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Hunter Biden Must Be Jailed

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On 3/24/2022 at 4:41 AM, Nationalist said:

The New York Times has finally admitted that Hunter's laptop is real. What does that mean?

It means that:

1. The president's son is a pedophile. 

2. The president's son is a sex addict. 

3. The president's son is a crack addict. 

4. The president's son used his father's position to make money.

5. The "big guy" Joe Biden made millions working with his son.

6. The President of the United States is corrupt and compromised. 

7. The President of the United States is a criminal. 

"He's the smartest person I know."


The sad part about all of this is that if that pos Hunter does end up going to jail, rumor has it that his corrupt and senile daddy will give him a pardon. These criminals never go to jail. They will always get a free pass if they are a part of the globalist establishment. It really does pay to be a paid up member of the globalist cabal. ?

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1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

How is that different from Jered Kushner? Last time I checked, China was the US’s 2nd best trading partner. President Trump used the same script as President Putin is now. What does that suggest?

You're purposely trying to confuse the matter.  For example ...... In 2013, vice president Joe Biden went to China on official business and took Hunter with him.  As Joe was discussing China's militarization of the South China sea with Chinese officials, the Bank of China was in the process of depositing $1.5 billion with Hunter Biden's investment firm. Did the $1.5 billion have any affect on the South China sea talks? You tell me.  I agree it doesn't matter who does it. It's wrong. Where we disagree is with your idea that there are never any consequences.

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

The sad part about all of this is that if that pos Hunter does end up going to jail, rumor has it that his corrupt and senile daddy will give him a pardon. These criminals never go to jail. They will always get a free pass if they are a part of the globalist establishment. It really does pay to be a paid up member of the globalist cabal. ?

Principals can be expensive. 

But I want my conscience clean.

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On 3/26/2022 at 9:38 AM, Nationalist said:

You mean like the pictures? 

Those emails show Hunter was making millions using access to his dad. That happens to be illegal. 

I mean like those alleged child porn screenshots you disgustingly tried to post on this site before the mods deleted your disgusting post.   You’re lucky all you got was a warning, if it were up to me, Id have banned you and asked local law enforcement to decide if those disgusting alleged child porn screenshots  you posted are criminal or not. 

And the emails don’t show Hunter making millions to access his dad


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On 3/24/2022 at 10:23 AM, suds said:

I'm going with the theory that the only reason the NYT's ran this story is because someone from the Justice Department tipped them off and indictments are on the way. The important thing is how the laptop implicates Joe Biden in all this. It's also possible that the powers that be have decided that Joe has become a liability/embarrassment  to the Democratic party and has got to go. Or it could be that this was the plan all along.

Maybe the powers that be in the US have decided that it's nearly time to get rid of Biden before he starts an unnecessary war with Russia. 

His gaffes used to be about what jacket he was wearing, what city & state he was in, who his wife was, and how to walk up stairs. Now they're about him blurting out things like Putin has to go, or members of the 82nd Airborne will be in Ukraine soon, etc. Those aren't just gaffes, they're major escalations in a hot war zone, and the WH has been doing a lot of damage control for the president's mouth in the last few days. 

When he's not blurting out frightful impending-war comments he's showing abject stupidity and weakness, saying things like "The sanctions were never about being a deterrent", lol. Honestly, he's not a member of the opposition making empty promises that he'll never have to live up to, he's the POTUS, the man with executive power over one of the world's most capable militaries, he's not supposed to be a feeble puppet-boy getting corrected by his own minions all the time.

It's at the point now where they have to schedule a "clarification and walk-back briefing" to follow right after his every public address, and I wish I was joking. 

If the VP wasn't the kind of person to laugh at a question about Ukrainian refugees she'd probably be getting a whole different set of briefings in the near future, but her secret service codename is "Outta the frying pan...".

3rd in line is Nancy Effing Pelosi, one of the most useless people in politics. 

If the US gov't came out and said "We're gonna get Barack Obama to run the show for a few weeks, just 'til we get back on track, I'd say "FUCK DEMOCRACY, PUT OBAMA IN AGAINST EVERYTHING THAT THE CONSTITUTION STANDS FOR, AND LET'S PULL OUTTA THIS SHIT-SHOW NOW!" And I. do. not. like. Barack. Obama. at. all

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On 3/25/2022 at 7:55 PM, BeaverFever said:

The NYT authenticated the emails only. FULL STOP


They never said anything about authenticating any of the alleged content that Republican propagandists claimed was on there 

Christ, who reads the NYT anymore? Only lefty trendy liberals and democrats reads the NYT. They are just like CNN and MSNBC. All full of leftist liberal hacks and liars. That rag is not worth the time of day anymore. Good for cleaning up spills though. ?


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5 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

I mean like those alleged child porn screenshots you disgustingly tried to post on this site before the mods deleted your disgusting post.   You’re lucky all you got was a warning, if it were up to me, Id have banned you and asked local law enforcement to decide if those disgusting alleged child porn screenshots  you posted are criminal or not. 

And the emails don’t show Hunter making millions to access his dad


Did Hunter ever go to fantasy Epstein island? Just wondering. 

