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The many problems with Electric vehicles.

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45 minutes ago, taxme said:

As far as i know, solar panels will only work when the sun comes out. If there is no sun for a few days or longer, what happens then? It will be back to the good old electricity being supplied by fossil fuels. 

Here in Canada, it is more like $7 a gallon. Now that really annoys me. 

Whatever floats your boat. LOL.

For a few days, most can get by on their 300 miles of range.

Do you have Costco? I can get gas right now for under $4/gal there. And that includes the excess tax CA charges.

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3 minutes ago, taxme said:

On the contrary. Personally, i believe that you are a pro climate change arse hole. Just my opinion of course. 😁

And I believe you are dumping excess pollution in the atmosphere, which harms everyone, just to save a few bucks in the short term, based on the evidence of your posts HERE.

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1 minute ago, robosmith said:

For a few days, most can get by on their 300 miles of range.

Do you have Costco? I can get gas right now for under $4/gal there. And that includes the excess tax CA charges.

So, try and picture this if you can. I have a vehicle that has to sit outside in all kinds of weather. But if that car was an EV, where would i be able to charge my EV battery it up overnight? In order for that to happen, my street would have to have at least a dozen or so EV charging units installed.

Can you imagine what things would look like if every street in Canada and America had to install millions of those EV stations? I could never see that ever really happening but that is what will have to happen if the globalists climate change fanatics get their way. The cost would be humongous. 

But yet, if the governments trend is to get rid of all ICE vehicles and replace them with EV'.s, the effect on the electricity grid would easily be able to blow plenty of fuses, especailly, in California. In California, they already have plenty of electricity shortages happening all the time. What happens when the electricity fails for some reason? No electricity, no EV chargey. 

We have a Costco, but i refuse to pay for a Costco membership card. Costco must make plenty of money from issuing those Costco member cards. No wonder we can buy a hot dog and a drink for $1.50, and i am pretty sure that Costco still makes a tiny profit from it. I think that there are some members that think that they are king or queen because they have a Costco card. 😀

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17 minutes ago, robosmith said:

And I believe you are dumping excess pollution in the atmosphere, which harms everyone, just to save a few bucks in the short term, based on the evidence of your posts HERE.

Well, if you have a problem with me driving an ICE vehicle, then start wearing a mask everywhere you go for your own protection. You are already have falling for the climate crisis scam, and you no doubt fell for the Covid 19 scam and being forced to wear a mask. So, get your mask out and start wearing it. They say that masks work? Chuckle-chuckle.

The ones that you should be whining about is countries like China and India and other third world countries, which expel more pollution into the atmosphere than i could ever do in a thousand years. I am not harming anyone. If i was harming anyone, the government would by now have already put me in jail. 

But hey, if the climate change gurus get their way, i may end up yet in jail one day because i am still driving an ICE vehicle. If there is no fossil fuel made anymore, what are the people who collect old cars for an hobby going to do? Convert their old ICE cars to electricity? Now that would be a son of a gun for them to have to do. The cars would probably not be worth anything if they did that, not to forget the cost to do so. 

I very much doubt that you are able to run your EV any cheaper than i could run my ICE vehicle. Besides, how much does it cost every year just to charge up your EV? Boy, do you ever like to be scammed all the time. 😁

7 hours ago, Rebound said:

I’ve had a plug-in hybrid vehicle since 2014, a Toyota, and it’s been the most reliable car I’ve ever owned, by far. Ten years, 200,000 miles and no problems at all, just maintenance.  

Lucky you. 😀

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19 minutes ago, taxme said:

So, try and picture this if you can. I have a vehicle that has to sit outside in all kinds of weather. But if that car was an EV, where would i be able to charge my EV battery it up overnight? In order for that to happen, my street would have to have at least a dozen or so EV charging units installed.

Can you imagine what things would look like if every street in Canada and America had to install millions of those EV stations? I could never see that ever really happening but that is what will have to happen if the globalists climate change fanatics get their way. The cost would be humongous. 

But yet, if the governments trend is to get rid of all ICE vehicles and replace them with EV'.s, the effect on the electricity grid would easily be able to blow plenty of fuses, especailly, in California. In California, they already have plenty of electricity shortages happening all the time. What happens when the electricity fails for some reason? No electricity, no EV chargey. 

