “health” agencies, accusing the unelected officials — FDA Commissioner Robert M. Califf and CDC Director Rochelle P. Walensky — of knowingly forcing dangerous injections into not only the arms of the American public, but the world.

Dr. Ladapo posted the letter to Twitter saying: “When I asked the feds for more honesty and transparency around COVID-19 vaccine data, they replied with a word salad of pandering and gaslighting. Here’s my response. Let’s try again.”

Here is Dr. Ladapo’s letter:

Drs. Califf and Walensky,

Your ongoing decision to ignore many of the risks associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, alongside your efforts to manipulate the public into thinking they are harmless, have resulted in deep distrust in the American health care system. Beginning with Operation Warp Speed, and possibly to be continued with an additional $5 billion investment in Project NextGen, the federal Government has relentlessly forced a premature vaccine into the arms of the American people with little to no concern for the serious adverse ramifications.

It is critical to acknowledge and address the negative global impact caused by the emergence of COVID-19. Nonetheless, after two years, your collective decisions to deny that natural immunity confers comparable or superior protection to COVID-19 vaccination, push mRNA COVID-19 boosters for the young and healthy and delay acknowledging the risks of vaccine-induced myocarditis have only sowed doubt between the American people and the public health community. Data are unequivocal: after the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) reporting increased by 1,700%, including a 4,400% increase in life-threatening conditions. We are not the first to observe such a trend. Dismissing this pronounced increase as being solely due to reporting trends is a callous denial of corroborating scientific evidence also pointing to increased risk and a poor safety profile. It also fails to explain the disproportionate increase in life-threatening adverse events for the mRNA vaccines compared to all adverse events.

Based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) own data, rates of incapacitation after mRNA vaccination far surpass other vaccines. This is illustrated in a recent Lancet publication (Rosenblum H. et al.Lancet 2022 – pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35271805) that reports up to one third of individuals being “unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, or [receiving] care from a medical professional” in the days following mRNA vaccination.

The study, (Fraiman J. et al. Vaccine 2022 – pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36055877) also found an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest for 1 in 550 after mRNA vaccination. As you are aware, this is extraordinarily high for a vaccine. In comparison, the risk of serious adverse events after influenza vaccination is much lower (Lusignan S. Lancet Regional Health – Europe 2021 – thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lanepe/PIIS2666-7762(21)00006-5.pdf). For you to claim that serious adverse events such as these are “rare” when Pfizer and Moderna’s clinical trial data indicate they are not, is a startling exercise in disinformation.

I want to reemphasise that these questions could have been answered if you had required vaccine manufacturers to perform and report adequate clinical trials. Although Project NextGen has been launched under another administration, I anticipate with regret, that you will repeat past mistakes and prematurely promote new therapies to Americans without accurately and truthfully weighing data on risks and benefits.

In light of your stated commitment to transparency and the communication of the risks and benefits associated with these therapies, I am asking that you publicly:

Report why randomised clinical trials were not required prior to the approval of mRNA COVID-19 boosters, including the new bivalent booster.

Explain why adverse events first detected in the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) safety surveillance system in 2021 were not published in scientific literature until December of 2022. (Hui-LeeWong et al.Vaccine 2023-pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36496287)

Report the FDA and CDC’s interpretations of the study (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36006288) performed in Thailand, which showed a 3% incidence of myocardial injury in young boys, and the Swiss study (unibas.ch/en/News-Events/News/Uni-Research/Temporary-mild-damage-to-heart-muscle-cells-after-Covid-19-booster-vaccination.html), which also showed a 3% incidence of myocardial injury in adults after receiving the bivalent booster. (MansanguanS,Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease 2022-pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36006288) & (NCT05438472-clincosm.com/trial/incidence-patient-characteristics-outcome-myocarditis-after-covid-19)

Explain why the Pfizer deadline for reporting its subclinical myocarditis study was delayed until December of 2022, despite the CDC promoting vaccination to millions of young people, and then postponed again until June of 2023 (fda.gov/media/151710/download).