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On 3/25/2022 at 7:55 PM, BeaverFever said:

The NYT authenticated the emails only. FULL STOP


They never said anything about authenticating any of the alleged content that Republican propagandists claimed was on there 


FYI the NYT aren't really in any position to be considered "authenticators", and all that their recent blurb means is "Our new narratives suddenly align with some facts that we previously had to lie about". 

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14 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Ask Trump he was Epstein’s buddy for decades and bragged to the press about their shared taste in women and made special point if admiring Epstein’s taste for girls “on the younger side”

The 1980s and '90s called, they want you to stop lying about the timeline of their stories.

You already tried to pin this crap on Trump and you could never find an article about him and Epstein being chummy from the past twenty years, since Trump banned him from Mar-a-Lago. Yet you keep on recirculating this because it's one of your favourite lies. 

So pathetic. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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3 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

The 1980s and '90s called, they want you to stop lying about the timeline of their stories.

You already tried to pin this crap on Trump and you could never find an article about him and Epstein being chummy from the past twenty years, since Trump banned him from Mar-a-Lago. Yet you keep on recirculating this because it's one of your favourite lies. 

So pathetic. 

Trump and Epstein were chums at the time of Epstein’s alleged crimes occurred. Period. You asked for evidence of friendship at time that is irrelevant. Your idiotic question is like asking someone to prove Hitler was involved in any wars after 1946 and if they can’t then it proves Hitler wasn’t involved in any wars. 

Epstein victimized women as early as 1994 and as late as 2005 when he was first investigated.  So Trump was buddies with Epstein during most of Epstein’s predatory behaviour   

New York magazine,OCT. 28, 2002:

….”And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”



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23 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


FYI the NYT aren't really in any position to be considered "authenticators", and all that their recent blurb means is "Our new narratives suddenly align with some facts that we previously had to lie about". 

I don’t like or dislike any of it. You’re the one whose entire existence is based on selective acceptance of reality (along with a healthy dose of pure fiction). 

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19 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

I mean like those alleged child porn screenshots you disgustingly tried to post on this site before the mods deleted your disgusting post.   You’re lucky all you got was a warning, if it were up to me, Id have banned you and asked local law enforcement to decide if those disgusting alleged child porn screenshots  you posted are criminal or not. 

And the emails don’t show Hunter making millions to access his dad


No...they show Hunter parading a little girl around in fishnets and garderbelt. Are your feelings and senses disgusted with Hunter's sexcapades with elementary school age girls? Or me for having posted the pictures of Hunter's sick sexcapades?

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14 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Ask Trump he was Epstein’s buddy for decades and bragged to the press about their shared taste in women and made special point if admiring Epstein’s taste for girls “on the younger side”

Huh...except Trump tossed Epstein out on his ear. Plus...not even Epstein was sick enough to diddle little pre-teen girls.

That trick is Hunter's. 

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14 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Trump and Epstein were chums at the time of Epstein’s alleged crimes occurred. Period. You asked for evidence of friendship at time that is irrelevant. Your idiotic question is like asking someone to prove Hitler was involved in any wars after 1946 and if they can’t then it proves Hitler wasn’t involved in any wars. 

Epstein victimized women as early as 1994 and as late as 2005 when he was first investigated.  So Trump was buddies with Epstein during most of Epstein’s predatory behaviour   

New York magazine,OCT. 28, 2002:

….”And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”




Yet no pictures and no proof of anything except that Trump tossed him from his home.

Too bad so sad. Its Hunter's thing to have sex with little girls.

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19 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Trump and Epstein were chums at the time of Epstein’s alleged crimes occurred. Period. You asked for evidence of friendship at time that is irrelevant. Your idiotic question is like asking someone to prove Hitler was involved in any wars after 1946 and if they can’t then it proves Hitler wasn’t involved in any wars. 

Epstein victimized women as early as 1994 and as late as 2005 when he was first investigated.  So Trump was buddies with Epstein during most of Epstein’s predatory behaviour   

New York magazine,OCT. 28, 2002:

….”And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

You're just full of crap, and about the dimmest bulb on the planet.

Trump severed his friendship with Epstein decades ago and you know that but you continue to lie, just like you do about everything else. If you deleted your lies you'd have nothing left on this forum.

Do you have any clue at all what "women on the younger side" even means? Do you? 'Cause I'm pretty sure that you don't or you wouldn't have that idiotic quote there. 

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19 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

I don’t like or dislike any of it. You’re the one whose entire existence is based on selective acceptance of reality (along with a healthy dose of pure fiction). 

My existence is just based on truth, that's why we disagree on everything.

When there was good reason to believe that the laptop was legit I talked about it, you just spread the MSM's lies about it. I don't even have to look back at your old posts because I just know that whatever the MSM said, you parroted it verbatim. 

So the NYT was caught lying about the laptop, and they helped bury the story, and now for whatever reason they feel the need to stop lying about it, plain and simple. 

I don't care if you like how this all went down, but you should be used to being on the wrong side of history now Beave. Just suck it up and stop whining about it. You're the one who consciously makes the decision to regurgitate MSM idiocy every day. You never learn. 