We have a Costco, but i refuse to pay for a Costco membership card. Costco must make plenty of money from issuing those Costco member cards. No wonder we can buy a hot dog and a drink for $1.50, and i am pretty sure that Costco still makes a tiny profit from it. I think that there are some members that think that they are king or queen because they have a Costco card. 😀

If you have a driveway, you can easily run a charger cable out to your car to charge it. I knew people at my workplace who did that at work where there was no charger stations. Not sure how well that would work in snow.

Personally, I pay for a Costco membership and when it's about to expire, I buy several hundreds of $ of Costco Shop cards to last me for over 6  months before I renew. This time I've found a new station which is as cheap as Costco and only spent $50 for the last 6 months on gas at Costco.

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7 minutes ago, taxme said:

Well, if you have a problem with me driving an ICE vehicle, then start wearing a mask everywhere you go for your own protection. You are already have falling for the climate crisis scam, and you no doubt fell for the Covid 19 scam and being forced to wear a mask. So, get your mask out and start wearing it. They say that masks work? Chuckle-chuckle.

I made my own P100 fully sealed mask and never got COVID cause it works.


7 minutes ago, taxme said:

The ones that you should be whining about is countries like China and India and other third world countries, which expel more pollution into the atmosphere than i could ever do in a thousand years. I am not harming anyone. If i was harming anyone, the government would by now have already put me in jail. 

Pollution harms everyone. The fossil fuel industry has arranged for a pass for your pollution.

7 minutes ago, taxme said:

But hey, if the climate change gurus get their way, i may end up yet in jail one day because i am still driving an ICE vehicle. If there is no fossil fuel made anymore, what are the people who collect old cars for an hobby going to do? Convert their old ICE cars to electricity? Now that would be a son of a gun for them to have to do. The cars would probably not be worth anything if they did that, not to forget the cost to do so. 

I very much doubt that you are able to run your EV any cheaper than i could run my ICE vehicle. Besides, how much does it cost every year just to charge up your EV? Boy, do you ever like to be scammed all the time. 😁

I don't charge my HYBRID. But I save half on gas and its pollution due to getting 50 MPG instead of 25.

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1 minute ago, robosmith said:

I made my own P100 fully sealed mask and never got COVID cause it works.


Pollution harms everyone. The fossil fuel industry has arranged for a pass for your pollution.

I don't charge my HYBRID. But I save half on gas and its pollution due to getting 50 MPG instead of 25.

I never wore a mask and i never got Covid. Funny how that happened,eh? 

It is our politicians that harm everything. They just cannot seem to be able to mind their own bloody business all the time. Every time they get involved in or put their grubby hands on, they wreck everything that they touch. 

The fuel industry has done everything that our dear leaders asked them to do to help fight pollution, and the batards still are not happy. Now they want us to believe that ICE vehicles are a big problem with creating pollution and causing climate change.

Just wait until they can get everybody to buy EV vehicles and get rid of all ICE vehicles. Then those EV owners will probably be blamed for causing some other kinds of problems. The main goal of course is to get rid of ICE and eventually EV vehicles. That is the end game of the WEF globalist elite. We will then be forced to only buy a bicycle or take the bus. 

But those dam WEF globalists will still be driving ICE vehicles and flying their own non EV private jets yachts not to forget that they will no doubt have a few homes scattered here and there for themselves. We the peasants can just pay rent in the homes and buildings that they own already. We the peasants will own nothing and be happy, so says the WEF elite globalists.  Believe it all or not. 😇

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3 hours ago, Rebound said:

My friend drove his EV coast to coast and back without a hiccup. 

Is that a fully electric vehicle or a plug-in hybrid? 

Canada or the US?

I dunno what's possible in the US, but you couldn't drive an EV from Kamloops to Jasper in the winter. 

EVs don't do hills well, they don't do winter well, and some of the grades on the Coquihalla are quite long and steep. It's a really long, hard drain on the battery before you get any chance to re-charge it on a downhill slope. 

In my life I've only seen about 5 vehicles on fire beside the road, and they were all on one 5-mile stretch of the Coquihalla.

I wouldn't attempt going east on it in winter without a generator that has a 220 outlet and some gas.

