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85.7% of Covid Deaths in Canada Were Among the Multi-Vaxed from Aug to Sept of 2022. Jabbing 85% of the Population Didn't Reduce Deaths

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3 hours ago, Venandi said:

There's virtually no chance of them admitting they were wrong about anything after the fact and even less chance of them learning anything from the mistakes made

Imagine trying to have a rational discussion with these folks.... I don't think it can be done. The "vote em out and crush em" option isn't my preferred outcome but I find myself at a loss to recommend anything else now.

This was mentioned earlier but here's a bit more on it. I chose Rebel because I couldn't find it elsewhere:


People are now discussing this with a sprinkle of "is it true" flavouring but I've followed some of the snippy advice here and moved on a bit, what if this gets exponentially worse over time? What if it just continues in a linear manner? 

Is it a question worthy of reflection or something to dismiss as hailing from the subterranean realm of the CHUDs? Here's a similar question for the selfie crowd: what if Momma bear comes back? 


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12 hours ago, CdnFox said:

ROFLMAO - after WHAT fact?  They're literally in response to his post - did you think i should post facts and graphs BEFORE he raises the question ?!??!  

You posted a few things AFTER eyeball and I had both called you out for making shit up again (where are those polls again, btw?  😆).

What's especially funny is that these "sources" don't even support what you were saying.  A literal full-page wall-of-text was required for you to bullshit and spin, with your conclusion entirely relying on garbage assumptions that don't hold water either.  

12 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Ok - name them.

ARF ARF, there's that Sealioning again!

It would be easier to name the countries who didn't, rather than the ones who did perform better than the USA with COVID, even the ones with denser populations.  

Sorry muppet, your hypothesis is retarded.  

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3 hours ago, Venandi said:

This was mentioned earlier but here's a bit more on it. I chose Rebel because I couldn't find it elsewhere:


Of course it's only on Rebel. The Star, CBC, CTV etc were some of the worst vax-pimps on the planet. They told everyone the jabs were safe and intentionally gave the false impression that everyone 'needed' them.

Now these vax injuries are a terrible look for them. TBH, they're largely responsible for them.

What's their headline gonna say: "After telling you that young people needed to jab, and advocating for their jobs to be taken away if they didn't get it, we regret to inform you that a lot of them were unnecessarily and gravely injured by it. You can still trust us with less important things than your health though."

Those slimy pieces of crap turned over every rock in the country trying to find even the most insignificant covid stories in 2020 and 2021, but this one, which is such a big deal, they're burying. Go figger.

I don't consider CBC et al to be news orgs. They tell stories about current events, but it's a twisted mash-up of lies, omissions, false narratives and fluff. 

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22 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Au contraire, I know exactly what is up.  I am far form ignorant. I read and I pay attention and I know not to push on a pull door.

The thing with me and clearly not you, is that I am OK. Not worried and not stressing about things totally out of my control.

But hey, it is good there are stressed out folks like you to make the rest of us look normal.

Think about it, really think, you are flying of whatever end you are on and I am not. Who gains? Who is farther ahead? Who is affecting the situation? Who is making change? Oh? None of us? Neither you or I....well it must be a tie game then eh? LOL You don't win and I am not even playing LOL

You don’t come across as “normal”; you come across as in denial or willfully ignorant.  Your attitude is that of the bystander at a crime scene who “doesn’t want any trouble” and takes off to make it home for dinner because justice is hard and you don’t want to answer questions from police.  The fact that you don’t see any of the questions I’ve raised as pressing or important really takes you out of the equation for recognition, because if you’re not interested in ensuring honesty and fairness in your country, I’m not interested in following you.

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55 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

You don’t come across as “normal”; you come across as in denial or willfully ignorant.  Your attitude is that of the bystander at a crime scene who “doesn’t want any trouble” and takes off to make it home for dinner because justice is hard and you don’t want to answer questions from police.  The fact that you don’t see any of the questions I’ve raised as pressing or important really takes you out of the equation for recognition, because if you’re not interested in ensuring honesty and fairness in your country, I’m not interested in following you.