Report the results of the VAERS proportionality analyses that you performed.

Explain why 26 of the 31 published studies using the V-Safe (cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/ensuringsafety/monitoring/v-safe/index.html) system only report symptoms within the first seven days of vaccination when it is recognised that most serious events occur after this time.



The rest of the article and letter can be found here: https://druthers.ca/surgeon-general-of-florida-unsafe-vaccines-were-forced-into-arms-of-the-american-people/


If the link doesn't work, go to Druthers.ca, then go to Read, then go to By Subject, then CDC. Then search for the article titled: Surgeon General of Florida: "unsafe vaccines" were forced into arms of the American people

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5 hours ago, GroundskeeperWillie said:

Hello, I came across an article on Druthers.ca, that talks about a letter sent from the Surgeon General of Florida to the CDC and FDA.  It's in regards to the Covid vaccines. I think it's highly relevant to today's world, especially for Americans.  I will post an excerpt of it to give you guys a rough idea.  And then I will provide the link to the letter in its entirety so you can read it for yourself.  Kindly let me know what you think.




In February this year, Florida’s Surgeon-General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo sent a letter to the heads of the FDA and CDC, questioning the safety and efficacy of the Covid shots. He referenced a recent study, noted the drastic uptick in reports to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), and asked for an honest and transparent answer to his concerns.

The federal agencies responded to the top health official with a four-page “word salad of pandering and gaslighting”, accusing him of spreading dangerous misinformation and disinformation — the canned allegation to anyone that doesn’t embrace the gene-therapy injections as safe, effective and the only way to combat an illness with a ~99% recovery rate.

So, on May 10, 2023, Dr. Ladapo blew the whistle, big time!


In a powerful letter citing more than a dozen studies, Dr. Ladapo exenterates the “health” agencies, accusing the unelected officials — FDA Commissioner Robert M. Califf and CDC Director Rochelle P. Walensky — of knowingly forcing dangerous injections into not only the arms of the American public, but the world.

Dr. Ladapo posted the letter to Twitter saying: “When I asked the feds for more honesty and transparency around COVID-19 vaccine data, they replied with a word salad of pandering and gaslighting. Here’s my response. Let’s try again.”

Here is Dr. Ladapo’s letter:

Drs. Califf and Walensky,

Your ongoing decision to ignore many of the risks associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, alongside your efforts to manipulate the public into thinking they are harmless, have resulted in deep distrust in the American health care system. Beginning with Operation Warp Speed, and possibly to be continued with an additional $5 billion investment in Project NextGen, the federal Government has relentlessly forced a premature vaccine into the arms of the American people with little to no concern for the serious adverse ramifications.

It is critical to acknowledge and address the negative global impact caused by the emergence of COVID-19. Nonetheless, after two years, your collective decisions to deny that natural immunity confers comparable or superior protection to COVID-19 vaccination, push mRNA COVID-19 boosters for the young and healthy and delay acknowledging the risks of vaccine-induced myocarditis have only sowed doubt between the American people and the public health community. Data are unequivocal: after the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) reporting increased by 1,700%, including a 4,400% increase in life-threatening conditions. We are not the first to observe such a trend. Dismissing this pronounced increase as being solely due to reporting trends is a callous denial of corroborating scientific evidence also pointing to increased risk and a poor safety profile. It also fails to explain the disproportionate increase in life-threatening adverse events for the mRNA vaccines compared to all adverse events.

Based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) own data, rates of incapacitation after mRNA vaccination far surpass other vaccines. This is illustrated in a recent Lancet publication (Rosenblum H. et al.Lancet 2022 – pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35271805) that reports up to one third of individuals being “unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, or [receiving] care from a medical professional” in the days following mRNA vaccination.

