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There was no insurrection, you more onz.

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Holding together this whole "insurrection" accusation has become a full time job for Libbies. There was no "insurrection" on January 6th and the released video proves that.

Trump did not call for an "insurrection" and the video and other evidence proves that.

PLUS...if Trump believed the election was rigged, as POTUS it was his duty to call that out...which he did and millions believed the same. Hell they still do. 

This belief is what's really got the Libbies' panties in a knot. It delegitimizes their election. Their POTUS. Their "criminal in chief".

The SCOTUS will overturn this because there is simply no proof an "insurrection" took place...let alone that Trump called for one.

In 10 months the American public votes for POTUS again. If Trump is not on the ballot, then we might see a real "insurrection". It's now my belief that that is really what the Libbies want. The utter destruction of America. 

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2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Holding together this whole "insurrection" accusation has become a full time job for Libbies. There was no "insurrection" on January 6th and the released video proves that.

Trump did not call for an "insurrection" and the video and other evidence proves that.

PLUS...if Trump believed the election was rigged, as POTUS it was his duty to call that out...which he did and millions believed the same. Hell they still do. 

This belief is what's really got the Libbies' panties in a knot. It delegitimizes their election. Their POTUS. Their "criminal in chief".

The SCOTUS will overturn this because there is simply no proof an "insurrection" took place...let alone that Trump called for one.

In 10 months the American public votes for POTUS again. If Trump is not on the ballot, then we might see a real "insurrection". It's now my belief that that is really what the Libbies want. The utter destruction of America. 

Everyone outside the MAGA CULT knows there was an ATTEMPTED INSURRECTION.

There is plenty of sworn testimony about it by WH insiders and Jack Smith has EVERY BIT of that before his Grand Jury which is why Trump was indicted.

Of course you're completely clueless cause it hasn't penetrated your cognitive dissonance. LMAO

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11 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Everyone outside the MAGA CULT knows there was an ATTEMPTED INSURRECTION.

There is plenty of sworn testimony about it by WH insiders and Jack Smith has EVERY BIT of that before his Grand Jury which is why Trump was indicted.

Of course you're completely clueless cause it hasn't penetrated your cognitive dissonance. LMAO

No. Dweeb like you think if you say it over and over, that this lie will become truth. But it won't.

There are millions upon millions who will never choke down your lies. Who will stand against you. Who will, as in your dweebie youth, take your lunch. 

Truth always wins out.

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15 minutes ago, robosmith said:


Of course you're completely oblivious to the sworn testimony cause you live in Canada and don't pay attention. LMAO

Also not reported on FOS LIES.

Lol...you just can't resist acting like an honourless little dweeb, can you.

Meh...liars gotta lie.

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On 12/28/2023 at 8:11 AM, Nationalist said:

Trump did not call for an "insurrection" and the video and other evidence proves that.

PLUS...if Trump believed the election was rigged, as POTUS it was his duty to call that out...which he did and millions believed the same. Hell they still do. 

In 10 months the American public votes for POTUS again. If Trump is not on the ballot, then we might see a real "insurrection". 

Insurrectionist Quote: “Stop The Steal”

If Trump believed the election was rigged, he had the right to legally and lawfully challenge it. He did not have the right to pressure state election officials in Georgia, Michigan, and Arizona to violate their state laws and “find Trump votes” which weren’t cast, or appoint electors who weren’t duly appointed by law, or to overturn the legitimate legal outcomes. He didn’t have the authority to order or persuade Mike Pence to corruptly refuse the electoral votes lawfully out before him, and he certainly did not have the authority to whip his supporters up into frenzy which lead to rioting that lead to five deaths and the interruption of electoral ballot counting.

He had the right to sue, to obtain evidence through court order, to request recounts. He did all that. No result was overturned in a single precinct.  

You have been buying into lies, my friend.  That is why the piece of shlt Donald Trump is facing 91 felony charges.  He knew the rules. He knew the laws.  His attorneys advised him on what was and was not lawful.  He thought laws and rules don’t apply to him.  They do! And he’s going to go to prison because of it.  His own ultra-loyal attorney general told him he lost.  That there was no evidence of widespread fraud.  Trump made up his mind before the election even happened; his strategy was to remain President no matter what. All he had to do was step aside after the legal oaths were exhausted. He refused.  

Now Trump is filing all sorts of motions claiming “Absolute Immunity,” and the courts are consistently saying “No way; the President has no such immunity.” And he knows it; he is going to trial.  

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On 12/27/2023 at 1:29 AM, Perspektiv said:

It should be noted when and how be did. You're equating half hearted requests, with actually trying to stop the riots. You can't even present it having been done by video nationally, and immediately, proving my point.