Aha...there it is...."wilfully ignorant" because I do not see it your way LOL

I am far from a bystander. I get and got vaccinated because of 3 rounds of chemotherapy, several dozen radiation treatments and serious surgery that has left me very immunocompromised and with additional medical issues.

You are very correct that I am a person that "doesn’t want any trouble”  because I cannot afford it.

I have no idea what questions you have asked. You only ever make statements that are not applicable to me or my situation. And then you admonish me and try to guilt me into thinking your way.

So, my comment "Au contraire, I know exactly what is up.  I am far form ignorant. I read and I pay attention and I know not to push on a pull door. " is extremely correct for me.

I am very "interested in ensuring honesty and fairness " and it seems to me that it is you that is not interested in other opinions and reasons for having them.

I think your broad general statement are far too broad to be inclusive of everyone you are speaking to in an open forum.

So, maybe yes, I am not normal but, I am very aware of what I an saying and not in denial and certainly not wilfully ignorant. I think it is you that is in denial and wilfully ignorant of many people that do not agree with you.

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31 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Aha...there it is...."wilfully ignorant" because I do not see it your way LOL

You are willfully ignorant because every time facts and stats are posted that don't fit your narrative you ignore them and pretend that the person who told you about them is just a liar, a clown, etc. 

You've never been able to engage in sincere debate with anyone who doesn't just post vax propaganda here. 

In your head the jab is still safe and effective, kids and young adults really needed it, it saved the world, vaxed deaths plummeted in 2022, and there are no serious vax injuries, etc, etc.  Literally nothing that you believe about the jabs is true. 

There's nothing we can say here that can budge your opinion from the false promises of 2020.  

That's why people say that you're 'willfully ignorant'. It's plain as day EF.


I am far from a bystander. I get and got vaccinated because of 3 rounds of chemotherapy, several dozen radiation treatments and serious surgery that has left me very immunocompromised and with additional medical issues.

I feel sad for you, but that still doesn't give you an excuse to be rude to people who just post unwelcome facts here. 

You feel sad because you're in the position that you're in, but people much younger and healthier than you were killed by this. And it's not just the jab itself that's to blame, it's people like you who pushed the vax-Naziism in this country while being willfully ignorant to the facts of the matter at the time.

Go ahead and be glad that you're alive, and be ok with the people who were killed by false narratives E-F. It's a free country. Just don't take offence when you get called out. 

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

You are willfully ignorant because every time facts and stats are posted that don't fit your narrative you ignore them and pretend that the person who told you about them is just a liar, a clown, etc. 


I feel sad for you, but that still doesn't give you an excuse to be rude to people who just post unwelcome facts here. 

You feel sad b....

Go ahead and be glad that you're alive, and be ok with the people who were killed by false narratives E-F. It's a free country. Just don't take offence when you get called out. 

I  am far from wilfully ignorant. I know what I need and why. That makes me very smart and not a follower of conspiracy theories like you and your ilk.

This thread and you and few others are just playing the big ego game. Your stats and graphs are bigger than mine and vice versa. Your dick size is absolutely immaterial when millions of lives were saved.

I do not need your sympathy. I know what I need and why I do things and do not in any way require your concurrence or approval. Your ego makes you think I and everyone disagreeing with you is ignorant.

Yes, I am very glad i am alive and am not OK with people dying but, like every drug ever made will have complications and side effects. Some serious, some just a rash and out of the multi millions that got vaccinated some passed away.  Sad but that happens and that was known.

The truest thing you have said in the entire thread is "It is a free country" and that is a fact. I am free to do what I want and think what I want and for reasons that are best for me.

