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The new gun bill

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40 minutes ago, taxme said:

Those 260 patriotic Canadians should have never had their bank accounts frozen in the first place. How would you like it if that Marxist government in Ottawa froze your bank account? I will bet that you would not be very happy about it happening to you just because you attended a protest, eh? Come on, comrade, this was communism in action. 

Everything that our politicians did to Canadians during covid was an attack on our rights and freedoms, and we must never forgive and never forget as to what our politicians have done to all Canadians during covid. Only buffoons and idiots will agree with what those dictators in Ottawa did to our COR rights and freedoms in Canada. They committed many COR violations, and they committed many crimes against humanity. so, go away dictator with your WEF globalist great reset plans for Canada. I want nothing to do with it.You can kiss my big fat white arse hole. Works for me. ? 


Paranoids will always justify BS.

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On 5/31/2022 at 4:51 PM, WestCanMan said:

So, the guy who froze the bank accounts of people who just donated small amounts of money to the truckers now wants the power to red flag people who are "deemed a threat"..... Not much chance for government overreach there. 

Here's how that's gonna go down:

-cops will show up at your door and say "give up your guns, you've been deemed a threat"

-you'll say "But why? I've never done anything wrong."

-Cops say "Your name came up on the computer. You can fight this in court. Here's some official-looking paper."

-You think about saying "...to wipe my ass with", but you bite your tongue.

-You try to navigate their idiotic new website, come to a bunch of dead ends (like on the Svc Canada website), give up, try to call in, be put on hold for 2 hours, navigate some more, give up to try another day when you have time during the week, a couple weeks later

-try the site again, then send in a letter. Wait 4 weeks

-You finally get a letter in the mail, a login for their site, you'll pay for an application for an online hearing, but they don't have a time yet. You'll wait a few more weeks for that.

-after the weeks have passed, they will ask you a bunch of personal questions and about your financial history, exactly why and where and how often you use your guns, your financial status, your family and any history of depression there, etc. 

-If anyone on FB ever called you a name, you might not qualify to get your guns back. If you have too many FB posts which are critical of our dear leader, you might not qualify to get your guns back. 

-after a few months you have a 50% chance to get your guns back, but you'll never find out why they were taken in the first place.


I've been on this earth 54 years now, I know how this shithole country works. 

he  was a jack ass for doing that to truckers. A wana be dictatorship.

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2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

More old old stuff.

Talk about a troll. You are the person that keeps on with old useless irrelevant stuff. LOL

Trudeau's fascist overreaches are not irrelevant now, nor will they ever be. 

An example of "old useless irrelevant stuff" is every stupid thing that comes out of your keyboard

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2 hours ago, traveler52 said:

No that won't happen.  But I find you henny penny the sky is falling very amusing.

I find your grade 3 grammar very amusing, and you obviously didn't learn anything from Trudeau's first round of fascism. He enevr lost control of the media this whole time, it's isn't going to get any better. 

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28 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Trudeau's fascist overreaches are not irrelevant now, nor will they ever be. 

An example of "old useless irrelevant stuff" is every stupid thing that comes out of your keyboard

Just some more old useless irrelevant stuff. My keyboard stuff is relevant, factual, interesting and worth reading. It would do you well to get as informed as I am  ?

There is very little chance that you can get me interested in guns, control or otherwise.

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40 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Trudeau's fascist overreaches are not irrelevant now, nor will they ever be. 

An example of "old useless irrelevant stuff" is every stupid thing that comes out of your keyboard

Some time old information is very useful as it shows pasterns and previous intent and lies .SADLY SOME FALL for the same old lies and bull shat election after election like Biden told us .

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I find your grade 3 grammar very amusing, and you obviously didn't learn anything from Trudeau's first round of fascism. He enevr lost control of the media this whole time, it's isn't going to get any better. 

Your lack of original thought is less than impressive.  There is no part of the proposed legislation that involves cops coming to your door and taking your fracking guns.  You know that.  But please, keep going your Reich Wing amusing.

You do justice henny penny, no proof, just lots of hysteria.

