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White Pride

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7 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

It sounds like you like the only arguments you can beat are idiotic strawmen of your own creation.

Speaking of strawmen...



2 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

saying the experts agree therefore end of argument, is a logical fallacy.

Who said that?


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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

Prove it. Show me an example.

You've posted 1003 times now surely you've been wrong at least once.

I'm not going to look through a thousand posts to prove that I was wrong once, either take my word for it that I'm not infallible, or look for your own proof that I was definitely wrong in at least one of those posts.

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On 5/4/2019 at 7:04 AM, Michael Hardner said:

1. We already had that discussion.  Scroll up.

2. You are talking nonsense.  White Prid is a racist term.  Keep using it though, so we can call you out when you try to blend in.

Spell check time. Just saying. 

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On 5/4/2019 at 3:23 PM, Michael Hardner said:

NO, the crackpots say if it's in the New York Times, or in Wikipedia, or on CBS then it MUST BE FALSE.  Vaccines, the CIA, and the English language are all keeping us down ! :D

Wikipedia and the New York Times and CBS are nothing more than three fake and phony leftist liberal mouth pieces. Canadian politicians are keeping Canadians down. :rolleyes:

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Only White Pride is racist, and all other forms of racial pride aren't racist? That's ridiculous and anti-white discrimination.

People who only are suspicious of the motives of white people when they are proud of their heritage, and no other race, they are the real racists, projecting their racism on everyone else.|

Either be suspicious of all races who use the term "fill in the blank" Pride here, or don't be suspicious of any race who the term "fill in the blank" Pride here.

There are plenty of people who use those terms who aren't racists, and plenty of people who use those phrases who are racists, I don't see why a few fringe extremists get to ruin the term for everyone else, and narrowly define the term from much broader use. Why do they get to control the english language? That sounds like a really stupid idea to give fringe extremists the power to define entire terms for the rest of society, not sure why Hardner can't see that.

Edited by Yzermandius19
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23 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

I'm not going to look through a thousand posts to prove that I was wrong once, either take my word for it that I'm not infallible, or look for your own proof that I was definitely wrong in at least one of those posts.

Well you only have to go back a couple to where you declared a fallacy was committed based on someone saying;

On 5/5/2019 at 12:15 PM, Yzermandius19 said:

I'm not saying that experts have no expertise, what I am saying, is that just because they are an expert doesn't mean they are always right, so saying the experts agree therefore end of argument, is a logical fallacy. Get a better argument, if all you have is an appeal to authority, that's weak sauce, if that's your best material, you lose.

Nobody ended an argument saying that, in any of these posts in this thread.  I'll be charitable and simply conclude you were lying through your shit-stained teeth rather than trying to build a straw-man, I mean, surely no one would be so fallible as to start spinning straw so soon after spouting forth about straw-man fallacies. 

On 5/5/2019 at 2:23 PM, Yzermandius19 said:

It sounds like you like the only arguments you can beat are idiotic strawmen of your own creation.


On 5/5/2019 at 2:31 PM, Yzermandius19 said:

On occasion, I'm not infallible, and neither experts. You're just twisting my words to make your own argument not sound as dumb by comparison.

No one has twisted any words here, that said however your brain appears to be squirming like the proverbial toad trying to maintain your fallibility.

Keep it up, you're doing a good job.



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14 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Well you only have to go back a couple to where you declared a fallacy was committed based on someone saying;

Nobody ended an argument saying that, in any of these posts in this thread.  I'll be charitable and simply conclude you were lying through your shit-stained teeth rather than trying to build a straw-man, I mean, surely no one would be so fallible as to start spinning straw so soon after spouting forth about straw-man fallacies. 


No one has twisted any words here, that said however your brain appears to be squirming like the proverbial toad trying to maintain your fallibility.

Keep it up, you're doing a good job.



No one is infallible, anyone who thinks otherwise is lying to themselves or believes in fairy tales.

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/6/2019 at 2:51 PM, Yzermandius19 said:

Only White Pride is racist, and all other forms of racial pride aren't racist? That's ridiculous and anti-white discrimination.

