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Budweiser hires trans spokesperson and the right loses their mind

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24 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

As is evident by the mountain of hatred bestowed upon Dylan Mulvaney by the left for the outrage offence of partnering with InBev.

Mountains of hate have been routinely bestowed on anyone who questions the trans agenda, including the likes of JK Rowling and Dave Chapelle.

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So this is for subscribers only but I'll copy and paste some of this to demonstrate how silly it is to take people like this seriously in their claims to be female.

Dylan Mulvaney is a 26-year old biological male, who was accepted by family and peers in his theatrical milieu as merely flamboyantly gay, up until March 2021. It strikes me that if someone was really were serious about a gender change, they would say they were becoming a “woman,” not a “girl.” Mulvaney’s personality and demeanour are much the same as before the transitioning, but with new costumes and makeup.  

Mulvaney’s 365 day gig radiates “camp” performance. The essence of camp, a style of self-presentation associated with gay men, philosopher Susan Sontag wrote, is “its love of the unnatural: of artifice and exaggeration.” Camp is defined in the urban dictionary as “being so extreme that it has an amusing and sometimes perversely sophisticated appeal.” Exactly. The whole point about camp performance is that both the performer and the “sophisticated” audience are in on the joke.   

Mulvaney’s gambit is paying off handsomely. From the minute the 365 days gig began, fame, followers and real money have come Mulvaney’s way.  With endorsements from fashion brands like Kate Spade, Ulta Beauty and others, Mulvaney has reportedly earned more than a million dollars. Then there’s the “love ya”— themed merch you can buy on Mulvaney’s website, an unspecified “portion” of which goes to an LGBT project. Not bad, considering the Covid lockdown had left Mulvaney, at that time a member of the Book of Mormon musical ensemble, unemployed, with time to kill, “and without the creative means to do what I loved.”  

What Mulvaney “loved” was entertaining people, in this case through an over-the-top parody of girlhood that is campy and played for laughs. The Bud Light ad itself hit much the same tone. The sophisticates should have laughed. But they were afraid to. The sophisticated actor Drew Barrymore kneeled reverently on air before Mulvaney, and at the White House where Mulvaney informed President Biden that “this is my 221st day of publicly transitioning,” that sophisticated champion of trans rights responded, “God love you.” Unsophisticated people — otherwise known as Budweiser’s “market” — weren’t afraid to laugh. They simply didn’t find Mulvaney’s antics in the bubble bath funny or in any way relatable. They felt they’d been dissed by a brand unaware of what would appeal to its core customers, and they were right. 

The backlash to the Mulvaney Bud Light ads was explosive, best summed up in a “What the f— were you thinking” video posted on Twitter that showed an entire grocery refrigerator of empty, sold-out shelves of beer, with only the Budweiser inventory completely untouched. It wasn’t only flyover-country conservative Americans who objected. Progressive trans icon Caitlin Jenner expressed dismay over one of Mulvaney wearing revealing “shopping shorts” and singing “Normalize the bulge. We are normalizing the bulge.” She wrote, “Let’s not ‘normalize’ any of what this person is doing. This is absurdity!” A Reddit poster wrote: “…the way Dylan made a show of her transition really rubs me the wrong way. Like her trans identity was a new car she just brought home from the dealership.” 


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32 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

Mountains of hate have been routinely bestowed on anyone who questions the trans agenda, including the likes of JK Rowling and Dave Chapelle.

Neither position is ethically sound. Whether you hate on Dave for simply making a few jokes or you hate on Dylan for simply partnering up with InBev.

So while your moronic whataboutism has been duly noted, it is certainly no excuse for either side.

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22 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

So this is for subscribers only but I'll copy and paste some of this to demonstrate how silly it is to take people like this seriously in their claims to be female.

Dylan Mulvaney is a 26-year old biological male, who was accepted by family and peers in his theatrical milieu as merely flamboyantly gay, up until March 2021. It strikes me that if someone was really were serious about a gender change, they would say they were becoming a “woman,” not a “girl.” Mulvaney’s personality and demeanour are much the same as before the transitioning, but with new costumes and makeup.  

Mulvaney’s 365 day gig radiates “camp” performance. The essence of camp, a style of self-presentation associated with gay men, philosopher Susan Sontag wrote, is “its love of the unnatural: of artifice and exaggeration.” Camp is defined in the urban dictionary as “being so extreme that it has an amusing and sometimes perversely sophisticated appeal.” Exactly. The whole point about camp performance is that both the performer and the “sophisticated” audience are in on the joke.   

