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Biden's Hateful Screed

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23 minutes ago, Rebound said:

1) Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama didn’t cheat on their wives. Clinton did, and it got him impeached… though the outrage was non-existent when Orange Man did it. 

How do you know that Carter and Obama didn't cheat? 

Clinton didn't just cheat, he is credibly accused of rape. The Dems hung him on the lesser charge of cheating because it was politically expedient, just like they hung Cuomo for butt-grabbing to get him off the hook for covid murdering people in care homes and then covering it up.


2) Trump is a big fat tub of Jello. He can’t even hold a cup of water in his hands.

Trump isn't even in the top half of the population of the US re: obesity.


3) Comparing the wealth of Trump to Bernie Sanders is a joke. Like you. 

LMAO. I never said their wealth was comparable at all, I just said that Trump doesn't pretend to live modestly when he doesn't, like Bernie et al do.  And you talk about others being a joke lol. 


4) Trump gave away Israeli intelligence to Russia, who he coddled up to while nearly destroying NATO. His “foreign policy” included using Ukraine to dig up non-existent dirt on Biden. And how did that work out? Russia wound up invading Ukraine.

That's so f'd up and stupid that I'm just gonna leave it there without comment. 


Good thing Trump personally held up weapons shipments to them. That dope probably would have shipped weapons to Russia to help them invade Ukraine, if they could get him dirt on Biden. 

I honestly cut off first part of this quote thinking it was the dumbest. I can't believe you were just warming up.


5) Yeah, Trump treated loyal Mike Pence really well. Uh huh. 

I missed the part where he sent the FBI and IRS after Pence... Did you even accuse him of that? I think not.


6) Donald needed a bigger parade than France. 

Again, such a sin. Call the waahmbulance if you can't deal with it.


7) And now your defense is that Pride isn’t a sin at all… the “pick and choose religion” is in full bloom. 

I never said I was religious, and I think that the fact that you have nothing to be proud of is worse than Trump's sense of pride.

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Just now, WestCanMan said:

Trump isn't even in the top half of the population of the US re: obesity.



Trump is looking remarkably fit and full of energy, actually. He has pretty good optics. All the persecution has only made him MORE popular.

The Trump Train rolls on.

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20 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Deism is NOT a belief in Christ, despite ^this SPECULATION.

Since they didn't belong to a Christian church, they were NOT Christian.

He celebrated Christmas, prayed to God, and did all of the other things that Christians do. 

Like everyone else, he believed that he had the best relationship with God and the best understanding of God that anyone in the history of the world ever did. If that's not Protestant I dunno what is. 

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3 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


Trump is looking remarkably fit and full of energy, actually. He has pretty good optics. All the persecution has only made him MORE popular.

The Trump Train rolls on.

His persecution is reaching biblical proportions. 

Leftists reading that go... ?

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1 minute ago, WestCanMan said:

Compared to Joe "Weekend at Bernie's" Biden, anyone looks full of energy lol. 


His off-the-cuff speeches can go on for hours without people getting bored. He has more endurance than the huge crowd watching-on. RSBN does an amazing job of covering these events...like a big party meets state fair meets political event. Entertainment and politics...

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19 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:

His off-the-cuff speeches can go on for hours without people getting bored. He has more endurance than the huge crowd watching-on. RSBN does an amazing job of covering these events...like a big party meets state fair meets political event. Entertainment and politics...

Trump can speak for hours off the teleprompter, Bernie can't even read the teleprompter for half that amount of time. And we all know that he's drugged up now just so that he can remain lucent. 

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On 9/17/2022 at 3:25 PM, robosmith said:

You know you have LOST the argument when you have to resort to name calling.

BTW Babbit had JUST BREACHED the "closed doors" which was WHY she was shot. You should get your facts straight before posting ^your OPINION rant.

I stole name calling from the liberals because that is what they are good at. I use it now to rub their name calling in their face. Otherwise, I do not believe that I have lost any argument with you yet. 

Babbit did not breach any closed doors. The capital police opened the doors for all to enter as the crowds started to crowd the capital front steps. Babbit did not enter the building with an AK47 on her when she entered the building. Babbit was shot and murdered by a capital police who just decided that he would shoot Babbit for fun. 