People who only are suspicious of the motives of white people when they are proud of their heritage, and no other race, they are the real racists, projecting their racism on everyone else.|

Either be suspicious of all races who use the term "fill in the blank" Pride here, or don't be suspicious of any race who the term "fill in the blank" Pride here.

There are plenty of people who use those terms who aren't racists, and plenty of people who use those phrases who are racists, I don't see why a few fringe extremists get to ruin the term for everyone else, and narrowly define the term from much broader use. Why do they get to control the english language? That sounds like a really stupid idea to give fringe extremists the power to define entire terms for the rest of society, not sure why Hardner can't see that.

The word racist is being way over used by the leftist lieberals in our society. It's all those commie losers have left in trying to win an argument is to call someone names and then try and convince others that you are a very bad person for daring to say that one has pride in what he/she believes in and stands for that they do not agree with. If those fools do not like your opinions and points of view well then one must be anti-something and racist and are always ready to label something on them to make them look terrible and deplorable. We have a few members here who are of that leftist liberal ilk way of thinking. I won't mention any names here. 

Hardner is truly an exercise in futility and only wants people to read and believe what he has to say. All other opinions that differ to his are all wrong and bad. Just saying. :)

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On 5/5/2019 at 4:08 PM, Yzermandius19 said:

I'm not going to look through a thousand posts to prove that I was wrong once, either take my word for it that I'm not infallible, or look for your own proof that I was definitely wrong in at least one of those posts.

Those so called "experts" have been proven wrong many times. In some cases, these "experts" were paid to give false information. Never take anything for granted as true when it comes from someone who is called an "expert". In some cases they know as much as you and me know, and in some cases, we know more then they do. Just saying. :)

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6 hours ago, Alex Reese said:


Hello sir, did you know that Black Pigeon Speaks, a guy who you would love, got banned on YouTube?

Never heard of this person. Who is this person that you say that I would love? Plenty of people get banned by Youtube. The most people that are getting banned these days from all of the Zionist controlled social media outfits like Youtube, Facebook and twitter are people who are white, male, conservative, straight and Christian. Leftist liberal commies get to preach their hatred and intolerance and hardly ever get banned. I can only assume that this Pigeon guy had something to say that the Zionists did not want people to hear or learn about.

Maybe the truth, for instance? Hey, you never know, eh? :D

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6 hours ago, Alex Reese said:


As I mentioned before, it is because of all the terrible things the white man had done.

What about all the terrible things that non-white people have done in the world, past and present? Are you trying to make it appear as though non-whites are squeaky clean and have never committed any terrible atrocities in the past and even today? Give your head a shake if you believe that all nonwhite people have always been the greatest race of people on earth.

Hello?  :wacko:

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10 hours ago, taxme said:

Who is this person that you say that I would love?


He loves Trump and you and him share the same likes and dislikes.


10 hours ago, taxme said:

I can only assume that this Pigeon guy had something to say that the Zionists did not want people to hear or learn about.



You're right, he spread hate speech and real hate speech and got banned for it and rightfully so..... "women destroy countries", seriously? Feminism is bad....... "The islamization of the West"...... sigh?


10 hours ago, taxme said:

Leftist liberal commies get to preach their hatred and intolerance and hardly ever get banned.



Really because I've noticed that a lot do.

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6 hours ago, Alex Reese said:

WW2 showed how cruel the white race can become even to their fellow whites.

All groups can be and are cruel and exclusionary to other groups.  When we discuss our country, though, we talk about our problems and issues, and hopefully we prioritize.  'Multiculturalism' is a blanket approach to cultures getting along, and 'racism' in Canada is predominantly a problem with the entrenched culture not letting others in.  

We can have academic discussions as to whether Indian Canadians/First Nations/Muslims have prejudices against each other but it's exactly that: an academic discussion.

Online discussion today shows us that many of us are still living in the past with regards to our attitudes and knowledge.  

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11 hours ago, Alex Reese said:


WW2 showed how cruel the white race can become even to their fellow whites.

Ever heard of the Cultural revolution? The Killing Fields? Rwanda?

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15 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Online discussion today shows us that many of us are still living in the past with regards to our attitudes and knowledge.  

Notice how much of that discussion sounds quite wistful.  Hard to let go of the olde ways I guess.

