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Devon Archer Transcript proves Joe had the Ukrainian prosecutor fired to help end the investigation into his son's energy firm Burisma

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3 minutes ago, West said:

Democrats have a history of abusing institutions to target their political opponents. Under that racist Barry Obama they used the IRS to target Christians, sinking them in fees for daring not to vote for Barry. 

Messed up people

The IRS is an independent agency, and you have NO EVIDENCE that Obama intervened in IRS affairs.

Unlike Trump, under whom the IRS just happened to conduct a FULL FORENSIC AUDIT on Comey and Strok.

Do you know the odds of that very rare process just happening to be applied to two of Trump's enemies in the FBI? 

Of course, unlike Obama's Senate confirmed director of the IRS, Trump's director was ONLY ACTING. AKA could be replaced on a whim.

IOW, you are so gullible.

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33 minutes ago, myata said:

If there's substantial evidence that can lead to conviction, I would be perfectly fine with having it examined in the court of law.

That makes you the exception to the rule. Too bad that the FBI doesn't agree with you.

The FBI let Hillary destroy evidence and then say "I can't remember, I just bumped my head a couple days ago" 50x in a row. She's gotten out of being interviewed by the FBI twice by doing that, yet somehow with her alarming history of serious mental issues didn't bother Dem voters at all. 

I think it would be weird to have someone with access to the nuclear codes who frequently can't remember anything. 


This is how we're different by the way. For you, democracy and law are for someone else, everybody except "my" tribe and the Idol.

C'mon myata. You know by now that the FBI committed crimes to get warrants to spy n the Trump campaign. How is that even a thing?

Leftards just ignore it because they LOVED the Russian collusion witch hunt, but it was just that - a show trial. The FBI knew back in January of 2017 that they didn't have anything - the alfa bank lead from Hillary was bogus and so was the dossier - but they lied to the FISA court and the public for years after that.

Kevin Clinesmith is the guy who they pinned the actual crimes on, but the letter from the CIA didn't even go to him because he's just a lawyer, the letter would have gone to Strzok and Comey and they just pretended that they didn't notice the part about Carter Paige probably being a spy in every single warrant application.

It's called "falling on your sword".

The FBI was caught with their pants down and they couldn't allow it reflect back on them so they picked a fall guy, he got charged, he pleaded guilty, then guess what...? He didn't go to jail, like people who merely "lied to the FBI verbally in an interview", he didn't even lose his license to practice law. He falsified evidence and provided that falsified evidence to a judge several times and he's still a lawyer. How the f is that even possible? 

If that was the FBI's only example of being weaponized by the Dems it would be enough for the FBI to lose all credibility, but then there are their lies about the Hunter laptop before the 2020 election, and their entrapment scheme in the Gretchen Whitmer case, which they conveniently "solved" a month before the 2020 election as well.

If you think that the FBI is a legitimate police force that's just your own hypocrisy, ignorance or stupidity. 

You're here running your mouth about conservatives while you're ignoring the elephant in the room.

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47 minutes ago, myata said:

But of course, just as stated. If democracy isn't working for your tribe it has to be "illegitimate", "stolen" etc and by the way every African dictator thug knows that trick.

So you don't think it's a bit odd that a lawyer who was protecting the Bidens' family interests in Ukraine is now a judge presiding over a case against Trump?

You can't admit that's beyond the pale?

It's like if Michael Cohen or Paul Manafort was a judge in a case against Killary or Pedo Joe. 

And her competence as a judge is completely gone, she referred to a couple hundred unarmed rioters flailing about on Jan 6th as "an attempt to overthrow the gov't". Overthrow is the exact word that he used.

If 200 unarmed people almost overthrew the US gov't on Jan 6th, when they knew of that riot weeks in advance, just think how many countries we could take over with 50 guys armed with rudimentary weapons like pitchforks, or baseball bats... 

We could forge a new empire with just 1,000 guys with chainsaws and ice picks. 

Do you wanna rule the world together myata? Apparently it will be a cakewalk. At least, according to one judge in particular it will be. 

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52 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Investigating companies like Burisma and politicians like Hillary Clinton isn't easy. 

Hillary got away with pleading temporary amnesia twice while she was being investigated by the FBI. She blatantly destroyed subpoenaed evidence. 

The problem with Shokin wasn't that he was investigating no one, it's that he was investigating the wrong people.

Devon Archer was there, he knows more about this than you do:

And then:

And then:

Well, maybe they needed guys like that for some reason...

Interviewer: "Do you speak Ukrainian?"

Interviewee: "No."

