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Are the Democrats an Actual Cult?

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48 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

without diving into it, that seems ever so wasteful. Just another layer of bureaucracy. Having someone(s) that proves that you got the vax is a waste of time and money. 

Oh it went farther than that - in the end to travel in many public areas you needed an electronic 'vax passport' to prove you'd had your shots and boosters. I kid you not :) 

But if you hadn't had your shots you could get put on 'leave' fro, work - that's where you're not fired, you're just not alllowed to have benefits, get paid, or collect the usual pay for being laid off, or collect unemployment. It was to encourage people to get vaxxed.

Then our prime minister went  on tv and literally said that those who don't want to get vaxxed are most often misogynists and bigots, and they're 'taking up space' and 'we'll have to decide if they should be tolerated'.

It was pretty bad. Now - i had my shots, i'm older and in an at risk group so it was worth the risk for me. But the gov't basically forced those who didn't to lose their jobs, be shunned in their communities, denied access to insurance they'd paid for, and more.

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5 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Then our prime minister went  on tv and literally said that those who don't want to get vaxxed are most often misogynists and bigots, and they're 'taking up space' and 'we'll have to decide if they should be tolerated'.


I used to have a link from there with the video, but that link doesn't work anymore.

The video was in French, but August 1993 confirmed that it was translated accurately. 


It was pretty bad. Now - i had my shots, i'm older and in an at risk group so it was worth the risk for me. But the gov't basically forced those who didn't to lose their jobs, be shunned in their communities, denied access to insurance they'd paid for, and more.

Not a lot of people who were vaxed were tolerant of the unaxed. Thank you for that 🙏

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23 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

I there any right wing source (news or opinion) that is NOT “Emotionally charged language, skewing of facts, clearly one sided viewpoint, assumed motivations” ????  

No right wing news source has ever done that to the same extent that CNN and the Dems have. 

The G Floyd Narrative was their collaboration. Ellison withheld the bodycam footage for months while CNN ran with their hateful disinformation about police in general and the Floyd situation in particular.

CNN was even late bringing out video of M Brown's pre-shooting crimes. It's what they do. 

CNNtards destroyed America for years while the Dems and CNN sat back and laughed. And like I mentioned earlier, the only reason that retarded white kid was tortured was because of CNN's false narratives. 

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5 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Oh it went farther than that - in the end to travel in many public areas you needed an electronic 'vax passport' to prove you'd had your shots and boosters. I kid you not :) 

But if you hadn't had your shots you could get put on 'leave' fro, work - that's where you're not fired, you're just not alllowed to have benefits, get paid, or collect the usual pay for being laid off, or collect unemployment. It was to encourage people to get vaxxed.

Then our prime minister went  on tv and literally said that those who don't want to get vaxxed are most often misogynists and bigots, and they're 'taking up space' and 'we'll have to decide if they should be tolerated'.

It was pretty bad. Now - i had my shots, i'm older and in an at risk group so it was worth the risk for me. But the gov't basically forced those who didn't to lose their jobs, be shunned in their communities, denied access to insurance they'd paid for, and more.

It was not nearly that bad here. As for shunning someone. I could and still could not to this day care less if someone was vaxxed and such. Actually the folks that I tended to be unpleasant were those who went out of their way to enforce the mask mandates. 

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Just now, impartialobserver said:

It was not nearly that bad here. As for shunning someone. I could and still could not to this day care less if someone was vaxxed and such. Actually the folks that I tended to be unpleasant were those who went out of their way to enforce the mask mandates. 

We had a federal election during covid - Trudeau thought he could get a majority.  He went all in on the 'nonvaxxed want to kill your family" campaign and it went completely sideways after that.

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3 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

We had a federal election during covid - Trudeau thought he could get a majority.  He went all in on the 'nonvaxxed want to kill your family" campaign and it went completely sideways after that.

Regardless of who says it or the context.. I have quite the allergy to hyperbolic propaganda like that. That would have lost my vote (not sure exactly how it works in Canada)

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13 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

Regardless of who says it or the context.. I have quite the allergy to hyperbolic propaganda like that. That would have lost my vote (not sure exactly how it works in Canada)

People were scared and there is unfortunately a strong left leaning group who kind of smiles on gov't using regulation to inflict 'proper' values.  A lot of that is concentrated in ontario, which is one province in 7 but who holds 1/3 of the popuation and political seats.

trudeau lost the popular vote, but our riding system is somewhat similar to your electoral college in function and he won enough seats to form gov't and then did an alliance with the even more left wing ndp to essentially create a majority coalition. But the whole thing divided people across the country in a way we've never seen in canada before. I doubt that will ever heal now.


