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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, CdnFox said:

I suspect he's referring to dudley george, killed during the ippawash incident (sp?) back in 95.  The first nations were protesting in a park, it got violent and in a physical clash with police George was shot by an officer, the officer was later found guilty of criminal negligence 

it would seem mike is going back in time about 30 years to claim that the actions of a police officer who acted inappropriately at a violent protest turned riot (dudley had a stick in his hand and was trying to hit cops at the time) is the same as "the PC gov't planned to murder first nations people".   

Which is of course ridiculous.  

Just the usual left wing dishonesty.


]ust calling Michael out as he so often requires other to provide evidence and proof.

I was unaware of the dudley incident and am not sure if that is what he is referring to.

I do not believe there was anything dishonest.... but then, everything you do not like is either a lie or dishonest LOL

Edited by ExFlyer
spelling corrections
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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.

2 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

"Canada no, please, Canada, no !"

he said it was "Canadian Apocalypse Now"

I wonder where the order to give that drug to Canadians even came from. It's possible that it came from some of our NATO counterparts, to test it using Canadian soldiers, so as not to tarnish their own reputations. 

Maybe it wasn't ever intended to be a malaria drug in the first place, and they knew it would fail that trial. 

The reason I say this is because the Germans used to give their soldiers a form a crystal meth during WWII. It achieved 2 things:

  1. It made the soldiers more aggressive, less humane and less fearful
  2. It gave soldiers the ability to work many more hours in a day. If your armoured division can do 20-hr days and the enemy can only do 15s, it's like you have 33% more tanks, because you get an extra 5 hrs a day from the ones you have. 

Having soldiers that are less concerned about rules, conventions, and the lives of innocents can be a huge advantage. There's a "perfect balance" that leaders would want to achieve using drugs, and maybe that was just an experiment in using that drug for that purpose and had nothing to do with its effectiveness vs malaria. 

Was that your whole point about the drug to begin with?  

If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

"If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"

Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I wonder where the order to give that drug to Canadians even came from. It's possible that it came from some of our NATO counterparts, to test it using Canadian soldiers, so as not to tarnish their own reputations. 

Maybe it wasn't ever intended to be a malaria drug in the first place, and they knew it would fail that trial. 

The reason I say this is because the Germans used to give their soldiers a form a crystal meth during WWII. It achieved 2 things:

  1. It made the soldiers more aggressive, less humane and less fearful
  2. It gave soldiers the ability to work many more hours in a day. If your armoured division can do 20-hr days and the enemy can only do 15s, it's like you have 33% more tanks, because you get an extra 5 hrs a day from the ones you have. 

Having soldiers that are less concerned about rules, conventions, and the lives of innocents can be a huge advantage. There's a "perfect balance" that leaders would want to achieve using drugs, and maybe that was just an experiment in using that drug for that purpose and had nothing to do with its effectiveness vs malaria. 

Was that your whole point about the drug to begin with?  

I would surmise that somebody in the government got paid to dose the Airborne on behalf of Roche

but I doubt there is any evidence of that now, 30 years later, so it's only speculation

that being said, why else would anybody do it ?

in terms of a conspiracy to incite mayhem for its own sake, I doubt that

since these senior officials did not know that they would be able to dodge accountability

because that was more of a process as the Somalia Inquiry went along

these senior officials probably counted themselves lucky to dodge the bullet, since that was never ensured

when the Courts Martial is brought to bear, nobody is guaranteed a get out of jail free card

but in terms of the murder of Shidane Arone, that was not a planned nor controlled situation

I mean, Matchee was apparently out of his head before he laid the beating down

swinging his baton around the bunker, at "f*cking Camel Spiders !" that weren't even there

there's only one witness who was there that I have heard testimony from 

but he describes Matchee as actually hallucinating at the time

Edited by Dougie93
  • Thanks 1
22 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I would surmise that somebody in the government got paid to dose the Airborne on behalf of Roche

but I doubt there is any evidence of that now, 30 years later, so it's only speculation

that being said, why else would anybody do it ?

in terms of a conspiracy to incite mayhem for its own sake, I doubt that

since these senior officials did not know that they would be able to dodge accountability

because that was more of a process as the Somalia Inquiry went along

these senior officials probably counted themselves lucky to dodge the bullet, since that was never ensured

when the Courts Martial is brought to bear, nobody is guaranteed a get out of jail free card

but in terms of the murder of Shidane Arone, that was not a planned nor controlled situation

I mean, Matchee was apparently out of his head before he laid the beating down

swinging his baton around the bunker, at "f*cking Camel Spiders !" that weren't even there

there's only one witness who was there that I have heard testimony from 

but he describes Matchee as actually hallucinating at the time

If this was all true, then why did our MSM just chalk it all up to: "These guys were all just extreme racists! Disbanding that regiment in total shame was the true Canadian thing to do!"? 

