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George Floyd Bodycam Video Leaked, AG Keith Ellison Wanted it to Remain Hidden.

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21 hours ago, Hodad said:

You massively overstuffed lying sack of crap. You deliberately lifted the supporting evidence without the thesis. I specifically said: "There is NO manual anywhere that instructs officers to kneel on a person's neck for 9+ minutes. Quite the opposite."

And then I listed out supporting statements that what Chauvin was not using an approved restraint based on how it was used--including Chauvin's own admission. There is no manual or training that supports that technique as a long-term restraint, specifically and explicitly because it can harm it kill. Which, again, is in the goddamn screenshot from the manual you like posting.

You are lying your ass off (as always) to make it seem like Chauvin was operating "by the book" when something unforseen happened because Floyd X,YZ.  Which is complete bullshit, by all evidence--including yours--and by Chauvin's own admission. He was off book by miles doing something he had been trained to know had a high potential to be lethal.

Bottom line, I was 100% correct about everything I said and you're just being a weaselly little lying piece of shit, as usual. Everything that I said stands as verified:

  1. Chauvin wasn't just using an unapproved kneeling restraint that no one ever heard of before
  2. he was using a restraint that was right inside of the Minneapolis PD training manual
  3.  witnesses were allowed to lie - saying that the restraint Chauvin used wasn't a Minn PD technique
  4. the defence wasn't allowed to show the truth, i.e. the pages from the training manual 
  5. Ellison hid the police bodycam footage from the public while businesses were being burned, communities were being destroyed, and people were being assaulted & killed, and the bodycam footage put the incident in a whole new perspective, which wasn't conducive to rioting. 

The Floyd incident wasn't anywhere near as bad as it was portrayed by the Dems, the MSM, and those people did everything they could to incite racial violence and riots.

Stop lying and being an apologist for race-baiters you disgusting loser. 

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Bottom line, I was 100% correct about everything I said and you're just being a weaselly little lying piece of shit, as usual. Everything that I said stands as verified:

  1. Chauvin wasn't just using an unapproved kneeling restraint that no one ever heard of before
  2. he was using a restraint that was right inside of the Minneapolis PD training manual
  3.  witnesses were allowed to lie - saying that the restraint Chauvin used wasn't a Minn PD technique
  4. the defence wasn't allowed to show the truth, i.e. the pages from the training manual 
  5. Ellison hid the police bodycam footage from the public while businesses were being burned, communities were being destroyed, and people were being assaulted & killed, and the bodycam footage put the incident in a whole new perspective, which wasn't conducive to rioting. 

The Floyd incident wasn't anywhere near as bad as it was portrayed by the Dems, the MSM, and those people did everything they could to incite racial violence and riots.

Stop lying and being an apologist for race-baiters you disgusting loser. 

Your projection is off the charts, you pathological farking liar. 

1. Nobody said Chauvin invented that temporary restraint as a concept. That's your fantasy. But his usage of that technique was not compliant with training or policy..

2. Yes, dummy, the same training manual page that you posted that LITERALLY says to move the person into recovery position as soon as they are in cuffs to avoid positional asphyxia. I'll repost what you posted. You can get someone to read it to you if you're unwilling or unable.


3. The witnesses did not lie. What Chauvin did was in no way approved. He did not follow procedure. He literally did the opposite of what he had seen in the training manual and killed the detainee, exactly like the manual told him was possible. And ANY use of of force is only authorized until the subject is compliant. Chauvin continued on LONG after Floyd was unconscious, and long after Floyd was dead.

4. What you call "the truth" (the slide in which explicit bullet points itemize the ways Chauvin was not following training - lol) was not allowed because Chauvin could not - or did not attempt to - prove that he had ever actually viewed that slide. A decision which was UPHELD on appeal as well. Pg 36  I'm sure as an "armchair expert" you know better than the judges though. 🙄

5. It's not uncommon to not release body camera footage if it is believed that it will make it harder to empanel a jury. I don't know what the rationale is in this case, but it really doesn't matter. That footage is just as damning as the witness footage that the prosecution didn't control. 

Floyd was murdered, plain and simple, through excessive force (against policy) combined with extraordinary indifference to his life and health on the part of Chauvin. Chauvin simply kneeled on Floyd's neck until Floyd was dead, and then kept kneeling on his neck for quite some time afterward. So farking casual that he'll kill a man while keeping his hands in his pockets.
George Floyd Witnesses Begged Cops to Stop Derek Chauvin on Make a GIF

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1 hour ago, Hodad said:

Your projection is off the charts, you pathological farking liar. 