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15 hours ago, CdnFox said:

and then did an alliance with the even more left wing ndp to essentially create a majority coalition. 

I think that "alliance" was based entirely on the fact that so many NDP MPs needed to get to 6 years served to have their full pension, and it had nothing to do with the best interests of Canadians. 

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18 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

No right wing news source has ever done that to the same extent that CNN and the Dems have. 

LMAO!!  😂😂😂More opposite-of-reality nonsense from your fake news bubble!  That’s like saying no radical Islamist websites have ever supported terrorism!  Emotionally charged language, skewing of facts, clearly one sided viewpoints, assumed motivation is ALL right wing news sources ever do!

The cop who killed George Floyd was convicted of murder by a jury. Just because YOU PERSONALLY REFUSE TO ACCEPT THE FACTS doesn’t prove the media is biased. 

Michael Brown’ did not have a criminal record and the shoplifting and pushing someone doesn’t prove his shooting was justified or that he was a dangerous criminal. Nor was CNN late to report that detail…..


You are so fukin clueless it’s hilarious 

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

LMAO!!  😂😂😂More opposite-of-reality nonsense from your fake news bubble!  That’s like saying no radical Islamist websites have ever supported terrorism!  Emotionally charged language, skewing of facts, clearly one sided viewpoints, assumed motivation is ALL right wing news sources ever do!

The cop who killed George Floyd was convicted of murder by a jury. Just because YOU PERSONALLY REFUSE TO ACCEPT THE FACTS doesn’t prove the media is biased. 

Michael Brown’ did not have a criminal record and the shoplifting and pushing someone doesn’t prove his shooting was justified or that he was a dangerous criminal. Nor was CNN late to report that detail…..

Stop being such a snotty little CNoN conspiracy theory gobbler.

1) Fox News has never skewed a story so wildly that they convinced tens of thousands of people to riot, assault, burn, murder, and torture retarded kids

2) I never said that Chauvin wasn't convicted of murder, but the unedited story of Floyd's death doesn't warrant a  murder conviction. 

The problem is that CNoN conspiracy theorists incited their cultists to do so much damage and commit so much violence that Chauvin had to be put away. There were ten thousand rioters standing by to make sure of it. How many more police and civilians would have been killed if Chauvin got a fair trial? 

FYI it was a Demi AG, Keith Ellison, who withheld the bodycam footage which made Floyd's death look much worse than it was, and the way that Chauvin was pinning Floyd was right out of a police manual that wasn't allowed to be used as evidence. 

CNoN's false narrative caused all of that damage and it wasn't necessary.

Here's a review of facts that we are all aware of now, but when the riots and the killings were happening, only Keith Ellison and the Demis knew, and they kept it secret:

That was done for the exact purpose of inciting riots. When that bodycam footage was released the riots died off instantly. 

3) M Brown was not a gentle giant who was just randomly killed 'for the crime of blackness by a racist cop' though, and CNoN knew that, but they still pushed their CNoN conspiracy theory to incite violence.

Whether Brown was ever convicted of anything life is a moot point, because he was caught on camera committing a violent crime moments before his police interaction, so we know exactly what frame of mind Brown was in when the cop went there. 

The Gentle Giant narrative was a CNoN story to incite violence and riots, period. It lasted way too long after everybody knew it was false.


You are so fukin clueless it’s hilarious 

You can't acknowledge and facts and clues because you're a pathetic little cultist.

The men in that video are doing what you can't: they're experiencing a bit of cognitive dissonance by allowing the recent facts to challenge their hard-held beliefs. They admit that they were lied to. Why can't you? Because you're a cultist. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I think that "alliance" was based entirely on the fact that so many NDP MPs needed to get to 6 years served to have their full pension, and it had nothing to do with the best interests of Canadians. 

Yeah, that played a major role.

Which explains why they're happy wiht a "pharmacare" plan that only covers two things.  Both of which were covered by most provinces.

"By trading away our right to hold the gov't accountable and propping up their bad decisions, we've managed to secure for you two important things that you already had.  You may now bow before us.  Bow bow bow! "

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1 minute ago, CdnFox said:

"By trading away our right to hold the gov't accountable and propping up their bad decisions, we've managed to secure for you two important things that you already had.  You may now bow before us.  Bow bow bow! "

I know that his race and religion should never have been his main concerns as leader of a major Canadian party, but he has really embarrassed Sikhs imo. 

