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Posted (edited)

But if you're really going to insist on being impressed by the last 40 years of that graph you should at least be aware of what the more reliable satellite temps show.


I'll explain it to you the way I see it. There was a super el nino in 1998. Global temps rose up onto a new level. 18 years later there was another major ocean warming event that rose global temps 1 tenth of a degree above 1998. It kept temps at a level high and a few years later there was another slightly smaller ocean caused warming. Currently temps are leveling out to another climate pause. I believe this one is 8 years so far.

Edited by Infidel Dog
13 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

Yes, it's a trick to bring the irrational mind back from the fantasy some mystic consensus of climate scientists knows for a fact the sky is falling.

No, the reality is that a vast significant majority of rational experts share a scientific consensus that humans are causing a rapid change to our planet's climate.   


Whether or not there's a reason to get scared about a proposed climate catastrophe is the only question that really matters.

If there's not even a scientific consensus on that we don't need a massive politically charged response to it.

That question was addressed decades ago. What we need is a massive politically charged response to denial.


The superior response if it's just another possibility of a possible tragedy someday is to continue to adapt. Maybe build some bigger dykes or something.

That was an idiotic idea 30 years ago but now that you people have successfully caused next to nothing to change in our collective behaviour we'll be dealing with the catastrophe of denial...the cost of adapting i.e. 'bigger dykes or something', mass migration of humans away from hot dry environments to slightly less hot and dry environments, political turmoil and conflicts over increasingly scarce natural resources impacted by climate change like water and food.

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.


Let's see... Carl Sagan explained to Congress in 1985 how the greenhouse effect works, how the longer we delay the more difficult the problem would be to fix and eventually would be unstoppable.

37 years later we're still arguing with the thick as a brick lot that think Sagan was an idiot and that they're utterly unchangeable opinion is valid.

I think their whole outlook stems from a belief that everyone is as stupid and inflexible as they feel themselves to be. Thinking is just too hard..

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46 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

But is does affect PRICES.

The war in Ukraine does NOT affect supply or prices.

The sheer stupidity of NATO and the EU affects those.

Sure. All "NATO and the EU" but Putin gets a complete pass from YOU. Idiot.

Fortunately actual leaders KNOW THE TRUTH about the necessity of making sure Putin DOES NOT WIN.

20 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

So you tell me you know the story about the Hockey stick Graph then you post me that as testament to what, exactly?

That maybe the hockey stick graph is not BS?

If so you really need to watch that second video to understand what "Hide the decline" was about.

Or are you just going "Wow, look at how radical they made the slope look on this one. They don't even show the leveling that should be their at the peak. Isn't that great?"

 Whatever, I already explained the problems to you with that graph. 1 degree of warming from the time of coolness when some of your "experts were predicting a coming glacial ice age to the warmth of the 1998 super El Nino is no biggie. It doesn't tell us the sky is falling no matter how much you want it to.

I know a LOT OF CONS tried to make the '98 super El Nino into proof that warming had STOPPED.

That was and is NOT TRUE.

13 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

But if you're really going to insist on being impressed by the last 40 years of that graph you should at least be aware of what the more reliable satellite temps show.


I'll explain it to you the way I see it. There was a super el nino in 1998. Global temps rose up onto a new level. 18 years later there was another major ocean warming event that rose global temps 1 tenth of a degree above 1998. It kept temps at a level high and a few years later there was another slightly smaller ocean caused warming. Currently temps are leveling out to another climate pause. I believe this one is 8 years so far.

The last 10 years have been the warmest ON RECORD.

10 minutes ago, eyeball said:

No, the reality is that a vast significant majority of rational experts share a scientific consensus that humans are causing a rapid change to our planet's climate.   

That question was addressed decades ago. What we need is a massive politically charged response to denial.

That was an idiotic idea 30 years ago but now that you people have successfully caused next to nothing to change in our collective behaviour we'll be dealing with the catastrophe of denial...the cost of adapting i.e. 'bigger dykes or something', mass migration of humans away from hot dry environments to slightly less hot and dry environments, political turmoil and conflicts over increasingly scarce natural resources impacted by climate change like water and food.

Ok, I'm going to skip through all the diversionary, questionable BS above there and laser focus into the key point.

Denial of what? Specifically? What?

If you're saying anything other than you claim you know of what you call a "significant majority of rational experts" that know beyond dispute that an inevitable catastrophe of human caused warming is coming, show it to me.

Or don't and in so doing admit you don't actually know what you're talking about.

Don't leave out the inevitable apocalypse of warming bit this time. Because that's what matters.

1 minute ago, Infidel Dog said:

Ok, I'm going to skip through all the diversionary, questionable BS above there and laser focus into the key point.

Denial of what? Specifically? What?

If you're saying anything other than you claim you know of what you call a "significant majority of rational experts" that know beyond dispute that an inevitable catastrophe of human caused warming is coming, show it to me.