1. Nobody said Chauvin invented that temporary restraint as a concept. That's your fantasy. But his usage of that technique was not compliant with training or policy..

2. Yes, dummy, the same training manual page that you posted that LITERALLY says to move the person into recovery position as soon as they are in cuffs to avoid positional asphyxia. I'll repost what you posted. You can get someone to read it to you if you're unwilling or unable.


3. The witnesses did not lie. What Chauvin did was in no way approved. He did not follow procedure. He literally did the opposite of what he had seen in the training manual and killed the detainee, exactly like the manual told him was possible. And ANY use of of force is only authorized until the subject is compliant. Chauvin continued on LONG after Floyd was unconscious, and long after Floyd was dead.

4. What you call "the truth" (the slide in which explicit bullet points itemize the ways Chauvin was not following training - lol) was not allowed because Chauvin could not - or did not attempt to - prove that he had ever actually viewed that slide. A decision which was UPHELD on appeal as well. Pg 36  I'm sure as an "armchair expert" you know better than the judges though. 🙄

5. It's not uncommon to not release body camera footage if it is believed that it will make it harder to empanel a jury. I don't know what the rationale is in this case, but it really doesn't matter. That footage is just as damning as the witness footage that the prosecution didn't control. 

Floyd was murdered, plain and simple, through excessive force (against policy) combined with extraordinary indifference to his life and health on the part of Chauvin. Chauvin simply kneeled on Floyd's neck until Floyd was dead, and then kept kneeling on his neck for quite some time afterward. So farking casual that he'll kill a man while keeping his hands in his pockets.
George Floyd Witnesses Begged Cops to Stop Derek Chauvin on Make a GIF

I don't think WCM's cognitive dissonance will even allow him to read your words.

At this point he's so far gone, the words probably appear to him to be chicken scratches. AKA a foreign language.

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1 hour ago, Hodad said:

Your projection is off the charts, you pathological farking liar. 

1. Nobody said Chauvin invented that temporary restraint as a concept. That's your fantasy. But his usage of that technique was not compliant with training or policy..

These are your own works, liar:

The Minneapolis chief of police testified that the restraint was not trained, authorized or compliant.


 2. Yes, dummy, the same training manual page that you posted that LITERALLY says to move the person into recovery position as soon as they are in cuffs to avoid positional asphyxia. I'll repost what you posted. You can get someone to read it to you if you're unwilling or unable.



lawofselfdefense.com › statute › minneapolis-pd-useMinneapolis PD Use of Force Policies – Law of Self DefenseOct 11, 2002 · A. Maximal Restraint Technique: 

The Maximal Restraint Technique shall only be used in situations where handcuffed subjects are combative and still pose a threat...

FYI, that doesn't mean that you only put them into that position to get handcuffs on them. You can have people in that position when they are handcuffed and combative and still pose a threat. 

Floyd was a massive man, amped up on narcotics. He's literally the exact person that sentence applies to. 


 3. The witnesses did not lie. What Chauvin did was in no way approved. He did not follow procedure. He literally did the opposite of what he had seen in the training manual and killed the detainee, exactly like the manual told him was possible. And ANY use of of force is only authorized until the subject is compliant. Chauvin continued on LONG after Floyd was unconscious, and long after Floyd was dead.

The witnesses absolutely did lie stupid, just like you are.

Stop massaging their statements to try to squeeze a molecule of truth out of them, it's not there. 

Yes, "the restraint absolutely WAS" something that's trained, liar. It absolutely is trained. It's in the f'ing training manual dummy. You pasted the picture of it into your stupid, lying post. 

If the Chief of Police meant to say what you said, he'd say "That's a restraint that we train our officers to use, but it's a dangerous restraint that's known to result in positional asphyxia - resulting in death - if it's maintained for too long." 

A good prosecutor might say: "Was Chauvin aware of that risk?" and then the Chief could reply: "We make all of our officers acutely aware of that exact risk during their training. Chauvin greatly exceeded the length of time that he was trained to use it for. He knew the danger." 


 4. What you call "the truth" (the slide in which explicit bullet points itemize the ways Chauvin was not following training - lol) was not allowed because Chauvin could not - or did not attempt to - prove that he had ever actually viewed that slide. A decision which was UPHELD on appeal as well. Pg 36  I'm sure as an "armchair expert" you know better than the judges though. 🙄

Those pages from the manual weren't allowed in court. 

Even his mother knew of it at the time it was talked about in court. All the other cops in Minneapolis knew about it. 

Is your new point that "Chauvin's mom and all the other cops in Minn knew about it, and Chauving just improvised the technique perfectly right in that moment"?

