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The Great Immigration Debate

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6 hours ago, ZavHoz said:

I bet you are from the First Nations if you speak so boldly. Right? No? Then shot up your f///n tr//. I have the same question to you. What the f///k you are doing HERE? Your ancesters ran from someone, right?


No, my ancestors were captured and sold in the Americas as slaves...they weren't running from anything.

They paid their dues...you didn't.    All you needed was a sob story and a plane ticket.

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15 hours ago, ZavHoz said:

You never tried to understand their logic, did you?

I will describe MY logic when I chose Canada.

There are ONLY THREE immigrant countries on this planet. USA, Canada and Australia. In any other country sooner or later you will be told to get f///n out of here, because it is MY homeland.

No one is in confusion as to why people from shitty countries want to come to Canada. But nor should anyone be confused by the desire that, given how very many people want to immigrate here, we be selective, and only take the best. And right now that is just not the case, else we would not see so many immigrants and their children living in poverty, and would not see continuing reports from government and others about the declining economic success of immigrants.

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15 hours ago, ZavHoz said:

Are you stupid?

Clearly not. You, on the other hand, display no particular capabilities of thought, intelligence, logic or vocabulary. And your attitude is one I would just as soon not have here. 

15 hours ago, ZavHoz said:

I told you who qualifies and I mentioned that I'm a f///n guy who passed provincial test on the subject.

There are many ways into Canada, including family class and refugees. I pointed this out but perhaps your appalling low level of English does not allow you to understand. Several reports have documented that poor English is a major reason why so many immigrants never fit in or assimilate and perform very poorly in economic terms.


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14 hours ago, dialamah said:

Argus has no use for immigrants, unless they are of a certain heritage, and no amount of factual information will change his mind.  You notice how quickly he resorts to insults?  That means you are making sense and he can't handle that.

Ah, the bleating of the brainless progressive set. Sniveling indignantly that anyone objects to their mindless, unthinking adherence to whatever is fashionable among those with no purpose in their lives.  It will not interest you at all, naturally, that the individual I am arguing with began the insults, because, since he at least professes to be an immigrant and a minority the inherent racism of your beliefs will not allow you to hold him to any standards whatever. 

Likewise you foist your own racism on others, presuming that other people who have actual standards for behavior and economic ability must only be driven by racism. You, after all, have no standards whatever, and cannot imagine why anyone would. You need not be informed of the numerous economic liabilities or reports which document poor economic performance by immigrants for to you, everything is quite literally unimportant compared to your desperation to show your liberal virtue by pluckily standing up to anyone who questions an influx of 'brown' people. 

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15 hours ago, ZavHoz said:

Do you think that Turkey is a good place for refuge? lol 

Why not? Tens of millions of people seem to be quite content to live there.


I don't know what is better, to be killed in Syria or in Turkey.

There is no war in Turkey. Perhaps read a Canadian newspaper, not one from wherever it is you came from, and it will show that.


Btw, those f//n refugees who came here on the board of Mayflower, what about them? Do you still pay for them? Or you are their f//n descendant?

No one paid for them. They paid their own way, and there were no health care or social services available on arrival.


Reminded me that joke.

- I f///ed your mother.

- Are you idiot? I'm your sister!

So, who are refugees and since what exact time we should treat them like scum? 1800? 1900? 2000? Let's send Steve Job's father back to Syria, ok?

There are two concerns I have with immigration. The first is the immigration of hundreds of thousands of people without the skills, education or ability to perform well economically in Canada. The second is the immigration of hundreds of thousands of people with foreign cultures and values which are anathema to Canada's, and who have neither the ability nor the intention of ever assimilating.

Based upon your performance so far I would venture to say you're probably a member of both such groups.

Edited by Argus
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14 hours ago, ZavHoz said:

How many refugees are living in Canada? I heard that 27 thousand. I live in Toronto. Never met a refugee, sssssorry...

There were 50,000 admitted just last year. You don't know that? And tens of thousands the year before and the year before in addition to the tens of thousands admitted so far this year. You don't know that? Perhaps if you read a newspaper now and then that was from Canada, or watched Canadian tv news you might be better informed about what is happening in the place you say is now your home. 

