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The Russian Collusion Farce is Unravelling, The Dems And FBI Are Being Exposed As Criminals

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Evidence of collusion - zero.

Content of Steele dossier verified and/or corroborated - zero percent.

Actual evidence of Popadopalous, Flynn, Manafort and or Carter Page colluding with Russia, or having any inappropriate contact with Russia- zero.

FISA Warrants issued, based entirely on false evidence presented in the dossier, which the FBI lied about [17 SIGNFICANT errors and ommissions] - 4. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/doj-inspector-general-finds-17-significant-errors-or-omissions-in-carter-page-fisa-applications


It has been made abundantly clear now, that at no point was there ever a shred of evidence of Trump colluding with Russia. 


Schiff routinely told the MSM that there was ample/damning/direct/clear evidence of Trump colluding on numerous occasions: https://www.google.ca/search?q=schiff+says+that+there+is+evidence+of+collusion&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwio_qTOhafpAhWX4J4KHSa4CscQ_AUoA3oECAsQBQ&biw=1252&bih=706 In case you're not aware, Schiff is the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_House_Permanent_Select_Committee_on_Intelligence Does that sound like a job for a man who played a central role in using the FBI to lead a smear campaign against a duly-elected POTUS?


Make no mistake - Schiff directly lied to Americans on a weekly basis, and high-ranking members of the FBI actively lied to the FISA court and to the American people on a regular basis, and the whole Russian collusion was just a political smear campaign with lies, malfeasance and dirty tactics that would shame a banana republic. 



Schiff needs to be impeached and thrown in jail or the US is a banana republic.

FBI members who "made 17 significant errors and omissions in FISA Court applications" need to go to jail like Flynn did, the only difference is that they're actually guilty many, many times over.

The MSM outlets who knowingly disseminated false propaganda need to have their press privileges revoked. The media does not exist to spread lies against duly elected officials. 

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3 minutes ago, Tdot said:

Stop plagiarizing me, this instant! lol

If you have a thread that's similarly titled I don't see it.

I didn't get this from a post here, I just put this together because it's important to get a thread started with an accurate title before godzilla comes along and starts one that says""Trump's Gestapo march across Washington, destroying collusion evidence to incriminate the FBI and Honest Adam Schiff!!!"


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28 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

If you have a thread that's similarly titled I don't see it.

lol IJK ...

I was merely making a play off of how I keep lambasting Demwits here, for weeks, about how they were okay with the Dems filing false docx with the FISA Court. No one figures, that I am always referring to this exact ordeal ---as I knew (since the impeachment hoax) that this was coming down the pike eventually.

Cool thread ---oh and good call on @godzilla flagrant fiction that he publishes here.

Edited by Tdot
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I was watching Trey Gowdy be interviewed. He says Schiff can't be held accountable legally in any way. He has immunity. Would that include impeachment? Can a congressman be impeached? i don't know. Kind of sucks, if he can't be held accountable to anybody but the voters of Commiefornia, because everything he did pretty much adds up to treason. I mean, let's face it. That whole collusion delusion and everything connected to it adds up to an attempted coup.

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33 minutes ago, Tdot said:

lol IJK ...

I was merely making a play off of how I keep lambasting Demwits here, for weeks, about how they were okay with the Dems filing false docx with the FISA Court. No one figures, that I am always referring to this exact ordeal ---as I knew (since the impeachment hoax) that this was coming down the pike eventually.

Cool thread ---oh and good call on @godzilla flagrant fiction that he publishes here.

I just want to keep the Dem/Liberal lies/hypocrisy/stupidity here to a minimum.

It's like battling a forest fire: it's rampant, it's everywhere, and it blows up fast. The only real difference is that burning trees are responding to actual facts.  

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4 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

I was watching Trey Gowdy be interviewed. He says Schiff can't be held accountable legally in any way. He has immunity. Would that include impeachment? Can a congressman be impeached? i don't know. Kind of sucks, if he can't be held accountable to anybody but the voters of Commiefornia, because everything he did pretty much adds up to treason. I mean, let's face it. That whole collusion delusion and everything connected to it adds up to an attempted coup.