God you're a weaselly little liar.


5. It's not uncommon to not release body camera footage if it is believed that it will make it harder to empanel a jury. I don't know what the rationale is in this case, but it really doesn't matter. That footage is just as damning as the witness footage that the prosecution didn't control. 

Releasing the footage completely disproved the MSM/Dem's false narrative, which was causing riots, assaults and murder.

The riots literally stopped cold when the bodycam footage came out. They never needed to happen in the first place. Floyd was just an angry, stupid loser whose litany of bad decisions put his own life at risk. 


Floyd was murdered, plain and simple, through excessive force (against policy) combined with extraordinary indifference to his life and health on the part of Chauvin. Chauvin simply kneeled on Floyd's neck until Floyd was dead, and then kept kneeling on his neck for quite some time afterward. So farking casual that he'll kill a man while keeping his hands in his pockets.

Wait, are you completely contradicting the whole Dem/BLM/MSM narrative that "he just did it 'cause he was a racist"?

Are you sure that you're allowed to do that, dummy? 

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1 hour ago, robosmith said:

I don't think WCM's cognitive dissonance will even allow him to read your words.

There you go using big words incorrectly, stupid. 

  • I don't think WCM's cognitive dissonance confirmation bias will even allow him to read your words.

I would experience "cognitive dissonance" if he said something truthful and accurate which conflicted with my existing beliefs, forcing me to re-evaluate what I know about this situation. 

Of course that's never gonna be the case because a liar like Hodad will never tell the truth about anything. In this instance, his own statements conflict with each other. so you know for certain that he's lying. 

  1. At one point he's saying that the restraint isn't taught, and at another he's saying that it's taught but he applied it too long.
  2. How can he be applying a hold "for too long" if it's not even a hold that is taught to officers? He needs to pick one lie and stick to it. That's from Ch.1, P. 1 of Demi/CNN 101. Then just tell it 50,000 times. You guys have both mastered that. 

Next time you find yourself about to copy and paste a word that's 6 or more letters long, just stop. Make people try to figure out stupid you are by watching you try to rassle with the 4 and 5 letter behemoths.


At this point he's so far gone, the words probably appear to him to be chicken scratches. AKA a foreign language.

You mean like Bidenese or something? 

Is "I be a winner, not really" something that you all say, or just your leader of leaders?

You really should get the shirt, bro. People would be astounded by the sudden outburst of honesty. You might even get to touch a real girl.

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

There you go using big words incorrectly, stupid. 

  • I don't think WCM's cognitive dissonance confirmation bias will even allow him to read your words.

I would experience "cognitive dissonance" if he said something truthful and accurate which conflicted with my existing beliefs, forcing me to re-evaluate what I know about this situation. 

No, I said what I MEANT. Accurate information is unable to penetrate the FALSE model of reality you keep in your brain.

That is ONE of the definitions of COGNITIVE DISSONANCE.

The FACT is, Chauvin DID NOT conform to the recommendations of the MPD handbook wrt knee on the neck or back.

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8 minutes ago, robosmith said:

No, I said what I MEANT. Accurate information is unable to penetrate the FALSE model of reality you keep in your brain.

That is ONE of the definitions of COGNITIVE DISSONANCE.

The FACT is, Chauvin DID NOT conform to the recommendations of the MPD handbook wrt knee on the neck or back.

Dude, you're just painfully stupid. 

The reason why you don't experience cognitive dissonance is because your cognitive bias just turns off your brain when you see facts that you don't like. 

You're the perfect example of "ignorance is bliss". You revel in it. 

"The Maximal Restraint Technique shall only be used in situations where handcuffed subjects are combative and still pose a threat..."

Massive, strong, drugged out suspect who's uncontrollable and exhibiting signs of paranoia... Textbook restraint... Then this: "The FACT is, Chauvin DID NOT conform to the recommendations of the MPD handbook wrt knee on the neck or back." 🤣

You are one dumb little child, roboboy. 

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46 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Dude, you're just painfully stupid. 

The reason why you don't experience cognitive dissonance is because your cognitive bias just turns off your brain when you see facts that you don't like. 

You're the perfect example of "ignorance is bliss". You revel in it. 

"The Maximal Restraint Technique shall only be used in situations where handcuffed subjects are combative and still pose a threat..."

Massive, strong, drugged out suspect who's uncontrollable and exhibiting signs of paranoia... Textbook restraint... Then this: "The FACT is, Chauvin DID NOT conform to the recommendations of the MPD handbook wrt knee on the neck or back." 🤣

You are one dumb little child, roboboy. 

