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How Shenna Bellows is defending her decision to keep Donald Trump off Maine’s ballot

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1 hour ago, Deluge said:

For leftoids like Wokedad, a gathering of protesting conservatives is an "insurrectionist mob", but when Antifa and BLM gather to trash property and set cities on fire, it is "social justice". lol

It's def an INSURRECTION MOB on Jan 6th when the EC count is being certified and the MOB breaks into the Capitol to STOP THAT. Duh

You're so stupid you post an easily refuted FALSE EQUIVALENCE. LMAO

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Posted (edited)
25 minutes ago, robosmith said:

It's def an INSURRECTION MOB on Jan 6th when the EC count is being certified and the MOB breaks into the Capitol to STOP THAT. Duh

You're so stupid you post an easily refuted FALSE EQUIVALENCE. LMAO

No it isn't. It's a peaceful protest gone wrong, thanks to Federal plants helping incite violence. The videos clearly show something different than what you dipshits have been clamoring about, so the notion of a Jan 6 insurrection will become nothing more than a woke fantasy in 2025. ;)


Edited by Deluge
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22 minutes ago, robosmith said:

It's def an INSURRECTION MOB on Jan 6th when the EC count is being certified and the MOB breaks into the Capitol to STOP THAT. Duh

You're so stupid you post an easily refuted FALSE EQUIVALENCE. LMAO

LOL  uh oh - robo's in alternating CAPS mode and RANTING!!!!   :)  

And no - it's a protest.  For it to be an insurrection there would have to be a reasonable belief that stopping the certification process would end democracy and a new gov't would take over. there's NOBODY ANYWHERE who reasonably believes that was remotely possible.

So no. Protest that went WAAAAY too far.

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38 minutes ago, robosmith said:

This ^OPINION means NOTHING compared to conservative legal experts who've PROVED YOU WRONG.

You're the one saddled with OPINIONS - you and the rest of the left-wing zombies. 

The SCOTUS proves YOU wrong, yet there you are, stamping your feet and screaming like a dysfunctional Karen. lol

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On 1/4/2024 at 4:13 PM, WestCanMan said:

When someone has to explain how, "in their opinion an insurrection occurred and someone was involved in it", there wasn't an insurrection.

The Jan 6th committee had to alter video to make it seem like an insurrection: case closed. 

They say there was an insurrection yet no protestors were convicted of insurrection. Hmmmmm

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5 hours ago, Rebound said:

College teaches critical thinking, which is why most college educated people can see right through Trump’s lies. 

As I said, the Maine SoS applied Maine law, and the US Constitution. No matter which decision she made, it was subject to judicial appeal, so why are you upset with her decision? It’s clearly not a final decision, so don’t get your panties all twisted up. 

I’m almost certain the SCOTUS will rule in Trump’s favor on this.  If they were seriously thinking of declaring him ineligible, they’d rush to do it before the primaries, but they’re taking their time and their ruling will probably be in April or May, after Super Tuesday. It would be a disaster to rule him ineligible after eighteen states have already held their Presidential primaries. But, we shall see.

Bellows said...

"the U.S. Constitution does not tolerate an assault on the foundations of our government, and [Maine law] requires me to act in response."

The slimey little twit is summarily convicting Trump of a crime he's never been charged with.

I don't know who's more dangerous. Bellows for thinking this could fly, or people like you who just blindly nod your heads and go...


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4 hours ago, Deluge said:

You're the one saddled with OPINIONS - you and the rest of the left-wing zombies. 

The SCOTUS proves YOU wrong, yet there you are, stamping your feet and screaming like a dysfunctional Karen. lol

You're an lDIOT who doesn't know the SCOTUS has NOT RULED YET.

You ONLY post your LAME OPINIONS here.

That's why you CANNOT COMPETE with REAL EXPERTS like Luttig and Tribe.

AKA, you're a joke with DELUGINS of grandeur.

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On 1/4/2024 at 11:49 AM, ironstone said:

It is relevant when her decision to remove Trump was based on an extreme interpretation of the law. It's an abuse of power.


