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China corrupting Chinese immigrants in Canada


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BTW you just going to leave your oblivion hanging out there for everyone to see?

28 minutes ago, turningrite said:

I scanned this topic and can't find any such references from 'TSS' 


On 2/2/2019 at 11:12 AM, -TSS- said:

One way to attack a country is to create a fifth column in that country. As the famous Chinese warlord Sun Tzu said thousands of years ago that the cleverest form of warfare is that when your enemy doesnt realise that he is at war with you. 

Still valid today. 


Like I said I almost forgot to mention his paranoid reference to enemy.


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On 1/28/2019 at 7:56 AM, Argus said:

China uses an organization called United Front to corrupt Canadian politicians, academics and industry, and uses its overseas diaspora to further its global agenda. And we let them.

The scene outside the offices of the Toronto public school board was raucous.

It was October 2014, and the board was planning to vote on a contract with the Confucius Institute, an organization affiliated with the education ministry of the government of China, which had offered its services to teach Mandarin to the city’s schoolchildren.

Critics decried the arrangement, calling the institute a propaganda or espionage arm of the Chinese state. But its supporters were out in force, scores of them, rallying noisily and waving Chinese flags in the heart of Canada’s biggest city.

“You are a damn traitor to China,” one of them shouted to an institute opponent of Chinese descent. “Down with traitors!”

Most of the Chinese-language media in Canada are now owned by businesses tied to Beijing, offering positive coverage of China, while Chinese-Canadian community groups have largely fallen under the sway of the “motherland,” Burton says.

In his own region, the Niagara Chinese Cultural Association was once dedicated to domestic causes and reaching out to the wider community, but now seems just as interested in cheering on a rising China, says Burton, a fluent Mandarin speaker. Both the Canadian and Chinese flags are raised at meetings today, and there was even discussion of adding the Chinese anthem, he says.

“An organization that once had another purpose has gradually been taken over to serve China’s national interest. Where United Front work becomes problematic is when it’s engaging persons of Chinese origin who have Canadian citizenship … to serve the interests of the motherland, when in fact the motherland should be Canada.”



What are you whining about? You were probably one of many foolish Canadians out there that wanted and were all in favor of multiculturalism and diversity in Canada and now you have it. And the sad part is that host Canadians want more of the same and keep them coming. Duh. 

Those Chinese that were demonstrating and flying a Chinese flag were not proud to be Canadian at all. What the hell are they doing here if they still love China and want to fly the Chinese flag here in Canada. This is what happens when a country like Canada allows in too many people to immigrate from one country like Canada does. They begin to start to isolate themselves from the host country's people. The Chinese now have their own restaurants, own Chinese businesses, have newspapers, radio, TV and community centers and all done in their own language and where they no doubt must be flying the Chinese flag. 

China has people and spies all over the world and are no doubt corrupting the Chinese in Canada. Not to believe so is dumb. Quoting a verse from the bible but don't ask me where it is written. Maybe someone here knows. It says somewhere in the bible that we are to be "beware of the yellow race". Even the bible was being racist for saying this. I wonder if the leftist liberal Canadian media and politicians would dare to go after God on this quote mentioned? Lol. 

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

Quoting a verse from the bible but don't ask me where it is written. Maybe someone here knows. It says somewhere in the bible that we are to be "beware of the yellow race". Even the bible was being racist for saying this. I wonder if the leftist liberal Canadian media and politicians would dare to go after God on this quote mentioned?

I never heard of this one. I'm part of the skeptic community that is often critical of biblical faults and if this one were there it would be one of those statements which would garner a lot of noise there. A quick Google check on this also lacks much other than to someone (a British celebrity or relative?) stating that in the 1990s. 


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7 hours ago, turningrite said:

What an idiotic statement. You know nothing about me so before you start flinging defamatory denunciations perhaps you might think about what you're saying. Personally, based on your comments, it seems you reflect a tribalist perspective.

He's right tho, Yellow Peril moral panic is classic paranoid racism.  It's straight out of the 19th century.

Not that I don't love the 19th century, but,  you know, they were paranoid racists.

God save the Queen, but not the Head Tax, we don't have to keep the stupid shit.