You're LYING again. Chauvin continued his restraint of Floyd LONG AFTER he was resisting. Until you recognize that FACT, there is no point in discussing this further with you. 👋

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16 hours ago, robosmith said:

You're LYING again. Chauvin continued his restraint of Floyd LONG AFTER he was resisting. Until you recognize that FACT, there is no point in discussing this further with you. 👋

Buddy, your leftard POV started at: 


AG Ellison and the Dems (for sure higher-ranking Dems knew about the footage) sat on the bodycam footage for months. NBC knew about this for a month and kept it secret. 

People were allowed to take the stand and lie during Chauvin's trial, and the truth (training manual) was banned from the courtroom.

You and Hodad tried to make the case that Chauvin's restraint had nothing to do with Minn PD policy and I showed it to you in the book. The only argument is that he held him in that approved Minn PD restraint for too long.

Dude, we all know he did it too long. The guy died. But everything that Chauvin did was textbook perfect up until the (15th?) minute of the interaction with Floyd. Floyd was being a jackass that whole time, plus he's the one who took fentanyl when he had a heart condition. That's the exact opposite of the leftard narrative.

Even the NBC video from after the bodycam footage came out was a lie. The cop had very good reason to have his gun out but NBC's video made it seem like they just had it out because Floyd was black. 

Now you're trying to distill your whole argument down to: "He knelt on him a bit too long, while he was being harassed by a crowd of menacing civilians." 🤣

You're a race-baiting, lying piece of shit robo. 

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Buddy, your leftard POV started at: 


You're LYING, again. Which is why you have NO QUOTE and NO CITE.

1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

AG Ellison and the Dems (for sure higher-ranking Dems knew about the footage) sat on the bodycam footage for months. NBC knew about this for a month and kept it secret. 

People were allowed to take the stand and lie during Chauvin's trial, and the truth (training manual) was banned from the courtroom.

You and Hodad tried to make the case that Chauvin's restraint had nothing to do with Minn PD policy and I showed it to you in the book. The only argument is that he held him in that approved Minn PD restraint for too long.

Dude, we all know he did it too long. The guy died. But everything that Chauvin did was textbook perfect up until the (15th?) minute of the interaction with Floyd. Floyd was being a jackass that whole time, plus he's the one who took fentanyl when he had a heart condition. That's the exact opposite of the leftard narrative.

Even the NBC video from after the bodycam footage came out was a lie. The cop had very good reason to have his gun out but NBC's video made it seem like they just had it out because Floyd was black. 

Now you're trying to distill your whole argument down to: "He knelt on him a bit too long, while he was being harassed by a crowd of menacing civilians." 🤣

You're a race-baiting, lying piece of shit robo. 

He KILLED Floyd. His continuation of his hold lasted until AFTER the EMT arrived. That proves INTENT.

Which is why he WAS CONVICTED.

And all you've got is weak SPECULATION and childish name calling. GPS.

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On 3/19/2024 at 3:13 PM, robosmith said:

You're LYING, again. Which is why you have NO QUOTE and NO CITE.

So now you're denying that the whole MSM narrative was that it happened because Chauvin was a racist?

You're such a pathetic piece of shit I can't even believe you're human. 


He KILLED Floyd. His continuation of his hold lasted until AFTER the EMT arrived. That proves INTENT.

Which is why he WAS CONVICTED.

And all you've got is weak SPECULATION and childish name calling. GPS.

Whatever you're snivelling about right now doesn't change THE FACT that the Dems withheld bodycam footage and lied to incite rioting, then they allowed people to lie on the witness stand while also banning the truth. 

You should be more worried about your corrupt MSM and evil men like Ellison, who showed ACTUAL intent, than one cop who held a reprobate in a restraint for too long. 

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7 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

So now you're denying that the whole MSM narrative was that it happened because Chauvin was a racist?

You're such a pathetic piece of shit I can't even believe you're human. 

I can't believe that you believe ^these OPINIONS MATTER.

7 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Whatever you're snivelling about right now doesn't change THE FACT that the Dems withheld bodycam footage and lied to incite rioting, then they allowed people to lie on the witness stand while also banning the truth. 

You should be more worried about your corrupt MSM and evil men like Ellison, who showed ACTUAL intent, than one cop who held a reprobate in a restraint for too long. 

That Chauvin showed ACTUAL INTENT to KILL FLOYD and his CONVICTION is all that MATTERS. Those are FACTS,  and your OPINIONS are NOT.