Twitter is national. It's international if you wanna be precise.

Trump absolutely told his supporters to stop 3 times in 2 hrs.

Obama didn't tell people to stop murdering in 3 years. He literally stood at the funeral of 5 murdered officers and blamed racism, slavery and Jim Crowe laws.

Stop trying to make things fit into your narratives, just open your f'ing eyes.


What crime did Trayvon commit, that made him deserve his fate?

Not having been there I'm not gonna say for certain who was right/wrong and how much each of their actions contributed to Trayvon's death, but I'll tell you this for 100% certain: he wasn't just a nice, polite kid who was marked for death just because of his skin colour. In that moment, he did things that caused his own demise. Caused.

It's possible that Zimmerman was a huge a-hole. It's possible that Trayvon was minding his own business when an overzealous idjit cop-wannabe walked up on him and started flexing. We've all been there. A that moment you just have to let them power-trip and then be on your merry way. If you fight them - which is absolutely stupid AF - you're better off losing right away than giving them a good fight, because if they feel like they're losing they'll have a decision to make, and it doesn't end well for you.  


Neither are okay. Both are shameful. One being timed during an election, is illegal. You can't even admit to Trump's actions being shameful, and your only justification for them, is because "they did it, too!".

OMG, for real?

Here's a thing: Cheating in a game of Go Fish is not okay. Murdering kids is not okay. Both are shameful. But one is worse than the other by several orders of magnitude.

  1. Obama inciting riots and supporting all of the carnage was off-the-charts bad. 
  2. The 3+ yr long Russian collusion witch hunt, and all of the lies and crimes and offers of reduced sentences for false testimony was off-the-charts bad. 
  3. Trump beefed about Dem election cheating for two months, TWO MONTHS, and the Dems/FBI are 100% known to be election cheaters, then when one brief riot happened he condemned it 3 times in as many hours. 

FYI #3 is not as bad as #1 or #2. It's not ideal, but it was far more reasonable. 

The Dems and the dumbest 10% of NA feel like what Trump did was an abomination and even the FBI's crimes were ok. 

Get a grip. You sound like a child. 


And somehow you're trying to paint Trump as better or different.

Trump was better, and different. It's just a fact and it's impossible for you to not have noticed that Trump was an anti-riot president and Obama was 100% in love with rioting. 


Never denied it. You're the only person denying the guilt of someone who did what they did.

You never denied that Obama incited and cheered on riots? You said this:

  • Not the same thing. He didn't orchestrate the riots. He did nothing about them, but is not responsible for causing them.

He didn't need to. He only needed to direct the angry crowd to any government building of his choosing, and watch with glee as they tried to stop the alleged "steal" of an election, in the most illegal way possible.

Here's the thing dude, you're trying to say that he was an insurrectionist, but all you can point to is a speech where he talked bout being peaceful and patriotic

When a lukewarm riot broke out he called for it to stop, in no uncertain terms, 3 times in 3 hrs.

I'm not gonna go along with the 'insurrectionist' drivel, it's total bullshit... Just like collusion was, just like their covid narrative was, just like their global warming narrative is, etc...


Most of your posts make zero sense. You literally are regurgitating far right wing propaganda.

Buddy, not a singe thing that I said is 'far right propaganda'. 

Trump didn't do a hellfire and brimstone speech to get people into a frenzy, and he didn't ask them to do anything illega.

Your id10tic story is "He tried to get them to storm Capitol Hill with subtle hints." Pound sand.


Stopping the riots or truly trying, would mean you will effortlessly present a video broadcast nationally and under emergency broadcasting, urging the crowd to disperse done in immediate fashion by Trump. Meaning time stamped as to being his first and immediate point of contact with rioters.

Failure to do so, proves my point, and speaks for itself.

You can gaslight all you want but any post of yours devoid with an immediate nationally broadcast video, negates your argument.

You can show Repolitics whether you are seriously debating or trolling with your choice of response.

Buddy, you asked for proof that Trump asked for an end to the rioting, and I gave you that.

Sending Tweets was by far the quickest and most direct way to ask for an end to the rioting. It was the only way, tbh.

IDGAF what your personal standards for communication are - they're nonsensical.

It's an actual legal business standard that communications are sent and received the same way, in the same format.

If you want to give someone official notice from one company to another, to cancel a contract for example, and you've been sending the contracts as PDF's via email, you can't just randomly send them a fax and consider it done. For legal purposes, that person has not been notified. If you've been sending/receiving faxes, then only a fax can be considered proper legal notice.

It's like if you send someone a text like "Let's go to dinner at The Keg in Langley at 6:00" and they text you back "Sure thing, see you there", then they send you an email an hour later to cancel... you'd be pissed when you show up and they don't come. It's completely ridiculous to send an email to continue a conversation that was being conducted via text, right?

