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Abortion is a done deal


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Abortion is here to stay.  No one will really try to bring this up.....so why make an issue of it?  


We have to.  It may be legal now to slaughter our unborn even for no reason than just to say because I want to....... but that shouldn't mean we have to tolerate it without voicing out our disapproval,  that we are strongly opposed to it, in fact.


Atheist/secular anti-abortionists, see it as a human right violation  - and they fight it on that ground. 

We Christians, fight it on the ground that it goes against Biblical teachings. We share a common goal.  To be the voice for the defenseless unborn. 


Even if it's now legal to murder a child, keeping the issue alive may help a woman struggling with her decision,  to do what is only righteous. 

Talking about it, still, saves lives.

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Really a shameful chapter in Canadian politics. It's never really been a battle of the Right to Life versus the Right to Choose - euphemisms for the two extremes. The majority of Canadians sit somewhere in the middle - a respectful compromise addressing both concerns. Virtually every Western country have put the issue to bed with rational discussions and mild legislation that make a statement on behalf of their society - that choices are not to be trivialized - they should be informed, timely and respectful. Drowned out by the shrill cries of the Left, Canada has never been permitted to have that open and honest discussion - aided and abetted by a pliant media who refuse to do their job as journalists. When was the last time anyone saw an article that compared our non-legislation to that of Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Australia, The Netherlands, etc?

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15 hours ago, bcsapper said:

So does allowing it.


Two people - both within the exact same reaching distance from you - are drowning. You can only save one.    One is a grown-up who refused to wear a life-vest.  The other one is an infant.    Who will you save?


Two people trapped in a burning building - both reachable within the exact same distance.  You can only save one.  One is the 16 year old who likes playing with fire - and actually started this fire  The other one is a toddler.   Who will you save?


Not that we don't feel for those facing the dilemma of an unwanted pregnancy........but putting an irresponsible person in the same footing with her own hapless victim........doesn't make any sense.    Today, engaging in unprotected sex is just simply irresponsible.  Period.    Same as knowingly going inside an ebola camp in Africa, without your mask on!  Or, playing Russian roulette.


I think, that's a big contributing problem to our society today - when we teach our youth that they really don't have to deal with, and carry the negative consequences that could arise from their bad behaviours.  

Society today is so foggy with what's right and wrong.......leaving children, who'd naturally rely on the adult for guidance, quite unsure.    Surely something confuses the young mind when he hears mothers promoting the right to kill their own children (and society approves and even funds it)......and no matter what reasons they give for it, it still boils down to convenience.  

If society approves and backs the deliberate killing of an innocent, defenseless life - the ultimate of all atrocities to be committed by mankind - why do we expect life of any kind will have any value to kids who are growing up in this kind of mindset? 


  I won't be surprised if years from now, a research study would shed light why kids are so easily victimized, or influenced to commit atrocities.  










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Abortion is an undesireable thing and it is right to seek ways to reduce the number of abortions. However, the people most vehemently campaigning against abortion do a disservice to their cause by their sheer fanaticism and hyperbole rhetoric such as slaughtering the unborn. You may think like that but those who are on two minds of the issue are really put off by it.

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6 hours ago, betsy said:


Two people trapped in a burning building - both reachable within the exact same distance.  You can only save one.  One is the 16 year old who likes playing with fire - and actually started this fire  The other one is a toddler.   Who will you save?


If you want an apples to apples comparison:

A lab tech is in a burning science laboratory, the fire was her fault.  Who do you rescue - the female lab tech or the petri dish of cells?


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23 hours ago, Goddess said:

If you want an apples to apples comparison:

A lab tech is in a burning science laboratory, the fire was her fault.  Who do you rescue - the female lab tech or the petri dish of cells?


Are you serious?   That's comparing crab apples to watermelon! 

What's so special about those cells?  Or, the petri dish?  Is it a heirloom?  :lol:



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25 minutes ago, betsy said:

Are you serious?   That's comparing crab apples to watermelon! 

What's so special about those cells?  Or, the petri dish?  Is it a heirloom?  :lol:



Petri dish contains a fertilized human ovum, being prepped for artificial insemination which = baby, for you.

So, who should be saved first: lab tech or fertilized human ovum?

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9 hours ago, dialamah said:

Petri dish contains a fertilized human ovum, being prepped for artificial insemination which = baby, for you.