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On 3/18/2024 at 9:00 PM, WestCanMan said:

These are your own works, liar:

The Minneapolis chief of police testified that the restraint was not trained, authorized or compliant.

lawofselfdefense.com › statute › minneapolis-pd-useMinneapolis PD Use of Force Policies – Law of Self DefenseOct 11, 2002 · A. Maximal Restraint Technique: 

The Maximal Restraint Technique shall only be used in situations where handcuffed subjects are combative and still pose a threat...

FYI, that doesn't mean that you only put them into that position to get handcuffs on them. You can have people in that position when they are handcuffed and combative and still pose a threat. 

Floyd was a massive man, amped up on narcotics. He's literally the exact person that sentence applies to. 

The witnesses absolutely did lie stupid, just like you are.

Stop massaging their statements to try to squeeze a molecule of truth out of them, it's not there. 

Yes, "the restraint absolutely WAS" something that's trained, liar. It absolutely is trained. It's in the f'ing training manual dummy. You pasted the picture of it into your stupid, lying post. 

If the Chief of Police meant to say what you said, he'd say "That's a restraint that we train our officers to use, but it's a dangerous restraint that's known to result in positional asphyxia - resulting in death - if it's maintained for too long." 

A good prosecutor might say: "Was Chauvin aware of that risk?" and then the Chief could reply: "We make all of our officers acutely aware of that exact risk during their training. Chauvin greatly exceeded the length of time that he was trained to use it for. He knew the danger." 

Those pages from the manual weren't allowed in court. 

Even his mother knew of it at the time it was talked about in court. All the other cops in Minneapolis knew about it. 

Is your new point that "Chauvin's mom and all the other cops in Minn knew about it, and Chauving just improvised the technique perfectly right in that moment"?

God you're a weaselly little liar.

Releasing the footage completely disproved the MSM/Dem's false narrative, which was causing riots, assaults and murder.

The riots literally stopped cold when the bodycam footage came out. They never needed to happen in the first place. Floyd was just an angry, stupid loser whose litany of bad decisions put his own life at risk. 

Wait, are you completely contradicting the whole Dem/BLM/MSM narrative that "he just did it 'cause he was a racist"?

Are you sure that you're allowed to do that, dummy? 

Hey, Mr. Pathological liar. Read your own damn links. 

Did MPD training materials direct officers to use that restraint on a person who was not resisting? No it specifically directed officers to move them into a recovery position ASAP so that they don't die!

So you can dodge, duck and lie to your heart's content but Chauvin was not using a technique trained or approved by MPD. 

That's why cops were disgusted by his actions and why he's rotting in prison for murder.

And you continue to be completely full of crap with your silly claim that the (damning) body camera footage had any correlation to rioting. 

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On 3/20/2024 at 11:48 PM, robosmith said:

I can't believe that you believe ^these OPINIONS MATTER.

Did you forget, dummy? There were riots causing thousands of assaults, there were murders, and there was billions of dollars in damage from riots that happened just because of the Dems'/CNN's false narrative about "racist cops targeting unarmed black men". 

You forgot about "Defund police" now? "No justice, no peace"? 


That Chauvin showed ACTUAL INTENT to KILL FLOYD and his CONVICTION is all that MATTERS. Those are FACTS,  and your OPINIONS are NOT.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, loser. 

That wasn't the point of all the Demi/CNN lies. 

The point was that Chauvin was a racist, cops are racist, and he used a racist murder technique to kill Floyd, right? 

All of your lies were disproven. The only thing that actually happened is that Chauvin left Floyd in that proper Minn PD hold too long, but that happened while a hostile crowd was distracting him. 

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14 hours ago, Hodad said:

Hey, Mr. Pathological liar. Read your own damn links. 

Did MPD training materials direct officers to use that restraint on a person who was not resisting? No it specifically directed officers to move them into a recovery position ASAP so that they don't die!

So you can dodge, duck and lie to your heart's content but Chauvin was not using a technique trained or approved by MPD. 

That's why cops were disgusted by his actions and why he's rotting in prison for murder.

And you continue to be completely full of crap with your silly claim that the (damning) body camera footage had any correlation to rioting. 

Gawd you're an id10t.

All Floyd did was resist arrest and disobey the lawful commands of the Minn PD for every second of his life, from the start of that incident until the end.

At no point did Floyd ever stop resisting until he lost consciousness. 

Chauvin put him in a proper Minn PD restraint and waited for him to stop resisting, and he didn't stop resisting until he was dead. 

Can you point to the spot in the video where he just said "OK, I'll get i the car"? 