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14 hours ago, Alex Reese said:


He loves Trump and you and him share the same likes and dislikes.




You're right, he spread hate speech and real hate speech and got banned for it and rightfully so..... "women destroy countries", seriously? Feminism is bad....... "The islamization of the West"...... sigh?




Really because I've noticed that a lot do.

1. I took the time to look up "Black Pigeon speaks" and I saw nothing there where Trump has said anything close to what this guy says and believes. If the guy loves Trump, well, he and me have something in common. Trump is a real and true leader something you have and probably will never see here in Canada thanks to the leftist liberal lying and fake Canadian and American media who hate Trump's guts and want him impeached or at least gone. Good luck to those fools. All those other fools out there are going to be crying when the next election in America rolls around and Trump will be the president for another four more years. Maybe those fools can go live in another country, say Venezuala or Cuba. Ha-ha-ha.

2. The only problem that BP had with the lying leftist social media is that he is not one of those leftist liberal social media minded idiots. I saw lots of great reading and I may even go back and look at some of the videos that BP posted. To get the other side of the story is what everyone who gives a shit should do. But with most brainless Canadians and Americans they all just let the leftist liberal lying and fake news and social media outfits do the speaking and thinking for them. I did not see any "hate" speech in any of his videos because there was no hate speech being promoted at all. It's just that you cannot tell the difference between truth and lies. You appear to keep falling for the latter. Your problem and not mine. 

3. Really. :D 

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15 hours ago, Alex Reese said:


WW2 showed how cruel the white race can become even to their fellow whites.

Black Africans and Asians and even the North American native Indians have always plundered and slaughtered each other for centuries now. Hello?  It took the white man in North America to stop the Indians from killing one another. But we will not give the white man any credit for that. Those wars where whites were killing whites were wars created by the globalist international bankster elites who were able to get our puppet on a string politicians to get white men and women to go off to war to make money for them and to get white people to kill each other and die for their elite created wars. Scum like G. Soros is one big threat to Western man and woman, and that pos is trying to destroy Western culture and values and ways of life. Those international globalist banksters have been at it for centuries now starting with the Rothchilds. Don't believe me. Go on the internet and look it up. It's all there if you take the time to want to learn and read all about why white people were forced into killing other white people. Educate yourself and get away from the lying lame duck western libmedia propaganda who despises you and me and thee. As Trump has said many times already? "The media is the enemy of we the people. Trump is so bloody right on that alright. The libmedia lies to we the people every day and people like you still will believe their lies. Deplorable. 

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8 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

All groups can be and are cruel and exclusionary to other groups.  When we discuss our country, though, we talk about our problems and issues, and hopefully we prioritize.  'Multiculturalism' is a blanket approach to cultures getting along, and 'racism' in Canada is predominantly a problem with the entrenched culture not letting others in.  

We can have academic discussions as to whether Indian Canadians/First Nations/Muslims have prejudices against each other but it's exactly that: an academic discussion.

Online discussion today shows us that many of us are still living in the past with regards to our attitudes and knowledge.  

1. The entrenched culture does not have a problem with immigration. The only problem that most of the entrenched culture has with immigration is with the numbers of immigrants being allowed to immigrate to Canada and where they are coming from is their problem. When approx. 85% of all new immigrants are coming from non western countries, that is a problem for some entrenched cultures in Canada. 

2. There needs to be more discussion about what native Indians have done to each other in the past, and not continue to keep trying to hide that fact. 

3. Living in the past has nothing to do with it. It is your dear leaders who are trying to convince we the people that more non western immigration will be great for Canada. Such bull chit indeed. More immigration has done nothing to help make Canada great but just the opposite. More social and medical services required. More infrastructure required. More assaults and attacks on the environment. More wildlife being killed. More garbage for the landfills. Do you honestly want to try and make the entrenched people and others out there believe that massive non western immigration is going to be all that great for Canada? Give your head a shake will you. What part of what I have posted here are you not getting here yet? 