Obviously not as much as Trudeau has embarrassed white people, but Trudeau is one of hundreds of white politicians that we've all seen thousands of times. Singh is like the standard bearer for Sikhs and he was basically just this guy:


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Some recent thread titles from the cult:

How the Extreme Right became a Bunch of Toadies for Fascists

Trump's Holiness Rises as His Corruption is Revealed, in the Best Authoritarian Tradition

It's ironic that the cultists like to call Trump and autocrat, fascist, dictator, etc, while the Dems are committing crimes with the FBI, using the DOJ for another witch hunt, and controlling the MSM like a Ukrainian Nazi. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Trump’s wobble on TikTok illustrates a wider vulnerability. His friend Jeff Yass has a large stake in the company and may thus be vulnerable to manipulation by the PRC. Even more serious are the investments that Tesla and Apple have made in that country. Can they be trusted to advocate for America’s interests instead of their own bottom line?

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12 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Trump’s wobble on TikTok illustrates a wider vulnerability. His friend Jeff Yass has a large stake in the company and may thus be vulnerable to manipulation by the PRC. Even more serious are the investments that Tesla and Apple have made in that country. Can they be trusted to advocate for America’s interests instead of their own bottom line?

That is beyond weak. Biden and family have huge finacial ties in china. So - how would they be MORE trusted?

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13 hours ago, CdnFox said:

That is beyond weak. Biden and family have huge finacial ties in china. So - how would they be MORE trusted?

I have no idea how much money Joe Biden and his spouse or Hunter Biden have invested or made in a China. I do know the matter is hotly contested. 

Notice in my post that I said that Tesla and Apple have bigger ties there. Actually, much bigger. This is not a partisan issue nor is it confined to politicians. Any large investment in China, by a company or an individual, is a potential vulnerability for Western governments. 



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3 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

I have no idea how much money Joe Biden and his spouse or Hunter Biden have invested or made in a China. I do know the matter is hotly contested.

You don't even know if trump made a penny on tick tock from his 'investor buddy' but you were quite happy to say that disqualifies him from presidency.

Sounding a bit hypcritical there big guy.

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Democrats are all over the map, that's the reason they are so disorganized. They are anything but a cult. That is their big weakness compared to the Republicans who will line up behind any charlatan that can bring them victory even though a majority of Americans consistently vote against them.

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2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

You don't even know if trump made a penny on tick tock from his 'investor buddy' but you were quite happy to say that disqualifies him from presidency.

Sounding a bit hypcritical there big guy.

So Trump just happened to change his mind after talking to this guy with a big stake in TikTok, making his political followers in the Republican Party look silly? 

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The rhetorical question in the title of this thread represents a classic example of projection. Republicans know the claim that their party has become a cult around one odious man, Trump, and many have left because they feel it has. So what to do: claim the other party is doing what you are doing. 

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4 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

So Trump just happened to change his mind after talking to this guy with a big stake in TikTok, making his political followers in the Republican Party look silly? 

He didn't change his mind - but listen to yourself!  You claim you can't condemn biden because you don't know how much he made (despite the fact we know he made SOME money) and yet you're trying to pass this completely unsubstantiated nonsense off as gospel truth!

It would be fine to say 'we don't know what either did" and go with that, or "both seem to have conflicting interests' and go that way but to ignore one while insisting the other is guilty is disgustingly hypocritical. You should be deeply ashamed of that and if you're not you're only demonstrating that as bad as trump might be the dem party and supporters are worse.

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On 3/21/2024 at 1:18 PM, SpankyMcFarland said:

I have no idea how much money Joe Biden and his spouse or Hunter Biden have invested or made in a China. I do know the matter is hotly contested. 

In what way do you think the matter is "hotly contested"? 

Do you think that there's some doubt about whether or not Biden Influence Peddling Incorporated made over $10M from Hunter's dealings with the Chinese? 

There's absolutely no doubt whatsoever that all of those millions came to the Bidens, or who it came from. 


Notice in my post that I said that Tesla and Apple have bigger ties there. Actually, much bigger. This is not a partisan issue nor is it confined to politicians. Any large investment in China, by a company or an individual, is a potential vulnerability for Western governments. 

Buddy, companies do business globally all over the world. 

Apple sells very useful consumer goods, there's no scam there. It's a legitimate company making legitimate business decisions. 

No one can really say why Hunter Biden was the best candidate to "sit on a board" and receive millions of dollars from a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch who was the beneficiary of Joe Biden's actions against the prosecutor who had won court orders to seize said oligarch's assets. 

No one can say why Hunter was working hand in hand with China's one belt one road executives, and what he did for them to receive $10M+. No one can say why Joe lied about his involvement with Hunter's partners.

"But Apple makes phones in China"... What?

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On 3/21/2024 at 6:30 PM, Aristides said:

Democrats are all over the map, that's the reason they are so disorganized. They are anything but a cult. That is their big weakness compared to the Republicans who will line up behind any charlatan that can bring them victory even though a majority of Americans consistently vote against them.

