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Hypocrisy of "My Body, My Choice!"


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On 9/2/2021 at 11:36 AM, betsy said:

Depends what angle we go for.  I can understand where you're coming from.

My aim right now is to unseat Trudeau.  Another term of Trudeau would mean there won't be a Canada worth saving anymore.  He means to plunge us right into socialism!

I can deal with the "other" later.

I do believe that Fidel Trudeau will try to rig this election in his favor. I do not trust our comrade politicians in this country anymore. They have shown us all thru their medical tyranny called covid that they now enjoy their new found dictatorship and they will be unwilling to give it all up.

Two weeks to flatten the curve has turned into almost two years of coming nowhere near to be trying to flatten the curve. The plan is to keep this covid bullshit and hoax alive and well. Those PCR tests are unreliable and are only being used to keep the covid numbers high in trying to show that covid is still here and that there are plenty of covid victims to go around. 

I suggest that you vote for the PPC party if you want to keep your rights and freedoms. Apparently, the PPC party is doing quite well in the polls, although nobody will hear about that because the MSM will not report those numbers. The establishment globalists are scared to hell that the PPC party might win some seats or could win the election. They do not want that to happen. They are trying to make the lieberals or the liberal conservatives look like they are both in the lead. They are trying to totally ignore the PPC party. It's not working. ?

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On 9/2/2021 at 2:45 AM, betsy said:


Only a nutcase sociopath wouldn't understand that abortion is infringing on another person's right.   The right of the unborn.

There's no more excuse for abortion!  W've already spent billions on education, and tecnology has already offered so many choice to prevent an unwanted oregnancy!

F**K! Moron who keep refusing to use condoms - the most common contraception - has also increased the rates of STD!  That's the kind of mentality you want to support?


And you worry about anti-vaxxers?  Lol.   You guys are too funny.


Bottom line:

The government has no business legislating and giving the open season license to kill any human being - no matter what group they belong to. 


If the woman  wants to kill her unborn, then that's her choice!  Go use a hanger, or do it in some back alleys!  Find a sleazy quack!

You favor killing fully grown human beings that have built a 'resume' in life that establishes their worth but favor the infantile as though it has more virtue and worth? Unless YOU can prove that you remember even your birth, I'd suggest you recognize that you cannot confirm that there is anything meaningful to a new born, let alone some zygote or embryo.

ALL living beings have to LEARN to feel, not simply facts like whether one plus one equals two. As such, even a newborn lacks full meaning of their emotions, including the sensations of pain or pleasure. They are reactive genetically to behave in ways that we later interpret as having meaning. For instance, a baby cries when it is born by the fact it is needed to clear the lungs. That is, the baby isn't crying because it is sad or uncomfortable untill it later reassigns HOW adults react to it in ways that mean 'cry when sad or in pain'.

Pain and pleasure are also arbitrarily assigned. Evolution takes whatever SUCCEEDS to validate what later become interpretated as pain or pleasure. That is why you have diseases (like Leprosy, as one type) that lacks an assignment of 'pain' for some people. Babies do NOT suffer pain when aborted and are NOT valid beings UNTIL they develop in time among us. 


Why are you more compassionate for the stupid? If babies are more valuable to you than grown up living beings, then YOU are by now too old to be considered 'valid' for your opinion BY your own standards. All our meat comes from beings that we kill far beyond their zygote stage. Do you not have equal compassion for cows or sheep that get killed? Why? (Religion, right?) 

Don't worry, when you die, if a God exists, I think the 'choices' one makes based upon the science and logic of humans would be more respected than one who blindly spits back what they think is God's Will simply to placate its emotions as though you think it too is some naive childlike being who 'feels' more than they 'think'. You religious nuts act like some computer error that DEMANDS the programmer to appeal to serve it rather than the other way around.

Imagine if when you tried to punch in some numbers in a calculator (or smart phone, say) in the grocery store when instead of providing you with the answer you want, it spits out accolades of text like, "Oh dear superior and loving Creator please give ME the answer to the problems you presented me in my life. I am so lonely have always proven my loyaly by loving you." as though the calculator was not necessary and the user'd whole purpose was to create and serve YOU! If God doesn't want us to be ABLE to  act independently to solve problems, then 'choices' mean nothing. So if things like abortion is something so vile, let that supposed powerful Being JUDGE what is to be done about those who CHOSE abortion. You are NOT the baby's 'savior' and your imposition upon such others BESIDES YOUR OWN choices are not your business. 