You are the one that needs to get your facts right, and not me. Try listening to FOX NEWS for a change where we do get the other side of the story that you refuse to listen too. You listen way too much to CNN ranting, lefty. ?

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On 9/18/2022 at 6:50 AM, Rebound said:

Yet from his basement lair, Biden was able to secretly manipulate the outcomes of Presidential elections in six states so effectively that Trump’s army of Uber-lawyers couldn’t find a shred of evidence. THAT’S a badass! He’s 64 levels of 3D chess over your head, fascist.  Sucks to be you, huh?

Bidumb was kept in his basement hole because the democratic party did not want him out there talking to anyone. The guy half the time talks like he is lost in the head when it comes to most of his useless rants and speeches. There has been plenty of evidence that the election was stolen from Trump. Why even Bidumb once said himself that the democratic party has the best election fraud party going. Now that is a real "badass' senile old fart indeed. 

The buffoon probably does not even know that their is a game called chess around. That is because he knows as much as you do about anything? Nothing, except how to talk stupid. Yup. it sure's does suck to be you alright, comrade. ?

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42 minutes ago, taxme said:

Bidumb was kept in his basement hole because the democratic party did not want him out there talking to anyone. The guy half the time talks like he is lost in the head when it comes to most of his useless rants and speeches. There has been plenty of evidence that the election was stolen from Trump. Why even Bidumb once said himself that the democratic party has the best election fraud party going. Now that is a real "badass' senile old fart indeed. 

The buffoon probably does not even know that their is a game called chess around. That is because he knows as much as you do about anything? Nothing, except how to talk stupid. Yup. it sure's does suck to be you alright, comrade. ?

And yet, he kicked Trump’s ass by seven million votes. Trump filed 64 lawsuits and lost them all. Then he brought in goons to storm the Capitol and he still lost. He’s lucky he isn’t in prison where he belongs.  

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

I stole name calling from the liberals because that is what they are good at. I use it now to rub their name calling in their face. Otherwise, I do not believe that I have lost any argument with you yet. 

Babbit did not breach any closed doors. The capital police opened the doors for all to enter as the crowds started to crowd the capital front steps. Babbit did not enter the building with an AK47 on her when she entered the building. Babbit was shot and murdered by a capital police who just decided that he would shoot Babbit for fun. 

You are the one that needs to get your facts right, and not me. Try listening to FOX NEWS for a change where we do get the other side of the story that you refuse to listen too. You listen way too much to CNN ranting, lefty. ?

Let me give you some advice, because you obviously lack common sense, ok?  If you’re ever inside a building, and you come upon a hallway, and the doors are closed, and you see that there is furniture piled up against the other side of the door and police on the other side of the door are shouting at you to not go through the door and one of them is pointing a gun at you: Do Not Smash Your Way Through That Barricaded Doorway. 

I know, that’s a tough read for some people. It could be that they barricaded the doors with furniture as part of an obstacle course fun run and maybe they were going to replace the windows and they’re hoping you smash all their windows to save them the time of doing it themselves. Hard call, I know. 
Well, no, pretty much anyone can figure out that when police tell you not to smash your way through the windows of a barricaded door and they’re on the other side of the door pointing a gun at you, people with IQ over 65 can figure out that they shouldn’t try to go through the doors. Ashli Babbit figured it out, anyway.  

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7 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

He celebrated Christmas, prayed to God, and did all of the other things that Christians do. 

Like everyone else, he believed that he had the best relationship with God and the best understanding of God that anyone in the history of the world ever did. If that's not Protestant I dunno what is. 

He who? The subject you quoted was "most of the founders" who were DEISTS.

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4 hours ago, taxme said:

I stole name calling from the liberals because that is what they are good at. I use it now to rub their name calling in their face. Otherwise, I do not believe that I have lost any argument with you yet. 

Babbit did not breach any closed doors. The capital police opened the doors for all to enter as the crowds started to crowd the capital front steps. Babbit did not enter the building with an AK47 on her when she entered the building. Babbit was shot and murdered by a capital police who just decided that he would shoot Babbit for fun. 

You are the one that needs to get your facts right, and not me. Try listening to FOX NEWS for a change where we do get the other side of the story that you refuse to listen too. You listen way too much to CNN ranting, lefty. ?