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12 hours ago, dialamah said:

Muslims are his least favorite, I would say.  

Muslims, based upon evidence, are far less likely to assimilate, and again, based on government reports, perform poorly in economic terms.

12 hours ago, dialamah said:

He much prefers European immigrants.  If he can't get European, Asian will do.

My preferences in immigrants are based on government reports about which ones perform best economically. Those being Europeans, Filipinos and Indians. You know this as I have stated it often enough and provided the cites, but again you display that contempt for honesty and integrity which have marked your extremist political views since you appeared here.

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20 hours ago, ZavHoz said:

Cool text, man.

It is PUUUUURE... (puuuuure shit) lol

I think with your level of education and knowledge, you would rather live somewhere in rural Africa.

Just so much shit in one place. Is a quotation of trump, no? Then you have real perspectives as his new speechwriter.

1) Allmost all immigrants have jobs, unlike you I guess. Why? Because they need money to live, unlike you!

2) Politicans import labor that Canada lacks, if you f///n think that conservatives don't like immigrants ask them, ok? 

3) Where can I f//n get wellfare? Tell me that secret place. I'm an immigrant. TEEEEELL MEEEE!!!! (there is no wellfare for immigrants, but you don't give a f//k, right?)

4) You have been paying your contributions to CPP that went directly to the pockets of those pensioners who died long time ago. Now there are no young mem to feed you through CPP, so relax and enjoy, ok?

5) "Canadians need to start thinking about Canadians" - it's somethink that makes no sense like the phrase "let's all live like in heaven starting tomorrow" What does it mean? You call it "easy language" that trump speaks. I call it demagogy. It's when you talk some absolutely pointless bullshit, that means nothing, but evokes some good feelings from stupid people. Who are "Canadians"? Have you seen them? Are you f///n nazi? There are a diversity of Canadians (suddenly). And what does "think of Canadians" means? I think about Canadians and what?

Ok. I guess that I found the winner of special Olympics here. I would like to present you with a special concrete medal lol for your stifffffff beliefs ))))))))))))))))

I heard that you have been negligent and fallen behind on renewing your membership and donations to the communist party. What are you trying to do? Get sent off to the gulag?  LOL.

Hey fella, one does not need to have a university degree to be intelligent. What one needs is brains and to be able to think and use that brain. It would appear as though you lack any kind of common sense and logic and appear to be quite happy with using silly and ridiculous talk. You know dam well that legal and illegal so called refugees need money to get started. They come here with no money but thanks to our spend crazy federal government they get tens of thousands of my and other Canadian taxpayer's tax dollars to get them going.

The sad part is that you nor I know just how many do not make it in Canada and do end up on welfare and maybe for years and decades. We have no idea as to how many make it and how many do not. In some of the poorer areas of Toronto there are tens of thousands of new and past immigrants and legal and illegal refugees that have not made it and are on welfare and have been on welfare for years or decades. As far as I am concerned you could careless about Canada or Canadians but worry more about the rest of the world.

And as far as your concrete medal? goes, you can keep it, and instead go swimming with it wrapped around your neck. LOL.  

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20 hours ago, ZavHoz said:


First of all, my very intelligent friend, how about the medical exam?

Even I have to pass it. And I'm not an elderly one.

Do you know that Canadians can't adopt children from abroad with hard deseases (disabled)? Why? Guess, my smart one.

About millions of refugees is a good fairytale in best trump traditions with million crowd on inaguration day and on election day. 

Number of refugees is less than number of those who comes here legally.

1. What about the illegal ones that come here with a medical condition? If they are here for years while waiting to be accepted it is for dam sure that many of them will end up having to use our medical services to stay healthy and alive. I am pretty sure that when they get here there is no medical exam done on them at the time. If it is then the Canadian taxpayer will be paying for it and will have to take a step backwards while they get treated first. 

2. At my and the Canadian taxpayer's expense of course. 

3. Good, and that is the way it should be. Why be allowed to adopt a disabled child and bring him/her over here. A good policy to indeed have. 