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4 hours ago, traveler52 said:

Your lack of original thought is less than impressive.  There is no part of the proposed legislation that involves cops coming to your door and taking your fracking guns.  You know that.  But please, keep going your Reich Wing amusing.

You do justice henny penny, no proof, just lots of hysteria.

Your insult is followed by a comment that just shows you didn't even understand my post, and a comment that proves you are utterly ignorant of world history.

I'm not even gonna bother explaining any of that to you, I'm just looking fwd to reading your next idiotic post. 


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7 hours ago, Robert Salyers said:

Some time old information is very useful as it shows pasterns and previous intent and lies .SADLY SOME FALL for the same old lies and bull shat election after election like Biden told us .

Old information is almost always useful, but I can also understand how leftists want to completely ignore it. 

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15 hours ago, Robert Salyers said:

Some time old information is very useful as it shows pasterns and previous intent and lies .SADLY SOME FALL for the same old lies and bull shat election after election like Biden told us .

But same old repeated thoughts and opinions only demonstrate that there was nothing there to begin with.

Every second you spend dwelling in the past is a minute you steal from your future. Anonymous

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15 hours ago, Robert Salyers said:

Wise people can learn a lot by studying history

Wiser people move on from the past.

If you constantly dwell on the past, that is where you end up living. Simon Weston

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7 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Your insult is followed by a comment that just shows you didn't even understand my post, and a comment that proves you are utterly ignorant of world history.

I'm not even gonna bother explaining any of that to you, I'm just looking fwd to reading your next idiotic post. 


If a post requires explanation, it is not worth noting.

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7 minutes ago, Robert Salyers said:

We can learn from the past 

At some point you have to realize the past is gone for a reason and the best way to move forward is not to keep looking back.

Never be a prisoner of your past. It was just a lesson, not a life sentence.

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14 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

At some point you have to realize the past is gone for a reason and the best way to move forward is not to keep looking back.

Never be a prisoner of your past. It was just a lesson, not a life sentence.

at some point you have to learn the past is a record of evens that we learn from such as Nazi Germany

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18 minutes ago, Robert Salyers said:

at some point you have to learn the past is a record of evens that we learn from such as Nazi Germany

Yeah, that is why Korea and Vietnam and Afghanistan and Iraq and Iran and Russia invading Ukraine and so many other conflicts happened.

Seems nothing was learned?

Poor choice of an analogy bites you in the ass LOL

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On 6/2/2022 at 2:11 PM, Queenmandy85 said:

Prime Minister Trudeau recommended the War Measures Act be invoked at the request of Premier Bourassa. The kidnapping of Mr. Cross and Minister LaPorte by the FLQ fulfilled the definition of an "apprehended insurrection."

So, kidnapping of two individuals constitutes an "insurrection" and justifies and requires "war measures"? Where is only one question: where? In which wonderworld alternate reality?

... that happy bureaucracy happily constructed for itself free of any checks, controls, responsibility to provide meaningful answers or any answers at all and why not? Like why in the world wouldn't it do just that, if it can?

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1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:

Yeah, that is why Korea and Vietnam and Afghanistan and Iraq and Iran and Russia invading Ukraine and so many other conflicts happened.

Seems nothing was learned?

Poor choice of an analogy bites you in the ass LOL

iI have never seen a hunman who refuses to admit you can learn from the past, its not my fault when people unable actually learn from mistakes .

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22 hours ago, taxme said:

Those 260 patriotic Canadians should have never had their bank accounts frozen in the first place.

It is hard to classify them as patriotic people when they were flying American flags and taking American money. Having a separatist leading them doesn't help either.

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On 6/1/2022 at 5:00 PM, myata said:

It's exactly for that reason they can now take away pretty much anything. Walk only with a lead disinfecting ball, step to the right or left qualified as insurgency and handy ubiquitous propaganda to convince you (like 95% of you, that will do) that it's all for your own good. Please find what is wrong in this picture. Please tell me that they couldn't.