Or don't and in so doing admit you don't actually know what you're talking about.

Don't leave out the inevitable apocalypse of warming bit this time. Because that's what matters.

Maybe you don't believe that NYC and Miami being underwater is a catastrophe, but millions of Americans disagree.

Not to mention 10s of millions starving from mega droughts and disappearing glacial water sources.

You don't believe that Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are melting and that will continue to accelerate?

Do you understand the tipping point of tundra permafrost melting and the mass of GHG that will unleash?

Say goodbye to many island nations and hello to your new neighborhood climate refugees.

Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

Denial of what? Specifically? What?

Stop denying you even give a rats ass about climate change or taking action.

You should be happy that you people have very likely won the day.  What, am I supposed to believe, you live in terror of climate action, why, what action, where, to what effect?

Edited by eyeball

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.

24 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Maybe you don't believe that NYC and Miami being underwater is a catastrophe, but millions of Americans disagree.

Not to mention 10s of millions starving from mega droughts and disappearing glacial water sources.

You don't believe that Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are melting and that will continue to accelerate?

Do you understand the tipping point of tundra permafrost melting and the mass of GHG that will unleash?

Say goodbye to many island nations and hello to your new neighborhood climate refugees.

And when do you expect all that to happen?

Did you know that 1 degree of warming per doubling of CO2 isn't enough to do it?

This is why they invented a new theory to overlap on the old carbon dioxide causes warming one to cover it.

They don't like to tell you about it but it goes like this.

There isn't enough warming from the sort of CO2 warming they can show in a high school experiment to say flood the Empire state building. So what they do is they say yeah but when the CO2 warming happens it's going to warm the water vapor which there's much more of and that's going to supply the necessary warming to destroy the world as we know it.

The problem with that is such positive feedbacks aren't something you see often in the natural world and there is no experiment as prescribed by the scientific method that would give evidence to that one.

Sorry to disappoint you R&R but Warmageddon isn't coming.

Posted (edited)
36 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Stop denying you even give a rats ass about climate change or taking action.

You should be happy that you people have very likely won the day.  What, am I supposed to believe, you live in terror of climate action, why, what action, where, to what effect?

I think your girl said that better:

If that's what makes you want to throw soup on the Mona Lisa, I guess. Nothing I can do about it. Just be amused.

Edited by Infidel Dog
56 minutes ago, robosmith said:

I know a LOT OF CONS tried to make the '98 super El Nino into proof that warming had STOPPED.

Really, how does that one go?

I'm telling you the 1998 super El Nino supplied the bump that allowed world temps to step up to the next level. You know, the step up you're so impressed by.

2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

LOL...unbelievabley naive.

Unbelievably stupid if you to think the price of petroleum is not priced globally. Exxon and Chevron ship US produced petroleum worldwide to whoever will buy it.  There’s not law keeping that oil inside America.  

@reason10: “Hitler had very little to do with the Holocaust.”


9 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Dude you realize that article is sarcastic and makes fun of climate deniers like yourself right?  I mean right in the section you quoted the author doubts that Miami or polar ice caps ever existed. Further on in the article he doubts the existence of cows.   

Nope. The article is fact.

The seas have not risen when Algore said they would.

The earth did NOT warm when the nutcases said it would.

The climate has not and will not change as a result of ANY human activity.

1 minute ago, reason10 said:

Nope. The article is fact.

The seas have not risen when Algore said they would.

The earth did NOT warm when the nutcases said it would.

The climate has not and will not change as a result of ANY human activity.

I take it you are going to ignore my post?

1 hour ago, herbie said:

Let's see... Carl Sagan explained to Congress in 1985 how the greenhouse effect works, how the longer we delay the more difficult the problem would be to fix and eventually would be unstoppable.

37 years later we're still arguing with the thick as a brick lot that think Sagan was an idiot and that they're utterly unchangeable opinion is valid.

I think their whole outlook stems from a belief that everyone is as stupid and inflexible as they feel themselves to be. Thinking is just too hard..

Imagining human activity able to change climate is not thinking. It is just plain lunacy and stupidity. (A very dangerous combination.)

Carl Sagan is a novelist. He is NOT a scientist. The climate didn't change when he said it would. His OPINION is no more valid than anyone else's.

The climate MIGHT change, simply because nature is much more powerful than a handful of entitled, egotistical humans playing God.

The climate HAS changed in the past, long before humans inhabited the planet. But suggesting human activity of ANY kind can cause it to snow in Key West in the summer is just plain stupidity and lunacy.

39 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

Really, how does that one go?

I'm telling you the 1998 super El Nino supplied the bump that allowed world temps to step up to the next level. You know, the step up you're so impressed by.

Of course it goes like this: start measuring temps from 1998 and everything after that is cooler so GW has paused.

However, that is ridiculous. GW has continued.

