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I don't think it is particularly a feature of FPTP even though I would prefer an STV system. MP's just need the backbone to support their right to disagree. Others have it, ours gave it away.

20 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

The Liberal Party is run by people who care about their own power than the country or its democracy.

Maybe there's a few liberal backbemchers who stand up for what's right, but they won't get anywhere in the party by honoring their oaths of office.

Our parties are run as top down hierarchies.  An MP who is party leader vs an MP in cabinet vs an MP on the backbench is not providing equal democratic representation of their constituents.  The PM uses their power to enforce their agenda on the others.

Ask Jody Wilson Raybould and the clapping seals who went with the PM over her to oust her because they were afraid of their jobs, rather than choosing to stand up for democracy.

They're all self-serving cowards with no honour.

you can't trust the Executive obviously, as we are being shown that the PM is effectively above the law

you can't trust the Legislature, as we are being shown that it cannot hold any public official accountable

and you can't trust the Judiciary, since it is clear that the judges are in the pockets of the politicians

so that's all three branches of government compromised

what's left ?

what is left of Canada worthy of being defended & upheld ?

  • Sad 1
6 minutes ago, Aristides said:

Who I vote for is none of your business and I don't care who you vote for. That's your business.

We can't change the dumb things we did in the past.  But we can control the present and future.  It would make sense for you to read the Bible for instance and learn about fallen human nature and what can be done on a personal basis.  That might help to have a better understanding of government and the world systems and help make better decisions.  Without that knowledge, we are just stumbling around in the dark making foolish decisions most of the time.

Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, blackbird said:

We can't change the dumb things we did in the past.  But we can control the present and future.  It would make sense for you to read the Bible for instance and learn about fallen human nature and what can be done on a personal basis.  That might help to have a better understanding of government and the world systems and help make better decisions.  Without that knowledge, we are just stumbling around in the dark making foolish decisions most of the time.

Thanks but I don't need instruction from you. I'm not interested in living in a theocracy.

Edited by Aristides
Just now, blackbird said:

That's your choice.  But why come on here if you only want to listen to people who agree with you?  Bit of a waste of time.

If that were the case I wouldn't bother to reply to your posts.

Just now, Aristides said:

If that were the case I wouldn't bother to reply to your posts.

  Just a thought.

Pride cometh before a fall, right?

We are all plagued with pride.  It is one of the so-called deadly sins.  Why is that?  Must be a reason.

God says in his written revelation:

"Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud."   Proverbs 16:19 KJV

"By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honour, and life."  Proverbs 22:4  KJV

I could go on, but that should explain it.  Proverbs is a good place to start reading the Bible.

3 minutes ago, blackbird said:

  Just a thought.

Pride cometh before a fall, right?

We are all plagued with pride.  It is one of the so-called deadly sins.  Why is that?  Must be a reason.

God says in his written revelation:

"Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud."   Proverbs 16:19 KJV

"By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honour, and life."  Proverbs 22:4  KJV

I could go on, but that should explain it.  Proverbs is a good place to start reading the Bible.

I think someone who expresses one sided views and labels any one who might have a different opinion is a person with pride issues. Just a thought.

38 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

Sure I do.  It's wrong, bad and immoral to make someone carry on living when they would rather die.

"We live in what is sometimes described as a “culture of death.” Abortion on demand has been practiced for decades. Now some are seriously proposing infanticide. And euthanasia is promoted as a viable means of solving various social and financial problems. This focus on death as an answer to the world’s problems is a total reversal of the biblical model. Death is an enemy (1 Corinthians 15:26). Life is a sacred gift from God (Genesis 2:7). When given the choice between life and death, God told Israel to “choose life” (Deuteronomy 30:19). Euthanasia spurns the gift and embraces the curse.

The overriding truth that God is sovereign drives us to the conclusion that euthanasia and assisted suicide are wrong. We know that physical death is inevitable for us mortals (Psalm 89:48; Hebrews 9:27). However, God alone is sovereign over when and how a person’s death occurs. Job testifies in Job 30:23, “I know you will bring me down to death, to the place appointed for all the living.” Ecclesiastes 8:8 declares, “No man has power over the wind to contain it; so no one has power over the day of his death.” God has the final say over death (see 1 Corinthians 15:26, 54–56; Hebrews 2:9, 14–15; Revelation 21:4). Euthanasia and assisted suicide are man’s attempts to usurp that authority from God."