I don't get "called out", I get admonished only because I do not agree and follow your path. I am not a lemming like some others on this thread. You and do and say what you wish by your ilk and beliefs will never be followed by me. So, waste your time and breath knowing you will fail LOL

Take off your tin foil hat and let some reality waves penetrate.


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4 hours ago, Moonbox said:

You posted a few things AFTER eyeball and I had both called you out for making shit up again (where are those polls again, btw?  😆).

Sure - and before that i said i'd be posting more but i didn't want to make it too long because you get confused :)  

Looks like i was right :)    

So - i post something that says "I'll post more shortly"  Then shortly i post more. In between you post something,

And somehow..... you think that you caused me to do the thing i said i was going to do earlier :)

ROFLMAO!!!!1 Holy shit kid -  blaming your stupidity on my post count always made you look desperate but THIS is even worse :)  

So you've gone from "i post no facts"  (which you said much later)  to "welll maybe you do post lots of facts but you didn't post them fast enough"   LOLOL!!  God damn that's funny :)

Bottom line - you and Eyeball were wrong and you're a liar when you claim i don't post facts - i do constantly and just like you did here you deny it constantly till they're rubbed in your face.  You can't think your way out of a paper bag ;) 

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10 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Bottom line - you and Eyeball were wrong and you're a liar when you claim i don't post facts - i do constantly and just like you did here you deny it constantly till they're rubbed in your face.  You can't think your way out of a paper bag ;) 

Bottom line is your reasoning skills match your emotional maturity and self-control (none).  15 seconds of Google searching would have saved you the humiliation of claiming the USA's embarrassing COVID performance was because of population density, but there you are offering up that turd nonetheless.  

Even funnier is how you literally cannot help yourself from melting down into another :)worthless:) emoji :)spam rant:).  

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3 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Bottom line is your reasoning skills match your emotional maturity and self-control (none).  15 seconds of Google searching would have saved you the humiliation of claiming the USA's embarrassing COVID performance was because of population density, but there you are offering up that turd nonetheless.  

Even funnier is how you literally cannot help yourself from melting down into another :)worthless:) emoji :)spam rant:).  

Ain't it fun to wind up canfux and westconman??? LOL

Both are obsessed conspiracy addicted fools. There are a few others too and pissing them off is more fun than....well...there ain't anything more fun than pissing them off :)

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29 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Ain't it fun to wind up canfux and westconman??? LOL

Wastecanman has been on ignore since probably 2020.  He's a complete clown and has nothing of value to say, but he presumably has a life outside this forum and doesn't need to make himself the centre of attention and derail +80% of its threads.  Put him on ignore, and you forget he exists.  

Meanwhile, this other absolute no-life is drowning the forum in his fragile, belligerent performances.  At any given time, he's derailing half a dozen or more threads and battling it out with at least as many different people.  

It's mildly entertaining, I guess, to trigger him.  His complete lack of self-awareness and composure makes it easy, and you get some chuckles out of it.  On the other hand, like everyone else in his life obviously feels, I'd prefer he wasn't here.  😆


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59 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Bottom line is your reasoning skills match your emotional maturity and self-control

True - and they're all higher than yours by a mile :)


15 seconds of Google searching would have saved you the humiliation of claiming the USA's embarrassing COVID performance was because of population density,

I literally posted proof it was.  Oh  wait - i forgot you can't read more than two sentences without taking a break so  you probably missed that ;)   ROFLMAO!!!!!


but there you are offering up that turd nonetheless.  

Well i hate to argue with all those scientists who did all that research and stuff :)


Even funnier is how you literally cannot help yourself from melting down into another :)worthless:) emoji :)spam rant:).  

ROFLMAO!!!! The only one ranting here kiddo is  you :)  Everyone can practically hear you drooling and foaming from here :) 

As you do every time.  So we're at the hissy fit stage, can the "It's all the fault of your post count" stage be far behind?

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6 hours ago, CdnFox said:

I literally posted proof it was.  Oh  wait - i forgot you can't read more than two sentences without taking a break so  you probably missed that ;)   ROFLMAO!!!!!