AFAIK, Greenland and Antarctic ice melting continues to speed up. From NASA:

Greenland, Antarctica Melting Six Times Faster Than in the 1990s


Observations from 11 satellite missions monitoring the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have revealed that the regions are losing ice six times faster than they were in the 1990s. If the current melting trend continues, the regions will be on track to match the "worst-case" scenario of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of an extra 6.7 inches (17 centimeters) of sea level rise by 2100.

The findings, published online March 12 in the journal Nature from an international team of 89 polar scientists from 50 organizations, are the most comprehensive assessment to date of the changing ice sheets. The Ice Sheet Mass Balance Intercomparison Exercise team combined 26 surveys to calculate changes in the mass of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets between 1992 and 2018.


2 minutes ago, reason10 said:

Imagining human activity able to change climate is not thinking. It is just plain lunacy and stupidity. (A very dangerous combination.)

Carl Sagan is a novelist. He is NOT a scientist. The climate didn't change when he said it would. His OPINION is no more valid than anyone else's.

The climate MIGHT change, simply because nature is much more powerful than a handful of entitled, egotistical humans playing God.

The climate HAS changed in the past, long before humans inhabited the planet. But suggesting human activity of ANY kind can cause it to snow in Key West in the summer is just plain stupidity and lunacy.

Is there any limit to your ignorance and arrogance?

Carl Sagan - Wikipedia

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Carl_Sagan

Carl Edward Sagan was an American astronomer, planetary scientist, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, author, and science communicator.


  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, robosmith said:

I know a LOT OF CONS tried to make the '98 super El Nino into proof that warming had STOPPED.

That was and is NOT TRUE.

I rely on science.




If the IPCC hypothesis was correct, the warming rate should increase (accelerate) if CO2 is increasing rapidly. The warming rate can only decrease (decelerate) if CO2 is increasing more slowly and can only turn into cooling (negative rate) if CO2 is decreasing.

But the hypothesis doesn’t fit the observations. The HadCRUT 4 rate of temperature change (°C/year) is no longer increasing. In fact, it stopped increasing ~1994 and has been decreasing since. Global warming has been decelerating for over 20 years despite CO2 levels increasing at the same rapid rate




10 Failed Global Warming Predictions That You Need To Know About




Prediction #1: Global cooling is the real problem

Prediction #2: If global warming isn’t reversed by the year 2000, it will be too late to avert catastrophe

Prediction #3: We’ll be living in Antarctica pretty soon

Prediction #4: Great Britain will be almost snow-less thanks to global warming

Prediction #5: Snow is going to be a thing of the past in other places, too

Prediction #6: We only have 50 days to save the world from global warming

Prediction #7: Prince Charles says we only have 96 months to save the world 

Prediction #8: The Earth will warm by 3 to 9 degrees Fahrenheit by 2025-2050

Prediction #9: Most species on the Earth will perish by 1995

Prediction #10: Pretty much everything in “An Inconvenient Truth”



4 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Is there any limit to your ignorance and arrogance?

Carl Sagan - Wikipedia

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Carl_Sagan

Carl Edward Sagan was an American astronomer, planetary scientist, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, author, and science communicator.


Nope.  He is a hack. His conclusions are wrong.

He is not communicating science. He is selling fear.

9 minutes ago, reason10 said:

Imagining human activity able to change climate is not thinking. It is just plain lunacy and stupidity

Just when I thought you couldn't come up with something even stupider.

Imagine not being able to even imagine at all....

just give up and accept things for what they are



38 minutes ago, reason10 said:

Nope.  He is a hack. His conclusions are wrong.

He is not communicating science. He is selling fear.

Now who should we believe? A renowned expert in the fields, or some partisan hack school teacher with NO CREDENTIALS?

You have NO CREDIBILITY here cause you've lied way too much.

Posted (edited)



49 minutes ago, reason10 said:

I rely on science.




10 Failed Global Warming Predictions That You Need To Know About



Anthony Watts is NOT a climate scientist he a blogger "who opposes the scientific consensus." From his wikipedia:



Willard Anthony Watts is an American blogger who runs Watts Up With That?, a popular climate change denial blog that opposes the scientific consensus on climate change. Wikipedia
Edited by robosmith
49 minutes ago, herbie said:

Just when I thought you couldn't come up with something even stupider.

Imagine not being able to even imagine at all....

just give up and accept things for what they are


So far, I just show the stupidity of the Luddite Chicken Little EnviroNazi crowd.

As far as the climate of the earth is concerned, you entitled, triggered snowflakes are going to have to accept the fact that it is OUT of the hands of human beings. You've lost this argument. You lost it on the science and the facts,  because


10 minutes ago, robosmith said:



Anthony Watts is NOT a climate scientist he a blogger "who opposes the scientific consensus." From his wikipedia:



Willard Anthony Watts is an American blogger who runs Watts Up With That?, a popular climate change denial blog that opposes the scientific consensus on climate change. Wikipedia

He is a more reliable scientist than the hacks you are spewing all over the place. He presents FACTS, and


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