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Should Hamas support rallies in Canada be stopped?

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16 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Palestine was never a state, Palestinian people have always been under others control...just like the Jews, who have lived in the same area as Palestinians for thousands of years, could you please tell me what makes these lands belong to the Palestinians...Jews have a long history tied to the region as long as the Palestinians ..

Germany was nothing but a smoking hole in the ground, with millions of people homeless due to the war, are you suggesting that they add millions to those numbers...UN did look at Madagascar, but that did not pan out...

I guess your and the other are not going to do any research...which is fine, i provided a Israelis/ Palestine history for dummies all you got to do is watch maybe learn something who knows...


Right away I see ‘Palestinian lie’, Palestinians pouring into a city (something tells me Jews won’t be accused of doing that) etc. How old is Sol Stern now? Actually, 88. I’d say he’d be highly offended if anybody called him impartial on the subject.

What I see are two related tribes fighting over land and using all the usual tricks in the book to undermine their opponent’s case. With history, I’m afraid everyone has their own. 

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17 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Right away I see ‘Palestinian lie’, Palestinians pouring into a city (something tells me Jews won’t be accused of doing that) etc. How old is Sol Stern now? I’d say he’d be highly offended if anybody called him impartial on the subject.

Well what would you call it then, how Palestinians tricked most of the free world, into believing their own propaganda...they have had decades to perfect it...

It's not about land , never was about land....it is about eliminating Jews from the area, end of story...

Your free to dispute any of it with a source of your own, if you think it is one sided....

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8 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Well what would you call it then, how Palestinians tricked most of the free world, into believing their own propaganda...they have had decades to perfect it...

Your free to dispute any of it with a source of your own, if you think it is one sided....


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Why is this tiny little nation of just 8 million people so newsworthy?

Why is this piece of land just 290 miles (470 km) in length and 85 miles (135 km) in width so important to both Jew and Arab?

Why have there been three major wars over tiny Israel since 1948?

Why is there continual conflict between Jews and Palestinians?

Why does the world dispute Israel’s claim that Jerusalem is her capital?

Why is the UN and the media so heavily biased against Israel?

Why are there international boycotts of Israeli goods?

Why does the Vatican have claims on Jerusalem real estate?


What is God's Purpose for Israel | Why does Israel exist? (factsaboutisrael.uk)

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14 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

It is a difficult situation and I am trying to be fair but constantly being accused of lying by two people on this forum. You and your buddy.

You're being accused of lying because you're saying things that are untrue, and you're dedicated to not finding out.


Because for you too, even the slightest criticism of Israel is not tolerated and you two are trying to suppress their evil actions. Well I got news for you. The whole world now knows about it.

FYI what the Israelis are doing isn't easy. In order for them to safely get into Gaza they have to soften it up. They have to get their people back.

You don't care about the Jews who were burned alive or the Jews who are held hostage and there's a reason for that, and that reason rhymes with religious bigot.

The fact that you care so passionately about girls - of your own ethnic group - who wanna let their hair out, and so little for murdered babies - of a different ethnic group - is telling.


I also know nothing about Pakistan you keep mentioning. Likely I was a child when those events in Pakistan were happening otherwise I would have condemned them too.

FYI the genesis of the Jew hatred comes from the exact same place, time and circumstances that Pakistan was created.

Muslims who want to hate on Israel refer to 1948 all the time. 1948 is super-important for them because 1948 justifies their hatred against Jews, it justifies war and terrorism against Jews. It makes the burning of children ok. 

Those exact same muslims who think that they're crusading for justice when they burn Jews alive also hand flowers to the Pakistanis. All is forgiven there - the dispossessed Sikhs and Hindus can all go to hell, right? Their ancestral homes now belong to the people who murdered their families.

Buddy -Pakistan ethnically cleansed their country. Get off your ass and look it up. It went from 16% Hindu and 2% Sikh to 2% Hindu and .01% Sikh. There are zero refugees because of how much of a shithole Pakistan was and still is to this very day. 

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18 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

The fact that you care so passionately about girls - of your own ethnic group - who wanna let their hair out, and so little for murdered babies - of a different ethnic group - is telling.

Such a big LIE you openly make in public. People can read my posts and see your big lie that you are a liar.

I whipped for the 23 year old Israeli-German Jewish girl last night as I was posting this below. I am neither Israeli nor German nor Jewish so what the hell my own ethnic group!!!!

This is the most aggressive post ever made against Hamas on this forum by anyone.

15 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Sad news from Israel. The 23 year old Israeli girl, Shani Louk who was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists was found today. She was beheaded by fu*king terrorists.

These barbaric muslim fanatics women-haters murderers sons of the bit*th bastards who commits the worst crimes under the name of God should be all eliminated from the face of this planet :( :( .

Bless her soul.