Yeah that's totally weird if the POTUS can be impeached but the Chair of the House Intel Community has liar's immunity.

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2 hours ago, New World Disorder said:

Rachael Maddow is still diligently looking through her cupboards for Russian collusion.

It would be nice to see some kind of a reckoning for people like RM who were so blatantly foul and intentionally misled her viewers for so long. I have no sympathy for her viewers, I just think that people like her are extremely divisive, to the point where they're a cancer on society. 

Kinda OT, but Rachel Maddow is living proof of how inner ugliness can bring a person's attractiveness rating down by approximately 9.97 points.

There are people on both sides of the aisle like her, there was a Michelle Malkin on Fox for a while who could also curdle milk with her inner charm. Degan McDowell is the same way. When she says things that agree with I feel dirty. 


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For those of you who think that "Obamagate" is new.

There is new info being de-classified now about the illegal unmasking of Ret Gen Flynn and the leaking of his phone conversations, so the buzzards are circling closer above Comey and Obama now, but it's just further proof of things that have been correctly reported on for 3 years now.

Obama was warned about Russia's desire to influence the election back in 2014 but ignored it



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The hacking of the DNC server is officially a myth now.

The FBI was never given access to the DNC server which was theoretically hacked. The DNC just made the accusation that the server was hacked, they had a company called crowdstrike investigate it, and Crowdstrike said "The Russians hacked it". Trump was blamed, and the Dem Gestapo, AKA the FBI, just took their word for it.

Turns out that in Dec of 2017 the President of Crowdstrike, Sean Henry, admitted under oath that there was actually NO EVIDENCE that the server was actually even hacked

And if you recall, the owner of wikileaks also said that the info that they got was leaked, not hacked.

If you're keeping score, there are only 2 sources officially on the record regarding the porous DNC server, one says that the info was leaked, the other says that they don't have any evidence of hacking. 

This was from 2017 remember, a full year before the mid-term elections in 2018, and the spectre of a hacked server still hung over the GOP party until late 2019, and the FBI was pumping that cloud up the whole time. 

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On 5/9/2020 at 5:11 PM, WestCanMan said:

It would be nice to see some kind of a reckoning for people like RM who were so blatantly foul and intentionally misled her viewers for so long. I have no sympathy for her viewers, I just think that people like her are extremely divisive, to the point where they're a cancer on society. 

Kinda OT, but Rachel Maddow is living proof of how inner ugliness can bring a person's attractiveness rating down by approximately 9.97 points.

There are people on both sides of the aisle like her, there was a Michelle Malkin on Fox for a while who could also curdle milk with her inner charm. Degan McDowell is the same way. When she says things that agree with I feel dirty. 


This is how the MSM news is! She was more or less coerced into keeping that narrative alive or be out of a job.

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26 minutes ago, New World Disorder said:

This is how the MSM news is! She was more or less coerced into keeping that narrative alive or be out of a job.

Rachel Maddow seems pretty passionate about what she's saying. Even if she knows that she's lying (and I don't think it's possible for her not to be aware that everything she says is wrong) she seems very excited to do it.

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21 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Rachel Maddow seems pretty passionate about what she's saying. Even if she knows that she's lying (and I don't think it's possible for her not to be aware that everything she says is wrong) she seems very excited to do it.

Anyone seems passionate when they get paid enough. She's also a good actor.

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2 hours ago, New World Disorder said:

Anyone seems passionate when they get paid enough. She's also a good actor.

When you can't imagine others being motivated by something other than money, in Psychology, it's referred to as 'projection'.  If you can't imagine how others think, it's actually your problem.


I will reserve my response somewhat for the case that you have proof that this journalist is lying.

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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

When you can't imagine others being motivated by something other than money, in Psychology, it's referred to as 'projection'.  If you can't imagine how others think, it's actually your problem.


I will reserve my response somewhat for the case that you have proof that this journalist is lying.