Mulvaney’s gambit is paying off handsomely. From the minute the 365 days gig began, fame, followers and real money have come Mulvaney’s way.  With endorsements from fashion brands like Kate Spade, Ulta Beauty and others, Mulvaney has reportedly earned more than a million dollars. Then there’s the “love ya”— themed merch you can buy on Mulvaney’s website, an unspecified “portion” of which goes to an LGBT project. Not bad, considering the Covid lockdown had left Mulvaney, at that time a member of the Book of Mormon musical ensemble, unemployed, with time to kill, “and without the creative means to do what I loved.”  

What Mulvaney “loved” was entertaining people, in this case through an over-the-top parody of girlhood that is campy and played for laughs. The Bud Light ad itself hit much the same tone. The sophisticates should have laughed. But they were afraid to. The sophisticated actor Drew Barrymore kneeled reverently on air before Mulvaney, and at the White House where Mulvaney informed President Biden that “this is my 221st day of publicly transitioning,” that sophisticated champion of trans rights responded, “God love you.” Unsophisticated people — otherwise known as Budweiser’s “market” — weren’t afraid to laugh. They simply didn’t find Mulvaney’s antics in the bubble bath funny or in any way relatable. They felt they’d been dissed by a brand unaware of what would appeal to its core customers, and they were right. 

The backlash to the Mulvaney Bud Light ads was explosive, best summed up in a “What the f— were you thinking” video posted on Twitter that showed an entire grocery refrigerator of empty, sold-out shelves of beer, with only the Budweiser inventory completely untouched. It wasn’t only flyover-country conservative Americans who objected. Progressive trans icon Caitlin Jenner expressed dismay over one of Mulvaney wearing revealing “shopping shorts” and singing “Normalize the bulge. We are normalizing the bulge.” She wrote, “Let’s not ‘normalize’ any of what this person is doing. This is absurdity!” A Reddit poster wrote: “…the way Dylan made a show of her transition really rubs me the wrong way. Like her trans identity was a new car she just brought home from the dealership.” 


I think you and the author of that piece have both missed the mark considerably. That a flamboyant gay man and a performer/entertainer has become a flamboyant trans woman and a performer/entertainer should surprise no one. It doesn't sound like she's doing a campy parody of a woman any more than she was doing a campy parody of a gay man. It doesn't speak to Mulvaney's seriousness of transition at all. She didn't get a personality transplant. Nor did she change professions.

If a gravely serious accountant transitions do we not expect that they will no longer be a gravely serious accountant? No, of course not.

What's really going on here is that the flamboyant or performative qualities of this individual's personality rub some people the wrong way--and it's the exact same people who would have found Mulvaney obnoxious as a flamboyant gay may. It's like when white folks used to complain about "uppity" Blacks. They feel the "lesser" should know their place. They feel that deviance should be hidden and closeted rather than proud and public. 

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53 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

Why would you put trans folks and homosexuals together in that way? The two are polar opposites. 

I group us all together inasmuch as the same rules and laws apply to us all. Your ilk trying to ostracize select groups because of race, creed , sexual orientation, faith etc. Doesn't fly by law.

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14 hours ago, CdnFox said:


LOLOL -  well i'm sure you try to convince yourself of that. It helps cover your own struggles with your emotions :)

But first - i'm not an american. I don't really care either way and honestly - i think trump or biden, you're a little screwed either way :)  So - no getting mad for me.

Second, i was right, and this whole 'it's been so long' routine is absolutely hilarious ;)    I mean you've come up with some pretty dumb stuff before  but this is impressive :)

And third - all of your tells are starting to come out.  Which tells us you're upset and angry, and i wasn't sure why but then it occurred to me.. you think trump could win the next one and it's frightening you.  College or not if he wins the next one after all that's happened it proves America has rejected the left entirely.

Well, you shouldn't let it bother you that much. You've got a year and a half to go, you'll take that already damaged brain of yours and shatter if if you spend all that time in fear,

Four smilies. Interesting.

I know you're not American, but Canada has the same situation. The majority of the population are left-leaning liberals. And this messes with your identity as a right-wing "populist." It's hard for you to be a hardcore nationalist when your nation doesn't align with your politics. The reason you're mad about the situation in America is because it reminds you of what's happening in Canada and the western world as a whole. It also triggers you as an incel, since it means the laws you want to change, in regards to women's rights, probably won't be changed in Canada or America.

I do think Trump could win again, but that's because the Republicans have used the Big Lie as an excuse to make voter-restriction laws wherever they could. Plus, if people reject Biden, my question would be why? Is it because he's too far Right or too far Left? The majority of Americans are to the Left of Biden, so his low approval ratings don't mean Americans have rejected the Left.