Just because some things are cute or fluffy like puppies and kittens, doesn't make them more valid than what they could become. Babies are somewhat retarded internally until it develops fully and require a year or more AFTER birth to establish their biology to be permanently damanged by specific 'traumas'. That is, even a baby of a month would NOT 'feel' trauma it it were put to death in certain ways, like removing it from the womb. This is true of all animals in nature. A baby that dies in the womb does NOT feel pain nor trauma because it doesn't even know pleasure, lacks meaning of memory beyond neutral data, and EVOLVES within life to feel MORE as it grows. 

You worry about your 'right' to choose to wear a mask and take vaccines EVEN though you ARE 'aborting' the rights of others to their lives KNOWINGLY even if INDETERMINED to which particular people you are harmng. If you cannot even fathom following this trivial demand and still think that somehow it is MORE FREE to IMPOSE upon others whether they should or should not he burdened to live with the responsiblity of children their whole lives. The reason that the 'capitialist' favors anti-abortion (where NOT actually religious in their heads) is due to the fact that POOR people have more births by default and the MORE people who suffer, the better 'ecomony' the capitalist has for being able to EXPLOIT them. Greater demand from increased overpopulation (especially of the poor) enables the capitalist (especially without government intervention) to demand LOWER wages to such slaves. You don't give two shits about the babies that DO get 'saved from abortion'. 

[Note that if I had my way to advise my own Natural mother when she had me, I would have recommended abortion, not because I don't like my life, but because she opted to adopt us out to OTHER fucking CONSERVATIVES who lacked compassion for kids that were NOT ACTUALLY THEIR OWN! (This is normal for many adoptees) So you've got an answer FROM a survivor of abortion that also points out how such a baby could care less about the actual fact of being alive but whether the life we DO survive to live for the next 60 or 70 years is not one of suffering.]


This was mostly off topic but my comparison to even bring it up with you was to point out how the degree of your concern to not mask or take a vaccine is about spoiled brats who normally get what they want more times than not over the vast majority of those who suffer for your particular 'freedom'. If abortion is significant to prevent even when you do not even care abouit particular people involved , why are you so arrogant to not agreeing to shared demands in which others' fully-grown lives are "aborted" indirectly by your special 'freedoms'?



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On 9/1/2021 at 9:52 PM, Army Guy said:
On 9/1/2021 at 7:28 PM, Scott Mayers said:

You know that your love of army tells me that you are likely a Junior ranker who is praised most for NOT being able to think for themselves, right? You know that ALL military training for soldiers for ALL different types of government ideals is IDENTICAL and for those who LOVE it are so stupid not to notice that the actual 'sacrifice' you serve is BASED UPON YOUR LACK OF INTELLECT because it is required for to BE mindless subserviant and obediant!!  [I'm both prior National Defence and a brat and never get those braggerts of 'army' who represent best the pride of a Nazi. (?)! ] 

Wow, I guess I'm suppose to do what now ? Tell you you've changed my mind i think you have enlightened me to the point i have rediscovered the meaning of life. Sorry, I still think your a drug induced lefty loser who for some reason feels the need to judge everyone and anything that does not fit into your leftist views. Like my choice of forum name it has somehow triggered you so much that your writing half a book of drug induced rage...

I highly doubt you have any military experience or if you had served you did not last very long, maybe some officer cadet with mommy issues, and now hold some grudge because some army guy stole your girl friend, while at a university frat party... Sorry to disappoint but I've met smarter goat herders over in Afghanistan, but then again who am I to judge your nobility... 

I don't support any party here in Canada and yet favor a bit of each. I'm center-left and share many similarities to someone like Bill Maher. But note that my use of rhetoric is specific to the fact that you should be able to hack it given the 'rightest' (?) believes in the use of it themselves.

Sorry for HOW it might affect you, but not to the underlying logic. I used your likely background based upon your label to get you to relate to the fact that the warmongering PROUD military boaster can't notice how SACRIFICE is what being a sincere military personel means to people ARBITRARILY to whichever country you serve. That you are 'proud' of something that all militia in all countries HAVE to do for others BLINDLY regardless, yet do not notice that the mere demand to wear masks and take a vaccine, especially in a temporary universal pandemic that affects the whole world, IS a 'sacrifice' that you should be able to embrace.

