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America Under pResident Biden

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9 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

Us guys?

Lovers of freedom, protectors of the rights of the individual, you mean? Nah...not us.

Can't be proven though because Trump didn't and wouldn't do it.


Yup...the troops and razor wire are all too real. Funny that Biden's team doesn't trust the National Guard. Too white & male. They all need vetting and weren't issued ammo initially. Talk about nuts...

Like I said, though...Reichstag Fire 2.0

Do it...then blame the other guy! It works quite well as history has shown. All in the name of safety...security...

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Wearing masks isn't a partisan issue — it's a patriotic act that can save countless lives. That's why I signed an executive order today issuing a mask mandate on federal property. It's time to mask up, America.

— President Biden (@POTUS) January 21, 2021


Is this more 'rules for thee but not for me,' Joe?

Alzheimer's is no excuse.

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11 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:


Likely a form of galantamine or rivastigmine which are cholinesterase inhibitors. Cuts down on the flights of fancy...to put it mildly. For example, a dementia case might obsess over little things.... 

"Is the door locked?" 

Goes and locks the door...trouble is he's done this twelve times in the last hour. You notice...everybody notices...uncomfortably.

Those drugs can stop that for a time.


Thanks for that! I'll know what to get when I get a little older! I have three older brothers right now....eldest (71) may not survive cancer...which he's had two operations and radiation treatments for. Our mother lived to 101, and even as her body started falling apart on her in her final five years, she was still mentally sharp till the end.  So, long way of saying, that aside from some crazy old men living in her nursing home, I don't have much experience with dealing with dementia myself.

Now those drugs you mentioned and their abilities to clear the mental fog so to speak, may be why the Democrat leaders decided to put all their eggs in the Biden basket in the latter part of the primaries. 

I know that the Americans I know personally were working for Sanders and giving me all the updates I ever wanted to hear about, and they were not happy about the unusually large list of candidates at the start of the race, because having so many candidates shouting over each other and idiot pundits who think it's all just a horserace that has no bearing on people's lives,  it would make it harder for anyone to get noticed early on. According to unproven rumors, Tulsi Gabbard asked Bernie what his opinion was if she ran for president in 2020, and he told her she should run. AND then, he got his own team back together for a second run at the White House, which he wouldn't confirm earlier. Just shows that regardless of appearance and some popular, widely supported positions, Bernie isn't a saint either, and willing to do a little back-stabbing himself when needed. I'm sure that's part of the reason why my Berniebot relatives and friends have been so flummoxed and dejected when he gives first his "Hillary Clinton" and then "Joe Biden is a good friend of mine" tag line at debates where it looked like a politician taking a dive.......because for whatever reasons, that's what he has been doing! His main job was to prevent the rise of third parties and Democrats further left, from getting close to power. So, for all of his promotion of raising federal minimum wage, ending student debt crisis, and medicare for all, he's in there to prevent a challenge to the system from a real radical like the Bernie Sanders of 40 years ago! 

Went down a sideroad again, sorry! Anyway, in the center stage, the Democrat-fluffing media, most notably CNN followed a pattern in the summer where they would be talking up a particular centrist candidate as a possible winner. At first it was all about Kamala Harris, but the backroom operators can only do so much for a lackluster candidate. And after a few dismal performances, it was time to push Pete (even rig the Iowa Caucuses for him), then when he was done, it was on to Warren and Klobachar. But they couldn't break through either. So when it looked like Bernie was going to sweep the Southern Primaries ..... which are set up to favor the establishment candidate as much as possible, rumor has it that Barack himself (who had been hiding behind the scenes) told the real controlling interests they needed to sweep those distractions out of the way and get a bunch of highly publicized endorsements to push Joe to number one.

The coronavirus pandemic served the useful purpose of further tarnishing Donald Trump as well as end the active campaigning stage across the country, which made even centrist Democrats ask "what the hell is wrong with Joe?" Even at home, he was mumbling and stumbling around like the nursing home patients a lot of us were familiar with seeing of men his age. And what was really telling about how things went in the 2020 Campaign then before, is how quickly negative Biden video and reports vanished from mainstream media, and could only be found on independent media which gets continually marginalized somehow by Google/Youtube's algorithms as well as the social media monopoly platforms. 

So, maybe Bernie was smart and realized he couldn't win again, and there was no sense fighting the corporate beasts behind the scenes. Now, if Donald Trump had any sense, he would have understood the power of the new, fast rising social media platform controllers and realized he was an idiot doing them any favors (like fighting the EU's efforts to break up their monopolies) and should have stepped on them using the powers of the presidency when he still had it. it's only since the transition that we can clearly see where everybody stands....including Republican players like McConnell and the schemers he had within his own cabinet, like AG - Bill Barr who calls Trump's behavior "inexcusable" which I'm sure caught him by surprise on the 6th and he never would have expected when he started working for him!

