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Plugging My Nose and Watching Canadian News Today

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17 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

But, in your example, actual real science came to the conclusion about smoking despite the money.

So, isn’t that the opposite of what you’re claiming?  Money didn’t buy the scientific consensus.  

Eventually science stopped denying the round earth lunacy too. 

It wan't hard to notice that smoking was killing people, the evidence was eventually overwhelming. 

Money bought the scientific consensus for a long time.

Money doesn't have to hold the scientific consensus on the topic of global warming forever, does it? The Dems just need to win a few elections and it's gold. they've gotten busted on dozens of huge lies, including Russian collusion. No one cared. They won't care about global warming either. They're fuckin idiots.


If it could, oil companies would own the consensus, no?  Didn’t Canada buy a pipeline to ship oil?  Clearly, Canada isn’t against the use of oil.  And yet you claim Canada is funding science that is pro-climate change…. 

Trudeau spent $4B of taxpayer money, so what? The pipeline still goes nowhere, and Trudeau wipes his ass with taxpayer dollars. When Canada is an indebted shithole his family will move.


I think the stronger possibility, rather than conspiracies about big oil being kept down by The Man, is that the evidence is with the scientific consensus. 

To say otherwise leads down all sorts of crazy conspiracies that you yourself has show is completely incoherent and nonsensical. 

I'm not telling you a conspiracy theory. I'm telling you facts.

Literally everyone who pushes global warming to us flies around on private jets or owns multiple homes. That's a fact. It's not a conspiracy theory at all TB. Look it ffs.

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14 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


Literally everyone who pushes global warming to us flies around on private jets or owns multiple homes. That's a fact. It's not a conspiracy theory at all TB. Look it ffs.

So you think the fact that celebrities are hypocrites means that the scientific consensus is wrong?  

Why would you base an opinion, one way or the other, on what celebrities think?

I believe what the physicists say about gravity, what the biologists say about evolution and what climatologists say about climate.

Edited by TreeBeard
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21 hours ago, Faramir said:

Because the media at least was a trusted institution.  They are to remain skeptical and balanced in their reporting, which they clearly are not.  So it really is a symptom of leftism in general, where we are to trust our betters and never question so called experts – which the media like to pretend they are.  So yes, in one way you are correct.  That is why Sun News failed. 

So you think they shouldn’t be so liberal in their views, and remain “balanced”, but that they should also be more right-wing? 


But perhaps the population’s political bent is a result of the media? 

Why would you think the population is a reflection of the media and not the reverse?  Don’t you think it seems more logical to conclude that Canadian institutions would be a reflection of the population at large, rather than some sort of mind control to turn people liberal?

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23 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

So “they” have a bigger pool of money than a conglomerate of the richest corporations in the world?

hmmm….  Do you see how someone might think that’s a crazy conspiracy theory?

Some oil companies are pleased about the misfortune of other oil companies. They are not held to the same standards as you should be aware. For the time being, the western world does need oil and I for one think it makes much more sense to use our own rather than from places like Saudi Arabia or Russia.

We are constantly bombarded with climate change hysteria from the government and the wealthiest people in the world(with the biggest carbon footprints). In terms of sheer volume one side practically drowns out the other. It's not a stretch to suggest they have more resources at their disposal. And for the record, western owned oil companies desperately want to promote a green image.

Wins by climate activists find unlikely backer, ‘hostile regimes’ | Business and Economy News | Al Jazeera

Competition is not always a bad thing so we should support our own side more. 

As to where funding for the climate change alarmists is coming from, it's complicated.

The Secretive Funding Behind The Global Warming Movement | Climate Depot

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41 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

So you think the fact that celebrities are hypocrites means that the scientific consensus is wrong?  

Why would you base an opinion, one way or the other, on what celebrities think?

I believe what the physicists say about gravity, what the biologists say about evolution and what

Celebrities are lying when they say that they give a fuck. So is Kerry. So is Trudeau. And FYI the last two aren't merely celebrities.

I think that people in the MSM say "scientific consensus" just like they say "intelligence officials concluded that the laptop was Russian disinformation".


climatologists say about climate.