Even coming west is no joke there. A couple of summers ago the EV drivers were all stuck in Hope waiting 3 hours just for a chance to charge their EVs up again. 

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19 hours ago, robosmith said:

But I'll bet you didn't fly half way round the world to visit Egypt including a side trip to Luxor during the peak like I did.

So, what the phk are you talking about, dummy? 

But I did once visited the Luxor hotel in Las Vegas. 😁

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

So, what the phk are you talking about, dummy? 

I"m talking about the difference between your experience sitting at home in Canada not wearing a mask, and mine out traveling the world during the peak of the pandemic. Duh

1 hour ago, taxme said:

But I did once visited the Luxor hotel in Las Vegas. 😁

Actually stayed there once, but the rooms were a little cramped due to the slanted outer wall.

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7 minutes ago, robosmith said:

I"m talking about the difference between your experience sitting at home in Canada not wearing a mask, and mine out traveling the world during the peak of the pandemic. Duh

Yeah - Dreaming that you travel the world (presumably looking for carmon santiego) is NOT the same as ACTUALLY travelling.  Oh - also, you're not really a pirate,

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On 1/18/2024 at 1:57 PM, robosmith said:

MANY EV owners here put solar panels on their roof and charge their EV with free electricity from the SUN. duh

The duh, is spending damn near 100 000$ on a car you need to add solar panels to, for it to work.

My gas car works with fuel inside. The end. Duh.

On 1/18/2024 at 10:43 AM, Rebound said:

I’ve had a plug-in hybrid

Hybrid cars are the most reliable form of EV. Purely electric cars, have a long way to go. 

Even Hertz Rentals, have dropped their plans to scale up their EV rentals.

Main issue? Repairing an EV, is insanely expensive (compared to an ICE). That, and the lack of education, but most emphasis was put on the former.

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1 hour ago, Perspektiv said:

The duh, is spending damn near 100 000$ on a car you need to add solar panels to, for it to work.

My gas car works with fuel inside. The end. Duh.

Really? We can get a Leaf for $30K. Guess CA dollars don't buy as much.

And you don't NEED the solar panels. That's an INVESTMENT which pays you back over time.

You can charge overnight by plugging into the WALL. Duh

1 hour ago, Perspektiv said:

Hybrid cars are the most reliable form of EV. Purely electric cars, have a long way to go. 

Well, I would have gone with a plug in hybrid instead, but they weren't very common when I bought my HYBRID in 2016.

And now I cannot find an equivalent car for $5K off MSRP, like back when gas was $2.40/gal.

I agree that EV don't make as much sense here in San Diego since our electric rates are among the highest in the nation.

But we also don't lose nearly as much range as you Canucks do while freezing your butts off.

1 hour ago, Perspektiv said:

Even Hertz Rentals, have dropped their plans to scale up their EV rentals.

Main issue? Repairing an EV, is insanely expensive (compared to an ICE). That, and the lack of education, but most emphasis was put on the former.

New, better, tech is always more expensive at first. Pay a little now or pay a lot more later.

Maybe when it gets warm enough, EVs will make more sense in Canada.

I got a great deal on my hybrid cause I bought it in the winter in Chicago when no one else was buying. 👍

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2 hours ago, robosmith said:

We can get a Leaf for $30K.

Let me rephrase. Car most people will want to drive.

That thing is way too tiny for me.

I'd barely fit.

2 hours ago, robosmith said:

You can charge overnight by plugging into the WALL

I like how you trivialize the wall, like every car owner will have one. Or a driveway.

2 hours ago, robosmith said:

But we also don't lose nearly as much range as you Canucks do while freezing your butts off.

Or issues with starting, in -40 Celsius. My ICE starts every single time. Sometimes she squeals, but starts on the first time.

2 hours ago, robosmith said:

Maybe when it gets warm enough, EVs will make more sense in Canada.

Horrible sales pitch, if you're eluding to global warming.

"Once magma starts flowing through the great lakes, I see an uptick in Nissan Leaf sales"

I would disagree, and say air conditioners would fly off the shelves. 

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45 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

Let me rephrase. Car most people will want to drive.

That thing is way too tiny for me.

I'd barely fit.