Interviewer: "Have you ever worked in the energy industry before?"

Interviewee: "No."

Interviewer: "Is your dad the VP, and basically in charge of all the anti-corruption proceedings in the country?"

Interviewee: "Yes."

Interviewer: "Well, you check all our boxes. Good to have you aboard, son."

Interviewee: "Not so fast. Do you guys have "hookers and blow Monday" here?"

Interviewer: "We do now"

Interviewee: "Sweet. Hold all my calls, peon."

Good thing you are here to quote some rando's Twitter, er... X, posts and make up little plays. 

Meanwhile the adults in the room are dealing with facts.

1. Devon Archer said exactly the opposite of what you heard on Fox and are parroting here. He said that his understanding was that Burisma had control of Shokin and that it was a BAD thing for the company that he was fired. You can read the transcript. He also says Joe Biden never talked business, wasn't involved.

"So -- yes. I was -- the narrative that was spun to me, quite frankly, just to  be -- and I remember this because, obviously, it's -- the narrative that was spun to me was that Shokin was under control and that whoever the next person that was brought in was -- you know, the fact that he was -- this is the total, this is the narrative spun to me, that Shokin being fired was a -- was not good, because he was like under control as relates to Mykola."


2. Shokin had not been investigating Burisma and Biden (because, see above)..

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) said an investigation was ongoing into permits granted by officials at the Ministry of Ecology for the use of natural resources to a string of companies managed by Burisma.

But it said the period under investigation was 2010-2012, and noted that this was before the company hired Hunter Biden.

“Changes to the board of Burisma Limited, which are currently the object of international attention, took place only in May 2014, and therefore are not and never were the subject of (the anti-corruption bureau’s) investigation,” the bureau’s statement said."

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20 hours ago, West said:


He called his dad at the request of Burisma executives.. 

...Five days later Joe is in the Ukraine advocating "judicial reform"... 

... the money being held in a UK bank mysteriously vanishes... 

... Joe threatens military aid to the Ukraine unless they fire a prosecutor who just so happened to oversee the case against Burisma... 

And now the American lawyer who represented Burisma in the US is overseeing the Trump federal indictment as questions are being raised about Hunter and Joe's activities...

Only a fool can't make the connections. 

This is all circumstantial evidence. It does not convince me at all, because the European Union, the IMF and the World Bank all wanted this same prosecutor removed.  

“Hey Dad, would you mind flying to Ukraine and pressuring their government to remove a prosecutor who’s investigating my client?” It just doesn’t hold much water.  

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31 minutes ago, robosmith said:

The IRS is an independent agency, and you have NO EVIDENCE that Obama intervened in IRS affairs.

Unlike Trump, under whom the IRS just happened to conduct a FULL FORENSIC AUDIT on Comey and Strok.

Do you know the odds of that very rare process just happening to be applied to two of Trump's enemies in the FBI? 

Of course, unlike Obama's Senate confirmed director of the IRS, Trump's director was ONLY ACTING. AKA could be replaced on a whim.

IOW, you are so gullible.

Oh yes all these one sided frivolous investigations into conservatives... only the dishonest or delusioned can't see the pattern 

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19 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

So you don't think it's a bit odd that a lawyer who was protecting the Bidens' family interests in Ukraine is now a judge presiding over a case against Trump?


I think you're lying again. Provide evidence that shows Chutkan did any work for Burisma or Biden.

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4 minutes ago, Rebound said:

This is all circumstantial evidence. It does not convince me at all, because the European Union, the IMF and the World Bank all wanted this same prosecutor removed.  

“Hey Dad, would you mind flying to Ukraine and pressuring their government to remove a prosecutor who’s investigating my client?” It just doesn’t hold much water.  

Not really. 

Also, yes the EU figures also appointed their own figures to this shady energy company as well. What's your point? Sounds like Burisma was buying access in more places than just the US

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3 minutes ago, Rebound said:

This is all circumstantial evidence. It does not convince me at all, because the European Union, the IMF and the World Bank all wanted this same prosecutor removed.  

“Hey Dad, would you mind flying to Ukraine and pressuring their government to remove a prosecutor who’s investigating my client?” It just doesn’t hold much water.  

It's not even circumstantial. The timeline is nonsense with VP Biden's trip announced well before any phone call to address issues that had been brewing for years and a hot topic for months. The "phone call" is hypothetical. Shokin's firing was the culmination of an international outcry and literal protests because he was facilitating corruption instead of fighting it. 

Joe Biden’s trip to Ukraine was announced in mid-November. And except that, in mid-September, the American ambassador to Ukraine elevated concerns about Shokin’s reliability in the fight against corruption — the reason Joe Biden offered for demanding that Shokin be fired.

