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ANOTHER inferior blue state's public schools

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Gov. Kate Brown signed a law to allow Oregon students to graduate without proving they can write or do math. She doesn’t want to talk about it.

Kate Brown at her desk looking down as she signs a bill with children standing behind her. Brown is wearing a black suit with a light-colored necklace. The children, whose torsos and arms can be seen but not their heads or shoulders, have on identical t-shirts referring to climate change.


The face of ignorance.

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So.. just curious. Can someone propose any REALISTIC ideas as to how to remedy this? Only ideas founded in cold, hard, reality will be considered. I will start with an example... First, make participation in sports at grades 9-12 dependent on being proficient by grade 7. I realize that 7th grade is not high school but there has to be a 7th grade version of the test that they can issue. 

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On 9/22/2023 at 1:19 PM, impartialobserver said:

So.. just curious. Can someone propose any REALISTIC ideas as to how to remedy this? Only ideas founded in cold, hard, reality will be considered. I will start with an example... First, make participation in sports at grades 9-12 dependent on being proficient by grade 7. I realize that 7th grade is not high school but there has to be a 7th grade version of the test that they can issue. 

Let me count the ways:

1. Oregon is the dumbest state in the union, to elect a governor who is so stupid as to sign such a bill. First solution is to vote that idi0t out of office.

2. Florida is the national example of how to get more excellence from public schools, since Governor Jeb Bush inherited a school system at the BOTTOM of the barrel and raised it to the top five in the nation. A lot of that has to do with increased testing and holding schools accountable. Schools that fail are punished by the students being able to move to other, better performing schools. Florida has demonstrated that it can be done, and without unions driving up taxes through the roof.

3. I'm amazed that you came up with the grade requirement for sports participation, but apparently that concept goes back as far as the 80s and I guess schools don't do that any more. So your idea is old school but it would definitely work. Sports, like other extra curriculars, are rewarding activities, and they should be EARNED.

4. 7th grade is different from when I was in school (in the Sixties). Back then, Junior High meant grades 7 through 9. Today, middle school is grades 6 through 7. So 7 is somewhere in the middle. Your idea is not a bad idea, just picking grade 7 out of a dart board. I was thinking grade 8 since it is the top grade of middle school, but 7 would work just fine.

Florida used to have the FSA (which would determine at grade 9 if the student would be graduating, but they got rid of that.) We don't have the educational issues a dumbass uneducated state like Oregon has. But a statewide math test designed for 7th graders or 8th graders is very doable. Several years back, I had to proctor an FSA test for some 9th graders. It was a little stressful, but nobody was freaking out in the process.

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On 9/23/2023 at 6:33 PM, reason10 said:

Let me count the ways:

1. Oregon is the dumbest state in the union, to elect a governor who is so stupid as to sign such a bill. First solution is to vote that idi0t out of office.

2. Florida is the national example of how to get more excellence from public schools, since Governor Jeb Bush inherited a school system at the BOTTOM of the barrel and raised it to the top five in the nation. A lot of that has to do with increased testing and holding schools accountable. Schools that fail are punished by the students being able to move to other, better performing schools. Florida has demonstrated that it can be done, and without unions driving up taxes through the roof.

3. I'm amazed that you came up with the grade requirement for sports participation, but apparently that concept goes back as far as the 80s and I guess schools don't do that any more. So your idea is old school but it would definitely work. Sports, like other extra curriculars, are rewarding activities, and they should be EARNED.

4. 7th grade is different from when I was in school (in the Sixties). Back then, Junior High meant grades 7 through 9. Today, middle school is grades 6 through 7. So 7 is somewhere in the middle. Your idea is not a bad idea, just picking grade 7 out of a dart board. I was thinking grade 8 since it is the top grade of middle school, but 7 would work just fine.

Florida used to have the FSA (which would determine at grade 9 if the student would be graduating, but they got rid of that.) We don't have the educational issues a dumbass uneducated state like Oregon has. But a statewide math test designed for 7th graders or 8th graders is very doable. Several years back, I had to proctor an FSA test for some 9th graders. It was a little stressful, but nobody was freaking out in the process.

I chose 7th grade because if you make the requirement in 8th grade or basically at the last minute... you will get folks that try to get workarounds because they did not plan. 2 years prior does not give them the wiggle room. 

I am married to a teacher and so I know intimately how apathetic the parents are. Teachers are just convenient whipping boys for political know-it-alls like you. If the parents and students do not care... a teacher is not going to on their own make them care. 

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 Teachers are just convenient whipping boys for political know-it-alls like you. If the parents and students do not care... a teacher is not going to on their own make them care. 

You forget that I work with real teachers, (in fact, the best teachers in the country.) I know all about parents who do not care, and how it magically becomes all the teachers' fault when the brats flunk a grade.

Thing is, the two counties I sub at in Florida for the most part don't abuse their teachers like a lot of other areas, such as inferior blue states. Of course, it's impossible to speak for all schools because in these two counties no two schools are even remotely similar. They are all like separate countries. They don't even use the same books.