Trump's most devout supporters follow him on Twitter, that's his standard for communicating with them. Plus, they didn't bring their TVs to capitol hill, so a video msg on TV wouldn't reach them in time to make a difference. 

If the rioting was going on for years on end, as with Obama's riots, it would have made sense to do a TV broadcast as well, but the rioting didn't last long enough for that to be necessary because it was over before any of those guys had a chance to see anything on TV. Right? 

Edited by WestCanMan
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1 hour ago, Fluffypants said:

Democrats better be on their BEST behavior next year if Trump wins.

They better not start rioting or even hinting that the election wasn't legitimate.


Trump won’t be President, so America won’t fall into the fascist dictatorship Trump promised, so we will be free to say whatever we want. 

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Twitter is national

Video. Nationally broadcast. Emergency and early during the protests.

Cite, or its obvious you're trolling.

2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Not having been there


2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Trump was an anti-riot president

When riots didn't favor him. His tone wasn't as stern when it did. I am confused to where the difference is.

2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Buddy, not a singe thing that I said is 'far right propaganda'. 

The election being stolen, when evidence proves otherwise.

2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:


 When you have to go to such lengths to prove innocence, the guilt is obvious.

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26 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

Video. Nationally broadcast. Emergency and early during the protests.

Cite, or its obvious you're trolling.

Twitter is national, genius.

Do you think it would do any good to do a video on CNN and Fox News when no one at the capitol was watching TV? 

I cited THREE TWEETS during the timeline of the very brief riots.

I challenged you to find three messages from Obama to stop the rioting in 3 years and you couldn't.

Stop trolling.


When riots didn't favor him. His tone wasn't as stern when it did. I am confused to where the difference is.

Wrong, liar.

Trump was an anti-riot president, PERIOD.

He was against BLM riots, he was against Antifa riots, and he was against the Jan 6th riot. 

You're only confused because there's a script in your head that's being challenged with undeniable facts.


The election being stolen, when evidence proves otherwise.

When did I say that "The election was stolen"?

I said that it made a lot of sense that the Dems cheated again because they cheated so much on the previous election, and they spent so much time in the interim trying to get voter-fraud-friendly election reforms implemented.

It's a certainty that the Dems cheated at least somewhat, and the FBI and their social media pals are absolutely guilty of election interference for their parts in the laptop ban fiasco, but it's equally certain that the Dems won't be caught: the FBI belongs to them. 


 When you have to go to such lengths to prove innocence, the guilt is obvious.

When the best 'evidence' that you can provide is "there's far too much proof that Trump is innocent" it's time to shut the f up and take the zero. 

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4 hours ago, Fluffypants said:

Democrats better be on their BEST behavior next year if Trump wins.

They better not start rioting or even hinting that the election wasn't legitimate.


Or what? Your MAGA CULT is gonna instigate violence? 🤮

2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Ur I'm a dweeb! Duh!


And every other time you spout your infantile insults.

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7 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Do you think

If he was serious, he would have appealed to his base, and to America as a whole.

His messages don't show that urgency and speak for themselves. 

You have yet to prove otherwise.

8 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

and he was against the Jan 6th riot.

Didn't denounce January 6 as harshly as the others. Cite, if otherwise.

8 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

"The election was stolen"?

Trump did, and still is.

You not disagreeing with this is you accepting it as fact.

8 hours ago, WestCanMan said:


Ironically the amount of proof showing Trump's innocence.

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28 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

If he was serious, he would have appealed to his base, and to America as a whole.

His messages don't show that urgency and speak for themselves. 

You have yet to prove otherwise.

Didn't denounce January 6 as harshly as the others. Cite, if otherwise.

Trump did, and still is.

You not disagreeing with this is you accepting it as fact.

Ironically the amount of proof showing Trump's innocence.

Trump doesn't need to "prove" his innocence. But the evidence of his guilt is plain, incontrovertible and overwhelming. He lit that fire, sat and watched and threw more fuel on the "hang Mike Pence" fire, and didn't tell his mob to GTFO of the Capitol until after the elected officials he relished terrorizing were already secured. Then he told the patriotic special people that he loved to go home and remember this day forever. 

Every single thing he did building up to and during the insurrection is indefensible. You simply aren't going to get through to people who will so eagerly defend the indefensible. Good luck.

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On 12/28/2023 at 8:11 AM, Nationalist said:

Holding together this whole "insurrection" accusation has become a full time job for Libbies. There was no "insurrection" on January 6th and the released video proves that.

Trump did not call for an "insurrection" and the video and other evidence proves that.