“We need some help,” Jordan claims that Burisma executives said to Archer and Hunter Biden, referring both to Shokin and a British probe of the company. So “they make a phone call to D.C., Mr. Archer said. I don’t know who they call, but they call D.C. And five days later, Dec. 9, 2015, Joe Biden is in Ukraine and he gives a speech starting the pressure on the prosecutor in Ukraine.”


Republicans go on Fox and tell lies. West, easily manipulated, repeats them here as if they are fact. Rinse and repeat.

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7 minutes ago, West said:

Not really. 

Also, yes the EU figures also appointed their own figures to this shady energy company as well. What's your point? Sounds like Burisma was buying access in more places than just the US

Here is the true story on Shokin's Burisma investigations by a British newspaper The Independent:

Viktor Shokin: The inside story on Ukraine’s ‘very good’ prosecutor at centre of Trump scandal


The fact is, Shokin's "investigation" of Burisma occurred BEFORE Hunter was on the Board and was DORMANT by the time Joe THREATENED to block the loan guarantees.

No (illegitimate) need for Joe to block the loan since the Bursima "investigation" was DEAD.

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Just now, robosmith said:

Here is the true story on Shokin's Burisma investigations by a British newspaper The Independent:

Viktor Shokin: The inside story on Ukraine’s ‘very good’ prosecutor at centre of Trump scandal


The fact is, Shokin's "investigation" of Burisma occurred BEFORE Hunter was on the Board and was DORMANT by the time Joe THREATENED to block the loan guarantees.

No (illegitimate) need for Joe to block the loan since the Bursima "investigation" was DEAD.

Only delusional fools believe the guy making 84k per month simply to make a few phone calls to his dad, the VP of the United States, is the honest one here

10 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Yes, there was a "pattern" triggered by the Citizen's United SCOTUS decision, which overwhelmed the IRS with tax exemption applications.

And Obamas irs targeted Christians because he's a lunatic. 

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5 minutes ago, West said:

Only delusional fools believe the guy making 84k per month simply to make a few phone calls to his dad, the VP of the United States, is the honest one here

Even Archer outright stated he HAD NO KNOWLEGE of impropriety by JOE.

Hunter selling "influence" to fools is not a crime.

5 minutes ago, West said:

And Obamas irs targeted Christians because he's a lunatic. 

^STILL no evidence of Obama's involvement.

Edited by robosmith
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11 minutes ago, Hodad said:

It's not even circumstantial. The timeline is nonsense with VP Biden's trip announced well before any phone call to address issues that had been brewing for years and a hot topic for months. The "phone call" is hypothetical. Shokin's firing was the culmination of an international outcry and literal protests because he was facilitating corruption instead of fighting it. 

Joe Biden’s trip to Ukraine was announced in mid-November. And except that, in mid-September, the American ambassador to Ukraine elevated concerns about Shokin’s reliability in the fight against corruption — the reason Joe Biden offered for demanding that Shokin be fired.

“We need some help,” Jordan claims that Burisma executives said to Archer and Hunter Biden, referring both to Shokin and a British probe of the company. So “they make a phone call to D.C., Mr. Archer said. I don’t know who they call, but they call D.C. And five days later, Dec. 9, 2015, Joe Biden is in Ukraine and he gives a speech starting the pressure on the prosecutor in Ukraine.”


Republicans go on Fox and tell lies. West, easily manipulated, repeats them here as if they are fact. Rinse and repeat.

It's not a hypothetical.. it's a sworn testimony of a business associate to Hunter Biden. 

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11 minutes ago, Hodad said:

I think you're lying again. Provide evidence that shows Chutkan did any work for Burisma or Biden.

I know that you've never told the truth here, so there's that.


OMG, even Snopes is telling the truth. They normally try to sleaze their way out of admitting to things like this: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-j6-judge/

Chuktan and Hunter are long-time (4 yrs) colleagues:


It is a fact that Hunter Biden and Chutkan were both employed by, or partners of, BSF. It is also factual that BSF provided services to the Ukrainian oil company Burisma, on whose board Hunter Biden served.

Chutkan worked at BSF from 2002 until the time of her appointment to the D.C. Circuit by then U.S. President Barack Obama in June 2014. She was made a partner of the firm in 2007. Biden, meanwhile, held the title of counsel at BSF from 2010 to 2014. 

After joining the board of Burisma in April 2014, as Hunter Biden described in his memoir, he recommended the consulting services of his law firm to help the company implement "corporate practices that were up to accepted ethical snuff." Burisma paid BSF at least $250,000 dollars for its work. 