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6 hours ago, ironstone said:

Ok, this has gotten beyond silly. Pro-fascist beer? Pro-trans beer?

You brought up the hypothetical of a beer company doing promos with Trump. That would mean that the company that makes the beer is pro-fascist, or at least fine with fascism.

I think that says a lot considering this comparison was for a beer company that at least pretended to be pro-trans. This is the modern Left and Right. The Left is anti-fascist, the Right is anti-trans, that's what each side cares about.


AB is not going to back down from woke advertising

By "woke" you just mean not being transphobic. They literally just did one promo with a trans person, that's all.

This is literally like nazis saying a company went woke because they did a promo with a Jew.


You guys are obsessed with the word fascism for some reason.

That's dishonesty on your part.

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22 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

Four smilies. Interesting.

I know you're not American, but Canada has the same situation. The majority of the population are left-leaning liberals.

Nahhh.  Sorry kid - once again you prove how little you know.

The majority of the population is centrist. And they lean a little left or right depending on the topic

like i said - justin did not win the popular vote in the last two elecitons, the CPC did. And when you add up all the parties the right wing and left wing parties were pretty close to equal.
Canadians tend to be to the right on economic issues (moreso even than americans), and they tend to lean a little to the left on social issues.

So nobody's particularly mad about what's going on in the states. Like i said,  i think you're pretty screwed either way.

But it's the lies and deceit that's a little offputting . I find your antisemitic views midly disgusting. I find your constant lies fairly odious. And as a result of course i find making you look like a fool so consistently entertaining  :)

But thanks for letting us know you're too dumb to get it in TWO countries :) you're now internationally stupid :)


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12 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

This is the modern Left and Right. The Left is anti-fascist, the Right is anti-trans, that's what each side cares about.

I disagree with that, no surprise. I think it could be argued that many on the left engage in fascist-like behavior. Refusing to allow all sides to speak. Censorship. Avoiding debate. Using violence, like Antifa for instance. The political right does not engage in these kinds of tactics anywhere near as much as todays leftists.

Pro trans or anti trans? I think it's just so wrong to promote the trans agenda which clearly targets small children. Your side believes it's perfectly normal but the other side calls it gender dysphoria. If a biological male believes he is female, why should we be forced to acknowledge that?

I defer to Ben Shapiro to articulate this, as he is much better at making a point than I am.

WATCH: Ben Shapiro Debunks Transgenderism And Pro-Abortion Arguments | The Daily Wire

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Just now, ironstone said:

I disagree with that, no surprise. I think it could be argued that many on the left engage in fascist-like behavior. Refusing to allow all sides to speak. Censorship. Avoiding debate. Using violence, like Antifa for instance. The political right does not engage in these kinds of tactics anywhere near as much as todays leftists.

Fascism is something the government does. When a left-wing Youtuber decides not to platform nazis, that's not fascism. That's just someone choosing not to give people a platform.

When the government bans books, that's actual authoritarianism. And only the Right does that. In America, only Republicans are using government power to censor people.

Just now, ironstone said:

Pro trans or anti trans? I think it's just so wrong to promote the trans agenda which clearly targets small children.

But in the case of Bud Lite, the "trans agenda" was just acknowledging that a trans person exists.

If a beer company did a promo with Larry David, would you say that's promoting the Jew agenda?

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3 hours ago, Hodad said:

I think you and the author of that piece have both missed the mark considerably. That a flamboyant gay man and a performer/entertainer has become a flamboyant trans woman and a performer/entertainer should surprise no one. It doesn't sound like she's doing a campy parody of a woman any more than she was doing a campy parody of a gay man. It doesn't speak to Mulvaney's seriousness of transition at all. She didn't get a personality transplant. Nor did she change professions.

Singing about his bulge is not a person serious about transitioning. Think he's gonna cut his dick off? Because that isn't going to happen.

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3 hours ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

I group us all together inasmuch as the same rules and laws apply to us all. Your ilk trying to ostracize select groups because of race, creed , sexual orientation, faith etc. Doesn't fly by law.

And your nonsense doesn't fly by logic or science.

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1 hour ago, Americana Antifa said:

Fascism is something the government does.

The modern leftists think they're a gov't even when they're not. :)   That's why they're pro cancel culture, pro authoritarianism, anti freedoms and invested into the destruction of the current society.

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1 hour ago, Americana Antifa said:

If a beer company did a promo with Larry David, would you say that's promoting the Jew agenda?

Is larry david  promoting the fact that he's completed one year as a jew? is larry david's identity completely wrapped around being jewish?

No? Not the same thing then.