PLUS...if Trump believed the election was rigged, as POTUS it was his duty to call that out...which he did and millions believed the same. Hell they still do. 

This belief is what's really got the Libbies' panties in a knot. It delegitimizes their election. Their POTUS. Their "criminal in chief".

The SCOTUS will overturn this because there is simply no proof an "insurrection" took place...let alone that Trump called for one.

In 10 months the American public votes for POTUS again. If Trump is not on the ballot, then we might see a real "insurrection". It's now my belief that that is really what the Libbies want. The utter destruction of America. 

Everybody could see it was an insurrection on Jan 6. At the time, I thought the cops should have mowed the fckers down with automatic weapons.  You don’t get to attack my Capitol. 

Edited by Rebound
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57 minutes ago, Rebound said:

Everybody could see it was an insurrection on Jan 6. At the time, I thought the cops should have mowed the fckers down with automatic weapons.  You don’t get to attack my Capitol. 

Riot and protest...yes.


And your sentiments toward the protestors...is funny.

Lesson for today...don't cheat in elections and this sort of thing won't happen.



You Libbies just cannot resist cheating and lying.

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9 hours ago, robosmith said:

Or what? Your MAGA CULT is gonna instigate violence? 🤮


And every other time you spout your infantile insults.

No, they will just not leave a single stone unturned to arrest anyone who even hinted at participating in the "insurrection". You all have determined insurrection= questioning results of election and rioting.

We are going to need more prisons come 2025 to house all those insurrectionists, we are going to treat them just as kindly as you treated those on January 6th and none of them will be afforded bail and they will just rot in their cells for years without trial.

I have learned the biggest difference between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats are like Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka, entitled little brats who want instant gratification without looking at the big picture or how what they do will just open the door to the same happening to them.

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31 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Riot and protest...yes.


And your sentiments toward the protestors...is funny.

Lesson for today...don't cheat in elections and this sort of thing won't happen.



You Libbies just cannot resist cheating and lying.

Thanks once again for demonstrating how easily even small-scale fraud attempts are discovered, investigated and prosecuted---by Democrats, no less. Makes your already ridiculous, evidence-free claims of massive widespread fraud and a stolen election look sillier every day. And this was just a state and local primary, not the most scrutinized presidential election in history. You kooks are a bad joke. 

Unsurprisingly, you learned the wrong lesson.  

Edited by Hodad
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1 minute ago, Hodad said:

Thanks once again for demonstrating how easily even small-scale fraud attempts are discovered, investigated and prosecuted---by Democrats, no less. Makes your already ridiculous, evidence-free claims of massive widespread fraud and a stolen election look sillier every day. And this was just a state and local primary, not the most scrutinized presidential election in history. You kooks are a bad joke. 

Unsurprisingly, you learned the wrong lesson.  

No no. Thank YOU for showing how morally bankrupt you are, and how easily you can excuse cheating.

BTW...I understand that impeachment proceedings have been started already against Shenna Bellows in Maine.

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12 minutes ago, Fluffypants said:

No, they will just not leave a single stone unturned to arrest anyone who even hinted at participating in the "insurrection". You all have determined insurrection= questioning results of election and rioting.

We are going to need more prisons come 2025 to house all those insurrectionists, we are going to treat them just as kindly as you treated those on January 6th and none of them will be afforded bail and they will just rot in their cells for years without trial.

I have learned the biggest difference between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats are like Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka, entitled little brats who want instant gratification without looking at the big picture or how what they do will just open the door to the same happening to them.

By all means, if a howling mob of Democrats smash into the Capitol, assaulting police, calling for the death of the Vice President, Speaker of the House and other elected officials in an explicit attempt to prevent the peaceful transfer of power, you are encouraged to call that an insurrection. Please do! 

I'd like to think everyone has the common sense to call such behavior an insurrection. I'd certainly call it that. Until then, I guess you'll keep defending, dismissing and minimizing such behavior while playing the victim when such behavior is prosecuted.🙄

Party of "personal responsibility" my ass.

Edited by Hodad
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5 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

No no. Thank YOU for showing how morally bankrupt you are, and how easily you can excuse cheating.

BTW...I understand that impeachment proceedings have been started already against Shenna Bellows in Maine.

I didn't excuse anything, you lying jackass. You are just pathetic. 

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3 minutes ago, Hodad said:

I didn't excuse anything, you lying jackass. You are just pathetic. 

Lol...sure you did. By belittling the fraud, you attempt to excuse it.

Any cop will tell you that when they catch 1 criminal, there are many more they didn't catch.

But you know that, yet must insist the opposite because...cheaters have to lie.

And all it does is poison you.

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