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This is why Polievre will win the election - the infamous 'apple' interview


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18 minutes ago, jatt47 said:

Conservatives don't really want my type practicing their faith let alone in alliance for some common goal.

Has it ever occurred to you that parts of your religion are really dumb? Now, don't get me wrong. I'm a fair guy and willing to admit that all religions have lots of dumb things in them. Christianity included. But we in the West have managed to kind of weed out most of the dumb stuff and pay little to no attention to the rest. Most of our Jews have too.

You guys from the more backward parts of the world have not. And that's why we have trouble with you. 
"My religion says I can't cut my hair!"

Seriously?  You can't cut your hair? That's the dumbest fukin thing I ever heard of. You have holy hair or something? Incidentally, I knew a sikh in college. Dave Singh. He cut his hair and dressed like a normal person. It's possible. You could do it too! You don't have to have a great big pile of hair up on your head wrapped around in bandages! Because honestly the rest of us think that's totally goofy. I mean, you want to wear special underwear, eh, okay. Whatever. The Mormons do that too. I don't have to look at it so I can pretend you're normal. But the hair thing has got to go. And I feel the same way about Hassidic Jews and their weird hair and stupid old hats. God did not demand you wear special clothes! No, he didn't! And the bracelet is dumb too, just less obvious. God made you naked just like everyone else. Whatever cultural or religious laws you follow about wearing stuff came from men.

18 minutes ago, jatt47 said:

Old white men scare no one.

Old white men have learned a lot, have a lot of money, a lot of guns, and vote a lot.

Edited by I am Groot
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8 hours ago, CdnFox said:

So - not marxist or communist.

Don’t lose the plot. PP’s claim - and yours - was that he doesn’t believe in left and right 

8 hours ago, CdnFox said:

So - two specific people. Not the liberals. And they are Marxists.

The current leader of the liberal party and its most prominent previous leader. Again, don’t lose the plot. PP’s claim - and yours - is that he doesn’t see things in those terms. Also it is an objective fact that they are NOT Marxists. 

8 hours ago, CdnFox said:

So  not about liberals but about 'woke' people.  And fascists are socialists.

Again, don’t lose the plot. PP’s claim - and yours - is that he doesn’t see things in those terms.  Also it is an objective fact that they are NOT socialists and in fact are avowed enemies of socialists.  Although I recognize that in recent years the right has been trying to rewrite history as such, it’s like saying Islamists are Zionists simply because of the superficial similarities between the groups. 


8 hours ago, CdnFox said:

So  nothing to do with marxist.

so - really one time. You could find one time when he wasn't talking about historical socialist marxists.  ANd arguably he's got a point, the trudeaus were actual marxists, especially his father.


The rest didn't even mention those words.  You just drummed up any time the words 'left' got mentioned and pretended that meant he said marxist.

Again, don’t lose the plot. PP’s claim - and yours - is that he doesn’t see things in those terms.  As already established they were no actual Marxists. 

8 hours ago, CdnFox said:

As expected - you're a lying sack who couldn't back up his claim  "HE"S CONSTANTLY CRYING MARXIST ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT!!!!  "  Prove it -  "Well...  he said it one time, About two marxist... "


I’ve seen. PP many time on TV over the years long before he was ever considered a contender for leadership Ten years ago I was calling him the angry jealous nerd and talking about his obnoxious insulting style as giving him “Canada’s most punchable face.” I am not going to spend hours googling him him for you, the results above are from ten minutes of googling but the current coverage he gets as party leader after remaking his image overwhelms the search results especially from the time he was an irrelevant junior member making a name for himself by calling Liberals and NDP communists. His smarmy, toxic style over the past 20 years is well known and well documented   

He claims he doesn’t see things in terms of left and right and yet here I’ve provided ample examples of him doing just that. You’re trying to play a counting game where counting doesn’t even matter. It’s like a pedophile saying “You only counted 2 kids that I molested, is that all you got? It doesn’t prove anything”. Either he sees and communicates things in those left-right terms or he doesn’t.   How many examples do you need?

Edited by BeaverFever
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14 minutes ago, jatt47 said:

No, in fact, God made you bald, or with very little hair. Ever see a newborn? None of them have long hair.

