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This is why Polievre will win the election - the infamous 'apple' interview


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8 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

When is next election? With Liberal-NDP alliance, is it not in October 2025 or two years from now? 

Yes. Or In other words the election will be ten more outrageous scandals on the world stage and two more ethics breaches away, plus the carbon tax at 99.9%.

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1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:

WTF are you talking about???

You're talking about DERA area, not "East Van". Main & Hastings is disusting, always was. $2 million monster homes on Renfrew are East Van as are heritage places around Commercial Dr.

Tell you a tale, drove Mom & Aunt (lawyer from Senate in Ottawa) downtown in the 1980s to a restaurant, the Aunt wanted to see Man & Hastings. We're stopped at a light, and four cops muscle this fat native woman out of a bar onto the street. She's shouting F You! and p!ssing herself right beside us. Mom was shocked!
Aunt turned and said "Hasn't changed much since the war has it?"

IMHO from then to now, it sure has. Shithole doesn't even describe it.

not the point of this thread. It's the 'humble' Father Knows Best tone of the interview. Pretends he has no idea what the interviewer is talking about while munching an apple. Dodging each question by questioning the questioner. Works for dimwits who think that's "winning".

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1 hour ago, herbie said:

F you... former Commercial Dr. & Renfrew resident.

So PP chomps an apple and talks like Dad next door and asks 'what is populism'... and he'll cut taxes (a little) and spending on services (a lot)... yeah just what we need.

ROFLMAO- loving those salty tears leftie :)  

A leftie journalist things he's going to show PP what's what and effortlessly PP blows him away and winds up giving solid answers and the whole thing goes viral and his popularity goes up - and the lefties are crying about it :)  Keep going, we love to see it :)  

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3 hours ago, herbie said:

F you... former Commercial Dr. & Renfrew resident.

So PP chomps an apple and talks like Dad next door and asks 'what is populism'... and he'll cut taxes (a little) and spending on services (a lot)... yeah just what we need.

Do you honestly believe that Canada could sustain yet another term of that brain-dead Liberal bunch in Ottawa?

This is a simple Yes/No question.  

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2 hours ago, herbie said:

The ignoroid once again shows his ignorance of discussion, debate, converstaion.

Yeah, but don't feel bad about it, we're used to that from you.


Gobbles down the uber-right idea that everything's a rap contest and that insults and volume earn debating points.

Holy shit kid  :)  ROFLMAO - you're pretty triggered :)  its just an interview and it's just an apple - you'll be ok.


Just call them a leftist like Bush did to Kerry, and it's all over, you've "won"....

Sure - because if i didn't mention it nobody would have guessed you're on the left :) 

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Poilievre gets international attention for apple-eating viral moment

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre picked up some name recognition south of the border this week after a video of him chomping down on an apple while chiding a local journalist went viral.

While the video has attracted both praise and criticism online, ultimately it's a win politically, said Alex Marland, a professor at Acadia University and author of the book Whipped: Party Discipline in Canada.

"This is worth lots of money in marketing dollars. Because it's earned media. So it's reaching a lot of people," he said. 

"Pierre Poilievre is somebody who likes getting into policy, he likes debating, he's very quick off his feet, and all those things kind of come out in this case. So they're playing to strengths."

Fox News described the exchange as Poilievre "batting down [a] reporter's questions," while the Daily Mail described the exchange as the Conservative leader "calmly tearing apart a reporter." A Sky News host in Australia commented that there "may be hope" for Canada.

"Can we get him in our country?" asked American TV journalist Megyn Kelly.

Elon Musk responded to the video online, writing that had "never heard of him before, but this interview is [fire emoji]." 

The video has filled column space in Canadian outlets as well. Earlier this week, a National Post column suggested the "takedown is now being studied as an example of political jiu-jitsu worldwide." The National Observer, meanwhile, said Poilievre "doesn't have to behave like a petulant jackass."


AAAAAAAAAAAAHHAHAAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!!  :)  Ohhh my god i'm going to pass out :)  

Too effing funny -  the thing is that reporter showed up there believing he was going to get a 'gotcha' and teach PP a thing or two - and he's wound up handing him press coverage you coudln't pay for.

The libs are SO dead next election.

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11 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Bill Maher and other leftists also noted that Trudeau sounded like Hitler. How did the entire MSM in Canada miss it? 

They were probably aware of the ridiculous incongruity that most people who called him Hitler also called him Mr Socks. About as threatening as Mr Dressup in other words.

I mean c'mon what better describes him, silly little dilettante or mass murdering dictator? Get a grip.

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52 minutes ago, eyeball said:

They were probably aware of the ridiculous incongruity that most people who called him Hitler also called him Mr Socks. About as threatening as Mr Dressup in other words.

I mean c'mon what better describes him, silly little dilettante or mass murdering dictator? Get a grip.

Definitely one of your weaker attempts to defend trudeau -  and considering how constantly you do that's saying something.