No, you posted a study from Brazil that (so shockingly) concluded that population density in Brazil was correlated with COVID deaths. 

It did absolutely nothing to explain why the USA performed abysmally during COVID and had more deaths per capita than almost any other country in the world, despite it's low population density.  

6 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Well i hate to argue with all those scientists who did all that research and stuff :)

Obviously you do. 🙃 

6 hours ago, CdnFox said:

ROFLMAO!!!! The only one ranting here kiddo is  you :)  Everyone can practically hear you drooling and foaming from here :) 

As you do every time.  So we're at the hissy fit stage, can the "It's all the fault of your post count" stage be far behind?

Sorry little muppet, but just because your emotions boil over at the drop of hat, doesn't mean it's the same for everyone else.  Go outside and breath some fresh air.  The answer to your crushing loneliness is not here.  

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13 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Ain't it fun to wind up canfux and westconman??? LOL

Both are obsessed conspiracy addicted fools. There are a few others too and pissing them off is more fun than....well...there ain't anything more fun than pissing them off :)


The real fun may be paying for all of this. 

And the real question may be:

23 hours ago, Venandi said:

...what if this gets exponentially worse over time? What if it just continues in a linear manner?

Sure, it may be my CHUD like countenance, lack of self awareness, or the fact that I don't work for a Governor but what if police, military members etc aren't lying about these injuries?

What if the incidence of injury claims remains linear over time? What if it curves upward due to neurological symptoms that take time to manifest? What if that morphs into a BSE type event, or any similar occurrence that impacts safety of the blood supply?

Not that long ago farm boys (without Phd's BTW) were being ridiculed for suggesting that cows don't eat sheep, remember that?

I'm not smart enough to guess the outcome here, just scraping together enough brain cells to avoid gross overconfidence and complacency. As I observed previously, there are only two sides in this and one of them is wrong, and not just a little wrong, F----- big time wrong. 

The "if you weren't a CHUD you'd move on" comments may age just as badly as the hateful anti-vax rhetoric of the past did.

IMO, the question too horrible to contemplate is" "what if your ilk (not my term BTW) are as right about this as you were everything else?" 



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2 hours ago, Venandi said:



The real fun may be paying for all of this. 

And the real question may be:

Sure, it may be my CHUD like countenance, lack of self awareness, or the fact that I don't work for a Governor but what if police, military members etc aren't lying about these injuries?

What if the incidence of injury claims remains linear over time? What if it curves upward due to neurological symptoms that take time to manifest? What if that morphs into a BSE type event, or any similar occurrence that impacts safety of the blood supply?

Not that long ago farm boys (without Phd's BTW) were being ridiculed for suggesting that cows don't eat sheep, remember that?

I'm not smart enough to guess the outcome here, just scraping together enough brain cells to avoid gross overconfidence and complacency. As I observed previously, there are only two sides in this and one of them is wrong, and not just a little wrong, F----- big time wrong. 

The "if you weren't a CHUD you'd move on" comments may age just as badly as the hateful anti-vax rhetoric of the past did.

IMO, the question too horrible to contemplate is" "what if your ilk (not my term BTW) are as right about this as you were everything else?" 



I really truly have no idea what you are responding to me with your links or stats or even opinions. Why you are trying to convince me  your way is the right way?

You can play the "what if" game till you are blue in the face and nothing will happen. You are correct though, you are not smart enough to guess any outcome . So why keep on attempting to justify your guess? You (and I) are not scientists or medical experts so why claim to be?

I have told you many times I really truly do not care.

I have my reasons and they suit me and are specifically for me. I believe charity, in financial, health and all else, begins in the home.

So, as in your IMO, I have my opinion and no amount of rhetoric from you other 2 lead clowns will change that. When you or them resort to name calling, insults and belittlement you have lost.