You are confused, again.

The VIDEO showed Babbitt climbing THROUGH the just busted windows in the "closed doors" to the House chamber when she was shot and fell backwards.

She was shot to protect the House members from the angry mob that would have FOLLOWED HER.

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Christians are under increasing persecution by the left, progressives, LGBTQ, etc.  It is obvious by some of the comments made on these forums and this news article talks about it.  It is not as bad as other parts of the world such as Afghanistan where nobody can be a Christian openly.  There are many places like that.  But here in the west Christians are persecuted by being called bigots, haters, and even accused of wanting Lesbians stoned, which is about as absurd as it gets.  Trudeau himself helped to fire the anti-Christian bigotry when he said something to the effect that Evangelical Christians are not good Canadians or did he say the worst Canadians?  I can't remember off hand, but will look it up.  Imagine a leader of a western democracy, which was built on Judeo-Christian culture and civilization saying something like that.  Inciting hate. 

Are American Christians on the path to severe persecution for their faith? (msn.com)

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On 9/17/2022 at 4:57 PM, blackbird said:

No, Christians cannot kill people.  You missed what I said.  I said all the commandments are repeated in the New Testament as a guide for Christians.  So the commandment against killing applies to Christians.  Did you deliberately ignore what I said about the teachings in the ten commandments still applying to Christians with the exception of keeping the Sabbath which was only meant for Israel in Old Testament times?


Tell me where in the New Testament it says that homosexuality is a sin. 

If we read 1 Corinthians 16:9, it says, "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,"

So... if that says homosexuality is a sin... it puts fornication and adultery first, doesn't it?

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17 minutes ago, Rebound said:

Tell me where in the New Testament it says that homosexuality is a sin. 

If we read 1 Corinthians 16:9, it says, "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,"

So... if that says homosexuality is a sin... it puts fornication and adultery first, doesn't it?


What does the New Testament say about homosexuality? | GotQuestions.org

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2 hours ago, blackbird said:


You can’t quote the Bible, you have to quote some made up baloney to justify your hatred of gays. Why not just read the Bible yourself? 

You said the LGB community is “persecuting” you… but you voted for the ADULTERY community. Are the adulterers persecuting you? 

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On 9/19/2022 at 1:05 PM, herbie said:

How do you know Trump's KFC wasn't really Killed Fried Christian babies?

I mean if we're gonna state absurd conspiracies and outright lies to defend a P.O.S., why not both sides go whole hog?

How do you ignore all of the significant facts in a post and then just make an idiotic comment about one of the least significant things in that post?

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On 9/19/2022 at 3:38 PM, taxme said:

Bidumb was kept in his basement hole because the democratic party did not want him out there talking to anyone. The guy half the time talks like he is lost in the head when it comes to most of his useless rants and speeches. There has been plenty of evidence that the election was stolen from Trump. Why even Bidumb once said himself that the democratic party has the best election fraud party going. Now that is a real "badass' senile old fart indeed. 

The buffoon probably does not even know that their is a game called chess around. That is because he knows as much as you do about anything? Nothing, except how to talk stupid. Yup. it sure's does suck to be you alright, comrade. ?

Oh? There’s “plenty of evidence the election was stolen from Trump”?  Where is that evidence?  The Cyber Ninjas didn’t find it. 64 lawsuits didn’t find it. Where is this mythical evidence? We’d love to see it.  

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9 hours ago, Rebound said:


You can’t quote the Bible, you have to quote some made up baloney to justify your hatred of gays. Why not just read the Bible yourself? 

You said the LGB community is “persecuting” you… but you voted for the ADULTERY community. Are the adulterers persecuting you? 

We obviously can't communicate.  Let's just give it up.  I wish you the best in your life and hope you can find the truth.

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14 hours ago, blackbird said:

We obviously can't communicate.  Let's just give it up.  I wish you the best in your life and hope you can find the truth.

Truth? Truth is easy: The Bible is a book. You open it, and you read it. 

But you don't do that. You say you do, but you don't.


Example: Two gay people want to get married. Your retort? "They're persecuting me!" 

Yeah. Two people, minding their own business, are "persecuting" you because they're getting married. The only thing being persecuted is your sense of bigotry and hatred.

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