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How dangerous is Trump?

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Try going to Israel sometime...you might learn something too.   American interests often coincide with Israeli interests.



Not just human beings...but Russian, Chinese and Euro hardware as well.   Israel has bombed Syria with impunity.



Canada has no problem with wars as long as it can make a buck, get juicy U.S. subcontractor jobs, and keep GDLS in Ontario.



...and even the dumb ones matter more than any politician in Canada.


1. No thanks. I would rather go to the Caribbean and lie on the beach by the ocean rather than just lie down on sand with just a water bottle to try and keep cool. American interests are mainly there for Israeli interests and not the other way around. America has more to offer Israel rather than the other way around. America does not need Israel. Live with it. It would appear as though your main concerns and interests are for Israel and not your own country. Weird. 

2. Israel likes to see as to how far they can push their luck in Syria. Syria is not the enemy of America nor Russia. Syria and Russia are both trying to knockoff ISIS and yet America seems to want to stop them from doing so. Why is that? Is it because Assad will not kiss Israel's butt? According to Global Research.org that appears to be the reason why Israel is bombing Syria and killing the wrong people. 

3. Canada has to get involved in wars that are created by America and Israel. The Israeli lobby in Canada will make sure that Canada gets involved or else. Get my drift? 

4. Hey, if Canada has to get involved in some foreign wars well then Canadians might as well try and make some money from it. Terrible way of trying to make money but that is how things seem to go these days. War is money for some people. 

5. I am pretty sure that even Trudeau knows what Taco Bell means. But Maxine Waters is a mentally crazy screwball. She shows it every day when she opens her mouth. Impeach 45 for her could not come soon enough for the conservative Americans, and especially for Trump. I would love to see her run for president against Trump. Trump would crucify her. Splat. :lol:

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1. No thanks. I would rather go to the Caribbean and lie on the beach by the ocean rather than just lie down on sand with just a water bottle to try and keep cool. American interests are mainly there for Israeli interests and not the other way around. America has more to offer Israel rather than the other way around. America does not need Israel. Live with it. It would appear as though your main concerns and interests are for Israel and not your own country. Weird. 



Canada wants America's attention and support as well.....part of the same club.

Go find another superpower to hide behind if you don't like it.


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They all have something to do with Trump and Russian collusion. Otherwise they would have been referred to other law enforcement.

Paul Manafort's indictments stem from things that happened decades ago, that the FBI had already investigated. Nothing at all to do with Trump or Russia. 

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On 9/18/2018 at 1:05 PM, bush_cheney2004 said:


Canada wants America's attention and support as well.....part of the same club.

Go find another superpower to hide behind if you don't like it.


Slightly off topic here but apparently Americas so called friend just recently bombed an agricultural field and an import/export warehouse that held supplies and food for the Syrian people near Damascus that were both under the control of the Syrian government. If Syria is trying to fight ISIS, as Israel is suppose to be doing also, then why is Israel bombing those two places that were already under Syrian government control? 

I am a Canadian and I do not want or need American attention or support. So far, so good. Canada would not need any of those things if we had politicians that worked for Canada and not for themselves and their party supporters. Canada could be a superpower just like America if capitalism and not liberalism/socialism had not been allowed to run and ruin this once great nation with stupid politically correct liberal and socialist programs and agendas that have just about bankrupted and destroyed this country today and have served no purpose at all. The liberals, NDP socialists and the so called conservative party are all in the same club together to try and wreck this once great WASP/European nation and drive it into the ground with foreign cultures. I have asked this question once before and I am still waiting for someone here to tell me as to what is so great about Canada today? I would just like to hear something? 

It's not me that wants to hide behind your superpower but there seems to be no choice. Canada either goes along with your superpower or else. Your superpower starts a war and we have to join in or else. That is the way things are these days and there is not much else Canada can do at least for now. It sucks. 


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35 minutes ago, taxme said:

Slightly off topic here but apparently Americas so called friend just recently bombed an agricultural field and an import/export warehouse that held supplies and food for the Syrian people near Damascus that were both under the control of the Syrian government. If Syria is trying to fight ISIS, as Israel is suppose to be doing also, then why is Israel bombing those two places that were already under Syrian government control?