And to be honest - for it to be equivilant he would have to claim he was a muslim jew :)

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3 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Is larry david  promoting the fact that he's completed one year as a jew? is larry david's identity completely wrapped around being jewish?

No? Not the same thing then.

And to be honest - for it to be equivilant he would have to claim he was a muslim jew :)

Dylan Mulvaney's identity isn't completely wrapped up in being trans or fighting for trans rights. She acknowledges the fact that she is trans, the same way Larry David acknowledges that he is Jewish. So would Anheuser-Busch be promoting Jewishness by doing a promo with David?

Uh-oh! Heineken did a promo with a gay actor. This means Heineken is promoting homosexuality and must be cancelled!

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42 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

Can you name some examples of the Left being pro-authoritarian?

Of course. THere's many. But of course if i do you'll redefine "the left" so that they don't qualify, or claim that when they said they were authortarian they actually meant they weren't or that they're jewish so in your opinion they were bad people anyway and don't count.

How about you answer this first - Are you saying that there AREN'T any people on the left that are authoritarian?

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2 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Of course. THere's many. But of course if i do you'll redefine "the left" so that they don't qualify, or claim that when they said they were authortarian they actually meant they weren't or that they're jewish so in your opinion they were bad people anyway and don't count.

How about you answer this first - Are you saying that there AREN'T any people on the left that are authoritarian?

Ok, so no examples.

Like the saying goes, every accusation is a confession. The Right is trying to steal elections, ban books, ban drag, ban abortion, but because privately owned social media sites will sometimes deplatform nazis, it's actually the Left that is authoritarian.

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36 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

Dylan Mulvaney's identity isn't completely wrapped up in being trans or fighting for trans rights. She acknowledges the fact that she is trans, the same way Larry David acknowledges that he is Jewish.


Every thing she did all day was about trans and broadcasting it. That was her full time job.  That's all she did for the last year.  She was out of work, she suddenly went from being 'gay' which she had been for years to deciding she was trans - put on women's clothes (no hormones or the like) and has been raising cash as a trans person. She's apparently done quite well, she's managed to get millions in endorsements and patrion money.

So she ABOSLUTELY IS ALL ABOUT THE TRANS EXPERIENCE FOR PROFIT :):)  you didn't do a scrap of research before you posted that did you. You completely talked out of your ass and now you look like even more of a retard than usual, which i honestly thought would require a research team to pull off.

Larry Davis, on the other hand, Spend every waking hour of his day being jewish for youtube and profit?  Is larry's identity entirely about being jewish? No?


36 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:


So would Anheuser-Busch be promoting Jewishness by doing a promo with David?

Did david spend every day of his life last year working on promoting his gayness on youtube for money? No? Soooo - his selling beer isnt' about him being gay is it. they're not trying to push his gayness in anyone's face. That's a famous actor. Not a famous gay.

You starting to see the difference?

36 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

Uh-oh! Heineken did a promo with a gay actor. This means Heineken is promoting homosexuality and must be cancelled!

And yet the masses didn't care.

You just proved my point.

A guy who happens to be gay did a commercial. But they didn't do it because he was gay. So nobody cared. This is just an actor being funny about beer.

People don't care that some people are gay. People don't care that some people are trans. What they didn't like was the Virtue Signalling about trans life, and the politics around the trans issue because it's in their face 24/7 and you're a nazi if you don't love every second of it.

That's what people cared about. If YOU were right and this was just about trans. and such then they'd have been mad about that too. They're not.

What people are sick of is asswipes like you rubbing their face in trans politics every hour and calling them a nazi if they don't agree 100 percent with you doing so.

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36 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:


Like the saying goes, every accusation is a confession.

So you're confessing that there ARE lots of authortarians? That was my question, why have you not answered it?

Seems like silence is a confession as well. Can you answer or not? I will happily answer yours once you answer mine.  ARE YOU OF THE OPINION THERE ARE NO AUTHORITARIANS ON THE LEFT?


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11 minutes ago, CdnFox said:


And Larry David makes fun of himself for being Jewish. Like how long do you want to do the bad faith thing?

The point is that boycotting a company over a promo with a trans woman is insane. If it was the exact same situation, but the anger was over a person's race, we'd say this is racist. And the same way racism was one of the foundations of nazism, the modern conservative establishment has transphobia as one of its foundations.

11 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

A guy who happens to be gay did a commercial. But they didn't do it because he was gay. So nobody cared. This is just an actor being funny about beer.

And Mulvaney didn't do her video because she's trans. She did it to thank the company for sending her beers with her face on them.