What does the Bible say about euthanasia / assisted suicide? | GotQuestions.org

I know you can do better if you set your mind to it.  You like one or two sentence sound bites, but they don't say much or add much knowledge to the subject.  Sometimes, in life, we have to go a little further, the extra mile, so to speak, to learn something.  That is the case with ethics and morals.  There is a reason why God gave us his revelation with its guidance and moral teachings.  That reason is to prevent us from SELF-DESTRUCTION.   Mankind has a history of doing great harm to his fellow man because of his fallen, corrupt, immoral character.   As individuals we have the opportunity to do better.  We need to put our pride and swollen ego to one side though or else we can't do anything.  If we don't do that, we can't possible dig ourselves out of the pit we are fallen into.  There is my Sunday morning sermon.  Cheers.

3 minutes ago, blackbird said:

The overriding truth that God is sovereign drives us to the conclusion that euthanasia and assisted suicide are wrong.

You want this woman to continue to suffer.  You want her to do so because of a belief in a fairy tale, and what someone has told you that fairy tale wants, in a book of fiction so old that to ascribe any actual truth to it is risible.

I think you might be evil.


Posted (edited)

Please, please stop hating Trudeau will you? Justine is not the problem here, only a manifestation of the true essence and core values of the system that came to stay (forever as it stands.. or till the hard stop more likely). See what can be done with it, here, and here and here we go again? Because we can. Just watch us!

Suppose you want to be different, allow your representatives to have opinions and voices. While they, the other head, beat them into the party line with a rubber stick. And what then, the next obvious condition? You loose, always. So, to beat them in this game you have to become like them, their identical twin. The endgame.

Of course you could (like in a quantum Universe this option always exists) choose real, meaningful change. Give people the choice and free yourself at the same time from the sad, pathetic destiny that cannot be avoided with any volume of cheerful speeching. But... the place at the trough, what would happen to it? Compete as equals with a dozen of political newbies where nothing is assured? Nope, no such luck. So you're a slave too now. To the trough and the system attached to it. Can't change one without loosing the other. And that's just too bad.

Edited by myata

If it's you or them, the truth is equidistant

Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, bcsapper said:

You want this woman to continue to suffer. 

No, I don't want someone to continue to suffer.  But neither do I wish to play God and kill someone to try to avoid suffering.

That is basically wrong.  It is called mercy killing and contrary to what God has said.  We do not have any right to do that.

The idea that one is going to avoid all pain by simply deciding to take assisted suicide is both irrational and immoral. 

The medical system has the capability to provide palliative care including pain management.  

"According to WHO, the pain for roughly 80% to 90% of people is managed within the first three steps.

The steps in this model for treating pain include:4

Non-opioid drugs, such as aspirin or Tylenol (acetaminophen), should be tried first. This may be done with or without other drugs that are used to reduce fear or anxiety at the same time.

If the pain gets worse or doesn't go away, an opioid meant for mild to moderate pain, such as codeine, may be added. Non-opioids and other drugs, as in Step 1, may also be used.

If pain still gets worse or continues, a stronger opioid for more severe pain can be used. Morphine, for example, can be given along with non-opioids and anxiety drugs.

Other treatments can then be tried if pain is not relieved. This may include nerve blocks and palliative chemotherapy." 

Is Death Painful? Managing End of Life Pain (verywellhealth.com)

The health care system needs to be ensuring that there is proper pain management available for everyone who might need it.  Talk to your doctor about that.  It is wrong to just think you can take the easy way out with an assisted death.  That is no solution at all and is a crime against humans.

People are being lied to by the so-called death with dignity movement.  Proper palliative care should be available to everyone who needs it.




Edited by blackbird
Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, blackbird said:

  But neither do I wish to play God...

Strangely enough, that is exactly what you wish to do.

Edited by bcsapper
1 minute ago, blackbird said:

Nonsense.  I don't wish to play God.  I am opposed to euthanasia, which is playing God.

Yes, you do want to play god.  You want to control the actions of others based on your belief in your God.  There's no other way to put it.

MAID is not playing God.  God does not enter into it, unless those wishing to avail themselves of the procedures decide that their faith is a factor.  That would be up to them, and them alone.  You, your God and your beliefs are irrelevant.

1 minute ago, bcsapper said:

MAID is not playing God. 

Not only is the Bible clear, "thou shalt not kill", it teaches that our bodies belong to the Lord (God).  What the Bible says is completely relevant.  That is what decides what is right or wrong. 

If the state decided that they could put all the people they didn't like in gas chambers, would that be ok with you?

Would you say Hitler and the Nazis had the right to have the holocaust?   If not, why not?   If you don't believe God has anything to do with it, what business is it of yours?


Just now, blackbird said:

Not only is the Bible clear, "thou shalt not kill", it teaches that our bodies belong to the Lord (God).  What the Bible says is completely relevant.  That is what decides what is right or wrong. 

If the state decided that they could put all the people they didn't like in gas chambers, would that be ok with you?

Would you say Hitler and the Nazis had the right to have the holocaust?   If not, why not?   If you don't believe God has anything to do with it, what business is it of yours?