So, who should be saved first: lab tech or fertilized human ovum?

So why not be specific about it?  How should I know what kind of lab it is - surely, not all petri dishes contains a fertilized human ovum?

You're  both missing the point of my response to BCSapper, though.   It's not a matter of who SHOULD be saved first.  Whichever one you choose to save first, is up to you. 


Anyway.....BCSapper says by allowing abortion,  we save lives.

 How many women are in a life-or-death situation giving birth?    How is that comparable with the fate of the unborn in our society where the unborn can be killed at whim? The unborn is literally killed.  So, saving lives, is, saving lives, literally!   For each woman who'd decided to carry and deliver her child - a life is saved from being killed! 

AND, sometimes -  that saves the mother, too......from possible psychological effects of having had an abortion.  A woman who wrestles whether to have an abortion or not, is already showing signs of  struggling with it .......


On the other hand, saving the woman's life takes on a different meaning.  Usually, what they mean by "saving the woman's life".....boils down to mean - saving her from being burdened by the baby she doesn't want to have!



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Over the last number of years, various States have been systematically reducing access to abortion.  As a result, we find this:


I'm pretty convinced that the United States has a self-induced abortion crisis right now based on the volume of search inquiries. I was blown away by how frequently people are searching for ways to do abortions themselves now. These searches are concentrated in parts of the country where it's hard to get an abortion and they rose substantially when it became harder to get an abortion. They're also, I calculate, missing pregnancies in these states that aren't showing up in either abortion or birth rates.

Thanks to the Christian Right forcing their ideology on women, more women are at risk of complications or even death from non-medical abortion attempts and babies are not being saved.  

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20 hours ago, dialamah said:

Over the last number of years, various States have been systematically reducing access to abortion.  As a result, we find this:

Thanks to the Christian Right forcing their ideology on women, more women are at risk of complications or even death from non-medical abortion attempts and babies are not being saved.  

Yooo-hooo?  It isn't only Christians who're fighting abortion.  There are atheist groups, too!

And oh, cry me a river......


People ought to start taking some responsibilities.  Unfortunately, some will have to learn the hard way. 

Anyway, these days.........getting pregnant should be the least of your worries.



New STD cases hit record high in US, CDC says



I wonder, how many women had contracted deadly STDs because they had unprotected sex?



Pop Quiz:

The easiest way to prevent getting syphillis, gonorhea and other STDs............?? 

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According to Stormy Daniels lawyer, Cohen did not represent Broidy. That leaves two clients whom he could have arranged the abortion for: Trump or Hannity.  I guess if one of them did pay thousands for a mistress to have an abortion, it would be okay if we just trashed the mistress's character for a while.

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On ‎4‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 6:05 AM, betsy said:

Abortion is here to stay.  No one will really try to bring this up.....so why make an issue of it?  


We have to.  It may be legal now to slaughter our unborn even for no reason than just to say because I want to....... but that shouldn't mean we have to tolerate it without voicing out our disapproval,  that we are strongly opposed to it, in fact.


Atheist/secular anti-abortionists, see it as a human right violation  - and they fight it on that ground. 

We Christians, fight it on the ground that it goes against Biblical teachings. We share a common goal.  To be the voice for the defenseless unborn. 


Even if it's now legal to murder a child, keeping the issue alive may help a woman struggling with her decision,  to do what is only righteous. 

Talking about it, still, saves lives.

Not nearly as many as would be saved if those against it put their money where their mouth is.

You likely know how poor the stats are, from health to education and likely good outcome that those children will suffer without the cash to raise them properly.

If not for the numbers of Christian abortions in Canada and the U.S., the vast majority, were reduced, the numbers would be dropping even faster than they are today.

The Pope not preaching against contraceptives might also help.




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12 hours ago, French Patriot said:

Not nearly as many as would be saved if those against it put their money where their mouth is.

You likely know how poor the stats are, from health to education and likely good outcome that those children will suffer without the cash to raise them properly.

If not for the numbers of Christian abortions in Canada and the U.S., the vast majority, were reduced, the numbers would be dropping even faster than they are today.

The Pope not preaching against contraceptives might also help.




Why is it so surprising to have many Christians committing abortion?  Aren't Christians getting confused by all these propaganda about pro-choice, feminism and women's rights?  How many Christian mothers are outside pursuing careers instead of being at home, raising their children?  Of course the usual rebuttal to that, so many women have no choice but to go out and work!  Gee.....I wonder why? 