4. Hey, oh smart one, the UN and the EU are trying to flood every Western country with millions and millions of refugees. We see that happening today in all Western countries. We see it happening right here in Canada today. The word has been put out to the world that Canada is open for the illegal criminals to come and flood their way in. Thank gawd for a real and true conservative man like Trump. Trump wants to stop illegals from entering his country. Our prime mistake wants to do the opposite. 

5. One illegal refugee is one too many. Do it the proper way and ask if you can come in first, not try and sneak in. To do so is committing an act of criminality. 

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19 hours ago, ZavHoz said:

Because the younger the person, the more opportunities he has to assimilate, Einstein... ))))))))))))))))))

Not so so. Some people at 34 are in better shape than people who are 30. Just because of age does not make them healthier than someone a few years older than them. So, someone who walks straight with no problem at age 34 will get more points than the one who has a slight limp at 30 years old? There are some ethnic people and at all ages who do not want to assimilate period. We know one religious group that does not like to assimilate, oh so smart one.  

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19 hours ago, paxrom said:

Jesus calm down man. You sound like you're about to have an aneurysm. 

Look I understand trade economics.

But what I am telling you is that we no longer require international trading or rely heavily on it.

We are a service (80 percent), consumer based industry.  We trade among-st our selves internally, not externally . 80 percent! of our economy is just internal trading. we only need raw material and capital goods from the rest of the world. Even those raw material and capital goods are starting to be produce domestically. 

That guy is just another anti Trump and anti American hater for you and the rest of us to have to deal with, sadly, all the time. They are everywhere spinning their bull chit of lies. 

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18 hours ago, dialamah said:

Muslims are his least favorite, I would say.  

He much prefers European immigrants.  If he can't get European, Asian will do.

I would prefer that Canada started to take in more British and European immigrants starting now. For the past several decades now all Canada seems to be taken in are immigrants from the third world countries. 80 -85 % of our new immigrants are coming from the nonwhite world. With the white population in decline it is time to start to replenish our white population back to where it was in 1970 where it was about 97%. Now the white population in Canada today is at 64%. That is not acceptable. This is getting dangerously too low. Why should the white people of Canada be happy and contented with becoming a white minority in their own white home land? Please try and explain this to me. Over. 

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22 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


No, my ancestors were captured and sold in the Americas as slaves...they weren't running from anything.

They paid their dues...you didn't.    All you needed was a sob story and a plane ticket.

Believe me that Im very sorry that your ancestors were captured by your other ancestors and sold in the Americas. I bet many people in the US regret that, even those m//f///rs who were marching in Charlottesville. Im sorry to admit that, but it is the only issue on which our views (from Obama to white idiot with ticky torch) coincide IT WAS A MISTAKE. I guess that we all agree that you shouldnt be here. You should have run from war in Africa as all other good people do (whom you deny shelter). This country is meant to be for refugees since the very beginning, not for slaves like you (or their descendants). Im sure that we can afford to buy you a ticket to your home and then you can re-enter the Americas the right way with a sob story of your own.

Oh, you dont want to do that? Then shut up!!! :rolleyes:

My Jamaican friends had to go through a lot of shit to get Canadian PR. And in my opinion, YOU dont deserve to live here (in the Americas). Also, my Jamaican friends have BALLS to did that (leave everything behind and search for their place under the sun in another country). And you dont respect their courage, because you are still a slave (freed one by whites though). Only slaves disrespect courage.

P.S. if you want to discuss slavery with white person, then you found the wrong one. :D Why? I know, it will be a shock for you, but black people were not the most popular slaves. Far more slaves were among white people. Im sorry, but Im a descendant of white slaves, though they were not brought to the Americas, so I entered the Americas the right way with a sob story as you said. My white ancestors could be sold or killed by their masters. So, dont retell me Uncle Toms Cabin, ok? 

P.S.S. Now we are all in anticipation of your own sob slave story :lol:

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13 hours ago, Argus said:

Muslims, based upon evidence, are far less likely to assimilate, and again, based on government reports, perform poorly in economic terms.