Sounds like the 101st needs to meet our MSM on the Plains of Abraham, outnumbered 20-1 just to make things fair. 

I'll bring the popcorn. 

If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

"If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"

2 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

If this was all true, then why did our MSM just chalk it all up to: "These guys were all just extreme racists! Disbanding that regiment in total shame was the true Canadian thing to do!"?

what, you mean the state run left wing establishment media in Canada ?

by this point the Liberals were back in power, Jean Chretien was the Prime Minister

so the Canadian media was performing its traditional role of insulating the Liberals at literally any cost

first the Liberals cut the inquiry short, when it started to investigate senior ranks

once the NCO's had been convicted for everything, the government stopped the inquiry to protect NDHQ

the disbandment of the Airborne Regiment actually came years later, in 1995

once the Canadian media had latched on to the Airborne Regiment story, they dug up more dirt as they went

bear in mind that the Army chain of command was not fond of the Airborne Regiment

the Army chain of command had been looking for an excuse to get rid of them for literally decades

so the Chretien Liberals just went with the flow

they declared the Army to be a hotbed of "White Supremacists"

Shidane Arone was in essence "Canadian George Floyd"

even tho neither Clayton Matchee nor Kyle Brown are white, they are both Indians

then the government disbanded the regiment without further ado,  to make the story go away

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, Dougie93 said:

they declared the Army to be a hotbed of "White Supremacists"

Shidane Arone was in essence "Canadian George Floyd"

even tho neither Clayton Matchee nor Kyle Brown are white, they are both Indians

then the government disbanded the regiment without further ado,  to make the story go away

And apparently Clayton Matchee and Kyle Brown are our George Zimmermans: "non-white white supremacists". 

If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

"If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"

Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

And apparently Clayton Matchee and Kyle Brown are our George Zimmermans: "non-white white supremacists". 

we didn't know about the Mefloquine at the time, it took twenty years to piece it all together

so we just assumed that Matchee must have been some sort of madman, we couldn't explain it

we couldn't understand why our buddy who came back on leave was so jacked up and out of control

it's the first time anybody had deployed for something other than Peacekeeping

so we just assumed that shit was so hairy in Somalia, that it had stressed him to the limit

but looking back, knowing about Mefloquine, it explains everything

not just about Matchee, but the whole breakdown of discipline to include the officers

I mean, if they're calling the day the drug was taken "Psycho Tuesdays"

then this is something that is happening to all them at once, to varying degrees

and they are not even noticing that this is happening,

because there is nobody who is not dosed to monitor the effects

not only was this drug "trial" illegal under Health Canada rules, but it wasn't even supervised like a trial would be

 the troops were going to the medics and saying that there was something wrong

like having intense nightmares about killing their families and all their buddies in the Section

or like they were suddenly finding themselves standing in the camp in their underwear

with their rifle in hand, on their way to kill somebody with it, like in a trance, sleep walking

the medics just said "drink more water, sleep it off"

but according to Matchee's wfe, when he was on leave in Petawawa

she woke up in the night with him trying to strangle her to death

then he suddenly snapped out of it and said "holy shit, I'm in Canada"

then he was freaking out, because he couldn't understand what was happening

so when you look back on the photos of  him killing Arone, you can see it in his eyes

he's having a psychotic episode right there

like if it ever went to trial, Matchee would have a very strong defence

bearing in mind that he was ordered to torture the prisoner by the chain of command

this is not something he cooked up himself, this was a procedure which had been directed

military law of course says its an unlawful order which you must decline to obey

but if everybody is experiencing drug related psychosis to some degree

are any of them in a state of mind to do so ?

are the officers who are issuing these unlawful orders experiencing the effects as well ?

hyper paranoia and hyper aggression

not just Matchee, they are all exhibiting this behaviour to some degree, up and down the ranks

like my buddy who came back on leave, we took him out to the bars in Toronto

first thing, we get into a cab, and it's a Somali cab driver

boom, he goes off on the cabbie, trying to pick a fight, so the cabbie kicks us out of the cab

and then my buddy just snaps, hair trigger

he's at the driver door, trying to pull the cabbie into the street to pummel him

we had to grab him and pull him away, three of us having to pull him off

we were just like "whoa, wtf is the matter with you ?!!"