Because Israel wants to bomb the Syrian government far more than ISIS.   Syrians and their government didn't feel very sorry for Lebanon back in the 1980's.   Payback is a bitch !



It's not me that wants to hide behind your superpower but there seems to be no choice. Canada either goes along with your superpower or else. Your superpower starts a war and we have to join in or else. That is the way things are these days and there is not much else Canada can do at least for now. It sucks. 


If Canada is so great, then why is it worried about Donald Trump ?

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17 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Because Israel wants to bomb the Syrian government far more than ISIS.   Syrians and their government didn't feel very sorry for Lebanon back in the 1980's.   Payback is a bitch !



If Canada is so great, then why is it worried about Donald Trump ?

You talk silly talk. Why would Israel want to bomb the Syrian government more than ISIS? Why? Maybe it is because Assad won't kiss Israelis butt hole. Maybe that is why. You tell me why Israel would be fighting Assad rather than ISIS? ISIS is supposed to be the enemy of both countries or are they a real enemy against Israel? I read that ISIS is on Israel's payroll. Otherwise why would Israel be fighting Assad instead? I just read that sometime ago on alternative media, that's all. Please explain. 

Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi were overthrown because they did not want to butt kiss Israels butt hole. Website Global Research.org will explain that all to you. I don't think that Israel could careless about what went on in Lebanon also. They were probably involved and behind the war in Lebanon for all I know. Hey, you never know. 

Canada is not great as it once use to be. It is beyond me as to why so many Canadians get all uptight over what Trump says or does. Trump is not their president but yet they act like Trump is their president and they have every right to bitch about Trump if they feel so. If those fools would concern themselves more about what is going on in Canada rather than America Canada could once again become a great nation as it once was. But first Canadians have to start to give a dam. Good luck for Canada on that one. 

Our Canadian politicians and our leftist liberal stunned Canadian media appear to have been trying to make Canada un great for several decades now. Our politicians could not even run a candy store properly and make a profit from it. They would be giving most of that candy away for free no doubt for votes. The bureaucracy would be immense. Just my opinion of course. 

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12 minutes ago, taxme said:

.....Canada is not great as it once use to be. It is beyond me as to why so many Canadians get all uptight over what Trump says or does. Trump is not their president but yet they act like Trump is their president and they have every right to bitch about Trump if they feel so. If those fools would concern themselves more about what is going on in Canada rather than America Canada could once again become a great nation as it once was. But first Canadians have to start to give a dam. Good luck for Canada on that one.


I started a thread about Canada's FEAR of Donald Trump before he was even elected president.   This thread asks how "dangerous" is Trump.   Canadian news media now labels conservative domestic politics as "Trumpian".

Donald Trump has a huge impact on some Canadian comfort zones...because they don't know or have any other way.   Must be frustrating....Justin Trudeau can't do a damn thing to me.

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2 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


I started a thread about Canada's FEAR of Donald Trump before he was even elected president.   This thread asks how "dangerous" is Trump.   Canadian news media now labels conservative domestic politics as "Trumpian".

Donald Trump has a huge impact on some Canadian comfort zones...because they don't know or have any other way.   Must be frustrating....Justin Trudeau can't do a damn thing to me.

Our prime mistake is too busy up here screwing the Canadian sheeple to be able to afford the time to give a dam about you. Lucky you. Now that is frustrating. LOL.

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On 9/20/2018 at 2:00 PM, bush_cheney2004 said:


I started a thread about Canada's FEAR of Donald Trump before he was even elected president.   This thread asks how "dangerous" is Trump.   Canadian news media now labels conservative domestic politics as "Trumpian".

Donald Trump has a huge impact on some Canadian comfort zones...because they don't know or have any other way.   Must be frustrating....Justin Trudeau can't do a damn thing to me.

About 30-40% of Americans “fear” Trump. Basically anyone stupid enough to watch CNN or MSNBC. Fear mongering and division is what they do.

The CBC and CTV here follow CNN like a lost puppy, so there are a lot of Canadians in the same boat as the safe-room, blankie, comfort pony crowd in the US.

To be honest I fear every US president until I am comfortable that they won’t start a huge war. 