The study, (Fraiman J. et al. Vaccine 2022 – pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36055877) also found an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest for 1 in 550 after mRNA vaccination. As you are aware, this is extraordinarily high for a vaccine. In comparison, the risk of serious adverse events after influenza vaccination is much lower (Lusignan S. Lancet Regional Health – Europe 2021 – thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lanepe/PIIS2666-7762(21)00006-5.pdf). For you to claim that serious adverse events such as these are “rare” when Pfizer and Moderna’s clinical trial data indicate they are not, is a startling exercise in disinformation.

I want to reemphasise that these questions could have been answered if you had required vaccine manufacturers to perform and report adequate clinical trials. Although Project NextGen has been launched under another administration, I anticipate with regret, that you will repeat past mistakes and prematurely promote new therapies to Americans without accurately and truthfully weighing data on risks and benefits.

In light of your stated commitment to transparency and the communication of the risks and benefits associated with these therapies, I am asking that you publicly:

Report why randomised clinical trials were not required prior to the approval of mRNA COVID-19 boosters, including the new bivalent booster.

Explain why adverse events first detected in the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) safety surveillance system in 2021 were not published in scientific literature until December of 2022. (Hui-LeeWong et al.Vaccine 2023-pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36496287)

Report the FDA and CDC’s interpretations of the study (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36006288) performed in Thailand, which showed a 3% incidence of myocardial injury in young boys, and the Swiss study (unibas.ch/en/News-Events/News/Uni-Research/Temporary-mild-damage-to-heart-muscle-cells-after-Covid-19-booster-vaccination.html), which also showed a 3% incidence of myocardial injury in adults after receiving the bivalent booster. (MansanguanS,Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease 2022-pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36006288) & (NCT05438472-clincosm.com/trial/incidence-patient-characteristics-outcome-myocarditis-after-covid-19)

Explain why the Pfizer deadline for reporting its subclinical myocarditis study was delayed until December of 2022, despite the CDC promoting vaccination to millions of young people, and then postponed again until June of 2023 (fda.gov/media/151710/download).

Report the results of the VAERS proportionality analyses that you performed.

Explain why 26 of the 31 published studies using the V-Safe (cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/ensuringsafety/monitoring/v-safe/index.html) system only report symptoms within the first seven days of vaccination when it is recognised that most serious events occur after this time.



The rest of the article and letter can be found here: https://druthers.ca/surgeon-general-of-florida-unsafe-vaccines-were-forced-into-arms-of-the-american-people/


If the link doesn't work, go to Druthers.ca, then go to Read, then go to By Subject, then CDC. Then search for the article titled: Surgeon General of Florida: "unsafe vaccines" were forced into arms of the American people

Ladapo is a nutcase, which is why Dethantis hired him: to be nuttier than Trump. 

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1) Data are unequivocal: after the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) reporting increased by 1,700%, including a 4,400% increase in life-threatening conditions. 

The number of adverse reactions resulting in life-threatening conditions was 44x higher than normal after the covid rollout? If that's true, why don't we know about it?

I'd love it if they told us what population demographic those horrible reactions are occurring in. 

If it's in the "don't need a vax demo", that's obscene. 

I'd expect a major increase in the VAERS reports when 150M people suddenly get vaxed in one year, but it's the people who never needed it that matter the most.

2) disproportionate increase in life-threatening adverse events for the mRNA vaccines compared to all adverse events.

No one really cares about the 'sore-arm' events, that's why covid apologists always address those ones first.

Most people only read the first few lines of an article, and after their confirmation bias tickled, they're out: all that most people are really looking for in those articles is a counter-argument.

3) Lancet publication (Rosenblum H. et al.Lancet 2022 – pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35271805) that reports up to one third of individuals being “unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, or [receiving] care from a medical professional” in the days following mRNA vaccination.

WTF? that's even high based on my own observations, but everything that I've seen on MSM and from vax-apologists says the opposite. Like 0.001%. Not ~30%.