Chuktan was a partner in that firm from 2007 to 2014, Hunter worked there from 2010 to 2014. Hunter joined the board of Burisma in 2014. 

"Nuthin' ta see here, folks!"

Honest to God, what kind of a worthless POS would say the things that you do here, Hodad? Are you so dumb that you don't think I have the internet? You think I can't do a 2-second Google search? Why didn't you look that up yourself instead of just putting your stupid foot back in your stupid mouth again? Or are you relying on the fact that I have you on ignore to try to get away with your post?

Buddy, I'd never post with this username again if I got busted on even one of your lies. I can't believe you have such a complete lack of self-esteem or integrity that you think it's just normal to get busted for lying over and over and over again.

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4 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Even Archer outright stated he HAD NO KNOWLEGE of impropriety by JOE.

Hunter selling "influence" to fools is not a crime.

^STILL no evidence of Obama's involvement.

That's what cnn told you lol.. 

What he actually said was Hunter's position within the company was to influence his father.

Burisma isn't a victim of a "corrupt prosecutor". They were a shady company who had millions in assets frozen in a bank in the UK and were under investigation. They stacked their board with folks who had influence both in the US AND in Europe. Just a cost of doing business as Archer put it.

While it's not illegal for bursima to do such a thing, it is a conflict of interest for a vice president to be taking business calls from his son then acting in a way that benefits said business. In this case withholding loan guarantees to a country in exchange for meddling in the country's legal system.

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I know that robosmith is posting in here, he probably responded to some of my posts, but I'm way beyond the point where I'd ever bother to look at his slimy posts. 

I am not worried in the slightest that he said anything intelligent or pertinent that would stand up to even the tiniest bit of scrutiny. 

My advice to anyone who is unfortunate enough t read his posts is: just do a 2-second Google search and you'll see that he was lying or just regurgitating CNN lies because he's that credulous. Easy peasy. 

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3 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I know that you've never told the truth here, so there's that.


OMG, even Snopes is telling the truth. They normally try to sleaze their way out of admitting to things like this: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-j6-judge/

Chuktan and Hunter are long-time (4 yrs) colleagues:

Chuktan was a partner in that firm from 2007 to 2014, Hunter worked there from 2010 to 2014. Hunter joined the board of Burisma in 2014. 

"Nuthin' ta see here, folks!"

Honest to God, what kind of a worthless POS would say the things that you do here, Hodad? Are you so dumb that you don't think I have the internet? You think I can't do a 2-second Google search? Why didn't you look that up yourself instead of just putting your stupid foot back in your stupid mouth again? Or are you relying on the fact that I have you on ignore to try to get away with your post?

Buddy, I'd never post with this username again if I got busted on even one of your lies. I can't believe you have such a complete lack of self-esteem or integrity that you think it's just normal to get busted for lying over and over and over again.

Oh so a firm that she was partner in, in other word a shareholder and making cash, also represented a shady company that is being scrutinized while Biden interferes in the legal system to ensure that there's a distraction while the company's woes come to light

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26 minutes ago, West said:

It's not a hypothetical.. it's a sworn testimony of a business associate to Hunter Biden. 

No it's not, you gullible sap. Even Jordan said he didn't know who Hunter called. You're not even being a faithful parrot.

Read the damn transcript. I dare you. Provide the full quote.

Archer says explicitly that he never observed Joe Biden saying or doing anything to help Hunter's business clients. He says explicitly that when Hunter called Joe publicly it was conversations about the weather or travels, not business. 

Archer's testimony was solid gold for Joe Biden. Read it.

Edited by Hodad
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15 minutes ago, West said:

That's what cnn told you lol.. 

What he actually said was Hunter's position within the company was to influence his father.

Burisma isn't a victim of a "corrupt prosecutor". They were a shady company who had millions in assets frozen in a bank in the UK and were under investigation. They stacked their board with folks who had influence both in the US AND in Europe. Just a cost of doing business as Archer put it.

While it's not illegal for bursima to do such a thing, it is a conflict of interest for a vice president to be taking business calls from his son then acting in a way that benefits said business. In this case withholding loan guarantees to a country in exchange for meddling in the country's legal system.

Archer TESTIFIED that no business was discussed on the calls with Joe and Joe was NOT EVEN IN OFFICE at that time.

You believe the VP can just shoot the breeze with his son any time? LMAO


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27 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I know that you've never told the truth here, so there's that.