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14 hours ago, Moonbox said:

No, you posted a study from Brazil that (so shockingly) concluded that population density in Brazil was correlated with COVID deaths. 

Ahhhh - so it's a comprehension problem for you/  I see  you didn't understand the study.   Or the other one dealing with entirely different regions.

While you - who is crying your eyes out over how others don't post enough information - have provided none.

LOL - Like i've said - you could hypocrisy for the olympics :)

 And don't project your emotlional hissy fits on me little guy :P

The evidence posted was done by real scientists using real data and involving more than one country and noting that others found similar results. Population density significantly impacted mortality. And states in the us who had population densities similar to canada had even lower mortality than we did.

See....  that's what happens when you just make shit up as you do instead of using real data like i do. Fail.  :)  

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9 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Population density significantly impacted mortality.

For reals?  Diseases are more deadly in places with higher population density?  Might as well tell us the sky is blue.  

9 hours ago, CdnFox said:

And states in the us who had population densities similar to canada had even lower mortality than we did.

Like...Alaska, with 2000 deaths per 100,000 (higher than Canada's ~1500) despite having 1/8th Canada's population density?  

Like...Wyoming, with half Canada's population density, but double the COVID deaths per 100,000?

Once again, you've been caught cluelessly bullshitting.  Way to humiliate yourself again.  

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17 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

For reals?  Diseases are more deadly in places with higher population density?  Might as well tell us the sky is blue.  

You literally just denied this when you claimed the research i presented that proved it was flawed :)  You JUST claimed that if i'd looked it up i never would have made that claim :)  

Anyone who flip flops as much as you do should be legally required to own a pancake house :)



Like...Alaska, with 2000 deaths per 100,000 (higher than Canada's ~1500) despite having 1/8th Canada's population density?  

Like...Wyoming, with half Canada's population density, but double the COVID deaths per 100,000?

Once again, you've been caught cluelessly bullshitting.  Way to humiliate yourself again.  


ROFLMAO!!!! OH MY GOD - so now you're trying to DENY that density has anything to do with it!?!?!?! After JUST CLAIMING it was so obvious??!? :)  :)    HOLY SHIT - that is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!  You can't even keep it together for ONE POST!!!! :) 

I posted EVERY SINGLE STATE - the vast majority with lower population densities have lower death rates and that's what the research says as well :)

However it's wroth noting you're confusing population with population density :)

Which is odd - because with a brain as thick as yours you've obviously got lots of experience being dense :)   LOLOL


PS - im still lactually physically aughing - i just can't get over how you manage to contradict yourself in the same post like that  :)  

On 4/20/2024 at 2:16 PM, Moonbox said:

Wastecanman has been on ignore since probably 2020.  He's a complete clown and has nothing of value to say, but he presumably has a life outside this forum and doesn't need to make himself the centre of attention and derail +80% of its threads.  Put him on ignore, and you forget he exists.  

Meanwhile, this other absolute no-life is drowning the forum in his fragile, belligerent performances.  At any given time, he's derailing half a dozen or more threads and battling it out with at least as many different people.  

It's mildly entertaining, I guess, to trigger him.  His complete lack of self-awareness and composure makes it easy, and you get some chuckles out of it.  On the other hand, like everyone else in his life obviously feels, I'd prefer he wasn't here.  😆


Awww look - your stupidity is my post count's fault again :)

Called it :)  For someone so mentally unstable you sure are nicely predictable :)

Is WCM making you cry now too? Awww  :)  life is so hard for you.  :) 

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20 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

I really truly have no idea what you are responding to me with your links or stats or even opinions

Not actually responding to you per se although I can see how you would think that. I found the “fun” aspect of your post intriguing so I used the quote simply for the sake of the quote. You could have been anybody here, even someone who cares. Frankly, I took no particular notice of your screen name at the time, only your tone.