You yourself are NOT representative of all normal soldiers who sacrifice but of a stereotype of the "right" and why the "Nazi" comment. It is NOT necessarily how I might judge you if I knew you personally but a comment about the stereotype of the AGRESSIVE FIGHTER who bullies others about 'freedoms' and burdens (like 'taxes') as though YOU were the VICTIM with respect to normal everyday requests [the mask and vaccine demands]....and BY the very government-concept of National Defence systems that you ironically would supposedly 'obey' without thought in what you supposedly have pride in. 

Sacrifice the vaccine shot and wear a mask (like you would a soldier for your country required to wear a uniform and risk your life) so that you don't enable the virus to EVOLVE and harm more people, even if you may not be happy about it. It is NOT a permanent expectation and you COULD possibly die. But if you were a healthy soldier, I'm sure whatever poison the vaccine might potentially risk of many would not even hurt you regardless, right? 

As for the 'left' part of who I am, I believe in "democracy", and what the "LEFT" is in principle. The "RIGHT" doesn't want a government by nor for the people but for a system they can "OWN". That is, its philosophy is that they are 'superior' beings by simply having luck of nice genetics or environmental power over others and who think THEY 'represent' what government should be command-style: Obey us as your 'owners' or we will use our power to harm you (cause we are gun-loving killers) you.


The 'Right' is about control by fortune, not freedom of the masses. The concept of the "Right" is generally "REPUBLICAN", (originally, from Plato's position against the Democracy of Athens), which ideally places skilled and intellectual people in power. The problem is, that one who works 'for the public' (re-public) by Plato was an ideal of the PHILOSOPHER KING, some ideal person, like Socrates, who should be APPOINTED to lead out of duty BUT without a choice. In reality, representative leaders tend NOT to favor the mere intellctual philosopher king because the drive for control is EMOTIONALLY driven and always leads to a system of DICTATORS who are only 'intellectual' enought to be deceptive with the goal to serve ONLY their own 'family' (their literal genetic families, race, and whatever culture they embrace).  So I find it ODD to be accused of being "left" when it implies "democratic" and "liberal" (freedom) ideals.

The problem on  the "Left" is also of concern but is due to the actual fact that CONSERVATIVES of alternative beliefs about their OWN familiy, races, and religions, take dominant control there. They are actual "Right" wingers who simply belong to some 'minority' conservative cult that believes in the same ideals you do but with different segregated 'superiority' beliefs. The actual 'liberals' are independent and so lack the same powers that 'democratic' groups represent.  ...and why I also don't hold to any actual parties here in Canada. They are all racist, sexist, and worst of all, religious mongers who believe THEY should COMMAND power over the society AS 'governers' to assure that we are behaving "RIGHT"! [The "Left" are those 'left' without power]


[Additional edit]: You are correct about me NOT staying in the military long. But I was a Brat and actually was FORCED to go even though I later appreciated it (I cannot get into this here.) What I did not like is that I was too young and did not approve of fighting for a system that I had insufficient experience to judge. I recognized that IF I were to return, it WOULD be as an officer so that I could literally be involved in the intelligence of it. Most of the people I grew up with in the military were also NOT 'militant' nor as proud as those of the stereotype I mentioned of you. Most militants like yourself are also more 'voluntary' Reservists who tend to enjoy 'camping' in the lifestyle or embrace 'survivalist' ideals. So if you were literally Regular, thank you for serving. But you shouldn't be so 'proud' if you don't recognize that it too is just a branch of the very 'government' ideals that you fear should it be all that is left of it as many Conservatives believe.

Edited by Scott Mayers
Additional note as indicated.
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12 hours ago, taxme said:

I do believe that Fidel Trudeau will try to rig this election in his favor. I do not trust our comrade politicians in this country anymore. They have shown us all thru their medical tyranny called covid that they now enjoy their new found dictatorship and they will be unwilling to give it all up.

Two weeks to flatten the curve has turned into almost two years of coming nowhere near to be trying to flatten the curve. The plan is to keep this covid bullshit and hoax alive and well. Those PCR tests are unreliable and are only being used to keep the covid numbers high in trying to show that covid is still here and that there are plenty of covid victims to go around. 

I suggest that you vote for the PPC party if you want to keep your rights and freedoms. Apparently, the PPC party is doing quite well in the polls, although nobody will hear about that because the MSM will not report those numbers. The establishment globalists are scared to hell that the PPC party might win some seats or could win the election. They do not want that to happen. They are trying to make the lieberals or the liberal conservatives look like they are both in the lead. They are trying to totally ignore the PPC party. It's not working. ?