When it comes to people who do not wish to follow the Bible, the Bible has the same relevance on the issue of MAID as a Winnie the Pooh book.  Exactly none.

Your questions there show that you do not have the confidence in your good book that you claim.  They are utterly meaningless and ridiculous.

Just now, bcsapper said:

They are utterly meaningless and ridiculous.

Because you can't answer the question.   You think God is not relevant.  "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God."  Psalm 14:1 KJV  You think you know more than God?  Sound like foolishness.

Just now, blackbird said:

Because you can't answer the question.   You think God is not relevant.  "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God."  Psalm 14:1 KJV  You think you know more than God?  Sound like foolishness.

That you have to invoke Hitler and the Holocaust to shore up your belief that your God should play a part in the life or death of anyone who does not wish it shows how foolish your belief actually is, and how irrelevant your God is to anyone who does not wish to be subject to control by fairy tale. 


16 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

and how irrelevant your God is to anyone who does not wish to be subject to control by fairy tale. 

You made yourself clear.  I understand your concern that you think it is some kind of fairy tale.  But there are a number of facts you are missing.  First, it took an enormously intelligent designer-Creator to give us the complex universe and all the complex life forms.  Nothing could have come into existence without such a being.  The universe is not some kind of cosmic accident.  That is the first point.  God is a fact.

Secondly, we are all fallen sinners.  The Bible teaches God created Adam and Eve and put them in a paradise and told them they could eat anything except the one tree in the garden.  The serpent came along and deceived Eve into eating it and she gave some to her husband who did also eat it.  That moment they rebelled against God and became fallen sinners.  Because they were our first parents, we as descendants all inherited that sinful, fallen nature.  That is why there is crime, sickness, evil, and death in the world.

Thirdly, God inspired men to write the Bible which reveals God's plan for mankind.  The evidence for the truth and authority of the Bible as from God is overwhelming.  This is where you need to do a little research to see this.  That's the first thing.  Unless you make some effort, nobody can do much.  It all hinges on what you know and believe about the Bible.  So it is essential you at least give it a chance and do some investigation.  There are some strong reasons why it is legitimate and not a fairy tale.  For one thing, there are many prophecies that were made hundreds of years before they were fulfilled.  This proves the predictions came from God and authenticates that Scriptures as coming from God.  Secondly, the person of Jesus Christ is a historical fact and the fact he was resurrected from the dead is verified by many eye witnesses.  This proves he is who he said he is, the Son of God and God and the Savior of mankind, those who believe in him.

How do we know the Bible is authentic and true? - Christian Questions Bible Podcast

Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, bcsapper said:

That you have to invoke Hitler and the Holocaust to shore up your belief that your God should play a part in the life or death of anyone who does not wish it shows how foolish your belief actually is, and how irrelevant your God is to anyone who does not wish to be subject to control by fairy tale. 


Just a thought.  Why did God say to Adam and Eve not to eat a certain fruit in the garden of Eden?  Why would he give them that requirement?  I think it was a test. 

Some people say why is there evil in the world if God is so powerful?  The answer is he did not want robots.  He gave us a free will.  God loves mankind.  But he doesn't force us to believe him and do his will.  He left that choice with us.  We either follow him and believe in Jesus or we don't.  But there are serious consequences in whatever decision we make and that is for eternity.

Edited by blackbird
4 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Just a thought.  Why did God say not to eat a certain fruit?  Why would he give them that requirement?  I think it was a test.  If God created man and gave man a free will, why would he not expect that we would use our free will to serve him as a personal choice.  They had the choice.  That is the thing.  He gave us a free choice.  He did not create robots. 

Some people say why is there evil in the world if God is so powerful?  The answer is he did not want robots.  He gave us a free will.  God loves mankind.  But he doesn't force us to believe him and do his will.  He left that choice with us.  We either follow him and believe in Jesus or we don't.  But there are serious consequences in whatever decision we make.

Excellent.  Free will.  MAID it is then, for anyone who wants it.


1 minute ago, bcsapper said:

Excellent.  Free will.  MAID it is then, for anyone who wants it.


The free will means you either choose to do good or choose to do evil.  Choose to believe or not believe in God and his word.  The word of God is in opposition to MAID; therefore it is evil.  There are consequences for the choice one makes.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, blackbird said:

The free will means you either choose to do good or choose to do evil.  Choose to believe or not believe in God and his word.  The word of God is in opposition to MAID; therefore it is evil.  There are consequences for the choice one makes.

Right.  Excellent. 

As long as the government and the medical system lets people make that choice, I'm happy. 

Then, once they have made the choice, they can go to Hell, if it exists.

I'm so glad we got the end of an argument agreeing about something for a change.

Edited by bcsapper

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