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10 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

What an idi*tic statement. It is clear from all my posts that I don't have any religion so how the hell I can be a religious bigot???

Because you're choosing one side over the other, purely based on religious bigotry. 

7 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Such a big LIE you openly make in public. People can read my posts and see your big lie that you are a liar.

I whipped for the 23 year old Israeli-German Jewish girl last night as I was posting this below. I am neither Israeli nor German nor Jewish so what the hell my own ethnic group!!!!

This is the most aggressive post ever made against Hamas on this forum by anyone.

Thank you for your crocodile tears, now you can go back to disseminating your Hamas propaganda, slander and lies. 

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4 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Because you're choosing one side over the other, purely based on religious bigotry. 

I am telling the facts on both sides. I condemn wrong doings by both sides but you have no tolerance for truth  to be told on Israeli side because you wish to suppress the Israeli crimes which by now includes over 4000 children. YOU are the one-sided one.

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12 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

I am telling the facts on both sides.

Wrong. You're disseminating Hamas propaganda like a chump. 

You should know by now that they're liars after seeing how they covered the hospital story, how they deny violence against women and children, etc.

The leaders of Hams know for a fact that there are women and children in their tunnels. They know that they've been raped and beaten. We saw how women were treated when they were thrown into those cars. Yet they look into the cameras and pretend that they are paragons of virtue, and protecters of Israeli children. AND YOU FALL FOR IT!

The Hamas leader, Sheikh Hassan Yousef, is so evil that two of his own sons have gone over to the Israeli side, against their own father. You've seen the type of violence that he demands of his followers. He's been shooting rockets at Israel this whole time, trying to kill civilians, while gleefully filming crying Palestinian moms and dads.

And here you are, parroting his talking points. 


I condemn wrong doings by both sides but you have no tolerance for truth  to be told on Israeli side because you wish to suppress their crimes which by now includes over 4000 children. YOU are the one-sided one.

1) Stop parroting Hamas propaganda. 

They knew that war was coming after they slaughtered 1,400 innocent people. They chose to leave children in harm's way because they LOVE that photo op of the crying parents. 

The Gaza strip is tiny. People can literally walk from the Gaza strip to the border in half a day. They are not allowed to. 

2) What should Israel be doing, in your opinion? 

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35 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


Those exact same muslims who think that they're crusading for justice when they burn Jews alive also hand flowers to the Pakistanis. All is forgiven there - the dispossessed Sikhs and Hindus can all go to hell, right? Their ancestral homes now belong to the people who murdered their families.

Buddy -Pakistan ethnically cleansed their country. Get off your ass and look it up. It went from 16% Hindu and 2% Sikh to 2% Hindu and .01% Sikh. There are zero refugees because of how much of a shithole Pakistan was and still is to this very day. 

So what the hell is your point? You are saying that just because some fu*king dictatorship like Pakistan committed genocide (which at the time likely I wasn't even born to condemn it), so it is okay a so called democracy like Israel to commit genocide today in 21st century!!!!!!

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8 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


2) What should Israel be doing, in your opinion? 

So you are denying that thousands of innocent civilians caught in between are murdered  by Israelis then you are a much worse liar than Hamas.

I have said in my post what Israelis should be doing to Hamas.

15 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:


These barbaric muslim fanatics women-haters murderers sons of the bit*th bastards who commits the worst crimes under the name of God should be all eliminated from the face of this planet :( :( .


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Just now, CITIZEN_2015 said:

So what the hell is your point? You are saying that just because some fu*king dictatorship like Pakistan committed genocide (which at the time likely I wasn't even born to condemn it), so it is okay a so called democracy like Israel to commit genocide today in 21st century!!!!!!

1) Pakistan committed genocide

2) The Israelis did not commit genocide


The people who make the above argument do not advocate for Sikhs and Hindus to get their land back. They bear no ill will towards the Pakistanis for their TWO MASSIVE GENOCIDES.

The difference between antipathy towards dispossessed Hindus and Sikhs and a passionate yearning for the rights of Palestinians is 100% based upon religious bigotry.

The thought of Jews having their own country, and defiling all of the holy sites (that the Jews created) with their presence, is too much for muslims to bear. Those people will get snaky if the Jews visit Temple Mount, or pray to close to it. 

Can you give me one good reason why Jews should never be allowed to pray at Temple Mount that doesn't rhyme with "1,000 years of hellish religious bigotry"? 

4 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

So you are denying that thousands of innocent civilians caught in between are murdered  by Israelis then you are a much worse liar than Hamas.

I never denied anything, liar. 

The fact that you have to put words in my mouth to make a point tells everything about you that anyone needs to know. 

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20 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

1) Pakistan committed genocide

2) The Israelis did not commit genocide


The people who make the above argument do not advocate for Sikhs and Hindus to get their land back. They bear no ill will towards the Pakistanis for their TWO MASSIVE GENOCIDES.