I've been in an older Leaf and it's fine for me. I'm 6'6" 200+ lbs. "Barely fit" is still fit.

45 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

I like how you trivialize the wall, like every car owner will have one. Or a driveway.

Most people have an outlet they can plug into. Like the guy at my workplace who found an outlet in the parking lot.

45 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

Or issues with starting, in -40 Celsius. My ICE starts every single time. Sometimes she squeals, but starts on the first time.

Lucky you. Most older ICE cars have trouble in weather that cold.

45 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

Horrible sales pitch, if you're eluding to global warming.

"Once magma starts flowing through the great lakes, I see an uptick in Nissan Leaf sales"

I would disagree, and say air conditioners would fly off the shelves. 

No one is predicting "magma" in the great lakes. Enough of your hyperbolic nonsense. 👋

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On 1/19/2024 at 6:48 PM, Perspektiv said:

Let me rephrase. Car most people will want to drive.

That thing is way too tiny for me.

I'd barely fit.

I like how you trivialize the wall, like every car owner will have one. Or a driveway.

Or issues with starting, in -40 Celsius. My ICE starts every single time. Sometimes she squeals, but starts on the first time.

Horrible sales pitch, if you're eluding to global warming.

"Once magma starts flowing through the great lakes, I see an uptick in Nissan Leaf sales"

I would disagree, and say air conditioners would fly off the shelves. 

I can just picture this silly azz EV nonsense of seeing tens of millions of EV charging units lined up and down all over the streets of Canada. Wires crossing sidewalks from an EV and up to buildings in order to charge an EV. I can also picture many of those plug in wires being vandalized or just being pulled out of their electrical sockets just for fun. 

I personally believe that ICE vehicles will be around for a very long time, and that EV's will slowly disappear. EV sales are not selling like they did in the beginning. The thrill of owning an EV is gone. Many car dealership lots are full of EV's that are not selling. Even Hertz Rent-a-Car has had enough of their EV's, and want to get rid of them. 

Long live the ICE vehicle. 🫠


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On 1/19/2024 at 1:48 PM, robosmith said:

I"m talking about the difference between your experience sitting at home in Canada not wearing a mask, and mine out traveling the world during the peak of the pandemic. Duh

Actually stayed there once, but the rooms were a little cramped due to the slanted outer wall.

I only wore a mask when i was FORCED to wear a mask. Unlike you, i did not fall for all of that Covid bullshit like fools like you did. And now fools like you are falling for this new Covid climate change so called crisis where we must get rid of gas stoves, ICE vehicles, and air conditioners as examples. Many people were denied travel because they were not vaccinated. Those people became political prisoners in their own country. You are a fool and i know that to be true. 😁

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On 1/18/2024 at 4:52 PM, taxme said:

As far as i know, solar panels will only work when the sun comes out. If there is no sun for a few days or longer, what happens then? It will be back to the good old electricity being supplied by fossil fuels. 

Here in Canada, it is more like $7 a gallon. Now that really annoys me. 

Whatever floats your boat. LOL.

If there’s no sun, the energy suppliers increase output from natural gas turbines. 

However, when there’s no sun, people do not use air conditioning, and so electric consumption is reduced anyway.

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4 minutes ago, Rebound said:

If there’s no sun, the energy suppliers increase output from natural gas turbines. 

However, when there’s no sun, people do not use air conditioning, and so electric consumption is reduced anyway.

so.... let me explain about this thing we have in many places called "winter"......    :)

Also the heat doesn't go away when the sun goes down, as california has noted. The highest peak times in the summer is after the sun has set and even before it's fully set that power has weakened to the point where it's just not going ot cut it.

Until we develop SERIOUS power storage options at best it's supplimentary.  Renewables will always need Reliables to back them up.

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1 minute ago, CdnFox said:

so.... let me explain about this thing we have in many places called "winter"......    :)

Also the heat doesn't go away when the sun goes down, as california has noted. The highest peak times in the summer is after the sun has set and even before it's fully set that power has weakened to the point where it's just not going ot cut it.

Until we develop SERIOUS power storage options at best it's supplimentary.  Renewables will always need Reliables to back them up.