He just wrestled and whined the whole time. Literally all he had to do was get in the squad car and answer to the counterfeit bills, that's it, and he'd be high somewhere on on fentanyl or crack right now. He's the one who chose to wrestle, not Chauvin. 

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49 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Gawd you're an id10t.

All Floyd did was resist arrest and disobey the lawful commands of the Minn PD for every second of his life, from the start of that incident until the end.

At no point did Floyd ever stop resisting until he lost consciousness. 

Chauvin put him in a proper Minn PD restraint and waited for him to stop resisting, and he didn't stop resisting until he was dead. 

Can you point to the spot in the video where he just said "OK, I'll get i the car"? 

He just wrestled and whined the whole time. Literally all he had to do was get in the squad car and answer to the counterfeit bills, that's it, and he'd be high somewhere on on fentanyl or crack right now. He's the one who chose to wrestle, not Chauvin. 

You are shameless. What you say is patiently false.  It's on video. Literally anyone can watch it. You think people don't know your lying? Jeebus.


Chauvin's admission in plea:

The defendant also knew there was no legal justification to continue his use of force because he was aware that Mr. Floyd not only stopped resisting, but also stopped talking, stopped moving, stopped breathing, and lost consciousness and a pulse. The defendant chose to continue applying force even though he knew Mr. Floyd's condition progressively worsened. The defendant also heard Mr. Floyd repeatedly explain that he could not breathe, was in pain, and wanted help.

Likewise, the defendant knew that what he was doing was wrong-{hat continued force was no longer appropriate and that it posed significant risks to Mr. Floyd's life based on what he observed and heard about Mr. Floyd. The defendant was aware that civilian bystanders repeatedly asked him to check for a pulse, stated that Mr. Floyd was unresponsive and not breathing, and asked him to get off of Mr. Floyd. The defendant also heard Officer Kueng, who checked Mr. Floyd at least twice for a pulse, twice say that he could not find one.


^^You weaving your web of lies won't change the facts on video, or the facts to which Chauvin and witnesses and other defendants all agree. It won't change that Chauvin it's a murderer who will rot in prison for his crimes.

Once again we have you lying about things that we can do see in video,  and that all contemporaneous witnesses confirm. But our resident pathological liar will claim night is day and the sky is green. Gross.

Edited by Hodad
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1 hour ago, Hodad said:

You are shameless. What you say is patiently false.  It's on video. Literally anyone can watch it. You think people don't know your lying? Jeebus.

You're a stupid cultist and nothing you say has any basis in reality.

It's on video now, anyone can watch it now, because it was leaked.

Do you get it, stupid?

The Dems and CNN et al created a completely false narrative around this incident while they held the truth of what happened away from the public.

The "video" that "anyone can watch" tells a completely different story from what we heard for months while the rioting was going on.

When the video was leaked, the rioting stopped cold.


Do you know how plea deals work, stupid?

Dems' crooked AG: "Sucks to be you, pig. We just spent the last 7 years ginning up racial hatred of cops among all minorities, and the last year making you the poster boy. We have the Chief of Police ready to lie in court, and you won't be allowed to use the Minn PD training manual in your defence. Do you wanna tell the truth, and spend 3 years in general population, or do you want to read this script and live in relative safety?"

Chauvin: "Tell me what to say."

Ironically the courts don't allow contracts signed due to coercion to have legal effect... unless the coercion is committed by trustworthy guys like AG Keith "I withhold videos to create racial riots" Ellison and his happy band of goose-stepping judges. 

This is just like the "confessions" that Manafort et al were supposed to give the Dems' FBI lapdogs regarding collusion. "You tell us what we want to hear, you're a free man."

Do you think that no Americans have ever signed false, coerced "confessions" in places like Russia, Iran, Turkey or North Korea?

Do you think that there are no black men in jail in America who were forced to give false confessions? 

Oh noes, now you have to tell the truth about something to protect your narratives. Whatcha gonna do now Ho? 

Your country is a f'ing joke, Ho. I know that you think it's cool when they're committing crimes that you like, but that might not always be the case. Just be careful what you wish for, cult-boy. 

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4 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

You're a stupid cultist and nothing you say has any basis in reality.

It's on video now, anyone can watch it now, because it was leaked.

Do you get it, stupid?

The Dems and CNN et al created a completely false narrative around this incident while they held the truth of what happened away from the public.

The "video" that "anyone can watch" tells a completely different story from what we heard for months while the rioting was going on.

When the video was leaked, the rioting stopped cold.

Do you know how plea deals work, stupid?