Edited by Dougie93
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I mean, go to the Downtown Eastside, those are not the Chinese lying in the streets there, that's mostly Gwailou shooting fentanyl into their bloodstreams, the Chinese are the victims, trying to run businesses,  surrounded by Canadian junkies who just steal from them and then fall over dead periodically.

The drug crisis is coming from China?  Bullshit.  The Chinese shoot drug dealers in the head and make their families pay for the bullet.

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20 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

He's right tho, Yellow Peril moral panic is classic paranoid racism.  It's straight out of the 19th century.

Not that I don't love the 19th century, but,  you know, they were paranoid racists.

Read the thread, man. He's criticizing a reference to the Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu, which to me is utterly bizarre. The activities of the of the Chinese state on Canadian territory are a matter entirely appropriate to public discussion and debate. Comparing such discussion to the "Yellow Peril moral panic" is an example of extreme hyperbole. Pursuing a 'reductio ad absurdum' approach is pointless, uninteresting and does nothing to foster rational debate.

As your comments have degenerated into insult and absurdity, I will not respond further to your posts under this topic.

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1 minute ago, Yzermandius19 said:

Pretending they are all foreign agents working to undermine the nation is just silly.

Who's doing that? The principal topic here, if you bother to read all the posts, is about the activities of the Chinese state in Canada. This is not tinfoil hat stuff, nor is it a concern that emerges from a racist perspective, as you, Dougie93 and eyeball would apparently like to present it. See the NP article linked below. Once you figure out the topic, perhaps you can offer an actual opinion of value rather than assumptions you've come up with off the top of your head.


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Anyways, just to get it back on topic, once again, I agree with eyeball,  Yellow Peril moral panic is classic paranoid racism, if you're not engaging in Yellow Peril moral panic, you have no cause to be insulted by eyeball bringing it up, if you're not a paranoid racist, there's no reason to hurl yourself in front of them by taking offence.

And if you are want to invoke hate speech, pretty sure the HRT frowns on bashing the Chinese in general for things Xi Jinping is doing.

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It's the leftists in Canada who assert America to be an "Evil Empire' and so the left wants to cosy up to the Chinese Communist Party because the left has some delusion that they can ditch America and fund their nanny socialist police state by way of subservience to Beijing. . .

 . . . and then all of a sudden Chinese people writ large are being castigated for some sort of nefarious plot coming from them because they fled China to live here.

The origin of the nefarious plot is quite obvious, and it's not coming from China, it's coming from the far leftist whack jobs in Ottawa.

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Yzermandias knows, this "ZOMG foreign plot!" shit was originally directed at the Roman Catholics.

Used to be, just being a Papist was enough to get you accused of being involved in some sort of nefarious plot. 

Chinese people?  Chinatown got burned down, they didn't even stop to accuse them of a nefarious plot, they just lit the place on fire and burned it to the ground, with the women and children inside.

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Somewhat difficult to keeps things on the rails in any thread Turnigrite is in, because merely disagreeing with his point of view sets him off to start claiming that he has been hurt or harmed somehow.

Then Turnigrite proceeds to start declaring that this forum is not for him and he is leaving, except he doesn't leave, he's just gums up the thread with pronouncement of leaving without actually doing so.

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12 hours ago, turningrite said:

Read the thread, man. He's criticizing a reference to the Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu, which to me is utterly bizarre. The activities of the of the Chinese state on Canadian territory are a matter entirely appropriate to public discussion and debate.

Liar. What I'm criticizing is the despicable way you racists blur the line between a state and a people and make their race the bigger issue.


Comparing such discussion to the "Yellow Peril moral panic" is an example of extreme hyperbole.

No, implying that immigrants from a distant country with questionable motives are also our enemy because of their race is what's extreme. And you racists jumped on that bandwagon right from page one.


Pursuing a 'reductio ad absurdum' approach is pointless, uninteresting and does nothing to foster rational debate.

That's right, so why do racists pursue this approach?  


As your comments have degenerated into insult and absurdity, I will not respond further to your posts under this topic.

Why don't you just follow your own advice about this forum and just leave all together?

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Indeed.  And as Turnigrite is want to invoke "hate speech"?

By my reading of the law, it is not hate speech to comment on the published testimony of an individual by the context and terms of their own speech.