My preferences in immigrants are based on government reports about which ones perform best economically. Those being Europeans, Filipinos and Indians. You know this as I have stated it often enough and provided the cites, but again you display that contempt for honesty and integrity which have marked your extremist political views since you appeared here.

Lol. Tell it to Steve Jobs when you meet him that muslims perform poorly :D

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8 hours ago, taxme said:

I would prefer that Canada started to take in more British and European immigrants starting now. For the past several decades now all Canada seems to be taken in are immigrants from the third world countries. 80 -85 % of our new immigrants are coming from the nonwhite world. With the white population in decline it is time to start to replenish our white population back to where it was in 1970 where it was about 97%. Now the white population in Canada today is at 64%. That is not acceptable. This is getting dangerously too low. Why should the white people of Canada be happy and contented with becoming a white minority in their own white home land? Please try and explain this to me. Over. 

First, I am European. :D And I'm trying to get Canadian PR to stay here.

Second, was it a white country? :lol: Tell it to First Nations. I thought it was a refuge-country...No?

Third, as I said, it's not the problem of others that "whites" do not want to f/// :rolleyes: By the way, how many kids do you have? I bet you are child free.

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Jamaica ?    Deport Jamaican criminals right back to where they came from:


Jamaica’s Ambassador to the United States, Audrey Marks, has revealed that some 20,000 Jamaicans has been deported from the United States to Jamaica over the past 10 years.

Jamaica has also received the highest share of individuals deported from the US on criminal grounds, with those convicted of criminal offences accounting for 90 percent of Jamaicans deported, the ambassador said.

“Nearly 90 percent of Jamaicans returned from all countries, namely the United Kingdom and Canada, during this period were deported for reasons unrelated with violent crimes, the most common offence's being immigration and drug related offenses,” Ambassador Marks said.



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8 hours ago, taxme said:

Not so so. Some people at 34 are in better shape than people who are 30. Just because of age does not make them healthier than someone a few years older than them. So, someone who walks straight with no problem at age 34 will get more points than the one who has a slight limp at 30 years old? There are some ethnic people and at all ages who do not want to assimilate period. We know one religious group that does not like to assimilate, oh so smart one.  

I posted the age. There is a medical exam. But you don't care.

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8 hours ago, taxme said:

1. What about the illegal ones that come here with a medical condition? If they are here for years while waiting to be accepted it is for dam sure that many of them will end up having to use our medical services to stay healthy and alive. I am pretty sure that when they get here there is no medical exam done on them at the time. If it is then the Canadian taxpayer will be paying for it and will have to take a step backwards while they get treated first. 

2. At my and the Canadian taxpayer's expense of course. 

3. Good, and that is the way it should be. Why be allowed to adopt a disabled child and bring him/her over here. A good policy to indeed have. 

4. Hey, oh smart one, the UN and the EU are trying to flood every Western country with millions and millions of refugees. We see that happening today in all Western countries. We see it happening right here in Canada today. The word has been put out to the world that Canada is open for the illegal criminals to come and flood their way in. Thank gawd for a real and true conservative man like Trump. Trump wants to stop illegals from entering his country. Our prime mistake wants to do the opposite. 

5. One illegal refugee is one too many. Do it the proper way and ask if you can come in first, not try and sneak in. To do so is committing an act of criminality. 

1. Tell me how I can use medical services without OHIP. Unveal the secret, please. I need to know.

2. Immigrants also pay taxes.

3. I agree... suddenly...

4. Some uncoherent delirium

5. You've been shown the data. Refugees are the drop in the sea of immigrants like ME.

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1 hour ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Jamaica ?    Deport Jamaican criminals right back to where they came from:


My friends have Canadian PR. They graduated from college, both have a vast experience in finance. One is an accountant right now, he has CPA. The other is working for bank.

Claiming that all Jamaicans are criminals is the same as claiming that all black people are criminals. Good luck to you on this way, my black friend :D

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1 minute ago, ZavHoz said:

My friends have Canadian PR. They graduated from college, both have a vast experience in finance. One is an accountant right now, he has CPA. The other is working for bank.


Don't care....when emigres commit crimes.....they are arrested....detained...and deported.

PR means nothing.


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