Dems' crooked AG: "Sucks to be you, pig. We just spent the last 7 years ginning up racial hatred of cops among all minorities, and the last year making you the poster boy. We have the Chief of Police ready to lie in court, and you won't be allowed to use the Minn PD training manual in your defence. Do you wanna tell the truth, and spend 3 years in general population, or do you want to read this script and live in relative safety?"

Chauvin: "Tell me what to say."

Ironically the courts don't allow contracts signed due to coercion to have legal effect... unless the coercion is committed by trustworthy guys like AG Keith "I withhold videos to create racial riots" Ellison and his happy band of goose-stepping judges. 

This is just like the "confessions" that Manafort et al were supposed to give the Dems' FBI lapdogs regarding collusion. "You tell us what we want to hear, you're a free man."

Do you think that no Americans have ever signed false, coerced "confessions" in places like Russia, Iran, Turkey or North Korea?

Do you think that there are no black men in jail in America who were forced to give false confessions? 

Oh noes, now you have to tell the truth about something to protect your narratives. Whatcha gonna do now Ho? 

Your country is a f'ing joke, Ho. I know that you think it's cool when they're committing crimes that you like, but that might not always be the case. Just be careful what you wish for, cult-boy. 

It's always been on video, dummy. A half dozen bystanders were filming the murder. That's why he was charged in the first place. You can hear bystanders calling out for mercy because the man isn't even resisting. You can hear people calling out that Chauvin was killing him. You can hear the other officers asking is they should move Floyd to recovery (because he stopped resisting). Chauvin kept kneeling long after Floyd was dead. 


Again, the timing of the "leaked" bodycam footage (completely damning) is in no way aligned to the end of the "riots." You are peddling lies.

And the plea deal is what it is because the facts were already established and Chauvin was already convicted by the state. Again, it's on video for all to see. Chauvin just admitted what we could all see for ourselves. Despite what people like you think, skin color is not a measure of the value of a human being. 

Nobody in the US is even the least bit concerned with your conspiracy bullshit. You are Canada's problem and embarrassment.

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On 3/18/2024 at 10:29 PM, robosmith said:

No, I said what I MEANT. Accurate information is unable to penetrate the FALSE model of reality you keep in your brain.

That is ONE of the definitions of COGNITIVE DISSONANCE.

The FACT is, Chauvin DID NOT conform to the recommendations of the MPD handbook wrt knee on the neck or back.

Hey at least he admits he’s guilty of confirmation bias.  I’ll definitely agree with that!

Hilarious he doesn’t know what the term means 


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22 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Hey at least he admits he’s guilty of confirmation bias.  I’ll definitely agree with that!

Hilarious he doesn’t know what the term means 


Buddy, you don't know the meaning of any words more than 4 letters long. 

And honest to God, what's it like having to side with the likes of robo and Hodad? 

I'd kill myself if I found myself agreeing with those guys.

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On 3/18/2024 at 7:29 PM, robosmith said:

No, I said what I MEANT. Accurate information is unable to penetrate the FALSE model of reality you keep in your brain.

That is ONE of the definitions of COGNITIVE DISSONANCE.

The FACT is, Chauvin DID NOT conform to the recommendations of the MPD handbook wrt knee on the neck or back.

You said the words that you meant to say, but they didn't mean what you wanted them to mean because the words are big and your brain is tiny.

FYI cognitive dissonance only occurs after you allow conflicting viewpoints into your head and they start battling for ownership of your brain. Get it? That's rule 1 of cognitive dissonance: without two conflicting thoughts there is no cognitive dissonance.

If you choose not to read about something or watch it at all, or you just do so while looking to find fault with it but not trying to actually understand it, then you will never experience cognitive dissonance. 

In your case, you will never experience cognitive dissonance because your confirmation bias has you scanning the internet for bullshit that tickles your fancy, and it also prevents you from absorbing accurate info that displeases you. 

You only have 1 thought in your little pea brain because your confirmation bias prevents the truth from getting in there.

Do you understand these things now, dummy? 

Cognitive bias - conflicting information.

Confirmation bias - single viewpoint cranium, nothing undesirable gets in. 

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So let me get this straight. Floyd resisted arrest. That much is evident. The bodycam footage was hidden from the public. This "knee on chest" position is in the MPD manual and that manual was ruled not admissible in court.

We're talking about a known criminal who was drugged to the point of over dose.

So the point Libbies are making is that Chauvin held a drugged up known criminal who was resisting arrest, with a hold they are trained to use, too long?

Wow...that's a pretty thin argument. 