The difference between antipathy towards dispossessed Hindus and Sikhs and a passionate yearning for the rights of Palestinians is 100% based upon religious bigotry.

The thought of Jews having their own country, and defiling all of the holy sites (that the Jews created) with their presence, is too much for muslims to bear. Those people will get snaky if the Jews visit Temple Mount, or pray to close to it. 

Can you give me one good reason why Jews should never be allowed to pray at Temple Mount that doesn't rhyme with "1,000 years of hellish religious bigotry"? 

I never denied anything, liar. 

The fact that you have to put words in my mouth to make a point tells everything about you that anyone needs to know. 

Israel has the right to exist. I NEVER said otherwise anywhere but has no right to commit genocide.

So if you never denied that thousands of innocent civilian caught in between are murdered by Israelis you must condemn that. Do you condemn this action? I have condemned Hamas's actions in strongest way in most aggressive post ever made. I have also been very critical of women haters Muslim men and defending the rights of all women in most of my posts so how could you have accused me of being a muslim fanatics or Hamas supporter two weeks ago unless you wished to make vision attacks on me.

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34 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

I NEVER said otherwise anywhere but has no right to commit genocide.

To say that Israel is committing genocide is just a Hamas talking point. 

Hamas forces people to keep their kids in the line of fire while their "soldiers" [lol] hide in tunnels. 

Hamas LOVES crying parent photo ops. 


So if you never denied that thousands of innocent civilian caught in between are murdered by Israelis you must condemn that. Do you condemn this action?

For sure there are thousands of innocent civilians caught there, but even if they're not, the fact that their homes have been destroyed is still terrible. 

Obviously people are better off alive with a destroyed home than dead, but the destruction of families' homes is still terrible to witness. 

What is happening is terrible. 

Also, sending 7,000+, maybe 10,000+ bombs into Israel is evil. 

It's really weird that so many people didn't see all the rocket attacks of the last ten years against Israel.

It's weird that they can't empathize with people who had rockets fired at their homes 7 years ago and 5 years ago and 3 years ago and last year, and it's weird that they think Israel should just ignore this latest, massive rocket barrage and all of their women and children who were raped and burned alive.

If Hamas really needs to rape people, burn them alive, and launch ten thousand bombs at their homes, they have to know that this is coming.

This is Israel trying to survive. If they can manage to survive in the face of all of this barbarism and evil, it will require a lot of pushback. The dismantling of threats. 

This is an example of something terrible being done by Israel to evil men, but it's women and children who suffer the most, because the evil men are hiding in bunkers. 

I condemn all of the bigotry that got us here, I condemn eveil people for doing evil things, and I hate to see Israel being forced to take such drastic action to defend themselves. 

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2 hours ago, blackbird said:

Why is this tiny little nation of just 8 million people so newsworthy?

End 'O' Days - the hopes and desires of the fundamentalist Christian death-cult, mostly American, hence the preponderant news reportage.

Half of evangelicals support Israel because they believe it is important for fulfilling end-times prophecy


Of course it doesn't help that half or more of our politicians support evangelicals because they think it's important for fulfilling their election opportunities.

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1 minute ago, eyeball said:

End 'O' Days - the hopes and desires of the fundamentalist Christian death-cult, mostly American, hence the preponderant news reportage.

No one loves the prophecy side of it, or at least I hope that they don't, but for thousands of years people could see that this is the focal point of an unimaginable amount of heinous religious bigotry. About 3 billion people have a dog in this fight and a full billion of them are off-the-charts evil. 

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19 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

No one loves the prophecy side of it, or at least I hope that they don't, but for thousands of years people could see that this is the focal point of an unimaginable amount of heinous religious bigotry. About 3 billion people have a dog in this fight and a full billion of them are off-the-charts evil. 

Let me guess, they would be on the left, right?

C'mon, as far as wars go it should be a glorious finale. You know you wanna!

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32 minutes ago, eyeball said:

End 'O' Days - the hopes and desires of the fundamentalist Christian death-cult, mostly American, hence the preponderant news reportage.

Half of evangelicals support Israel because they believe it is important for fulfilling end-times prophecy


Of course it doesn't help that half or more of our politicians support evangelicals because they think it's important for fulfilling their election opportunities.

That news link is worded wrong.  It is deliberately worded to try to paint a false picture and shows they don't know what they are talking about.  Prophecy is not fulfilled because someone believes a certain way.  Nobody can make prophecy be fulfilled by their beliefs.  That just takes a little logic to see that.  Biblical prophecy is God given and only God can fulfill it in his way and in his time.  You can't speed events up by what you believe.   So it is not a kind of game between bible believers and non-believers.  What God ordained will happen regardless of what you and I believe.   That's why the wording in your link makes no sense.   