Anyway, enough of that dementia case, what about Joe! How long have his backroom operatives planned for him to last as president?  I'm sure they got Kamala warming up in the bullpen at any moment, ready to take the helm. 

What's apparent with the pattern so far, is that neither side of the political duopoly wants political leaders who can think for themselves and might stray from the plans put in front of them by corporate sponsored leadership. In other words, the last thing they would want today would be an FDR in the White House!



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5 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:

John Brennan explains on NBC who should be investigated in the USA for insurrectionist beliefs. It includes pretty much everybody not in the Swamp. Now Brennan...you might not recall...was a devout Communist as a younger fellow. He joined the CIA on the ground floor and admitted to being a Communist. The CIA found this useful and hired him. He has been with them ever since.


No worries...I'm sure he isn't a Communist anymore...heh.

Personally, I'm not going to listen to a paid liar like John Brennan anymore than I will pay attention to whatever Tim Poole has to blather on about now!  What this attack on the Portland Democrat HQ shows is that the Democratic Party is only considered "left" by the CNN and MSNBC pundit gallery and Joe is about to be given the world's shortest honeymoon in Washington!

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6 minutes ago, Right To Left said:


So where's the lie here? Is he going to follow through on a fracking ban, or is it all smoke and mirrors, like his former boss's environmental plans?

Why? You mean you don't remember Joe at the debate swearing he never promised to ban Fracking and telling Trump to look it up?

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Ted Cruz doesn't like Joe Biden's 'Amnesty for illegals' plan.


“It is deeply troubling that most of Joe Biden’s first acts as president were to protect illegal immigrants and encourage illegal immigration at the expense of American jobs and workers,” Cruz said after Biden announced plans to pass legislation that would provide amnesty for illegal immigrants that arrived before January 1, 2021.


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14 minutes ago, Right To Left said:

Thanks for that! I'll know what to get when I get a little older! I have three older brothers right now....eldest (71) may not survive cancer...which he's had two operations and radiation treatments for. Our mother lived to 101, and even as her body started falling apart on her in her final five years, she was still mentally sharp till the end.  So, long way of saying, that aside from some crazy old men living in her nursing home, I don't have much experience with dealing with dementia myself.

Now those drugs you mentioned and their abilities to clear the mental fog so to speak, may be why the Democrat leaders decided to put all their eggs in the Biden basket in the latter part of the primaries. 

I know that the Americans I know personally were working for Sanders and giving me all the updates I ever wanted to hear about, and they were not happy about the unusually large list of candidates at the start of the race, because having so many candidates shouting over each other and idiot pundits who think it's all just a horserace that has no bearing on people's lives,  it would make it harder for anyone to get noticed early on. According to unproven rumors, Tulsi Gabbard asked Bernie what his opinion was if she ran for president in 2020, and he told her she should run. AND then, he got his own team back together for a second run at the White House, which he wouldn't confirm earlier. Just shows that regardless of appearance and some popular, widely supported positions, Bernie isn't a saint either, and willing to do a little back-stabbing himself when needed. I'm sure that's part of the reason why my Berniebot relatives and friends have been so flummoxed and dejected when he gives first his "Hillary Clinton" and then "Joe Biden is a good friend of mine" tag line at debates where it looked like a politician taking a dive.......because for whatever reasons, that's what he has been doing! His main job was to prevent the rise of third parties and Democrats further left, from getting close to power. So, for all of his promotion of raising federal minimum wage, ending student debt crisis, and medicare for all, he's in there to prevent a challenge to the system from a real radical like the Bernie Sanders of 40 years ago! 

Went down a sideroad again, sorry! Anyway, in the center stage, the Democrat-fluffing media, most notably CNN followed a pattern in the summer where they would be talking up a particular centrist candidate as a possible winner. At first it was all about Kamala Harris, but the backroom operators can only do so much for a lackluster candidate. And after a few dismal performances, it was time to push Pete (even rig the Iowa Caucuses for him), then when he was done, it was on to Warren and Klobachar. But they couldn't break through either. So when it looked like Bernie was going to sweep the Southern Primaries ..... which are set up to favor the establishment candidate as much as possible, rumor has it that Barack himself (who had been hiding behind the scenes) told the real controlling interests they needed to sweep those distractions out of the way and get a bunch of highly publicized endorsements to push Joe to number one.

The coronavirus pandemic served the useful purpose of further tarnishing Donald Trump as well as end the active campaigning stage across the country, which made even centrist Democrats ask "what the hell is wrong with Joe?" Even at home, he was mumbling and stumbling around like the nursing home patients a lot of us were familiar with seeing of men his age. And what was really telling about how things went in the 2020 Campaign then before, is how quickly negative Biden video and reports vanished from mainstream media, and could only be found on independent media which gets continually marginalized somehow by Google/Youtube's algorithms as well as the social media monopoly platforms. 