The passage you quote was written by a man, not God. Same as the Bible. 

Logic is what you should embrace. Logic and common sense.

Like, for example, some dumbass sikh lawyer who went to court to try and prove he couldn't swear allegiance to the crown because his religion forbad him swearing allegiance to anyone but God. Apparently, logic wasn't his strong suit either. You people need to learn to go along to get along.




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2 minutes ago, jatt47 said:

The alt right is basically a revenge of the nerds fantasy arc. 

Well the ALT-right is revenge of the high school dropouts. “Thanks to Trump I read my first news article yesterday and now I’m an expert on everything!”

PP is old school angry neoliberal nerd pretending to be cool and hoping the dropouts invite him to their next party so he won’t have to call the cops on them. 

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3 hours ago, jatt47 said:

Eh, @CdnFox& @Nationalist are clearly disabled & in need of MAID/eugenics.

I'm fine replacing white proles with non-white elites.

Creates a better society.



Except you can't - you're just not up to it :)  For whatever reason white cultures seem to remain dominant. Maybe because they don't spend all their time agonizing over why other races may be better than them?

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1 hour ago, jatt47 said:

Wouldn't suggest hitching your ride to these bozos.

The RCMP does not have the capacity to cleanse Surrey.


Nobody is going to forcefully assimilate us either.

The race war is already being waged & you're losing.

It's not my problem though - your job to figure out.


Conservatives don't really want my type practicing their faith let alone in alliance for some common goal.

Old white men scare no one.



Nobody gives a rat's ass about your faith. You may practice it all you like...peacefully.

But your post here sounds like a challenge. You refuse to become "Canadian"? OK...I'll make sure as many "Canadians" as possible, know and understand this. I'm quite sure the information will go over like a lead balloon. In the mean time...

Never underestimate the folks you openly threaten.

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49 minutes ago, jatt47 said:

Who wrote the passage is irrelevant to us following it & reaping they rewards. 

I think the Sikh will win. 

An oath to the monarch is not related to job performance. The duty to accommodate extends to the point of undue hardship. 



I think it's perfectly logical to side with the strong horse. 

Why would I side with losers? Look around and tell me if you see victory. 

You're nostalgic & will cast paper at whoever provides the best copium. 

Is this you "strong horse"?



A strong smelling horse maybe...

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3 hours ago, jatt47 said:

Who wrote the passage is irrelevant to us following it & reaping they rewards. 

I think the Sikh will win. 

Win what? You're 2% of the population.

3 hours ago, jatt47 said:

An oath to the monarch is not related to job performance.

If you can't take an oath to the monarch who represents the nation state of Canada then you aren't much of a Canadian and should probably go live in India.


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8 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Don’t lose the plot. PP’s claim - and yours - was that he doesn’t believe in left and right 

So you admit you were lying, and he doesn't "Cry marxist" or 'communist' constantly.

And this is the problem with you on the left - you constantly say utter bullshit and when you get called on it you demand to change the channel.

I said he's spoken many times that left and right politics isnt' really a thing that he believes in.  And his policies tend to show that - he's said that it should be more about common ground, not just saying I"m left and you're right.

Sure - there's "far left woke SJW"s" out there. He never said left and right don't exist at all nor did i claim he did.


But you could only find one example where he talked about two actual marxists, and thats not hyperbole - his dad was an actual believer in marx's work.  And no example of him worrying about 'commies' at all, just once where he was talking about actual communists.

What a failure you are.

PP is going to wipe the floor with your kind ;) 



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On 10/18/2023 at 9:52 PM, WestCanMan said:

You're an embarrassment to Sikhs.

The Sikhs will soon own all of BC. They pretty much are taking over every business and industry in BC. Every gas station and fast food joint and taxi and trucking companies are pretty much owned by Sikhs. It will soon be a battle between who will takeover BC. Will it be the Sikhs or will it be the Native Indians? Only time will tell. Just saying.?

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11 hours ago, Nationalist said:

@CdnFox buddy...I do believe this sword waving simpleton is begging for a race war. Surrey used to be a nice place. Is it really now filled with racist twerps like this?