History for the past 3,500 years proves Israel has a right to exist.  Full stop.   

Why has most of the world been anti Semitic for the past 1,500 or 1,800 years?  That is the problem.  Man is fallen with a corrupt, evil heart.   We saw that in Germany with the Nazis and the Holocaust.

But Europe had been discriminating and persecuting the Jews for 1,500 years prior to the Holocaust.

That alone is one good reason why they needed their own land back to have a safe sanctuary from the anti Semites of the world.  Then you have Islam which two billion people follow and which is totally opposed to the Jews and Israel.  There is no compromising with those people either.  They will not tolerate Jews because it goes against their own religion.  Muslims see Israel as a threat to Islam because Islam seized areas in Israel roughly 1,300 years ago as places where they claim supernatural events occurred and therefore they are now holy to Islam, ie.  the Dome of the Rock.  

Jerusalem was the capital of Israel several thousand years ago.  Since Islam moved in centuries ago, now it is claimed by Muslims.  


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7 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Prophecy is not fulfilled because someone believes a certain way.  Nobody can make prophecy be fulfilled by their beliefs.

I see a lot of religious people refer to doing things the way they do because it's god's will.  You're real outlier it seems with the vast majority of other Christians. I see even the Catholics are twigging to the EOT.


Do you think it's sinful to try and be an agent of prophetic fulfillment?  It's sort of up there with building a tower to heaven isn't it?  I mean I get it that politicians would go with the flow and it sure seems the final battle will also settle all the issues you have with the left wing.  Surely that's got to count for something.  

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14 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Well what would you call it then, how Palestinians tricked most of the free world, into believing their own propaganda...they have had decades to perfect it...

It's not about land , never was about land....it is about eliminating Jews from the area, end of story...

You’re free to dispute any of it with a source of your own, if you think it is one sided....

Literally everything is disputed there. What’s the point?

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

To say that Israel is committing genocide is just a Hamas talking point. 

Hamas forces people to keep their kids in the line of fire while their "soldiers" [lol] hide in tunnels. 

Hamas LOVES crying parent photo ops. 

For sure there are thousands of innocent civilians caught there, but even if they're not, the fact that their homes have been destroyed is still terrible. 

Obviously people are better off alive with a destroyed home than dead, but the destruction of families' homes is still terrible to witness. 

What is happening is terrible. 

Also, sending 7,000+, maybe 10,000+ bombs into Israel is evil. 

It's really weird that so many people didn't see all the rocket attacks of the last ten years against Israel.

It's weird that they can't empathize with people who had rockets fired at their homes 7 years ago and 5 years ago and 3 years ago and last year, and it's weird that they think Israel should just ignore this latest, massive rocket barrage and all of their women and children who were raped and burned alive.

If Hamas really needs to rape people, burn them alive, and launch ten thousand bombs at their homes, they have to know that this is coming.

This is Israel trying to survive. If they can manage to survive in the face of all of this barbarism and evil, it will require a lot of pushback. The dismantling of threats. 

This is an example of something terrible being done by Israel to evil men, but it's women and children who suffer the most, because the evil men are hiding in bunkers. 

I condemn all of the bigotry that got us here, I condemn eveil people for doing evil things, and I hate to see Israel being forced to take such drastic action to defend themselves. 

based on this, Israel is doing Hamas a favor by killing innicent civilians. Hamas don't care and world opinion turns against Israel, Hamas murderers become heros in the eye of those who lose their families and they gain lots of future recruits. So Israel is playing right into their hands. I hate to see the power of Muslim terrorists expanding and their popularity increasing. Israel must eliminate Hamas with minimum loss of innocent lives not random bombings.

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1 minute ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

based on this, Israel is doing Hamas a favor by killing innicent civilians. Hamas don't care and world opinion turns against Israel, Hamas murderers become heros in the eye of those who lose their families and they gain lots of future recruits.

That's exactly right.

Israel probably doesn't have enough bullets to defend themselves from all the religious bigots in the world who only see what they want to through the veil of their own religious biases. 

The world can plainly see that Hamas:

  • conducted a vile terrorist attack on women and children
  • now their 'soldiers' are hiding in bunkers, and still shooting more rockets at Israel
  • they're forcing their women and children to stay in gaza and bear the brunt of the Israeli assault
  • their only focus is on people witnessing the tragedy that the women and children face, not preventing it.

They see it, but they are too easily manipulated by the propaganda.

It actually makes sense that some people don't believe that Hamas is capable of using their own dead children as pawn. it's way beyond the pale. But the fact is that two of the sons of Hamas's leader are actually going directly against their father, and calling him out as pure evil. 

Hamas can probably win by sacrificing enough of their women and children, and getting enough cameras in their faces. It seems to be working. It's working on you, right? 

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