4) Explain why adverse events first detected in the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) safety surveillance system in 2021 were not published in scientific literature until December of 2022.

That's the least surprising thing I saw here. The medical health establishment's reluctance to kill the golden goose only matches the Dems' reluctance to look at all the evidence of Biden's illicit activities with the Chinese gov't.

5) For you to claim that serious adverse events such as these are “rare” when Pfizer and Moderna’s clinical trial data indicate they are not, is a startling exercise in disinformation

Not so startling in this day and age. More like "par for the course" when CNN, CBC, the Dems, the Libs, the FBI et al are talking.

6) 3% incidence of myocardial injury in young boys

I only know one young man who was injured, and I wouldn't say "severely", and I don't know of any of my sons' friends being injured, but I do know of two girls who were severely injured. Weird.

7) Explain why the Pfizer deadline for reporting its subclinical myocarditis study was delayed until December of 2022, despite the CDC promoting vaccination to millions of young people, and then postponed again until June of 2023

They don't need to explain why, because the MSM will never ask them to.

8. Explain why 26 of the 31 published studies using the V-Safe only report symptoms within the first seven days of vaccination when it is recognised that most serious events occur after this time.

Again, they don't need to explain why, because the MSM will never ask them to.


I think the most shocking thing to come from this report is the alarm delay in the reporting of adverse events among children.

The whole covid fear porn thing was bad, but I didn't get angry until they started talking vaxing kids when there was never any evidence that that A. they needed a vax to protect them and B. there wasn't any evidence that the vax was very effective - if at all. 

This is all worth knowing, but it's also extremely important for the Dems and their MSM lackeys to hide it, so there's no question about whether or not this will be relegated to the deepest, darkest bin in the MSM dungeon. 

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

1) Data are unequivocal: after the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) reporting increased by 1,700%, including a 4,400% increase in life-threatening conditions. 

Of course you don't understand that very few of the VAERS reports are verified and the mRNA vax was heavily POLITICIZED like YOU DO HERE ALL THE TIME.

So like with Ladapo, we get  A LOT of nutcases filing unverified reports. AKA, you wasted your time writing DRIVEL.

Edited by robosmith
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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

1) Data are unequivocal: after the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) reporting increased by 1,700%, including a 4,400% increase in life-threatening conditions. 

Anyone can make a VAERS report and they aren't verified.




A report to VAERS generally does not prove that the identified vaccine(s) caused the adverse event described. It only confirms that the reported event occurred sometime after vaccine was given. No proof that the event was caused by the vaccine is required in order for VAERS to accept the report. VAERS accepts all reports without judging whether the event was caused by the vaccine.


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1 hour ago, Aristides said:

Anyone can make a VAERS report and they aren't verified.




So you would dispute a report from the Lancet?

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I've received 6 Pfizer covid 19 vaccine doses and one Moderna. I have had no adverse effects. Most of the people in my building are seniors and have had multiple vaccinations with no adverse affects. I haven't heard of anyone I know having had adverse effects. On the other hand, I do know of two people who declined to get vaccinated who suffered from long covid. 

What does the author of the OP suggest we should have done to respond to a virus that has killed seven million people?

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1 minute ago, Legato said:

So you would dispute a report from the Lancet?

I'm saying anyone can make VAERS reports, including swamping the site with bogus reports. 

1 minute ago, Queenmandy85 said:

I've received 6 Pfizer covid 19 vaccine doses and one Moderna. I have had no adverse effects. Most of the people in my building are seniors and have had multiple vaccinations with no adverse affects. I haven't heard of anyone I know having had adverse effects. On the other hand, I do know of two people who declined to get vaccinated who suffered from long covid. 

What does the author of the OP suggest we should have done to respond to a virus that has killed seven million people?

I've had six, both Pfizer and Moderna and the worst I have had is a few aches and chills for a day with two of them.

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1 hour ago, Aristides said:

I'm saying anyone can make VAERS reports, including swamping the site with bogus reports. 