The only difference is that at the time, the right-wing establishment wasn't using homophobia in its propaganda. It wasn't even using transphobia at the time. The Right only started with the transphobic insanity like three years ago because they realized they don't have any popular economic policies.

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2 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

And Larry David makes fun of himself for being Jewish.

So? Everyone likes to laugh. IF he makes the occasional jewish joke then great. He's not calling anyone who doesn't laugh a nazi and he's not forcing us to listen to jewish jokes every day.

this is pretty simple.

2 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:


Like how long do you want to do the bad faith thing?

Talking to your mirror again i see :)  As if you can't tell the difference between identity politics and a comedian,

2 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

The point is that boycotting a company over a promo with a trans woman is insane

it's perfectly normal and easily anticipated given the circumstances.  This has been explained to you. This is very simple. People are fed up with 'woke' in general but also being force fed crap about trans people daily and told that they're nazi's if they don't 100 percent agree with it

It's that simple. It will happen EVERY SINGLE TIME in those circumstaces. And the public has been signalling this more and more, and while you try to deny it MANY companies have already felt this.  Disney, gillette, etc and the back lashes keep getting bigger.

Get the message. Take the hint. This is VERY SIMPLE.  and it's not going away just because you can't accept it.

2 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

. If it was the exact same situation, but the anger was over a person's race, we'd say this is racist.

Yes - that's how race works. I'm glad you've recovered from the 'everything including racism is racist' phase you were in.

And if every single day people have to hear about blacks then there is also a backlash and that was starting to happen as well. Movies that shoe horn in characters that just don't work as an ethnic minority do poorly. Studios are pushing back against the idea that there must be x number of people of all race etc because it makes movies bad and they do poorly. Now they incorporate that where they can without compromising the story - if they want to succeed.

2 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

And the same way racism was one of the foundations of nazism, the modern conservative establishment has transphobia as one of its foundations.

Oh look we're all nazi's again and you just don't get it do you. Enjoy the next even larger backlash against trans and letter people.

2 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

And Mulvaney didn't do her video because she's trans. She did it to thank the company for sending her beers with her face on them.

She did it entirely because and ONLY because she's trans. That was literally in celebration of her one year anaversary of being a woman. That's why they sent it, that's why she drank it.

If you continue to lie then you just reaffirm that others were right to treat bud this way.

2 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

The only difference is that at the time, the right-wing establishment wasn't using homophobia in its propaganda. It wasn't even using transphobia at the time. The Right only started with the transphobic insanity like three years ago because they realized they don't have any popular economic policies.

The right 's economic policies are extremely popular, and biden has made them more so. If trump spoke like someone from this planet and just ran on economics he'd have a landslide the likes of which have never been seen.

But again - it's about 3 years ago people started getting fed up with it.

ANd newsflash - it's not just the right. The center left is getting sick of it too. They're getting sick of being called nazi's if they don't agree with every single thing that the far left says or with everything trans people want.

Sorry kiddo - this keeps getting worse until you and your ilk get the message. If your goal is to promote trans people politically, you're doing it wrong. Force feeding people and calling them nazis has the opposite effect. I give you bud.

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34 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

So? Everyone likes to laugh. IF he makes the occasional jewish joke then great. He's not calling anyone who doesn't laugh a nazi and he's not forcing us to listen to jewish jokes every day.

Likewise, you don't have to like Mulvaney as an entertainer or an influencer. But if you hate her for existing as a trans person, that's pretty weird. If you hate her for acknowledging that she's trans, that's pretty weird. The only reason it's not seen as absolutely unhinged is because it's still socially acceptable to hate trans people. Whereas if the exact same situation was happening because a celebrity is Jewish, we'd all be like, WTF?


it's perfectly normal and easily anticipated given the circumstances.  This has been explained to you. This is very simple. People are fed up with 'woke' in general but also being force fed crap about trans people daily and told that they're nazi's if they don't 100 percent agree with it

But when you say "woke" what you really mean is civil rights for people you don't like. When people say Anheuser-Busch went woke, what they really mean is that they acknowledged a trans celebrity. Fascists want LGBT people dead or in the closet. Anything other than that is "woke."

The movie Lightyear was also called "woke" because there was a scene with a lesbian couple. What they mean by "woke" is that the movie portrayed homosexual people the same way they portrayed heterosexual people.


Oh look we're all nazi's again and you just don't get it do you. Enjoy the next even larger backlash against trans and letter people.

Stop getting triggered so easily, I didn't say you're a nazi. I said your ideology is built on transphobia the same way nazism was built on racism. All fascist movements need enemies that are subverting norms. In modern trumpian fascism, the big enemy is trans people.

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