OMG, even Snopes is telling the truth. They normally try to sleaze their way out of admitting to things like this: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-j6-judge/

Chuktan and Hunter are long-time (4 yrs) colleagues:

Chuktan was a partner in that firm from 2007 to 2014, Hunter worked there from 2010 to 2014. Hunter joined the board of Burisma in 2014. 

"Nuthin' ta see here, folks!"

Honest to God, what kind of a worthless POS would say the things that you do here, Hodad? Are you so dumb that you don't think I have the internet? You think I can't do a 2-second Google search? Why didn't you look that up yourself instead of just putting your stupid foot back in your stupid mouth again? Or are you relying on the fact that I have you on ignore to try to get away with your post?

Buddy, I'd never post with this username again if I got busted on even one of your lies. I can't believe you have such a complete lack of self-esteem or integrity that you think it's just normal to get busted for lying over and over and over again.


You claimed: "a lawyer who was protecting the Bidens' family interests in Ukraine is now a judge presiding over a case against Trump?"

That's not true. There are nearly 200 lawyers at that firm and there's is no indication that she did any work for Burisma or the Bidens. It's not related to her expertise even. I called you on your lie. And, as expected, not only can you not back it up, you double down. Lol. How dumb do you think your buddies are? Do you think attacking me with your juvenile antics is going to confuse them into thinking you were truthful? 

Try harder. Produce any evidence that Chutkan did work for Burisma or Biden. 

Or, break character, stop being a lying sack of shit, do the right thing for once, and admit that it wasn't true.

Aw, who an I kidding. We all know you are allergic to honesty. Probably makes you break out in hives.

Edited by Hodad
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31 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I know that you've never told the truth here, so there's that.


OMG, even Snopes is telling the truth. They normally try to sleaze their way out of admitting to things like this: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-j6-judge/

Chuktan and Hunter are long-time (4 yrs) colleagues:

Chuktan was a partner in that firm from 2007 to 2014, Hunter worked there from 2010 to 2014. Hunter joined the board of Burisma in 2014. 

"Nuthin' ta see here, folks!"

Honest to God, what kind of a worthless POS would say the things that you do here, Hodad? Are you so dumb that you don't think I have the internet? You think I can't do a 2-second Google search? Why didn't you look that up yourself instead of just putting your stupid foot back in your stupid mouth again? Or are you relying on the fact that I have you on ignore to try to get away with your post?

Buddy, I'd never post with this username again if I got busted on even one of your lies. I can't believe you have such a complete lack of self-esteem or integrity that you think it's just normal to get busted for lying over and over and over again.

Asking you to substantiate your claim is NOT LYING. Duh

Your desperation is showing. Seems like the indictment has sent you off the deep end. :pity:

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36 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I know that robosmith is posting in here, he probably responded to some of my posts, but I'm way beyond the point where I'd ever bother to look at his slimy posts. 

I am not worried in the slightest that he said anything intelligent or pertinent that would stand up to even the tiniest bit of scrutiny. 

My advice to anyone who is unfortunate enough t read his posts is: just do a 2-second Google search and you'll see that he was lying or just regurgitating CNN lies because he's that credulous. Easy peasy. 

He'll have you believe the guy making over 80k per month as a connection to the vice president is actually the good guy in the story lol

22 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Archer TESTIFIED that no business was discussed on the calls with Joe and Joe was NOT EVEN IN OFFICE at that time.

You believe the VP can just shoot the breeze with his son any time? LMAO


No, that's simply not true. 

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37 minutes ago, Hodad said:

No it's not, you gullible sap. Even Jordan said he didn't know who Hunter called. You're not even being a faithful parrot.

Read the damn transcript. I dare you. Provide the full quote.

Archer says explicitly that he never observed Joe Biden saying or doing anything to help Hunter's business clients. He says explicitly that when Hunter called Joe publicly it was conversations about the weather or travels, not business. 

Archer's testimony was solid gold for Joe Biden. Read it.

Archer clearly stated in an interview that Hunter Biden got on the phone with his dad at the request of burisma. 

Five days later his dad scheduled a meeting to discuss "justice reform". 

These are FACTS.

What a pathetic attempt at gaslighting.

Edited by West
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6 minutes ago, West said:

Archer clearly stated in an interview that Hunter Biden got on the phone with his dad at the request of burisma. 

Five days later his dad scheduled a meeting to discuss "justice reform". 

These are FACTS.

What a pathetic attempt at gaslighting.

Read the Independent article. The Shokin "investigation" into Burisma was LONG DEAD by the time Joe showed up to threaten the loan.

Wonder why Hunter still had a job there?

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