This is how things are most likely done in communist or dictatorship countries. America, like Canada, are now being run and controlled by Marxist leaning politicians in Canada and America. This is communist like tactics that must be challenged, otherwise, it can only get worse. 

All this shows us is that the Demonrats are in a state of fear and panic over Trump becoming the next American election in 2024. Those Demonrats are trying everything that they possibly can to try and get Trump off the ballot. To deny the right of the citizen's of Maine and Colorado the right to choose their candidate is a travesty of justice.

Allow this Marxist biotch to get away with this and America will be no more as we all once knew America. The home of the brave and free will be gone and Marxism will prevail. The liberals, NDP and the Demonrats are one and the same. They all want to destroy freedom in both countries. They all stand for nothing but total communist control and takeover.  

A vote for either Marxist political party is really a vote for communism because everything they say and do smacks of communism. Believe it or not. 😇

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On 1/4/2024 at 2:53 PM, robosmith said:

Douchowitz was Trump's lawyer in the impeachment hearing and also took OJ's side in that murder trial.

IOW, a gun for hire,  who will promote ANY legal theory which DEFENDS HIS CLIENT.

As the old saying goes. If you want a real good lawyer, then get yourself a Jewish lawyer. 😇

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On 1/4/2024 at 3:01 PM, robosmith said:

You obviously KNOW NOTHING about all the planning that went into Jan 6th, cause you've never been shown the sworn testimony by WH insiders presented in the BIPARTISAN Select Committee Hearing and to Jack Smith's Grand Juries.

Of course no one has seen the latter, cause GJ are secret.

Just google Trump WH meeting Dec 18th 2021 to find out what happened

There was no planning for Jan. 6th. Trump spoke to his supporters, and after doing so, Trump told his supporters to go and demonstrate peacefully in front of the capital. Trump did not tell his supporters to go riot and burn and tear down the capital building, silly fool.

It is believed that there were some government "agent provacators" planted in the crowd to work them up into entering the capital building. Trump had nothing to do with what happened at the capital building that day. It was your lying and fake MSM leftist liberal press that try to make it appear as though Trump called on his supporters to go start an insurrection. 

You are so full of it, just like some of the things that one reads on Goggle, silly fool. 😛


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On 1/5/2024 at 10:23 AM, robosmith said:


Removing the PRIVILEGE of serving as POTUS is in THE CONSTITUTION'S 14th A. AKA NOT "rigged," LIAR.

I was forced to have to take the two Covid 19 poisonous vaccination jabs just so i could go into a care home to be able to visit and see my dying wife. That to me was a forced communist like vaccination job. Take the jab or i cannot get to see and hold and kiss my wife. Don't give me that shit that vaccinations were not being forced on anyone. We are all now living in a communist like country today. And you appear to be in favor of communism, comrade. Disgusting indeed. 🙄

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On 1/5/2024 at 10:23 AM, CdnFox said:

Well as you know, their motto is that democracy is WAY too important to be left to the people :)

LOL - the right to choose what candidates will run for public office is now a privilege - and one held by the democrats :)

Sorry - WHO was trying to overthrow democracy in the us?

Just one word comes to mind? Democrats. 😇

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On 1/6/2024 at 6:40 PM, Rebound said:

Are you an expert on Maine’s election laws?

When Trump claimed that Obama’s birth certificate was fake, it was the Secretary of State of Hawaii who was the final authority on the subject. He issued a formal letter stating that he had visited the State Archives, that he personally inspected the original birth certificate, and that it was genuine. 

Secretary of State had the job of establishing Obama’s Constitutional eligibility to be President. Not Congress. Not the Supreme Court. 

Are you absolutely certain about that? I question what any leftist liberal demonrat has to say about anything. Just because some government official from Hawaii says it is so, does not mean it is for real.

So, are you able to produce this birth certificate for all of us to see. Just asking. 

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On 1/4/2024 at 3:01 PM, robosmith said:

You obviously KNOW NOTHING about all the planning that went into Jan 6th, cause you've never been shown the sworn testimony by WH insiders presented in the BIPARTISAN Select Committee Hearing and to Jack Smith's Grand Juries.