Maher didn't call him hitler. He was reading where he said that the unvaxxed are 'wastes' of space' and he'll have to decide if they'll "be tolerated' in soceity etc.  And he said he SOUNDS like hitler.  Which he did.

Of course - considering you support terrorists, supporting a wannabe authortarian dictator isn't that much of a stretch for you i guess: :) 

The fact that in reality he's a useless chinese puppet doesn't change the fact that he sounds like hitler and very clearly wishes he was.

Which raises the question - why they hell do you like this guy so much? No joke - what's the appeal? ANd don't waste our time with "i don't i just defend him 24 hours a day by accident".


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13 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Which raises the question - why they hell do you like this guy so much?

I don't. Never voted for him once. Can't stand him.

I just think his worst most prolific critics have lost their minds over him. Its the very same phenomenon you dingbats call derangement syndrome.

You'll need to do better.

Trudeau’s Liberals appear headed for the sort of once-in-a-generation political shellacking that Brian Mulroney handed John Turner in 1984 and Stephen Harper dealt Michael Ignatieff in 2011.

Ironically, there might only be one person who can save the Liberals from this fate: Pierre Poilievre.


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1 minute ago, eyeball said:

I don't. Never voted for him once. Can't stand him.

Dude - give it up.  NOBODY spends as much time constantly defending someone they can't stand, especially when you have to twist and turn so much to do it. And you'd said previously you'd voted for him in 2015.

It's like listening to a 13 year old girl when her friends say she likes a boy and she tries to deny it while giggling. You're an adult male, not a highschool japanese girl for god's sake.


I just think his worst most prolific critics have lost their minds over him. Its the very same phenomenon you dingbats call derangement syndrome.

That made NO sense. And it still woudn't explain why you spend every waking second defending him.




Trudeau’s Liberals appear headed for the sort of once-in-a-generation political shellacking that Brian Mulroney handed John Turner in 1984 and Stephen Harper dealt Michael Ignatieff in 2011.

Ironically, there might only be one person who can save the Liberals from this fate: Pierre Poilievre.



ROFLMAO -  wow, an opinion piece from  the national observer :)   THat's your 'faint hope''?

It's pretty obvious your problem isn't with PP.  If that were the case you'd trash him but not defend trudeau every chance you got.

So seriously - why?  The guy has trashed the country in just about every way a politician can. It doesnt' get much worse than this. There's almost nothing redeemable about his enitre time in office - dope maybe but virtually every other thing got screwed up.  Why are you defending this guy here?

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11 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

And you'd said previously you'd voted for him in 2015.

Nope, you hallucinated that.

12 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

So seriously - why?  The guy has trashed the country in just about every way a politician can. It doesnt' get much worse than this. 

It was headed for the dump long before Trudeau came along and of course it gets worse. We haven't seen anything yet.

15 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

There's almost nothing redeemable about his enitre time in office - dope maybe but virtually every other thing got screwed up. 

Nope he even screwed that up. Big Pot is whining they can't make money.

21 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Why are you defending this guy here?

I'm not, I'm mocking his silly critics.

What I will give him is that he wasn't a Trump when it came to COVID and deferred to medical experts. That alone probably saved thousands of lives. Probably saved more Canadians than any or even all past PMs combined.

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22 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Nope, you hallucinated that.

Sure kid :)


It was headed for the dump long before Trudeau came along and of course it gets worse. We haven't seen anything yet.

No.  It wasn't.  Our economy was growing stronger and more competative, we'd balanced our budget again after a massive economic downturn, the country was largely unified, nobody talked about seperation much in the east OR west, we were well respected globally for the most part, Things were actually looking pretty good.  not perfect but strong. Our gov't agencies ran well, you could get  a passport BEFORE your picture expired.

Trudeau ruined pretty much all of it. Our reputation went down, our trade relations have gone down our debt to gdp is up , our productivity is down our housing by population has gone down, we've gone from weak military to virtually NO miitary, And there's articles in the paper about separation from east and west.



Nope he even screwed that up. Big Pot is whining they can't make money.

Yeah.  Still trying to figure that out.



I'm not, I'm mocking his silly critics.

It's obvious that's not true. You don't mock criitcs by mounting a serious defense and you do that constantly. You may not like me all the time, you may not agree with me all the time - but never mistake me for stupid. It is painfully obvious you're defending him to defend him.


What I will give him is that he wasn't a Trump when it came to COVID and deferred to medical experts.

He weaponized covid and used it as a wedge for political gain. It drove families apart.  It split the country.   We are an angrier and less tolerant country today as a direct result of how trudeau handled covid.

Trump did lightspeed and developed two of the best vaccines that were out there. Trudeau gave tens of millions to the chinese and didn't get a drop.

I'd say trump is sitting back saying " but - at least i wasn't trudeau".

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19 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

When is next election? With Liberal-NDP alliance, is it not in October 2025 or two years from now? 