That is the root of this debate. Liberals want renewables to the primary electrical producers with others as supplementary. Conservatives want the opposite mainly due to documented issues with cost/availability. Drive to Kramer Junction in Southern Cal and there are solar farms everywhere. And yet even then they use solar as the supplement rather than the primary. I do not have to dredge it all back up but there are serious economies of scale involved in solar. This tells you that you have to be of certain size in order for it to be cost effective. 

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3 minutes ago, Rebound said:

If there’s no sun, the energy suppliers increase output from natural gas turbines. 

However, when there’s no sun, people do not use air conditioning, and so electric consumption is reduced anyway.

But i thought that Bidumb wants to get rid of natural gas? Apparently, Bidumb wants to get rid of gas stoves. Some cities are trying to ban gas stoves from being installed in new buildings. Wtf? 

However, in the winter, when their is no sun, people now use their heat sources to keep warm, which does not reduce electricity, but consumes it. So, what's your point here?  

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1 hour ago, impartialobserver said:

That is the root of this debate. Liberals want renewables to the primary electrical producers with others as supplementary. Conservatives want the opposite mainly due to documented issues with cost/availability. Drive to Kramer Junction in Southern Cal and there are solar farms everywhere. And yet even then they use solar as the supplement rather than the primary. I do not have to dredge it all back up but there are serious economies of scale involved in solar. This tells you that you have to be of certain size in order for it to be cost effective. 

What size is that? Lots of people here are getting rooftop solar. Probably with government subsidies.

The people with Power Walls are charging during the day and using that power during peak demand to lower their bills.

Also selling excess solar generated power back to the power company.

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On 1/18/2024 at 6:00 PM, taxme said:

So, try and picture this if you can. I have a vehicle that has to sit outside in all kinds of weather. But if that car was an EV, where would i be able to charge my EV battery it up overnight? In order for that to happen, my street would have to have at least a dozen or so EV charging units installed.

Can you imagine what things would look like if every street in Canada and America had to install millions of those EV stations? I could never see that ever really happening but that is what will have to happen if the globalists climate change fanatics get their way. The cost would be humongous. 

But yet, if the governments trend is to get rid of all ICE vehicles and replace them with EV'.s, the effect on the electricity grid would easily be able to blow plenty of fuses, especailly, in California. In California, they already have plenty of electricity shortages happening all the time. What happens when the electricity fails for some reason? No electricity, no EV chargey. . 😀

Here’s your problem: You want to be right, so you make up imaginary problems and pretend they’re unsolvable.  An EV draws about the same electricity as an air conditioner. Is anybody screaming that air conditioners don’t work, or we shouldn’t have them?

You can find an excellent analysis of the impact of EV’s on the grid in a YouTube from Engineering Explained. This is an exceptional, non-political video. You can learn a lot from it.  

Edited by Rebound
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1 hour ago, Rebound said:

Here’s your problem: You want to be right, so you make up imaginary problems and pretend they’re unsolvable.  An EV draws about the same electricity as an air conditioner. Is anybody screaming that air conditioners don’t work, or we shouldn’t have them?

You can find an excellent analysis of the impact of EV’s on the grid in a YouTube from Engineering Explained. This is an exceptional, non-political video. You can learn a lot from it.  

I am always right. 😇 I asked you as to what all the streets in Canada and America would look like if we all drove around in EV's and all needing a charging station to top up our EV's while sitting on the streets? There would have to be hundreds of millions of charging stations on the millions of streets and those EV's would be sucking up electricity like hell. I would not want to own an EV in California because they have plenty of electricity shortages.  

And when we have EV's and air conditioners and all the other hundreds of thousands of different electricity eaters out there that are needing energy, where or how will we be able to get all the electricity required to keep everything that uses electricity up and running? I do not think that what i said above has anything to do with my imagination. It is just hard questions that needs to be answered. The problem with you is, just go and do it, and to hell with what happens later. 

The trouble is that if EV lovers like you get their way, I will be the other way around and i will be the one looking for a gas station every fifty miles or more. 

I do visit YouTube now and then, and there are many videos showing on YouTube the many problems and dangers and the not so great stories about how EV's are more of a nuisance and a waste of time and money that EV's have become.

Go ahead and check it out yourself on YouTube. Those EV videos are very interesting indeed to watch. 

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