So, maybe Bernie was smart and realized he couldn't win again, and there was no sense fighting the corporate beasts behind the scenes. Now, if Donald Trump had any sense, he would have understood the power of the new, fast rising social media platform controllers and realized he was an idiot doing them any favors (like fighting the EU's efforts to break up their monopolies) and should have stepped on them using the powers of the presidency when he still had it. it's only since the transition that we can clearly see where everybody stands....including Republican players like McConnell and the schemers he had within his own cabinet, like AG - Bill Barr who calls Trump's behavior "inexcusable" which I'm sure caught him by surprise on the 6th and he never would have expected when he started working for him!

Anyway, enough of that dementia case, what about Joe! How long have his backroom operatives planned for him to last as president?  I'm sure they got Kamala warming up in the bullpen at any moment, ready to take the helm. 

What's apparent with the pattern so far, is that neither side of the political duopoly wants political leaders who can think for themselves and might stray from the plans put in front of them by corporate sponsored leadership. In other words, the last thing they would want today would be an FDR in the White House!




Oddly, before Trump's latest run, I was a bit pro-Bernie as he seemed to want to stir things-up. As did the lovely Tulsi Gabbard...first foxy POTUS?...both were soundly slapped down. Felt sorry for Bernie yesterday...in his chair all alone...cold. Quite symbolic.

Joe doesn't understand social media. He understands it's important 'to the kids'...but that's all. 

Kamala...who really likes her? She sucked nearly the worst in the Primaries.

The whole thing...ugh! A disaster for everybody including...as I mentioned...ANTIFA & BLM who are suddenly a problem rather than helpful allies to their former Masters.

Want some fun? Go to YouTube before they algorithm the heck out of things and search 'Biden Inauguration'...check-out the likes to dislikes on some of those streams...and I'm not just talking Fox. Joe is in for a rough ride...

Happy to meet you, btw.

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9 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

Why? You mean you don't remember Joe at the debate swearing he never promised to ban Fracking and telling Trump to look it up?

Yeah, I get it now! I must have lost the scent with all the pundit background noise that goes on down there. So it looks like Biden promised a fracking ban/ then appeared to reneg on it during the primaries/ now says Yes, we're banning fracking. I'll wait and see what he has to say tomorrow. Maybe someone will insert new programming soon. 

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9 minutes ago, Right To Left said:

Personally, I'm not going to listen to a paid liar like John Brennan anymore than I will pay attention to whatever Tim Poole has to blather on about now!  What this attack on the Portland Democrat HQ shows is that the Democratic Party is only considered "left" by the CNN and MSNBC pundit gallery and Joe is about to be given the world's shortest honeymoon in Washington!


Agreed re: Brennan...a snake.

Tim is pretty fair. He was once a Fox reporter, I think. I admire the ones that built themselves a media outlet that rivals the MSM. One doesn't have to believe everything that goes on any channel...of course. I assume we're all capable of making adult choices that try to see things from both sides. One my personal favs for...a LONG time...is Democracy Now! If any Left wing type is going to 'angry-up the blood'...it's Amy.

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23 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


Oddly, before Trump's latest run, I was a bit pro-Bernie as he seemed to want to stir things-up. As did the lovely Tulsi Gabbard...first foxy POTUS?...both were soundly slapped down. Felt sorry for Bernie yesterday...in his chair all alone...cold. Quite symbolic.

Joe doesn't understand social media. He understands it's important 'to the kids'...but that's all. 

Kamala...who really likes her? She sucked nearly the worst in the Primaries.

The whole thing...ugh! A disaster for everybody including...as I mentioned...ANTIFA & BLM who are suddenly a problem rather than helpful allies to their former Masters.

Want some fun? Go to YouTube before they algorithm the heck out of things and search 'Biden Inauguration'...check-out the likes to dislikes on some of those streams...and I'm not just talking Fox. Joe is in for a rough ride...

Happy to meet you, btw.

Well, one thing we know for sure, is that Kamala was vetted by the same inside pros who got behind Obama when they put a lot of money behind an upstart candidate for Senate in 2006...I think it was! Some of these candidates appear groomed, because they are! And to be a handpicked candidate, I'm sure the people with the billions who are doing the picking know what and what not to expect from them when they win! 

So, lackluster Kamala .... who couldn't explain her way out of direct questions about her early, disparaging comments against Biden and just laughed hysterically until the reporter moved on... was brought back in as the VP candidate, and will almost certainly inherit the top job. Then, she runs for president in 2024, and her success or failure depends a lot on what the economy is doing then. She's already past the first hurdles that everyone else has to clear.