In theory - if the alliance holds then it must be no later than october 20 2025.  And the campaign must be at least 4 weeks tho 6 is traditional, which means a mid september start.

However - the coalition could fall apart. Also - there is NOTHING stopping trudeau from pulling the plug early and calling an election, so if he sees a chance in the polls he might just squeeze the trigger early.

But - voting day must be no later than October 20.

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38 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I don't mount a serious defence because I don't support him.

You contsantly mount serious defenses of him. Which is how we know you're lying now.  I mean, it's not once in a while or not and then - or even just defense of the libs in general. You'll defend him specifically  and with zero mocking You're dead serious about it.  We see it constantly

But hey - if you need to lie and bury your head in shame at your actual political leanings, i think we all understand why you'd feel that way.



Hitler...seriously? :)

Nice try :)   The comments were perfectly valid - and Maher is a well known leftie, not some sort of right wing talk show host or the like.  But yeah - when you say that you'll have to decide if a section of the population which is a 'waste of space' should "be "tolerated"' - you DO sound like hitler.  LIKE hitler.

And you're not even mocking that.

Sigh. Liberals and lying go hand in hand, and it's no wonder that liberals today are embarrassed  to admit it.

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4 minutes ago, eyeball said:

You mean the way you start thread after thread after thread extolling the virtues of PP?

Aww look at you, trying to deflect and all :)   Guess i hit a bit of a nerve :) 

Thing is - i admit i'm supporting PP.  You do the same thing but pretend you don't like trudeau when it's obvious you do :)

Gotcha kiddo :)


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20 hours ago, herbie said:

not the point of this thread. It's the 'humble' Father Knows Best tone of the interview. Pretends he has no idea what the interviewer is talking about while munching an apple. Dodging each question by questioning the questioner. Works for dimwits who think that's "winning".

That's what it means to you, because to you unsubstantiated allegations are gold. You wake up in the morning just to go tell lies.  

Do you have some examples of Pierre Poilievre being the hate-mongering racist that he's being accused of being? Because that's exactly what that leftard reporter was insinuating by "populist" and "Trump-esque".

Go ahead and throw down some actual info hewbie.

We both know you have nothing, just like when you pretended that you "renovated a house and triple its value" ?

You honestly feel like PP should just stand there and let himself be referred to as a vile racist scum because you were told that he is, but you've never actually seen proof of that because there is none: you're just credulous child.

FYI PP's not "pretending to not know what the interviewer is talking about", he "knows that the interviewer is talking out of his ass". He knows that there are no credible sources out there saying that he's a populist. None. Just the same gaggle of dolts who take their marching orders from Greta Thunberg.

When you get some peach fuzz on your face maybe you'll have the wisdom needed to understand these kinds of things. 

If you're more than 14 yrs old there's something really wrong with you herbie. 

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23 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

East Van was always a shithole.

Just said Whalley was a dump back when and said East Hastings was a drug haven back then too.

Estate homes? Is that what you call the 5 family monster houses? (owned by east indian (or south asian or whatever they are called these days) families) LOL

Cloverdale is where Surrey residents moved to get away and now, the dregs are moving there too LOL

Whalley is just one big dumpy strip mall (with a couple junk yards separating them) LOL

Estate homes have 1 large suite, max, with about 4,000 sq ft main home on a lot that's 10,000 sq ft or more. 

There are a lot of homes in Fleetwood and Panorama Ridge like that. Worth $3M, easy.

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5 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Estate homes have 1 large suite, max, with about 4,000 sq ft main home on a lot that's 10,000 sq ft or more. 

There are a lot of homes in Fleetwood and Panorama Ridge like that. Worth $3M, easy.

Yeah, says you LOL

A shithole in some of those areas is worth $3 million LOL

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55 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Now you're just talking out of your ass. There are detached homes in Fleetwood listed for under 1.4M. 


You da man...wesconman LOL

Fleetwood is the center of Surrey...a shithole :)  Typical NDP territory. All Jagmeet fans there LOL Tearing down an old  shack or dump and putting up a multi family home does not make Fleetwood nice LOL

Go away, stay on topic.

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As I've not seen one member state they live in Justin's riding I can safely say


You vote for a party or a candidate, so even if you don't like the leader you vote for the party and you're stuck with the leader it chose.

Trudeau won because most people found the party they voted for less objectionable than the Tories. So supporting even more objectionable policies the way to get elected?

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2 minutes ago, herbie said:

As I've not seen one member state they live in Justin's riding I can safely say


Lots of people vote for trudeau that aren't in his riding.  They vote for the local liberal candidate that they know virtually nothing about because they want to see justin trudeau in power.

IN fact it's pretty much impossible to vote for the liberal party WITHOUT voting for trudeau condidering you know that will be who the prime minister is if the liberals, whom you're voting for, win.

So while you may not cast a ballot for trudeau - you're still voting for him.

You really don't get how politics works very well do you.

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