Dude, the Dems are putting Weekend at Bernie's on the throne just so that they can control the country from behind closed doors. 

Do you really think that the guy who can't string two sentences together is running the country? 

It makes sense from how poorly the country is doing, but TBH, that's not the result of Joe's stupidity, America is sliding down the toilet because it's what makes Dems rich.

Wars, illegal immigrants, influence peddling, high interest rates.... moneymoneymoney.

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On 3/21/2024 at 7:06 PM, SpankyMcFarland said:

The rhetorical question in the title of this thread represents a classic example of projection. Republicans know the claim that their party has become a cult around one odious man, Trump, and many have left because they feel it has. So what to do: claim the other party is doing what you are doing. 

The claim that the dems are a cult stems from the fact that when the Dems and their MSM toadies peddle known lies, their followers mindlessly go along with them. The narratives always fall apart, but the cultists just ignore it and move to the next one. 

Just look at Hodad and Robo in the Floyd thread pretending that "Chauvin held the choke for too long so the whole story is legit"... That was never CNN's narrative. Chauvin was just a racist cop and the hold was his own illegal choke, period. That was the whole story. They supported violent riots for months based on that story. 

People support Trump because he promises to do things for Americans, and then he does them. That's normal, aside from the fact that politicians don't usually do what they promise. 

Do you really believe that Joe "tried to solve the border issues"? Do you really believe that the border is under control? Were walls ever really racist? Were protests really peaceful? Were the Dems really working hard to fight covid, and were flight bans from China really racist? Was M Brown really a Gentle Giant - did you see that in his robbery video? Was Floyd really a gentle giant, killed by a racist cop using an illegal hold? Was Rayshard really a victim of racist cops? Was the Smollett story ever believable? Etc, etc.

The Dems are an actual cult because leftards constantly "get sucked in by" the stories above. There's no rationalizing their stupidity or credulity. At some point anyone with an IQ would realize that it's time to stop getting sucked in by CNN/Dem narratives.

That type of mass stupidity is common among cultists, not educated voters/concerned citizens. 

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On 3/1/2024 at 3:10 PM, WestCanMan said:

1) Fox News has never skewed a story so wildly that they convinced tens of thousands of people to riot, assault, burn, murder, and torture retarded kids


The riots did not occur because CNN “skewed a story so wildly” Nor was a “retarded kid” tortured, much less CNN being responsible. As for Fox News not skewing stories, has your lie-riddled brain already forgotten the nearly $800 Million Fox had to pay to Dominion for their stolen 2020 election lies?  Fox is nothing except skewed news. 

On 3/1/2024 at 3:10 PM, WestCanMan said:

2) I never said that Chauvin wasn't convicted of murder, but the unedited story of Floyd's death doesn't warrant a  murder conviction. 

You’re already in a lengthy argument over your bogus claims of Chauvins innocence. If there was any truth to what you’re saying the Republican donor machine that rescued Rittenhouse and Zimmerman would have gotten him off on appeal, especially because he’s a cop. Contract to your vague claims the bodycam footage contained no exculpatory evidence. Your claim that rioters stopped rioting when they saw the footageis hilarious logic.  Even though Chauvin’s conviction remains. you want us to believe that all the rioters suddenly believed he’s innocent and stopped rioting on ethical principles or something after watching this body cam footage?  Footage that nobody else believes is relevant to boot. Seriously this story of yours is so f-cking dumb, how do you not see the major plot holes here?. 

On 3/1/2024 at 3:10 PM, WestCanMan said:

3) M Brown was not a gentle giant who was just randomly killed 'for the crime of blackness by a racist cop' though, and CNoN knew that, but they still pushed their CNoN conspiracy theory to incite violence.

Whether Brown was ever convicted of anything life is a moot point, because he was caught on camera committing a violent crime moments before his police interaction, so we know exactly what frame of mind Brown was in when the cop went there. 

The Gentle Giant narrative was a CNoN story to incite violence and riots, period. It lasted way too long after everybody knew it was false.

He was caught on camera shoving one person one time whole running away shoplifting   That is not a violent crime nor is one incident a pattern of behaviour. It doesn’t mean everyone who knew him thought of him as violent and nobody could have thought of him as gentle. Your assertion is that you believe CNN should have censored out the opinion of the one family member who mentioned the Michael Brown they knew was gentle, in order to push a narrative that he was violent.  Your feeble mind can’t under That THAT would be the skewed story. And again, the so- called “justification ” that the opinion should be suppressed is he pushed one person one time.

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