And not "all climatologists" agree on global warming. Here's a guy who knew more about the climate back in 1980 than you will ever know: https://www.prageru.com/video/climate-change-what-do-scientists-say?gclid=Cj0KCQjwqKuKBhCxARIsACf4XuGQJiwJpSUADzldLj5omvY5MwB0Zgv1Qq5eP7ur46A9TC19FcFPtYYaAkQNEALw_wcB

I don't believe what Bernie Madoff says about investments, what the Taliban say about women's rights, or what the Liberals and Democrats say about climate change and vaccines. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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1 minute ago, ironstone said:

Some oil companies are pleased about the misfortune of other oil companies. They are not held to the same standards as you should be aware. For the time being, the western world does need oil and I for one think it makes much more sense to use our own rather than from places like Saudi Arabia or Russia.

We are constantly bombarded with climate change hysteria from the government and the wealthiest people in the world(with the biggest carbon footprints). In terms of sheer volume one side practically drowns out the other. It's not a stretch to suggest they have more resources at their disposal. And for the record, western owned oil companies desperately want to promote a green image.

Wins by climate activists find unlikely backer, ‘hostile regimes’ | Business and Economy News | Al Jazeera

Competition is not always a bad thing so we should support our own side more. 

As to where funding for the climate change alarmists is coming from, it's complicated.

The Secretive Funding Behind The Global Warming Movement | Climate Depot

Do you have any non-conspiracy pushing sites that have real facts and evidence?  

Again…. It seems that the climate science deniers want to have it both ways…. The science is bought and paid for by some shadowy rich people, except when it’s not.  These shadowy rich people have a lot of money…. Except when compared to the richest oil and automobile corporations who make up a significant proportion of the richest companies in the world. 

Sorry, I just can’t buy the conspiracies.  I can’t accept that maybe one day the flat earthers will get enough money together to buy the scientific consensus and then we’ll all believe the Earth is flat.  

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6 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Celebrities are lying when they say that they give a fuck. So is Kerry. So is Trudeau. And FYI the last two aren't merely celebrities.

I think that people in the MSM say "scientific consensus" just like they say "intelligence officials concluded that the laptop was Russian disinformation".

And not "all climatologists" agree on global warming. Here's a guy who knew more about the climate back in 1980 than you will ever know: https://www.prageru.com/video/climate-change-what-do-scientists-say?gclid=Cj0KCQjwqKuKBhCxARIsACf4XuGQJiwJpSUADzldLj5omvY5MwB0Zgv1Qq5eP7ur46A9TC19FcFPtYYaAkQNEALw_wcB

I don't believe what Bernie Madoff says about investments, what the Taliban say about women's rights, or what the Liberals and Democrats say about climate change and vaccines. 

Celebrities are lying.  OK.  So why should I care about what celebrities think?  Why do you?  

If a celebrity flies in a private plane and says climate change is real, does that mean that climate change is not real?

Isn’t it true that Dr. Lindsey is very much an outlier on the fringe of what most climate scientists think?  Why do you believe Dr. Lindzen’s science and not the vast majority of other scientists? 

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3 minutes ago, ironstone said:

We can't put too much stock in TreeBeard's scientist's consensus. Don't they also tell us that gender is not just fluid but that there are in fact dozens or perhaps hundreds of genders??

Do you think climate science and the sociological constructs of gender are studied by the same people using the same methods?

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3 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

My friends, I remember a time, when a man could feel proud to be a Canadian. Now I don't feel that way. The image of Canada has been forever tarnished by PM Trudeau. The blackface PM. Oh I see... that's what Canadians are like.

Yes, stunning defeat for the Conservatives considering how deplorable the shiny pony really is.  I know Canadians elect mostly based on party, but still.  I am not so concerned about our international reputation than I am leaving a great country for my children.  My biggest concerns is Justin's repeated attempt to criminalize the criticism of one certain religion, Islam.  The Liberal Party (and the rest) is the party of censorship.  It's in our charter of rights.  The right to free expression but Canadians only believe in polite speech sadly.