If you hadn't noticed, we've already been losing rights within the 6 years with Trudeau.  

Voting for the PPC right now is what will ensure Trudeau wins another term.   That's the surest way to lose MORE rights........................... FAST!

The LIberals are trying to split the votes between Conservatives.


For those who want to see Trudeau gone - you've got to give the majority to O'Toole!  That's the only way. 


All Conservatives must be united in this!



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3 hours ago, Scott Mayers said:

You favor killing fully grown human beings


Actually - I'm beginning to question if they are human beings.

I mean, you gotta question the intelligence of someone who gets herself pregnant (even when it's so preventable in this day and age), and a lot of them, more than once!  And you gotta question the way pro-choice - just like Hiter did with the Jews - try to strip the unborn of his humanity.

Don't we call Hitler, a monster?


They could be the..................missing link!

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3 hours ago, Scott Mayers said:

Unless YOU can prove that you remember even your birth, I'd suggest you recognize that you cannot confirm that there is anything meaningful to a new born, let alone some zygote or embryo.

suggesting there is no way to confirm that there is anything meaningful to a new born

because you see no value in it

and use that rationale

to justify the position

that killing it is not immoral

that's just evil

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3 hours ago, Scott Mayers said:

You favor killing fully grown human beings


Applying the principle  of TRIAGE -

who do I prefer to live? To support?   A full grown proven moron without any conscience, who wastes our resources, may I add........ or, an unborn with all the possible potentials! 

Well - YEAH!

Furthermore - it's not like as if we're the ones actually killing the moron (like what we do with the unborn, by giving license for his murder)!  

The moron still gets to keep her choice!

So, that's a no-brainer!  ?



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7 minutes ago, betsy said:

Like a triage - who do I prefer to live?  A full grown proven moron without any conscience........ or an unborn with all the potentials still ahead of him! 

Well - YEAH!


That's a no-brainer! ?

false dichotomy

why kill either

except in self defense

or in defense of the life of others?


criticizing abortion advocates for dehumanizing the unborn

to justify killing the unborn

and then turn around and dehumanize those who have been born

to justify killing them

this is not logically consistent and is hypocritical

that's not pro-life

that's pro-young life

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3 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

false dichotomy

why kill either

except in self defense

or in defense of the life of others?


one shouldn't criticize abortion advocates for dehumanizing the unborn

to justify killing the unborn

and then turn around and dehumanize those who have been born

to justify killing them

this is not logically consistent

No one's killing the moron.


If she want to have an illegal abortion no matter what  - we can't stop her.  Lol, her body, her choice.

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1 minute ago, Yzermandius19 said:

nor should they

killing someone for the crime of being a moron

is not a moral position to take

Who is "they?"


You better go a bit way back and understand what post had triggered Scott! And why I call what seems to be our missing link, the moron.

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7 minutes ago, betsy said:

Who is "they?"


You better go a bit way back and understand what post triggered Scott!

"they" is whoever it is

that think the murder of an individual that falls into a certain group

that they have dehumanized is somehow not immoral

for nonsensical reasons

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3 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

"they" is whoever it is

that think the murder of an individual that falls into a certain group

that they have dehumanized is somehow not immoral

for nonsensical reasons

Don't jump into the fray about something you don't understand. 


No one is endorsing the murder of the moron!

Go back and READ how this started!  Your argument is nonsensical!

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5 minutes ago, betsy said:

Don't jump into the fray about something you don't understand.  Go back and READ how this started!

how it started is not relevant

logical consistency is relevant

those who are being inconsistent

and are invoking the dehumanization of certain individuals

to justify murder of the dehumanized

while only being able to see the immorality of murdering those they haven't dehumanized

are being immoral

regardless of which individuals are being dehumanized

regardless of who is dehumanizing them

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2 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

how it started is not relevant

logical consistency is relevant


Of course it's relevant!   It's the subject!  DUH! 


That's the point! 

  You've got no logical consistency since you're arguing about something moot! You keep bleating about murdering the morn - NO ONE IS SAYING WE SHOULD MURDER THE MORON!

You're like jumping in and simply latching on to a sentence (without knowing what prompted it)  - and wanting to discuss something that you took out of context!

I'll ignore you for now.   I have no time to waste arguing silly, irrelevant stuff with you.

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3 minutes ago, betsy said:

That's the point! 