I've had six, both Pfizer and Moderna and the worst I have had is a few aches and chills for a day with two of them.

I had 5 Pfizer jabs and only noticed adverse effects with the 5th one. I got sick and had some muscle aches for a few days.

Didn't test to see if the illness was COVID.

Otherwise, I never got COVID despite extensive international travel at the height of the pandemic, for which I credit my custom fully sealed P100 mask.

Despite being in the prime vulnerable age range, I never spent a day in the hospital, unlike my friend's brother who spent 2 weeks in the ICU on a ventilator and was one of the lucky 20% who survived that. He had the misfortune of flying back from Africa before COVID was known to be pandemic.

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1 hour ago, Aristides said:

I'm saying anyone can make VAERS reports, including swamping the site with bogus reports. 

I've had six, both Pfizer and Moderna and the worst I have had is a few aches and chills for a day with two of them.

So you are saying the Lancet report is bogus?

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7 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

I haven't heard of anyone I know having had adverse effects.

Our very own Goddess was murdered over the issue of SARS‑CoV‑2 vaccines. That sounds pretty adverse to me.

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10 hours ago, Aristides said:

I'm saying anyone can make a VAERS report and they aren't verified.

So you can't verify the lancet rprt in incorrect. Why not just admit the fact.

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12 hours ago, eyeball said:

Our very own Goddess was murdered over the issue of SARS‑CoV‑2 vaccines. That sounds pretty adverse to me.

Are you using hyperbole here? Do you mean she died of covid, not having taken vaccines?

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28 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

Are you using hyperbole here? Do you mean she died of covid, not having taken vaccines?

You'll have to take it up with Waste Can Man. He's apparently in the know about what's happened to her. He said weeks ago she'd been murdered by Trudeau for speaking her mind about COVID and vaccines.

1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

That is terrible news. I haven't heard anything about this. What happened?

Like I said, you'll have to ask WCM.

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22 hours ago, Aristides said:

Anyone can make a VAERS report and they aren't verified.

Tens of millions of people who didn't need a vaccine to protect them from covid were forced to take a pseudovax in Canada and the US, which seriously injured approximately 3% of them. 

Why are you so heavily invested in protecting the people who profited from this?

Why do you ignore the plight of millions?

There's partisan politics and then there's "Screw these kids, Trudeau is more important than their health." 

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3 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Tens of millions of people who didn't need a vaccine to protect them from covid were forced to take a pseudovax in Canada and the US, which seriously injured approximately 3% of them. 

Why are you so heavily invested in protecting the people who profited from this?

Why do you ignore the plight of millions?

There's partisan politics and then there's "Screw these kids, Trudeau is more important than their health." 

I'm only heavily invested in not seeing people die for no reason. 3% were not seriously injured.


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5 minutes ago, Aristides said:

I'm only heavily invested in not seeing people die for no reason. 3% were not seriously injured.


You lying sack of crap:


You know that people were seriously injured and even killed by the jabs and they don't even work. 

We jabbed 85% of the population in 2021 and covid deaths were 30% higher in 2022. Almost 90% of the deaths were among the vaxed. 

1) There isn't a covid 'vaccine'

2) We knew that the jab wasn't working when we started forcing young people to take it

3) We knew that healthy young people didn't need a covid vaccine when we started forcing them to take it

You're dead against facts and accountability. 

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29 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Tens of millions of people who didn't need a vaccine to protect them from covid were forced to take a pseudovax in Canada and the US, which seriously injured approximately 3% of them. 

The ONLY people in the US who were required to be vaxxed as a CONDITION of their JOBS were healthcare workers and the military. NO ONE WAS FORCED HERE.

29 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Why are you so heavily invested in protecting the people who profited from this?

The FDA did NOT profit from this.

29 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Why do you ignore the plight of millions?

Your own cite says < 2000 applied for VISP.