Of course no one has seen the latter, cause GJ are secret.

Just google Trump WH meeting Dec 18th 2021 to find out what happened

I just clicked your link, and nothing about it says 'insurrection'. 

We may need a 3 yr long witch hunt to look into this "Venezuelan collusion" thing though, or it will be the end of democracy.

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On 1/7/2024 at 5:55 AM, independent thinker said:

this is going to be a real problem for the SCOTUS they have to rule on the 14th but then it gets them into a predicament, they have to look at article 2 where it says the state legislatures have the duty to appoint the delegates to the EC in any manner they may see fit.

now when it comes to article 2 of the Constitution the SCOTUS will have to decide are primaries part of the system to choose delegates to the EC or not.

IF they are then it is up to the state legislature to say how they will be run those primaries and who can run.

under Article 2 state legislatures don't even need to hold elections they can just appoint who ever they want and tell them who to vote for at the EC.

of course IF they did this I am sure the people of their state would be really mad and they would not have a job for too long


Indeed. Probably half of the citizen's of Maine have now lost their right to choose as to who they can or cannot vote for President. Possibly, it may be time for a real insurrection in Maine for what that biotch has done too the many citizen's of Maine who have lost their right to vote and choose their own candidate for President. 

This is not an act of and for democracy. This is an act of communist like tactics, plain and simple. When a candidate in some communist country wants to challenge the communist party, it won't be very long before that candidate is arrested on false charges and then disappears. If the demonrats could do this same thing right now, Trump could be disappearing any day now. Hey, we never know, eh? 😇

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10 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I just clicked your link, and nothing about it says 'insurrection'. 

We may need a 3 yr long witch hunt to look into this "Venezuelan collusion" thing though, or it will be the end of democracy.

Robots like roboloser will post anything that smacks of bs, and hopes like hell that anyone reading his bs, will believe and suck up every word he says. So far, is bs has not fooled me any yet. 😀

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

I just clicked your link, and nothing about it says 'insurrection'. 

We may need a 3 yr long witch hunt to look into this "Venezuelan collusion" thing though, or it will be the end of democracy.

Yeah, I guess you could have missed the MOST BLATANT descriptions of INSURRECTION PLANNING in all the stories at the link.

More likely you're just willfully blind to what happened at the PLANNING meeting I referenced.

1 hour ago, taxme said:

Indeed. Probably half of the citizen's of Maine have now lost their right to choose as to who they can or cannot vote for President. Possibly, it may be time for a real insurrection in Maine for what that biotch has done too the many citizen's of Maine who have lost their right to vote and choose their own candidate for President. 

This is not an act of and for democracy. This is an act of communist like tactics, plain and simple. When a candidate in some communist country wants to challenge the communist party, it won't be very long before that candidate is arrested on false charges and then disappears. If the demonrats could do this same thing right now, Trump could be disappearing any day now. Hey, we never know, eh? 😇

That's what happens when one of the candidates disqualifies HIMSELF by engaging in insurrection. Duh

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

Robots like roboloser will post anything that smacks of bs, and hopes like hell that anyone reading his bs, will believe and suck up every word he says. So far, is bs has not fooled me any yet. 😀

You've fooled YOURSELF into joining the MAGA CULT.

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2 hours ago, robosmith said:

Yeah, I guess you could have missed the MOST BLATANT descriptions of INSURRECTION PLANNING in all the stories at the link.

More likely you're just willfully blind to what happened at the PLANNING meeting I referenced.

You didn't post a link to a specific article, genius, just to a google search. Hundreds of possible sites come up, there's no way of knowing what page people will click on. 

The pages that came up didn't say "Trump was planning an insurrection", they just said him and his pals were bickering. 😱

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33 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

You didn't post a link to a specific article, genius, just to a google search. Hundreds of possible sites come up, there's no way of knowing what page people will click on. 

The pages that came up didn't say "Trump was planning an insurrection", they just said him and his pals were bickering. 😱

Robodope doesn't actually look things up. He just does a google search and says "results!!! There must be SOMETHING in there somewhere that agrees with me! Google woudln't  leave me hanging. No need to look i'll just post the search

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