but he couldn't explain it, he was acting like we were the ones who were being unreasonable

he's just rattling on about Somalis, "you can't trust them, they're dangerous" etc

hyper aggressive and hyper paranoid

and he was a black belt in Goju Ryu Karate

so if he had pulled that cabbie into the street for a fight, he easily could have beaten him to death

there is another Paratrooper who has officially been diagnosed with brain damage from the tour

for years they thought he had PTSD

but no, in 2017 he was diagnosed as having a brain injury caused by the Mefloquine

that Paratrooper now says that if he had been in the position that Matchee was

he too could have easily beaten Arone to death considering his state of mind at the time

other witnesses in the bunker that night said that it seemed like Matchee was hallucinating

and in the morning, when they told Matchee that the prisoner was dead

Matchee was reportedly shocked, like he was not aware of what he had done

next thing you know, he tries to hang himself, also probably due to the Mefloquine

nothing Matchee did made any logical sense from a criminal point of view

if you intend to murder someone in the middle of a military camp,

are you going to film yourself doing it to provide evidence for your own conviction ?

if you are going to murder someone, what is your plan to get away with it ?

if you are a murderous psychopath, you're not going to hang yourself the morning after

murderous psychopaths don't feel guilty, and they don't want to get caught

like if it ever had gone to a criminal trial in a civilian court

Matchee would almost certainty be deemed NCR ;  suffering from psychosis

the persons who would be criminally responsible

is whoever it was at DND who administered this completely illegal unsupervised drug experiment

but in Canada, senior public officials are never held responsible

and the state run media has long been the lapdog propaganda arm of the senior public officials

as the Truckers found out when they got to Ottawa

I knew the Freedom Convoy was utterly naive, I knew it was going to end the way it did

but that understanding started with the Somalia Affair; this is how Canada is actually run

this younger generation just never got the memo apparently

because the whole Somalia Affair and what really happened, was memory holed years ago

Edited by Dougie93
  • Thanks 1
13 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Glad to add some information.  Cheers...

Your response is not informative.

Is your reference to the dudley incident of 30+ years ago??

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.

12 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

If this was all true, then why did our MSM just chalk it all up to: "These guys were all just extreme racists! Disbanding that regiment in total shame was the true Canadian thing to do!"? 

Sounds like the 101st needs to meet our MSM on the Plains of Abraham, outnumbered 20-1 just to make things fair. 

I'll bring the popcorn. 

The entire regiment was racist and they finally got caught. It was so bad they disbanded the whole lot of them. There was no way of correcting or fixing them.
doogie worships the guys within the regiment and especially the murderers an torturers. He makes all sorts of excuses for their actions but in fact, the boys in the band were all feeding off each others macho racist tough guy soldier attitude.

The investigation showed the regiment and it's attitude permeated ranks top to bottom. They all wtached Rambo too much LOL

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.

6 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Yes 👍🏻 

Sorry Michael, not a  valid reference or comparison then.

That incident had nothing to do with provincial politics or political party. It was all OPP. (I had to look it up)

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.

1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:

Sorry Michael, not a  valid reference or comparison then.

That incident had nothing to do with provincial politics or political party. It was all OPP. (I had to look it up)

You're incorrect about that. I guess you weren't around back then, but it was a clear report that the premier had said, to the audience of the opp, somebody get those damn Indians out of that Park. 


Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

You're incorrect about that. I guess you weren't around back then, but it was a clear report that the premier had said, to the audience of the opp, somebody get those damn Indians out of that Park. 


I was around but it was not a huge event out west.

No, the inquiry said nothing about political pressure.

"Local politicians further inflamed the situation, maintaining that the surrounding communities were terrified, and that the premier wanted a quick end to the occupation."

"The inquiry also found that Harris and the Ontario government had placed narrow limits on those responding to the situation, by maintaining that the occupation was illegal, and that there would be no third-party mediators and no negotiations. "




Edited by ExFlyer

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.

8 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

this younger generation just never got the memo apparently

I always appreciate your insights on these topics.

  • Thanks 1

"There are two different types of people in the world - those who want to know and those who want to believe."

~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~

16 minutes ago, Goddess said:

I always appreciate your insights on these topics.

glad to be of some service

particularly as this has all been memory holed

it's like when the decorated Afghanistan vets in the Freedom Convoy were getting called "Nazis"

they were shocked, they went on Youtube saying "can't f*cking believe this shit"

but for those of us who lived through the Somalia Affair in Petawawa, it was deja vu

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