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5 hours ago, Nationalist said:

No...they show Hunter parading a little girl around in fishnets and garderbelt. Are your feelings and senses disgusted with Hunter's sexcapades with elementary school age girls? Or me for having posted the pictures of Hunter's sick sexcapades?

Posting those pictures is disgusting under any circumstances and real or not I suggest you posting them anywhere walks a fine line with disseminating child porn.  Even excerpts of synthetic child porn is (or ought to be) illegal 

That said, they’re most certainly fakes and/or at least not of Hunter Biden. It’s just more of the false, ridiculously over-the-top allegations Republicans make against the [insert name here] Democrat-du-jour since I’ve been born. It used to be a list of people the Kennedys had murdered, then a list the people the Clintons had murdered, then the Islamist terrorist groups Obama secretly belonged to. The Republican nonsense never ends. And of course none of these people were ever investigated for any of it, much less tried and convicted so as always its more “VAST CONSPIRACY COVERUP “ lunacy. At this point every man woman and child must be in on the conspiracy to keep it all covered up with no shred of independently verified evidence to be found anywhere. 

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8 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

You're just full of crap, and about the dimmest bulb on the planet.

Trump severed his friendship with Epstein decades ago and you know that but you continue to lie, just like you do about everything else. If you deleted your lies you'd have nothing left on this forum.

Do you have any clue at all what "women on the younger side" even means? Do you? 'Cause I'm pretty sure that you don't or you wouldn't have that idiotic quote there. 

Boy you are not smart at all.  Decades ago doesn’t matter if they were buddies at the time Epstein was victimizing most of these girls.  And for Trump to go out of his way to bring up Epstein’s taste for girls “especially on the younger side” in such glowing terms…only a brainwashed Trumptard moron would think that’s a coincidence.

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31 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Posting those pictures is disgusting under any circumstances and real or not I suggest you posting them anywhere walks a fine line with disseminating child porn.  Even excerpts of synthetic child porn is (or ought to be) illegal 

That said, they’re most certainly fakes and/or at least not of Hunter Biden. It’s just more of the false, ridiculously over-the-top allegations Republicans make against the [insert name here] Democrat-du-jour since I’ve been born. It used to be a list of people the Kennedys had murdered, then a list the people the Clintons had murdered, then the Islamist terrorist groups Obama secretly belonged to. The Republican nonsense never ends. And of course none of these people were ever investigated for any of it, much less tried and convicted so as always its more “VAST CONSPIRACY COVERUP “ lunacy. At this point every man woman and child must be in on the conspiracy to keep it all covered up with no shred of independently verified evidence to be found anywhere. 

It is disgusting and they were on Hunter's laptop. Aren't you curious why?

Honestly...I don't expect Hunter Biden to ever stand trial. But you can bet your last dollar that I and millions of others, will never let this slide. We're going to utterly destroy Hunter and if we're lucky, we'll destroy the entire Biden family.!

Enjoy the destruction.

Edited by Nationalist
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8 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Boy you are not smart at all.  Decades ago doesn’t matter if they were buddies at the time Epstein was victimizing most of these girls.  And for Trump to go out of his way to bring up Epstein’s taste for girls “especially on the younger side” in such glowing terms…only a brainwashed Trumptard moron would think that’s a coincidence.

Liar. This wasn't his quote at all: "to bring up Epstein’s taste for girls “especially on the younger side”

Why is it that you always find yourself in a position where you have to lie to make a point Beave? 

Trump and Epstein, at the time, had a taste for 25 year old women, but I guess that's unusual, hey Beave? https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-playmate-idUSKBN1GZ0DL


Ex-Playboy model tells CNN she 'was in love' with Trump

How many guys wouldn't go with this 'girl' because she's too young? 

It's like you exist just to prove how wrong you can be about everything. 

Screen Shot 2022-03-28 at 9.46.20 AM.png

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11 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Liar. This wasn't his quote at all: "to bring up Epstein’s taste for girls “especially on the younger side”

Why is it that you always find yourself in a position where you have to lie to make a point Beave? 

Trump and Epstein, at the time, had a taste for 25 year old women, but I guess that's unusual, hey Beave? https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-playmate-idUSKBN1GZ0DL

How many guys wouldn't go with this 'girl' because she's too young? 

It's like you exist just to prove how wrong you can be about everything. 

Screen Shot 2022-03-28 at 9.46.20 AM.png

Would Beave know what do do with a woman like that?

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20 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

I don’t like or dislike any of it. You’re the one whose entire existence is based on selective acceptance of reality (along with a healthy dose of pure fiction). 

In Hunter Biden's laptop are quite a number of very sexually explicit pictures. Among which are pictures of a little girl dressed like a hooker, holding hands with a grown man. The face is conveniently cut at the top of the picture because...well...what it depicts and suggests is highly illegal.

Also in this pedophile's laptop, tons of emails detailing huge money transfers from a number of very unsavoury people, to Hunter Biden. PLUS 10% for "The Big Guy". This has been corroborated by a former business associate of the Biden's, Tony Bobulinski.!

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