29 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

There's partisan politics and then there's "Screw these kids, Trudeau is more important than their health." 

The risk from vax is less than the risk from COVID STUDIES SHOW despite YOUR OPINION.

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

You lying sack of crap:

Lying sack of crap yourself. The reference I posted even references VAERS. According to your article 1299 claims were made with a 27% rejection rate so 950 that might be a proved out of millions who were vaccinated multiple times. 96.2% of adult Canadians received at least one dose. The MNRA vaccines actually had a lower side effect rate than conventional vaccines. VAERS data.

Edited by Aristides
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1 hour ago, robosmith said:

The ONLY people in the US who were required to be vaxxed as a CONDITION of their JOBS were healthcare workers and the military. NO ONE WAS FORCED HERE.

Umm, except for the people who you just acknowledged, who had to take the vax or face unemployment.

Did members of the military even have the option to just quit if they didn't want to take the pseudovax?


The FDA did NOT profit from this.

Who says that no one in the FDA profited from the pseudovax? Was there an investigation into who might have been paid off by Big Pharma?


Your own cite says < 2000 applied for VISP.

That's from the beginning of 2023, and are you saying that 2,000 people don't matter? 

Isn't it weird that people are winning claims that prove the jabs weren't safe, but the vax companies and CDC are still saying that they're safe? 

Our media sunk hundreds of thousands of hours into covid fear porn and lying about the origin of the virus. Why don't they have ten minutes to talk about vax-injuries? 


The risk from vax is less than the risk from COVID STUDIES SHOW despite YOUR OPINION.

How do you know that? You're just quoting people who lied about the jab to begin with, stupid.

If you just caught someone cheating at cards ten times in a row would you trust them on the next hand?  

For the longest time we were told that there were "no injuries". Then we started hearing people tell the story of their injuries and the vax-cultists just said "the plural of anecdote isn't 'facts'". I.e., the people who said that they were injured were dismissed as liars. 

How much do you even know about vax injuries? Can you enlighten us or are you just talking out of your ass again? Where did you find out about the number and severity of these injuries? 

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1 minute ago, Aristides said:

Lying sack of crap yourself. The reference I posted even references VAERS. According to your article 1299 claims were made with a 27% rejection rate so 950 that might be a proved out of millions who were vaccinated multiple times. 96.2% of adult Canadians received at least one dose. The MNRA vaccines actually had a lower side effect rate than conventional vaccines. VAERS data.

Conventional vaccines work, stupid.

Conventional vaccines protect people from things that will actually kill them, stupid.

Conventional vaccines are optional, stupid.

When vaccines actually work, and they could actually save your life, and the side effects are far less severe than the disease itself, people are happy to take them. 

The jab doesn't work, stupid.

Most people don't need or even benefit from the jab, stupid. 

People who didn't need the jab were forced to take it, even after we knew that they didn't need it and it didn't work, stupid. 

There are people who knew that they didn't need the jab, who knew it didn't work,who didn't want to take it for obvious reasons, they were forced to take it, and they were injured by it. But you don't know them personally, so you don't care. You're a vile piece of shit. 

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1 minute ago, WestCanMan said:

Conventional vaccines work, stupid.

Conventional vaccines protect people from things that will actually kill them, stupid.

Conventional vaccines are optional, stupid.

When vaccines actually work, and they could actually save your life, and the side effects are far less severe than the disease itself, people are happy to take them. 

The jab doesn't work, stupid.

Most people don't need or even benefit from the jab, stupid. 

People who didn't need the jab were forced to take it, even after we knew that they didn't need it and it didn't work, stupid. 

There are people who knew that they didn't need the jab, who knew it didn't work,who didn't want to take it for obvious reasons, they were forced to take it, and they were injured by it. But you don't know them personally, so you don't care. You're a vile piece of shit. 

Conventional vaccines such as Astra Zeneca had more severe side effects than MNRA vaccines. VAERS.

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