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3 hours ago, blackbird said:

There should be a conservative new channel in Canada, but I think the Canadian Radio Television Commission (CRTC) would not allow it because they control news outlets under the liberal government.  Canada is not really a free country but is limited in many ways, proving again it is ruled to some degree by Marxists.  These liberal Marxists are working on extending their control of the internet and social media with bill C10 and C36 although these bills may be given new names by the new Parliament now elected.  New Parliament but same old Marxist players.  We are losing our freedom of speech.  The People's Party is a kind of protest party.  I agree with some things they advocate but I think they hurt their chances by fighting against the pandemic measures.  The Conservative Party has shifted to the left considerably and become kind of liberal lite.  So they can't really be trusted too much.   We need a conservative television station that is not controlled by any political party and not controlled by the Conservative Party of Canada which cannot really be trusted.  They are trying to be everything to everyone.  They even admit that.  That is not the kind of television station we need.  We need a voice for those of us who oppose liberalism and Marxism.

We tried and there was no market for it, sadly.

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1 hour ago, TreeBeard said:

Celebrities are lying.  OK.  So why should I care about what celebrities think?  Why do you?  

If a celebrity flies in a private plane and says climate change is real, does that mean that climate change is not real?

Why are you trying to limit the hypocrisy to just celebrities? I named two high-level politicians as well. One of them is President Biden's "Special Envoy for Climate" and the other happens to be our PM.

"Rules for thee, but not for me!"

What about the hundreds of people who flew to Pallermo in private jets? What about the thousands who flew to Davos in their private jets? Those are your climate change champions. They're your leaders. Why do you follow people hypocrites like that?


Isn’t it true that Dr. Lindsey is very much an outlier on the fringe of what most climate scientists think?  Why do you believe Dr. Lindzen’s science and not the vast majority of other scientists? 

No, it is not true. 

It's true that he's an atmospheric physicist who taught at MIT for 30 years, so there's a really good chance that a lot of other people think exactly like he does.

Go find out what "the majority of climate scientists" actually say for yourself, don't just quote fuckin liars like John Kerry and Justin Trudeau. 

If 97% of scientists say that climate change is real then 3% are morons - the climate is always changing. 

But you won't find anywhere that "97% of scientists believe that man-made climate change is real and that it's going to result in disaster if we don't change". That's not a real thing at all. It's fake as fuck. 

And just remember that the IPCC is from the UN, just like the WHO, which told us to leave flights open from China and not to wear masks when we all thought (knew) that sounded (was) catastrophically stupid.  

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I'm not backtracking at all. 

There are American interests aligned against Alberta oil, and Saudi interests aligned against North American oil. 

Those guys definitely have enough money to buy science.

The tobacco industry also had enough money to buy science for a long time. Big Pharma's vaccines have actually never worked if you really think about it. As soon as a bunch of people were vaccinated, and they kept getting sick, the Delta variant was blamed. Then when vaccinated people started dying, it was "just the elderly with co-morbidities" that were dying. That sounds strangely like the people who were dying of covid to begin with. I'd really love to know if 85 yr olds with co-morbidities are even allowed to take the vaccines or if they're warned against it. 

Funny that heh.  Canadians are reflexive anti-Americans but have no problems with American legal and environmental foundation interfering in Canadian government policy. 

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2 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

So you think the fact that celebrities are hypocrites means that the scientific consensus is wrong?  

Why would you base an opinion, one way or the other, on what celebrities think?

I believe what the physicists say about gravity, what the biologists say about evolution and what climatologists say about climate.

The whole problem is the whole movement is one big joke that hasn’t established anything.  Not to mention the wacko claims like the atmosphere on earth becoming like Venus.  If people REALLY believed that the coasts will be swallowed up by the oceans, would there not be a fire sale on Miami real estate?


  1. It has not been shown that the current warming trend is unusual on a historical basis.  Unusual for the 20th century sure, but we saw a medieval warming period
  2. It has not been shown that human activity is the MAIN culprit in global warming
  3. It has not been shown that the net negatives of warming are or are not outweighed by all the positive – longer growing seasons
  4. Mankind cannot even predict the future of the stock market with its thousands of variables – even by computer models – though they try. Imagine predicting the climate future with MILLIONS of variable.  We really do not know what is coming
  5. In any case we don’t know that the damage caused by warming will be significant
  6. And if it is it might be more worth our money to deal with the damage rather than destroying our economies


The whole fraud is littered by frauds like Al Gore and Suzuki and tree believers who are part of a climate cult.  In the end it is green socialism.