Edited by Right To Left
corrected date
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3 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


Agreed re: Brennan...a snake.

Tim is pretty fair. He was once a Fox reporter, I think. I admire the ones that built themselves a media outlet that rivals the MSM. One doesn't have to believe everything that goes on any channel...of course. I assume we're all capable of making adult choices that try to see things from both sides. One my personal favs for...a LONG time...is Democracy Now! If any Left wing type is going to 'angry-up the blood'...it's Amy.

I used to be a subscriber to DemocracyNow, and then I noticed when Amy Goodman started ignoring negative reports from US regime change targets like the Syrian debacle that I could see the same kind of reports on CNN! Why was I paying to watch some alternative news coverage from the left side when they were skewing to the center on foreign policy and dropping staff who wouldn't follow the new program - like Aaron Mate. And then I found out DN collects millions in corporate foundation money and Amy pays herself one million per year for her services! You wouldn't know it from her appearance, but I tell everyone who's listening that they are contributing to a rich foundation-funded front group by supporting them. They don't need the money, and as we've learned more recently, neither does TYT....could have figured that out from their high production values. Now, not only do they look like an MSM production, they actually are one on most issues. And I'm sure the Ford Foundation, Raytheon and others who have been generous with their funding tell them where the third rails are, and what they are free to be radical leftist on and what they are not allowed to cross the corporate line!

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1 minute ago, Right To Left said:

I used to be a subscriber to DemocracyNow, and then I noticed when Amy Goodman started ignoring negative reports from US regime change targets like the Syrian debacle that I could see the same kind of reports on CNN! Why was I paying to watch some alternative news coverage from the left side when they were skewing to the center on foreign policy and dropping staff who wouldn't follow the new program - like Aaron Mate. And then I found out DN collects millions in corporate foundation money and Amy pays herself one million per year for her services! You wouldn't know it from her appearance, but I tell everyone who's listening that they are contributing to a rich foundation-funded front group by supporting them. They don't need the money, and as we've learned more recently, neither does TYT....could have figured that out from their high production values. Now, not only do they look like an MSM production, they actually are one on most issues. And I'm sure the Ford Foundation, Raytheon and others who have been generous with their funding tell them where the third rails are, and what they are free to be radical leftist on and what they are not allowed to cross the corporate line!


I could NEVER see myself paying for any of these folks. Democracy Now! is on the local University radio...Tim is free on YouTube...for now. I understand there's a Purge on over at Der YouTube.

That's FUNNY re: Amy's salary....a good proletariat. What's the old line?

"There's no such thing as a millionaire Communist."

History says otherwise...lol.

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19 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:

ANTIFA/BLM attack Democrat Party HQ in Portland. 

'We don't want Biden. We want revenge for police murders, imperialist wars, and fascist massacres'

Oh, dear...Frankenstein's Monster isn't behaving.

Now what, Homeland Security? Arrest all them as well? Fill the jails? How many people do you plan on destroying? 

Mr Pool has some thoughts. Perhaps you Lefties should listen for a change.

It's not a problem if CNN does not tell.

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3 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:

BLM/ANTIFA types caught changing into MAGA gear on the 6th...

Wee Stormtroopers...getting ready to attack a German Radio Station.


Yeah, I gotta say, if I was Antifa and I wanted to pretend to be MAGA, I'd carry my fake gear to the site,  get changed at the last minute while somebody filmed me, and then carry my real gear around with me for the rest of the day, instead of doing all that at the hotel.

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4 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

Yeah, I gotta say, if I was Antifa and I wanted to pretend to be MAGA, I'd carry my fake gear to the site,  get changed at the last minute while somebody filmed me, and then carry my real gear around with me for the rest of the day, instead of doing all that at the hotel.

Got to love them yelling 'delete that' as they smack the phone from his hand.

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5 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

Yeah, I gotta say, if I was Antifa and I wanted to pretend to be MAGA, I'd carry my fake gear to the site,  get changed at the last minute while somebody filmed me, and then carry my real gear around with me for the rest of the day, instead of doing all that at the hotel.

Agent provocateur has been around for like, centuries man. And thats the way its gonna be now, whether this video is real or not.

Read Macchiavelli

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Just now, OftenWrong said:

Agent provocateur has been around for like, centuries man. And thats the way its gonna be now, whether this video is real or not.

Read Macchiavelli

Oh, I have no doubts about that.

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Just now, OftenWrong said:

Agent provocateur has been around for like, centuries man. And thats the way its gonna be now, whether this video is real or not.

Read Macchiavelli


If there are three folks on this site who have read The Prince....it be us three...lol.

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