It may however be hate speech to publish that the "Chinese" in general are engaged in some sort of nefarious plot against the Crown of Canada.

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12 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

I mean, when it comes to groups of immigrants I wish Canada had more of, Chinese immigrants are fairly high on the list.

Why? Chinese immigrants do very poorly in Canada compared to immigrants from many other parts of the world. They are among the least economically successful.

People from the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, South Africa, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Australia, the Philippines, Croatia, Portugal, Serbia and India did as well or better than native-born Canadians, the study said.

At the other end of the spectrum, almost one-fifth of those from China, Haiti, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Turkey, Colombia, Iran, Morocco, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Algeria, South Korea, Iraq and Taiwan lived below the low income cut-off ($18,759 for a single person in Toronto).   Study shows which countries produce lowest income immigrants.

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17 minutes ago, Argus said:

Why? Chinese immigrants do very poorly in Canada compared to immigrants from many other parts of the world. They are among the least economically successful.

People from the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, South Africa, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Australia, the Philippines, Croatia, Portugal, Serbia and India did as well or better than native-born Canadians, the study said.

At the other end of the spectrum, almost one-fifth of those from China, Haiti, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Turkey, Colombia, Iran, Morocco, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Algeria, South Korea, Iraq and Taiwan lived below the low income cut-off ($18,759 for a single person in Toronto).   Study shows which countries produce lowest income immigrants.

The Chinese do very well outside of China, Chinese Americans make more than Swiss Americans or Canadian Americans, for instance. The Chinese are near the top of the list of ethnic groups, I'd like to see emigrate to Canada more, especially when it comes to the Hong Kong Chinese, and certainly closer to the top than they are the middle or the end of the list.

None of the stats you cite actually refute that at all.

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11 minutes ago, Argus said:

Why? Chinese immigrants do very poorly in Canada compared to immigrants from many other parts of the world. They are among the least economically successful.

People from the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, South Africa, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Australia, the Philippines, Croatia, Portugal, Serbia and India did as well or better than native-born Canadians, the study said.

At the other end of the spectrum, almost one-fifth of those from China, Haiti, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Turkey, Colombia, Iran, Morocco, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Algeria, South Korea, Iraq and Taiwan lived below the low income cut-off ($18,759 for a single person in Toronto).   Study shows which countries produce lowest income immigrants.

Even if that were the case, Canada itself is not a private corporation, a private corporation is mandated to make profit for its shareholders and nothing else, but that is not the purpose of Canada.

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19 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Even if that were the case, Canada itself is not a private corporation, a private corporation is mandated to make profit for its shareholders and nothing else, but that is not the purpose of Canada.

Cherry pickers gonna cherry pick stats in a lame attempt to back up their confirmation bias. For example the Taiwanese are the third most economically successful ethnic group in America by average income, yet Argus's stats have the likes of Taiwan, China and South Korea grouped in with the likes of Haiti and Afghanistan, in a clearly misleading comparison. 

Any actual look at the data has Chiniese immigrants among the most economically successful immigrant groups in North America, whether we are talking America or Canada here, makes little difference. Like I said, Chinese Americans have a higher average income than Canadian Americans or Swiss Americans, acting like the Chinese are one of the worst immigrant groups to bring into Canada is flat out preposterous.

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4 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

Cherry pickers gonna cherry pick stats in a lame attempt to back up their confirmation bias. Any actual look at the data has Chiniese immigrants among the most economically successful immigrant groups in North America, whether we are talking America or Canada here, makes little difference. Like I said, Chinese Americans have a higher average income than Canadian Americans or Swiss Americans, acting like the Chinese are one of the worst immigrant groups to bring into Canada is flat out preposterous.

I don't really judge people by their income, frankly, it is rather a lucktocracy, like winning the Stanley Cup, you need the bounces to go your way, people attempt to start businesses and fail all the time, most business ventures are failures actually, but pretty sure that's not an nefarious plot against Canada.

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It's like when I was serving in the military, I calculated what my hourly wage would be if I was paid by the hour, and it was something like $1.50 an hour. I certainly was not generating any profit for the Crown of Canada neither, they were spending millions to train me, I wasn't generating any capital at the time.

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