I sit in teachers lounges during lunch and I take SHUTTHEFUKUP pills and listen. I hear the horror stories, both from crappy students and crappy parents. I will say that for the most part Florida does not graduate the dumbasses like the blue states in the first post do. Yes, there is social promotion for the dumbasses, but they are put in the ESE category, (which still puts them a few grades above the typical liberal at this forum.) They finish K-12 and get a certificate. They do not get a high school diploma.

You are a liar. I don't think of teachers as whipping boys. I admire them and the amazing job they do. And I admire Florida teachers, since Florida is perhaps the best educated state in America. Certainly it is better educated than ANY blue state.

Just look at the idi0ts graduating in Oregon, for example.


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14 hours ago, reason10 said:

 Teachers are just convenient whipping boys for political know-it-alls like you. If the parents and students do not care... a teacher is not going to on their own make them care. 

You forget that I work with real teachers, (in fact, the best teachers in the country.) I know all about parents who do not care, and how it magically becomes all the teachers' fault when the brats flunk a grade.

Thing is, the two counties I sub at in Florida for the most part don't abuse their teachers like a lot of other areas, such as inferior blue states. Of course, it's impossible to speak for all schools because in these two counties no two schools are even remotely similar. They are all like separate countries. They don't even use the same books.

I sit in teachers lounges during lunch and I take SHUTTHEFUKUP pills and listen. I hear the horror stories, both from crappy students and crappy parents. I will say that for the most part Florida does not graduate the dumbasses like the blue states in the first post do. Yes, there is social promotion for the dumbasses, but they are put in the ESE category, (which still puts them a few grades above the typical liberal at this forum.) They finish K-12 and get a certificate. They do not get a high school diploma.

You are a liar. I don't think of teachers as whipping boys. I admire them and the amazing job they do. And I admire Florida teachers, since Florida is perhaps the best educated state in America. Certainly it is better educated than ANY blue state.

Just look at the idi0ts graduating in Oregon, for example.


Been reading stuff from political know-it-alls like you for 15+ years and every time there is a social ill to discuss.. the first ones they blame is teachers. Oh.. you are having kidney stones.. it must be them damn liberal teachers screwing you. A teacher can only do so much. The people who impact the life of a given student the most are the parents.. both negative and positive. However, putting that blame on the parents and not the teachers is simply too hard for most. That means that they have to point the finger at themselves and not some easy target. 

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1 hour ago, impartialobserver said:

Been reading stuff from political know-it-alls like you for 15+ years and every time there is a social ill to discuss.. the first ones they blame is teachers. Oh.. you are having kidney stones.. it must be them damn liberal teachers screwing you. A teacher can only do so much. The people who impact the life of a given student the most are the parents.. both negative and positive. However, putting that blame on the parents and not the teachers is simply too hard for most. That means that they have to point the finger at themselves and not some easy target. 

You know nothing about me. As far as political know it alls, the left wing goose steppers belong in that category. Mainstream Conservatives (which makes up most of America) get it right 99 percent of the time.

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1 hour ago, reason10 said:

You know nothing about me. As far as political know it alls, the left wing goose steppers belong in that category. Mainstream Conservatives (which makes up most of America) get it right 99 percent of the time.

From my experience.. it is Conservatives who blame teachers for all of society's ills. Their contention and I get this impression from you is that 100% of teachers who ceaselessly indoctrinate the students. None of them simply go to work and do a job.. it is some conspiracy masterminded by the DNC. Even teachers in red states.. are supposedly die-hard liberals indoctrinating the kids. I spent a day at my son's school and strangely did not see any of this.. how can that be?

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On 9/29/2023 at 3:41 PM, impartialobserver said:

From my experience.. it is Conservatives who blame teachers for all of society's ills. Their contention and I get this impression from you is that 100% of teachers who ceaselessly indoctrinate the students. None of them simply go to work and do a job.. it is some conspiracy masterminded by the DNC. Even teachers in red states.. are supposedly die-hard liberals indoctrinating the kids. I spent a day at my son's school and strangely did not see any of this.. how can that be?

I only speak for teachers in the red state of Florida, where we have the best schools in the country. Yes, a lot of teachers here are liberals, but from subbing in three counties I have found NONE that bring their politics into the class. I have mentioned this many times at this forum and apparently those who still do not get it are definitely from inferior blue state school systems.

(If teachers do ANYTHING weird or political, their students have big mouths and have no problem blabbing to the sub. I get a lot of inside info on this.  So far, NONE of the classes I've subbed for include political indoctrination or homosexual grooming.)

As far as heavily unionized states, the news is full of stories of teachers grooming students. Florida just passed a law making such a thing a criminal act. And our students are safer because of that.

Yes, Virginia, not all of Florida's teachers are perfect. In any system there are bad apples. I know. I've subbed for them. When I look at ****** states like Pennsylvania and Oregon, I think of Florida as the Genius state, by comparison.

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On 10/6/2023 at 12:29 PM, Boges said:

Lots of Blue States on this list. 