No, of course not.  Well... not FULL.  :)

Seriously tho the vast majority are good people, @jatt47 is one of those losers who is a basement dwelling Uggo who can't get a date with anyone outside is race and who nobody inside his race would ever let their daughters near.

He has no power or relevance whatsoever in life - so he tries to pretend his "race" is relevant and powerful and then "borrow" that and pretend it has some thing to do with him.

Every time this twit looks around all his peers will be driving nicer cars, having better homes, more women, more respect in the community and better success financailly and he's got to blame SOMEONE!!   So "whitey" will do :)  You see -it's MY fault and YOUR fault that a girl would rather have sex with a rabid skunk than even go on a date with him.

Oh if only we werent' so darn colonial maybe he'd have had a chance :)

Whatcha gonna do. Every group has it's losers.


ਅਕਾਲ ਗਧੇ ਦੀਆਂ ਗੇਂਦਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਚੂਸਦਾ ਹੈ

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5 minutes ago, taxme said:

The Sikhs will soon own all of BC. They pretty much are taking over every business and industry in BC. Every gas station and fast food joint and taxi and trucking companies are pretty much owned by Sikhs. It will soon be a battle between who will takeover BC. Will it be the Sikhs or will it be the Native Indians? Only time will tell. Just saying.?

Sikhs are low rent compared to the Chinese.

The Chinese are all over Downtown Vancouver, West Van, the west side of Van, Burnaby, Coquitlam and Richmond... That's where all the highest-priced real estate is.

Sikhs are mainly in South Van, Surrey and Abbotsford. Surrey and Abbotsford have the lowest-priced homes on avg. 

Of course there are people from all races in all parts of the lower mainland, I'm just talking about areas where the populations are concentrated. 

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1 minute ago, WestCanMan said:

Sikhs are low rent compared to the Chinese.

The Chinese are all over Downtown Vancouver, West Van, the west side of Van, Burnaby, Coquitlam and Richmond... That's where all the highest-priced real estate is.

The chinese were here day one and did much to help build BC. They come by their holdings and presence quite honestly.  Sure - now you get "chinese" chinese from china who are not our friends or allies but most of the chinese living here are good people helping to build canada to be a more prosperous place.



Sikhs are mainly in South Van, Surrey and Abbotsford. Surrey and Abbotsford have the lowest-priced homes on avg. 

Of course there are people from all races in all parts of the lower mainland, I'm just talking about areas where the populations are concentrated. 


For the most part they just want to keep their heads down, do work, earn money, and get by.  The chinese who came here in the 90's before hong kong revereted brought a lot of money and skill so of course they prospered faster.  The sikhs for the most part are hard working contributors but lack that higher education and start up capital so they're growing more slowly.   They certainly wont' be 'owning' the province anytime soon but they're not a problem.

But with every group you get the losers.  Militant sikhs and chinese chinese ( you know what i mean) and you have to learn to deal with that.


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6 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

But with every group you get the losers.  Militant sikhs and chinese chinese ( you know what i mean) and you have to learn to deal with that.

I think the biggest losers are the leftists who fan the flames of racism. 

99% of people just work, do their regular activities, and find like-minded people at those places whom they can relate to. I don't find those cliques to be racially influenced at all.

It's not until you turn on the news or you go to an internet forum that you see these "MASSIVE PROBLEMS THAT ARE OVERWHELMING OUR COMMUNITIES AND DESTROYING PEOPLE'S SOULS AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" 

In my experience 95% of racists are actually leftist voters. 

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26 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I think the biggest losers are the leftists who fan the flames of racism. 

99% of people just work, do their regular activities, and find like-minded people at those places whom they can relate to. I don't find those cliques to be racially influenced at all.

It's not until you turn on the news or you go to an internet forum that you see these "MASSIVE PROBLEMS THAT ARE OVERWHELMING OUR COMMUNITIES AND DESTROYING PEOPLE'S SOULS AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" 

In my experience 95% of racists are actually leftist voters. 

Well obviously that's pretty accurate. What kills me is that these racists are often offended for some group OTHER than their own.


ok - are you sikh? 


Are you muslim?


Are you brown?




"our" struggles huh.


ok.. maybe we should get you a cookie and a nap....


oh good lord....

Edited by CdnFox
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