The link itself has value in terms of being a snapshot. Statistics are difficult to get a grip on when they’re overly broad, at least they are for me. Maybe it’s why there’s so much interpretive debate and insults flying around here. Smaller groups, like specific police departments, policing in general, or the military as a whole can sometimes shed more light on trajectory than huge swaths of data that require in-depth examination.  With this particular group we see relatively young, relatively fit members who were assessed to be medically fit for police duties prior to receiving the vaccine. It provides a snapshot, that’s all.   

20 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Why you are trying to convince me  your way is the right way?

The quote I used was a target of opportunity, I used your words as illustrative of something that may cause us grief in the future and of the cavalier way we are approaching (and deflecting) the issue based largely on narrative.

That said, be assured that I’m rooting for you, no one hopes that my concerns are groundless more than I do.

20 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

You can play the "what if" game till you are blue in the face and nothing will happen.

Yes you can, but there’s only two possible outcomes here so I’d prefer not to, your milage may differ. Over the long haul, this either gets better or it gets worse.

I usually begin seriously assessing contingency options when the likely hood of a specific occurrence is at 30% and rising. Nothing in my experience suggests that ignoring such things leads to good outcomes but please, you do you with my blessings.

20 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

You are correct though, you are not smart enough to guess any outcome .

Ya… I know, thanks.

I try to adapt to the reality of that by considering a range of unintended consequences and negative outcomes, sort of a QA thing… after all, we did get a few things wrong on our journey to Crazy Island.

I call it maintaining a positive attitude through the assumption of a negative result. In other words hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

20 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

I have told you many times I really truly do not care.

And yet here we are (for the last time BTW) discussing how much you don’t care.

20 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

I have my opinion and no amount of rhetoric from you other 2 lead clowns will change that. When you or them resort to name calling, insults and belittlement you have lost.

Your first sentence seems curiously at odds with the last one. It also stands as an example of “strength of an idea” which is one of the barriers to prudent contingency planning. Then again, it’s your’s to embrace with my blessings.

As an aside, I only used words and phrases that were previously hurled in my direction by others, none of them were/or are mine including ilk and CHUD. They’re unlikely to see the light of day again in any future correspondence.

Your closing sentence is noteworthy though and part of the reason I used those terms in the first place. I hope it resonates here more than I expect it will, but hey, if nothing else it serves as a second example of me rooting for you in the same post… cool eh?

With that said, I’m now done with the “opinion forum” experiment. I'll leave you to it.

Best wishes to all.

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8 hours ago, CdnFox said:

You literally just denied this when you claimed the research i presented that proved it was flawed

Nope.  That's just you making shit up, and arguing with yourself...again, LOL!

I have no problem with the research you posted.  The problem is in the buff conclusions you drew from it.

9 hours ago, CdnFox said:

I posted EVERY SINGLE STATE - the vast majority with lower population densities have lower death rates and that's what the research says as well :)

No, the research shows a moderate correlation (in the US ~0.55), which is is unsurprising given how viruses spread from person to person. 

What it cannot explain is:

1)  Why the worst performing states in the US are low density ones (like Arizona, Mississipi, West Virginia and New Mexico)

2)  Why even States with lower population density to Canada performed significantly worse.  

3)  Why places in the world with 10x the population density of the USA had less than 50% of its population adjusted deaths. 

Once again, you've pooped your pants and proven how much of a clueless bullshitter you are.  

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2 hours ago, Moonbox said:

Nope.  That's just you making shit up, and arguing with yourself...again, LOL!

Ahhh yes - your usual "Moonbox say something stupid and then blame someone else for it"  routine.  Yawn.


I have no problem with the research you posted.  The problem is in the buff conclusions you drew from it.

You literally said you have a problem with the research I posted.

And further -  The researche's Conclusion:  Density affects mortality.  Me: Density affects mortality.