But I must realize that you have no answer to anything at all. All you appear to want to do is try to look like Mr. Nice Guy here and we should all just try to get along. Well, tell that to your politically correct politicians who do not want us to all just get along. Division is their strength. Diversity and multiculturalism is we the entrenched people's enemy. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/15/2019 at 5:06 AM, Alex Reese said:


As I mentioned before, it is because of all the terrible things the white man had done.

All races have done terrible things over the millennia and to some extent a few still are but no, it is only the White person who deserves shaming and blaming.  What a farcical idiotic illogical notion.

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The definition  of the word  “ pride ” originally referred to a feeling of deep pleasyure or satisfaction derived from one’s achievements and that others admire. Pride is a concept that can be healthy and positive when someone has done something good for others. It can be unhealthy and negative if done for reasons of selfishness and self-indulgence and this is why religions and philosophies of the self warn not to be too full of pride . It then came to be used by people who formed collective identities based on a shared sense of being  socially marginalized, such as gays, visible minorities, wome

Interestingly when I hear someone talk of “white” pride of course I have a problem.  As a Jew my people come in many colours and skin tones. Not withstanding that  while white pride people always say Jews are not  white, non-white people define us as oppressive white people. So  for we  Jewsboth sides of the colour spectrum use it against us equally in a derogatory way.


That said whenever I have asked a white person who is proud of being white what they mean, they can not answer. I have asked Taxme on this forum to explain what about lack of melatonin in his skin makes him proud. He has a problem with the word melatonin and then if he uses a dictionary he switches his definition of white to English. He doesn’t know how to define what white is, only what it is not. Can any white pride supporterdefine what white is let alone white pride?

Next I find anyone who uses skin colour to define people let alone define races with it to be absurd. Mainstream science showed long ago we came up with skin colour, nose shape, lip size, hair texture as subjective ways to define others and that it was ridiculously inaccurate and meaningless in terms of genetics and biology and in the understanding of disease other than to clearly tell us if you have sex with people in your own gene pool,you are more likely to have deformed and sickly children with genetic abnormalities and so on that  note why would anyone be proud of incest

To show you how stupid skin colour is as a definition factor here is a face  of who I think myself is the most beautiful woman on the planet right now-I doubt any white supremacist will guess her ethnicity:

See the source image








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  • 2 years later...

This seems the appropriate space for a pair of stories I came across today and yesterday.

The first is the story of the condescending pseudointellectuals of the Left telling us how we aren't fit to understand the complexity of messages like "Burn it all down!", and also about how even Sobeys grocery story has adopted this white privilege bullshit to lecture its impoverished workforce.

“Ottawa plans to teach non-racialized Canadians about systemic racism in new campaign,” read a CTV News headline on Wednesday. If you’re wondering what a “non-racialized” human being looks like, the story helpfully indicates that the term means “white.” 

No ordinary Canadian says “non-racialized,” of course. Most Canadians likely have no idea what it even means. But “non-racialized” is the jargon term that Liberals use in describing their new program, having judged (correctly) that saying the “white” part too loud is politically problematic.


The second is a report on how this white privilege has been moving into regular school rooms and used to indoctrinate, confuse and shame children.

The kids in our schools are not spared from this approach, although they are young enough to bring “stuffies” to school and most still have their baby teeth. Naturally, I feel protective of them. Yet, kids this age are increasingly treated like tiny university students attending Cultural Studies classes. They are told they are about to have “challenging conversations,” such as our grade three classroom’s talk about white privilege, or the kindergarten teacher who lines up the students and informs them that some of them have white privilege, while others are victims. 

At my school, the principals are also making sure the kids get their dose of Critical Race and Gender Critical theories. My administrator has subjected my students to yet another difficult conversation.  He discussed with them the legacy of slavery and why white people must defer to the lived experiences and wisdom of people of colour. In a bizarre, lengthy non-sequitur, he also explained why black people are the only group allowed to use the dreaded N word. In the past, a robust discussion of how ethnic slurs are hurtful would have been enough. However, according to the pedagogy of discomfort, reasonable conversations no longer suffice. The listeners must feel emotionally assaulted, or they are not doing the work.

His discussion was, as promised, difficult. After he left, one child started to cry; another said he felt scared, because what happens if he utters that dreaded word by accident, especially since he doesn’t even know what that mysterious word is?



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