Trudeau can’t do anything to you, but he is damaging Canada-US relations which is bad for everyone. 

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17 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

About 30-40% of Americans “fear” Trump. Basically anyone stupid enough to watch CNN or MSNBC. Fear mongering and division is what they do.

The CBC and CTV here follow CNN like a lost puppy, so there are a lot of Canadians in the same boat as the safe-room, blankie, comfort pony crowd in the US.


That makes sense....Trump is the U.S. president that ruined the coronation of Hillary Clinton.  

The tears flowed readily for them while Trump supporters mocked and laughed in glee.



To be honest I fear every US president until I am comfortable that they won’t start a huge war. 

Trudeau can’t do anything to you, but he is damaging Canada-US relations which is bad for everyone. 


The world's biggest wars have never been started by a U.S. president.

Perhaps, but CanAm relations have been up and down many times.   Trudeau is a minor player even compared to past PMs.

To the average American....Justin Trudeau is completely harmless.  

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4 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I wish he was harmless to Canadians. 


Forcing domestic support for Trudeau's policies when challenged by Trump only delays the inevitable.   

Some Canadians have already started pushing back (e.g. Ontario premier election), and several provinces are bucking the carbon tax.

Hating on Trump will not mask Trudeau's deficiencies much longer...the federal election is next year.

It has been written by Canadian media that the #1 job of a Canadian prime minister is the American relations file...the opposite is not true.

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On 9/20/2018 at 3:26 PM, taxme said:

Slightly off topic here but apparently Americas so called friend just recently bombed an agricultural field and an import/export warehouse that held supplies and food for the Syrian people near Damascus that were both under the control of the Syrian government. If Syria is trying to fight ISIS, as Israel is suppose to be doing also, then why is Israel bombing those two places that were already under Syrian government control?

That is a good question in which we already know the answer.  Russia and Syria has done more to push out ISIS than the US/Israel/Saudi Arabia combined.  So I am with you, I do not believe that our 'coalition' is actually against ISIS. Most of what we tend to do in Syria only helps the terrorists (aka rebels). This was ALL predictable and mostly expected if anyone actually pays attention to what has been happening in Syria for the last 6-8 years. I even made that prediction, and apparently I am as dumb as shit.


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4 hours ago, GostHacked said:

That is a good question in which we already know the answer.  Russia and Syria has done more to push out ISIS than the US/Israel/Saudi Arabia combined.  So I am with you, I do not believe that our 'coalition' is actually against ISIS. Most of what we tend to do in Syria only helps the terrorists (aka rebels). This was ALL predictable and mostly expected if anyone actually pays attention to what has been happening in Syria for the last 6-8 years. I even made that prediction, and apparently I am as dumb as shit.


I must be dumb as shit also because I totally agree with you. Israel wants Assad gone and they want to have a regime put in place that will favor Israel. Israel is doing nothing to help fight ISIS. One could believe that ISIS is on Israel's payroll by the looks of things. Russia and Syria have been doing a great job of trying to get rid of ISIS, so why is Israel in the fight? Great question for some of the pro Israel members here to comment on if they dare?  :)

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15 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

About 30-40% of Americans “fear” Trump. Basically anyone stupid enough to watch CNN or MSNBC. Fear mongering and division is what they do.

The CBC and CTV here follow CNN like a lost puppy, so there are a lot of Canadians in the same boat as the safe-room, blankie, comfort pony crowd in the US.

To be honest I fear every US president until I am comfortable that they won’t start a huge war. 

Trudeau can’t do anything to you, but he is damaging Canada-US relations which is bad for everyone. 

The problem with most Canadians is that they are only too willing to listen to one side of the story and not to the other side of the story. I think that if Canadians took the time to listen to FOX News they might just then realize that the liberal leftist MSM in both countries are nothing more than a bunch of leftist actors and activists and are constantly trying to spread fear about Trump. It's not Trump that Americans should worry about, it is the crazy leftist liberal communist people like Maxine Waters, Pelosi, Shummer, Hillary, Obama and Shiff that they should all be in fear of. They are the deep state and want to keep the swamp alive and well. My opinion.