  You've got no logical consistency since you're arguing about something moot!


I'll ignore you for now.   I have no time to waste arguing silly, irrelevant stuff with you.

I am pointing out that Scott is guilty

of dehumanizing individuals

to justify their murder as not immoral

and using whataboutism of others dehumanizing individuals

to justify their murder as not immoral

in order to justify the morality of his position

by claiming a logically inconsistent false moral high ground

that point is far from moot

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3 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

I am pointing out that Scott is guilty

of dehumanizing individuals

to justify their murder as not immoral

and using whataboutism of others dehumanizing individuals

to justify their murder as not immoral

in order to justify the morality of his position

by claiming a logically inconsistent false moral high ground

that point is far from moot

Lol - are you talking in codes???  ?

Lol - ....I don't have time to decipher!?

Bye already.

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20 hours ago, Scott Mayers said:

I don't support any party here in Canada and yet favor a bit of each. I'm center-left and share many similarities to someone like Bill Maher. But note that my use of rhetoric is specific to the fact that you should be able to hack it given the 'rightest' (?) believes in the use of it themselves.

While you say you have not picked a party to support( which I think you have out of default) considering that even the conservatives are leaning more to the center left in order to gather more votes, just as the liberals are leaning hard left into NDP territory , to collect more support... You share all the traits of todays hard core leftists, atleast in the last dozen posts or so. This is how the left has divided this country, into many splinter groups, and none of them are willing to sit down with each other and talk about issues... both on the left and right, stupidity is not just a leftist idea...it runs rampant on the right side as well.

I just want to clarify something in reference to all the rhetoric flying around these posts, when i read your response to Betsy i was of the opinion that you where some snot nose leftist university kid, that was just being rude for no reason, I found your use of rhetoric getting under my skin and i responded , Knowing full well Betsy does not need my help defending herself, and it was not my conversation to start with.. As you can tell I'm not a big fan of leftist attitudes period... 


Sorry for HOW it might affect you, but not to the underlying logic. I used your likely background based upon your label to get you to relate to the fact that the warmongering PROUD military boaster can't notice how SACRIFICE is what being a sincere military personel means to people ARBITRARILY to whichever country you serve. That you are 'proud' of something that all militia in all countries HAVE to do for others BLINDLY regardless, yet do not notice that the mere demand to wear masks and take a vaccine, especially in a temporary universal pandemic that affects the whole world, IS a 'sacrifice' that you should be able to embrace.

As i am sorry for losing control over my responses, and jumping to conclusions , not very adult like, for that i am sorry. I did not loss the fact that getting vaccinated is perhaps the best option available... As i have said on many occasions that i have already been vaccinated, and wear a mask etc and follow protocols.  My argument was about having the right to choose to do what ever a individual thinks is the best choice for him/ her. That being said there is a consequence for making those choices...by restrictions placed on certain freedoms. Making it mandatory however , with life changing consequences is not the right path to follow. Such as loss of employment, etc. Lots of reason not to fully trust health officials, or any one in the government. Having blind faith in anything is never recommended. 


As for the 'left' part of who I am, I believe in "democracy", and what the "LEFT" is in principle. The "RIGHT" doesn't want a government by nor for the people but for a system they can "OWN". That is, its philosophy is that they are 'superior' beings by simply having luck of nice genetics or environmental power over others and who think THEY 'represent' what government should be command-style: Obey us as your 'owners' or we will use our power to harm you (cause we are gun-loving killers) you.

Not sure who or what happened to shape these ideas, but in my opinion your way off base... the right is not about owning anything unless your talking about taking on more individual responsibility, having less government, being less dependent on Government and it's services. Having good Canadian moral values, like the ones that built this nation, and yes some of those are based in religion...

It's funney that you mentioned we are gun living killers, like me.... but looking back at history it has been the liberals that have used our military forces to enforce their failed diplomacy... WWI, WWII, Korea, FLQ crises, OKA , Afghanistan, MALI, there are lots more, but you get my drift here, The liberals have been quick to use military power not only on it's own people but other nations as well. And while I may have been played a role in some of those events , it was Liberals that were pulling the strings... If anything Conservatives have proven themselves reluctant to use force on anyone...