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2 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

So you think they shouldn’t be so liberal in their views, and remain “balanced”, but that they should also be more right-wing? 

Why would you think the population is a reflection of the media and not the reverse?  Don’t you think it seems more logical to conclude that Canadian institutions would be a reflection of the population at large, rather than some sort of mind control to turn people liberal?

Nope.  Media has a very large persuasion power.  Consider how much God like Suzuki has formed opinion.  I recall my father when he comes to visit.  He thinks the BC Liberals are far right wing.  Now where did he get that foolish idea?  We are going to have to disagree here, but the media has long stopped being about information and has changed into an opinion changing institution.

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7 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

I'm glad to see that you care so much about how POC are portrayed.

But previously you were asking for forgiveness for youthful transgressions.  



Wait, are you keeping notes? Saving that one for future reference? Nice...

But actually it is a good example of the double standard, isn’t it? Mr Trudeua gets a pass but Mr. Cherry? Sorry. Don who. We have no recollection of any Don here. Now it’s as though he never was...

Edited by OftenWrong
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5 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

1. Wait, are you keeping notes? Saving that one for future reference? Nice...

2. But actually it is a good example of the double standard, isn’t it? Mr Trudeua gets a pass but Mr. Cherry? 

1. It's just a search. No magic.

2. Sure.  Who are you mad at though?  People don't apply consistent rules

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18 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. It's just a search. No magic.

2. Sure.  Who are you mad at though?  People don't apply consistent rules

Mad is not the right word. Mine is more of a complaint.

Cherry is what he is, no lying and no hiding. Maybe not pleasant to everyone.

Mr. Trudeua has shown he’s a fake. Not at all what he says. That is what I mentioned earlier.

That is the offence that renders my judgements consistent between these two disparate cases.

Hope that helps.

Edited by OftenWrong
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7 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

1. Mad is not the right word. Mine is more of a complaint.

2. Cherry is what he is, no lying and no hiding. Maybe not pleasant to everyone.

3. Mr. Trudeua has shown he’s a fake. Not at all what he says. That is what I mentioned earlier.

4. That is the offence that renders my judgements consistent between these two disparate cases.

Hope that helps.

1. Well, I'm with you then.  Why does the nation pretend to care about things but not follow through is my version.

2. I would think TV folks need to be a little pleasant.

3. We knew that last election.

4. Kind of, but it sounds like you want to give forgiveness to one who doesn't apologize, to one who made the mistake as a mature public figure...

Personally, I find celebrity fake through and through. I see the reaction of the masses to such folks' crimes as random.


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2 hours ago, Faramir said:

Yes, stunning defeat for the Conservatives considering how deplorable the shiny pony really is.  I know Canadians elect mostly based on party, but still.  I am not so concerned about our international reputation than I am leaving a great country for my children.  My biggest concerns is Justin's repeated attempt to criminalize the criticism of one certain religion, Islam.  The Liberal Party (and the rest) is the party of censorship.  It's in our charter of rights.  The right to free expression but Canadians only believe in polite speech sadly.

As a Canadian I say be whatever, but then you must own what you are. Do not pretend to be something. Just my opinion...   ;)

Therefore all Liberals are hypocrites for re-electing old PM Blackface again. They chose partisanship over virtue.

Oh well, what are you gonna do.

Not stunning. Boring... dull... common. He has a cult of personality.

His TV debate validated my impression of him. Reactive, unprepared. Going by script, not, by knowledge. Wisdom hath he none. To immature and was coddled all his life. Too many years partying on the beaches in Polynesia, too many fancy Halloween parties in Manhattan.

BTW people do criticize Islam here, rather freely. Don't tell Justin.

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3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Well, I'm with you then.  Why does the nation pretend to care about things but not follow through is my version.

2. I would think TV folks need to be a little pleasant.

3. We knew that last election.

4. Kind of, but it sounds like you want to give forgiveness to one who doesn't apologize, to one who made the mistake as a mature public figure...

Personally, I find celebrity fake through and through. I see the reaction of the masses to such folks' crimes as random.


Yep. Woe upon us all.


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