Hoooo kaaaaayy there little guy :)

1) Most of the lower density states performed better.  And the high density states did the worst. Why did Oregon do so much better than bc, the vast majority of the two populations live closely. together

There's other factors that come into play of course.  Access to health care for example, you might not be as quick to go to the hospital in the states if you have to pay, whereas in Canada someone sneeezes and they're in the emerg ward so they're less likely to die.  BUT - population density plays a big role.


Here's some more if you need it - because the US's biggest city got hit hard first and because everyone is packed into that city like sardines, New York managed to skew the entire scale.  If you take out the new york deaths and just show the rest of the US then they're almost the same as canada.

New York has a very dense population (and Cuomo sent the sick old people back to the hospitals.) 

New York has no rival in Canada when it comes to population density, which epidemiologists identify as a contributing risk. It has twice the density of Vancouver, Canada's most-crowded city. 



Here's what the chart looks like if you take new york new jersey and conneticut  out of the mix,



Remove the most dense populations and we're practically the same.


Bottom line is that a) - you and Eyeball were wrong, b) - you lied as usually when you tried to pretend i hadn't presented any data NUMEROUS times, and c) You can't even keep your story straight for one whole post without flip flopping ;)


Soooo - you're doing a lot of whining about data - and not presenting any yourself :)   


Now  - this is where you fall back on claiming i'm wrong because my posts are too long :)  LOLOLOLOL!!!!

You're such an !diot :)  

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6 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

You literally said you have a problem with the research I posted.

If I did, surely you can provide a quote?  Once again, you're just making stuff up and arguing with yourself.  

10 minutes ago, CdnFox said:


That's from April 30, 2020, you absolute clown.  

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On 4/19/2024 at 8:39 PM, Venandi said:

Now I’m curious if the presence of lipids will allow penetration of the BBB?

It does.

I posted links to these studies in the Trickle thread.

I'm impressed you know to ask about this - crossing the BB is a HUGE no-no and yet when it was reported - there was a collective "Meh...."

On 4/19/2024 at 8:39 PM, Venandi said:

Take the off label use of Ivermectin for example, a cheap, readily available and innocuous drug. If you understand how it works (in basic terms) then you would likely accept the idea that it needed to be prescribed early; at the very first sign of symptoms. You would also expect it not to be effective with high viral loading if prescribed too late in the process. But come on now... screaming Trumper, "tin foil hatter” and chicken dancing in a t-shirt that asks “are you a horse?” didn’t address the issue at all. The noise meant that none of those high school questions had a hope of being answered. 

Ya, the war on IVM was astonishing to me.  I had been given a prescription for it years ago, during my traveling years.

There is quite the story about how its use was demonized and suppressed- if you're interested, (let me know if you can't find it through Google) you should check out these names:  Dr. Tess Lawrie, Andrew Hill, Andrew Owen.

On 4/19/2024 at 8:39 PM, Venandi said:

It doesn’t jive with my recollection of high school biology.

I find you very refreshing.  Not many people questioned anything.

On 4/19/2024 at 8:39 PM, Venandi said:

possible future prion diseases and brain interactions (with the protein), I don’t know the answer to that either.

Wow, you've hit nearly all the major issues.  Again, I tackled prion diseases and posted the studies in the Trickle thread.


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7 minutes ago, Moonbox said:


That's from April 30, 2020, you absolute clown.  

And? Do you think any of those dead people got better since then?  :)  It very clearly shows the impact of population density.  And it mentions what experts thought about that and why it was a factor.

I've posted data AFTER covid. I've now posted data DURING covid.

Sigh.  The only clown here is you kiddo. You're so stunningly desperate that no matter how much proof is given to you (and you provide none yourself)

lI'm sure if you go look around the interenet hard enough you can find an opinion piece somewhere that says it's because "REPUBLICANS" or aliens or whatever you want but the data suggests one of the bigger issues was population density.

Here -  This is the top 150 cities for population density - and our cities population densities. Our top cities don't even reach the lowest of the 150 us ones.




You're an !diot. 

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