Here are the top 10 least educated states:

  1. West Virginia: 22.40
  2. Mississippi: 25.64
  3. Louisiana: 27.36
  4. Arkansas: 30.87
  5. Alabama: 34.46
  6. Oklahoma: 35.32
  7. Nevada: 35.70
  8. Kentucky: 35.70
  9. New Mexico: 36.99
  10. Texas: 40.14

According to a biased left wing source? Give me a fukkin break.

What's next? THE VIEW?

On 10/5/2023 at 11:59 AM, BeaverFever said:

Cherry-picked anecdotes aside, blue states consistently outperform red states in education, child poverty, health etc.  That has been the cases for decades. 

Bull fcking shit

Blue states are uneducated third world shitholes who graduate mor0ns who then vote for mor0ns.

Child poverty? Check out the homeless stats in LA alone. Health? Blue states lead the way in drug use.

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On 9/30/2023 at 6:32 PM, reason10 said:

I only speak for teachers in the red state of Florida, where we have the best schools in the country. Yes, a lot of teachers here are liberals, but from subbing in three counties I have found NONE that bring their politics into the class. I have mentioned this many times at this forum and apparently those who still do not get it are definitely from inferior blue state school systems.

(If teachers do ANYTHING weird or political, their students have big mouths and have no problem blabbing to the sub. I get a lot of inside info on this.  So far, NONE of the classes I've subbed for include political indoctrination or homosexual grooming.)

As far as heavily unionized states, the news is full of stories of teachers grooming students. Florida just passed a law making such a thing a criminal act. And our students are safer because of that.

Yes, Virginia, not all of Florida's teachers are perfect. In any system there are bad apples. I know. I've subbed for them. When I look at ****** states like Pennsylvania and Oregon, I think of Florida as the Genius state, by comparison.

And in blue states.. your contention is that all teachers ceaselessly indoctrinate their students.. 100% of them.. every one and they do it every day. Strange how I do not see this ever... and I am married to a teacher and have two school-age children. NV is not exactly a blue state. It is more purple than anything. The heavily liberal Clark County gets mostly balanced by the fairly conservative (if not libertarian) other 16 counties. 

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On 9/16/2023 at 8:23 AM, reason10 said:


Gov. Kate Brown signed a law to allow Oregon students to graduate without proving they can write or do math. She doesn’t want to talk about it.

Kate Brown at her desk looking down as she signs a bill with children standing behind her. Brown is wearing a black suit with a light-colored necklace. The children, whose torsos and arms can be seen but not their heads or shoulders, have on identical t-shirts referring to climate change.


The face of ignorance.

ESG scores are all that really matter in Blue States. 

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  • 3 months later...
On 10/5/2023 at 11:59 AM, BeaverFever said:

Cherry-picked anecdotes aside, blue states consistently outperform red states in education, child poverty, health etc.  That has been the cases for decades. 

That is the stupidest lie of the Century. Blue states are the dumbest fux on the planet.

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/13/2024 at 10:33 AM, reason10 said:

That is the stupidest lie of the Century. Blue states are the dumbest fux on the planet.

Hmmm... then why are Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, Harvard, Yale, Cal Poly, and University of Washington ranked at the top of most lists year after year. This ranking is not subjective. It is based on the average income of the graduates five years after graduation, number of published academic journal articles, and what percentage of students finish (as opposed to attend for 1 year and then quit). 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/28/2024 at 1:17 PM, impartialobserver said:

Hmmm... then why are Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, Harvard, Yale, Cal Poly, and University of Washington ranked at the top of most lists year after year. This ranking is not subjective. It is based on the average income of the graduates five years after graduation, number of published academic journal articles, and what percentage of students finish (as opposed to attend for 1 year and then quit). 

They rank themselves. And they are the most expensive.

Harvard socially promoted Barak Saddam Hussein Obama, the DUMBEST president in history. Right away that makes Harvard a useless and expensive diploma mill.

NONE of them have the prestige of Wharton School of Finance, (which is Donald Trump's alma mater.)

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On 3/13/2024 at 8:52 AM, reason10 said:

They rank themselves. And they are the most expensive.

Harvard socially promoted Barak Saddam Hussein Obama, the DUMBEST president in history. Right away that makes Harvard a useless and expensive diploma mill.

NONE of them have the prestige of Wharton School of Finance, (which is Donald Trump's alma mater.)

Your complete and utter lack of objectivity is on full display here. 

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On 3/20/2024 at 3:56 PM, impartialobserver said:

Your complete and utter lack of objectivity is on full display here. 

Earth to Iddy Yutt.

NOBODY here is objective. This is a political message board.

They hold hands and sing Kumbayah elsewhere.

I just happen to own the truth.

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  • 3 months later...
1 hour ago, reason10 said:

I based the things I write on the reliable sources I reveal. To someone with an education, it's called TRUTH.

Another way to put it,



And I just present FACTS.

these are all opinions:

On 10/7/2023 at 10:24 PM, reason10 said:

Blue states are uneducated third world shitholes who graduate mor0ns who then vote for mor0ns.

Child poverty? Check out the homeless stats in LA alone. Health? Blue states lead the way in drug use.


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