A WEF globalist quite: You will own nothing, and you will be happy. We will force you to comply to anything we say, and you will obey. If you do not comply to our demands, we will freeze your bank account and take away your passport. Oh joy. 

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1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

It is hard to classify them as patriotic people when they were flying American flags and taking American money. Having a separatist leading them doesn't help either.

Give the patriots a break, will you. Did you not get what the truckers convoy was all about in the first place? We are now going to need a similar like truckers anti-gun protest to fight this draconian Marxist hand gun grab. This is Canadian Marxism at work once again. This is just another waste of your tax dollars. These Marxists in Ottawa never seem to learn anything. We the people want freedom, and not communism.  

Flying an American flag does not have to mean that one is not being patriotic in their country. I have seen the American flag being flown many times around in Europe where protests against the government has happened. Flying the American flag means that one believes in the American 1st Amendment and freedom.

We have the COR which says that we have a right to our freedom of speech and assembly. But the Marxist liberal version means that only sanctioned Marxist freedom of speech and assembly will be allowed. 

I will take American money over Canadian money anytime. You can keep your Canadian peso. No merchant around the world ever really wants to take Canadian money as payment for anything. But the whole wide world will take American money. 

Who is the separatist? Just asking. 

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23 hours ago, ExFlyer said:


Paranoids will always justify BS.

It's the "paranoid" ones that are trying to save your sorry lefty liberal arse from Canada becoming a communist dictatorship. If you think that freezing the "paranoid" people's bank accounts is all okay with you, then you are the stunned fool here, and not me. And if you think that having to fill out what they call an ARRCAN app just so the government can track our leaving and returning to Canada is all okay with you, then you the fool here, and not me. 

It's for dam sure that if we the freedom loving "paranoid" people in Canada want to stay free then it is we the "paranoid" people that have to deal with communist sympathizer's like you around. Just what is with lefty liberals like you that just never seem to get it. Instead of supporting those patriotic"paranoid" people, you should be thanking them for what they are trying to do. save you sorry lefty liberal arse from Canada becoming a communist country. Believe it or not. ?


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52 minutes ago, taxme said:

Who is the separatist? Just asking. 

Tamara Lich and Pat King. 

I am not saying there is anything bad about flying the American flag. It is just not patriotic.

I would avoid copying the truckers action when trying to overturn the new regulations. To get it overturned, we are going to need public support. Alienating a lot of people as happened in Ottawa, will not get support for our cause. A better strategy would be to get Provincial governments to challenge the regulations in order to delay passage until the end of the session, where it will die on the order paper. It gives the grits an out by letting them go to the voters and say they tried, and Charest can say we blocked it. It won't be an issue in the next election regardless.

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19 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Ms. Lich. 

I am not saying there is anything bad about flying the American flag. It is just not patriotic.

I would avoid copying the truckers action when trying to overturn the new regulations. To get it overturned, we are going to need public support. Alienating a lot of people as happened in Ottawa, will not get support for our cause. A better strategy would be to get Provincial governments to challenge the regulations in order to delay passage until the end of the session, where it will die on the order paper. It gives the grits an out by letting them go to the voters and say they tried, and Charest can say we blocked it. It won't be an issue in the next election regardless.

It's very hard for me to ever want to fly the Canadian flag at all anymore because to me the Canadian flag does not represent freedom any longer. It appears to me to represent that I am now living in a Marxist country where freedom of speech and peaceful assembly of the conservative kind are not welcomed here in Canada anymore. Only government sanctioned lefty liberal woke protests will be sanctioned. 

Those people that felt alienated were people who did not understand as to what the convoy protest was really all about. Their problem was that they continued to listen to the Canadian lying lefty liberal/socialist media which kept telling them that the convoy protesters were nothing more than a bunch of white supremacist Nazi racists. What a farce and a lie indeed. And these same alienated people will now be told and they will surely believe that the new hand gun bill will stop all shootings. It will just be more lies and bull shit coming from our lying Canadian politicians and the lying Canadian bunch of bought off media arse holes. These people need to try and listen to the other side of the story for a change rather than just listen to the Canadian lying lefty liberal media side all the time. ?

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