[Additional edit]: You are correct about me NOT staying in the military long. But I was a Brat and actually was FORCED to go even though I later appreciated it (I cannot get into this here.) What I did not like is that I was too young and did not approve of fighting for a system that I had insufficient experience to judge. I recognized that IF I were to return, it WOULD be as an officer so that I could literally be involved in the intelligence of it. Most of the people I grew up with in the military were also NOT 'militant' nor as proud as those of the stereotype I mentioned of you. Most militants like yourself are also more 'voluntary' Reservists who tend to enjoy 'camping' in the lifestyle or embrace 'survivalist' ideals. So if you were literally Regular, thank you for serving. But you shouldn't be so 'proud' if you don't recognize that it too is just a branch of the very 'government' ideals that you fear should it be all that is left of it as many Conservatives believe.

Canadian History is full of lessons on why we do what we do as a nation, we are not a nation that has an agenda of running the planet, we have a hard time running our little corner of the world let alone our planet. Being an officer is not going to change your ability to make changes to our military, unless your reach the dizzying heights of general and doing that is pretty rare considering the amount of officers are in the military... 

I don't consider myself a militant considering the definition of the word. Professional soldier would be a better description, I spent 34 years with the Royal Canadian Regt, spending a lot of my time deployed to some of the world greatest shitholes this planet has to offer. For the most part i enjoyed most of that time, yes i have my share of regrets and ghost i have to live with, comes with the career choice. I met some of the best men and women on the planet through  the military, and would not trade any of it even the painful parts. It has made me who i am today. This is Canada, and I'm not afraid of my government or it's people we make great warriors, but we lack the vision to do any real harm to other Canadians it's not in our DNA. Now what does scare me is the left and the new woke movement... 


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On 9/3/2021 at 3:26 PM, taxme said:

I do believe that Fidel Trudeau will try to rig this election in his favor. I do not trust our comrade politicians in this country anymore. They have shown us all thru their medical tyranny called covid that they now enjoy their new found dictatorship and they will be unwilling to give it all up.

Two weeks to flatten the curve has turned into almost two years of coming nowhere near to be trying to flatten the curve. The plan is to keep this covid bullshit and hoax alive and well. Those PCR tests are unreliable and are only being used to keep the covid numbers high in trying to show that covid is still here and that there are plenty of covid victims to go around. 

I suggest that you vote for the PPC party if you want to keep your rights and freedoms. Apparently, the PPC party is doing quite well in the polls, although nobody will hear about that because the MSM will not report those numbers. The establishment globalists are scared to hell that the PPC party might win some seats or could win the election. They do not want that to happen. They are trying to make the lieberals or the liberal conservatives look like they are both in the lead. They are trying to totally ignore the PPC party. It's not working. ?

The PPC is gaining, however it is gaining slowly.  It wouldn't reach the kind of numbers that it will need to become the opposition in this election  - and, it will take a miracle for it to win a majority.  That is a fact.

To vote for the PPC is playing right  into the hands of Trudeau.   That's what the Liberals are hoping for:  to have conservative votes split up between CPC and PPC.

You have a track record of your disdain for Trudeau over the years you've been posting here.  However, it seems now, you  prefer Trudeau over O'Toole.  Those two are the only two choices in this election.  I think you're smart enough to understand that.

But......... what I get from you is that you'd rather have Trudeau as the PM with a minority rather than see him unseated and replaced by O'Toole. 


Am I right?


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19 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

my position is straightforward

not hard to understand

no need to decipher

I guess reading comprehension is in short supply these days


Yes.   It's quite clear to me that you are a "supporter" of Trudeau ...................


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4 hours ago, betsy said:


Yes.   It's quite clear to me that you are a "supporter" of Trudeau ...................

totally false

again I'm voting PPC

I think Trudeau is terrible

I'm just not deluded into thinking O'Toole isn't

unlike some people

my attack on O'Toole is that he is Trudeau, not that Trudeau is good and O'Toole is bad

that's kind of a dead giveaway that you're strawmanning my position

thinking O'Toole is bad doesn't make someone a Trudeau supporter

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On 9/4/2021 at 12:40 AM, betsy said:

If you hadn't noticed, we've already been losing rights within the 6 years with Trudeau.  

Voting for the PPC right now is what will ensure Trudeau wins another term.   That's the surest way to lose MORE rights........................... FAST!

The LIberals are trying to split the votes between Conservatives.


For those who want to see Trudeau gone - you've got to give the majority to O'Toole!  That's the only way. 


All Conservatives must be united in this!



Or what everyone else can do is to just put a tick in the PPC column rather than in the liberal conservative column. That would insure a victory for the PPC. Just a suggestion. ?

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