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4 minutes ago, taxme said:

The problem with most Canadians is that they are only too willing to listen to one side of the story and not to the other side of the story. I think that if Canadians took the time to listen to FOX News they might just then realize that the liberal leftist MSM in both countries are nothing more than a bunch of leftist actors and activists ....


Either way, why should Canadians give a damn ?    Most Americans do not know nor do they care about what is happening with Canadian politics.   It is amazing how much bandwidth Canadian media dedicates to American political and cultural content....and gobbled up by Canadians....voluntarily.

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12 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Either way, why should Canadians give a damn ?    Most Americans do not know nor do they care about what is happening with Canadian politics.   It is amazing how much bandwidth Canadian media dedicates to American political and cultural content....and gobbled up by Canadians....voluntarily.

There are certain countries that the Canadian leftist liberal media and leftist liberal Canadians that like to insert and butt their noses into other countries affairs. But there are some countries where they really should butt their noses into but they do not. Russia and America are their favorites to bash but Saudi Arabia and South Africa are never to be seen or heard from by the media or Canadians. What is going on in those two countries with beheadings and the killing of white farmers is not of a major concern for our Canadian media or Canadians or even for your own American leftist liberal MSM. Trivial stuff to them, I guess. Their opinion is that it is none of their business. What Trump and Putin does is.. Go figure. :unsure: 

I think that Americans have enough problems of their own without concerning themselves about what goes on in Canadian politics. Besides our politics are boring anyway.  Our politicians like to argue over gender equity. LOL.

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1 minute ago, taxme said:

I think that Americans have enough problems of their own without concerning themselves about what goes on in Canadian politics. Besides our politics are boring anyway.  Our politicians like to argue over gender equity. LOL.


It doesn't make any sense...now Canadians are emotionally invested in the Judge Kavanaugh drama...why ?

Is the U.S. Supreme Court now "dangerous" too ?

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18 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


It doesn't make any sense...now Canadians are emotionally invested in the Judge Kavanaugh drama...why ?

Is the U.S. Supreme Court now "dangerous" too ?

It makes no sense at all is right. As I said already, Canadians like to butt their noses in other countries affairs, especially American affairs. Hey, Trump is our President too, don't you know. LOL. It's not so much that Canadians really care about Kavanaugh it is because our leftist liberal Canadian media just cannot seem to mind their own business and for some reason want to get Canadians involved in issues like the Kavanaugh appointment to the SC. Personally, I hope Kavanaugh gets the job on the SC only because the leftist liberal democrats don't want him on the SC. Anything that those traitors are against than I am for or vice versa. 

Anything that Trump says or does is suppose to always be dangerous. Yet I have not seen Trump do anything that appears to be the least bit dangerous too America or the rest of the world. If Trump has please show me something that would be considered dangerous? 

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21 hours ago, taxme said:

The problem with most Canadians is that they are only too willing to listen to one side of the story and not to the other side of the story. I think that if Canadians took the time to listen to FOX News they might just then realize that the liberal leftist MSM in both countries are nothing more than a bunch of leftist actors and activists and are constantly trying to spread fear about Trump. It's not Trump that Americans should worry about, it is the crazy leftist liberal communist people like Maxine Waters, Pelosi, Shummer, Hillary, Obama and Shiff that they should all be in fear of. They are the deep state and want to keep the swamp alive and well. My opinion.

The problem is that a lot of Canadians (and Americans) know that they are being lied to but they are ok with it as long as it benefits their side. It's especially ok for Libs because it gives them something to bitch about, and they feel like that elevates them socially.  

Liberalism is a lot like being a born-again Christian: people feel like they instantly pull their reputation up from the gutter by bragging about their religious purity or their liberal superiority. 

Born again: "I used to rob houses, sell drugs, and I got a lot of people started on crack, but now I'm born again, so I'm going to lecture you on how to live."

Liberal: "I don't really know anything about foreign trade, foreign affairs, the economy, world history, religion, or socialism/capitalism but I really hate that guys like Brett Kavanaugh think that they can get away with attempted rape so I'm a Democrat, like Madonna. Trump is like, really really gross. Yeah I know that saying stuff like that proves that I'm like, totally ossummmm, but I don't do it for the instant recognition. I do it because I'm like, a bad-ass social justice warrior, ya know?" 


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