You need proof that Rachael Maddow has been lying all this time?  After how many years and STILL nothing on any collusion between Trump and Russia?


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On 5/18/2020 at 12:59 PM, WestCanMan said:

Rachel Maddow seems pretty passionate about what she's saying. Even if she knows that she's lying (and I don't think it's possible for her not to be aware that everything she says is wrong) she seems very excited to do it.


True....Rachel Maddow (and co-host Al Franken after SNL but before resigning from U.S. Senate in disgrace) tried to counter Rush Limbaugh's radio programming dominance with a leftist agenda (Air America),  but they were destroyed in the ratings because they did not understand the medium or audience.   Rachel Maddow learned from Rush Limbaugh that you have to bring the passion and "lying" every day, even when you don't want to.



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20 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

True....Rachel Maddow (and co-host Al Franken after SNL but before resigning from U.S. Senate in disgrace) tried to counter Rush Limbaugh's radio programming dominance with a leftist agenda (Air America),  but they were destroyed in the ratings because they did not understand the medium or audience.   Rachel Maddow learned from Rush Limbaugh that you have to bring the passion and "lying" every day, even when you don't want to.

I've seen Limbaugh and Levin on Hannity before, I don't like either of them. Hubris galore. I couldn't say whether or not they lie because I ffwd through segments with them in it. 

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I've seen Limbaugh and Levin on Hannity before, I don't like either of them. Hubris galore. I couldn't say whether or not they lie because I ffwd through segments with them in it. 


That's fine, but Limbaugh made talk radio a political force in the U.S., especially for right wing opposition to Clinton and Obama...long before "social media" was a thing.   Maddow learned that she has to cultivate a base of supporters and keep feeding them what they want to hear, facts be damned.   Conflict and confrontation are good for fueling each segment.    Anything less is just...boring.

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1 minute ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


That's fine, but Limbaugh made talk radio a political force in the U.S., especially for right wing opposition to Clinton and Obama...long before "social media" was a thing.   Maddow learned that she has to cultivate a base of supporters and keep feeding them what they want to hear, facts be damned.   Conflict and confrontation are good for fueling each segment.    Anything less is just...boring.

Canada is in dire need of a unifying conservative voice right now. No lying required.

Right now our MSM is like CNN-lite: they are basically useless as realistic news sources because of their extreme bias, they just tone down the hyperbolic lying. 

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12 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Canada is in dire need of a unifying conservative voice right now. No lying required.

Right now our MSM is like CNN-lite: they are basically useless as realistic news sources because of their extreme bias, they just tone down the hyperbolic lying. 


There are cultural and regulatory reasons why Canada cannot/does not have a strong conservative voice regardless of who that may be.   Canadians abhor conflict and confrontation at "American style" extremes, because it scares them as divisiveness (like mommy and daddy fighting...again).   There are already built in fractures in Canada that cannot take more pounding, but watching the Americans do it is just fine.  

Accordingly, some Canadians fight their ideological battles vicariously through the American experience and narrative...from a safe distance.   The Russia collusion fiasco fed right into Canadian norms about Trump.


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On 5/9/2020 at 10:02 AM, WestCanMan said:

I just want to keep the Dem/Liberal lies/hypocrisy/stupidity here to a minimum.

It's like battling a forest fire: it's rampant, it's everywhere, and it blows up fast. The only real difference is that burning trees are responding to actual facts.  

That should be easy, just come up with credible reports of Obama, Biden, Hillary and their minions in the Deepstate being arrested for treason and the worst cover-up in America's history.

Trump does have this evidence doesn't he?

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13 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Oh, it's not nothing.

It's exactly nothing. 

The FBI found no evidence of collusion at all, at any point. There's not one Dem or FBI member that has ever testified that they found a shred of evidence of collusion.

That means that every single time Adam Schiff said that there was evidence coming out that proved Trump colluded with Russia he was lying. 

The FBI determined early on that Russians were putting out negative attack ads against both sides to sow discord. It worked like a charm. The dems went for it hook, line and sinker. 

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