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4 hours ago, Nationalist said:

So let me get this straight. Floyd resisted arrest. That much is evident. The bodycam footage was hidden from the public. This "knee on chest" position is in the MPD manual and that manual was ruled not admissible in court.

We're talking about a known criminal who was drugged to the point of over dose.

So the point Libbies are making is that Chauvin held a drugged up known criminal who was resisting arrest, with a hold they are trained to use, too long?

Wow...that's a pretty thin argument. 

No, you don't have it straight. 

There was no "knee on chest" position in play. Floyd was face down in the street while Chauvin kneeled on the back of his neck. It's well established that this position is only used to gain control of a subject and that as soon as that is achieved the subject should be moved to a "recovery position" so that you don't kill them.

Apply some common sense. It's like a choke hold (which is now outlawed in many jurisdictions because it's so easy to go wrong). If you choke someone to gain control it might be a viable tactic. But if you choke them for 9+ minutes it's just lethal force. 

Note that any resistance on Floyd's part was over VERY early in this process. Squirming gave way to begging and then drooling and then nothing... Hell, the police declared that he was non-responsive at 5:43 into the hold. Other officers were suggesting a change to recovery position, and Chauvin just kept going, and going and going. It had nothing to do with control or restraint at that point. At a minimum, it was utter indifference to the life or death of the subject, but imagine kneeling on someone's neck for 9+ minutes -- much of it to a visibly unconscious or dead subject -- and it's hard to escape the notion that there's some malice. 

The bodycam footage was not "hidden" from the public. Like most of the state-controlled evidence in the case, it simply wasn't released during the trial. It was shown to the jury. It was even available to the press for viewing, but not public release. That's pretty common, and even more likely when a piece of evidence is likely to further enflame social tensions. And the bodycam footage is incendiary, to say the least. 


Edited by Hodad
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29 minutes ago, Hodad said:

No, you don't have it straight. 

There was no "knee on chest" position in play. Floyd was face down in the street while Chauvin kneeled on the back of his neck. It's well established that this position is only used to gain control of a subject and that as soon as that is achieved the subject should be moved to a "recovery position" so that you don't kill them.

Apply some common sense. It's like a choke hold (which is now outlawed in many jurisdictions because it's so easy to go wrong). If you choke someone to gain control it might be a viable tactic. But if you choke them for 9+ minutes it's just lethal force. 

Note that any resistance on Floyd's part was over VERY early in this process. Squirming gave way to begging and then drooling and then nothing... Hell, the police declared that he was non-responsive at 5:43 into the hold. Other officers were suggesting a change to recovery position, and Chauvin just kept going, and going and going. It had nothing to do with control or restraint at that point. At a minimum, it was utter indifference to the life or death of the subject, but imagine kneeling on someone's neck for 9+ minutes -- much of it to a visibly unconscious or dead subject -- and it's hard to escape the notion that there's some malice. 

The bodycam footage was not "hidden" from the public. Like most of the state-controlled evidence in the case, it simply wasn't released during the trial. It was shown to the jury. It was even available to the press for viewing, but not public release. That's pretty common, and even more likely when a piece of evidence is likely to further enflame social tensions. And the bodycam footage is incendiary, to say the least. 


Well...I'm not sure Floyd wouldn't have died anyway. I'm not sure Chauvin meant to have Floyd die. I am sure Floyd was a scumbag.

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7 hours ago, Nationalist said:

So the point Libbies are making is that Chauvin held a drugged up known criminal who was resisting arrest, with a hold they are trained to use, too long?

Their position was reduced to less than that even. They don't acknowledge that the drugs and heart condition even played a role and they still ignore the resisting arrest part and the long rap sheet. 

They just say "Chauvin held the approved position for too long. We were right!"

But that's not their initial story. Their initial story was: "Floyd was a gentle giant, Chauvin was plainly just a racist using his own illegal murder hold, pigs love killing unarmed black men, riots are justified (wait, what riots? We don't see no riots. But we want the uhhh 'rioters' let out of jail), the riots protests should last another 6 months, kids should stay angry, a few murders are understandable, taking over part Seattle is understandable, attacking police officers and overrunning police stations is understandable, and... there's nothing more to see here. This is the whole, true story."

Even after the MSM was allowed to watch (not have copies of... just watch) the Floyd video, they still went with the above narratives. They didn't think that the bodycam footage would be leaked, they thought that their lies would hold up until after the trial. 

They also don't acknowledge that the prosecution was allowed to tell lies while the truth was banned from the court. 

Just imagine ignoring all of the above and pretending that the whole argument was "Chauvin just held an approved restraint for too long..."

These guys are just lying a-holes. 

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