As for the Pope.....that's his position.  I'm not a Catholic.  Though I can see where he's coming from:   approval of contraceptives would mean he approves of fornication - sex outside of marriage (which is against the Scriptures).....because let's be honest, that's what our society really intend it for!   


It's been a common rationale by pro-choice that the baby is better off dead, if raised in poverty.....or, if he's already at a disadvantaged position in life. 

It reflects the a mentality that's so soaked in materialism:  if one can't have wordly goods, one can't possibly enjoy life.


No wonder so many people are committing suicide nowadays.  It doesn't take much to take away their purpose.  To them, achieving status is the very meaning of life. 

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I didn't watch it, but  that video title "Keep your Jesus off my penis...."   that sums it up, doesn't it?  But, thanks for that.  How ironically appropriate!  It's a good  depiction of someone who looks no further than his penis - who's guided by his penis......

   Never mind that his penis could've been dipped and coated with HIV virus.....and spread around.......consequences are of no importance.......


It's all about self-gratification.  It's all about ME!

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12 hours ago, French Patriot said:





I didn't watch it, but  that video title "Keep your Jesus off my penis...."   that sums it up, doesn't it?  Thanks for that.  How ironically appropriate!  It's a good  depiction of someone who looks no further than his penis - who's guided by his penis......

   Never mind that his penis could've been dipped and coated with HIV virus.....and spread around.......consequences are of no importance.......


It's all about self-gratification.  It's all about ME!



That's why women, listen up.  You want control?  Then, you take control!  You're the one in control!   You are in the position to make demands what goes inside your body - that very much includes the penis - especially by this man in the video who cares only about his!  Don't be stupid!

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8 hours ago, betsy said:

Why is it so surprising to have many Christians committing abortion?  Aren't Christians getting confused by all these propaganda about pro-choice, feminism and women's rights?  How many Christian mothers are outside pursuing careers instead of being at home, raising their children?  Of course the usual rebuttal to that, so many women have no choice but to go out and work!  Gee.....I wonder why? 


As for the Pope.....that's his position.  I'm not a Catholic.  Though I can see where he's coming from:   approval of contraceptives would mean he approves of fornication - sex outside of marriage (which is against the Scriptures).....because let's be honest, that's what our society really intend it for!   


It's been a common rationale by pro-choice that the baby is better off dead, if raised in poverty.....or, if he's already at a disadvantaged position in life. 

It reflects the a mentality that's so soaked in materialism:  if one can't have wordly goods, one can't possibly enjoy life.


No wonder so many people are committing suicide nowadays.  It doesn't take much to take away their purpose.  To them, achieving status is the very meaning of life. 

So you would rather deflect than deal with the fact that Christians are shirking their duty while complaining about the many Christians who are seeking abortions and not puting their money where their mouth is. Ok.






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3 hours ago, French Patriot said:

So you would rather deflect than deal with the fact that Christians are shirking their duty while complaining about the many Christians who are seeking abortions and not outing their money where their mouth is. Ok.






HELLO?  Stop for a minute there, and think.   Who's shirking responsiblities here?  Isn't it the mother who got herself pregnant?  

And who are her enablers?   People like you!



Why is it suddenly the responsibility of Christians?  Why are you blaming Christians?    :D  Talk about the ultimate in passing the buck!  That's the most bizarre rationale I've ever  heard! 


Can I have your permission to use you as an example in my other thread, about the mentality of liberals?  Please?  



You guys are moulding our youth to be irresponsible and negligent - even at the expense of their own health! 

Why do you think STDs are on the rise despite the fact that we've been supposedly educating people for DECADES about the use of condom to prevent the spread of std???

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3 minutes ago, betsy said:

HELLO?  Stop for a minute there, and think.   Who's shirking responsiblities here?  Isn't it the mother who got herself pregnant?  

And who are her enablers?   People like you.



You guys are moulding our youth to be irresponsible and negligent - even at the expense of their own health! 

Why do you think STDs are on the rise despite the fact that we've been supposedly educating people for DECADES about the use of condom to prevent the spread of std???

You are shirking your duty to the health of other women by promoting ideas, that, if we regressed to what you want, would have them butchered in back room abortions.

An STD, your next diversion from Christian responsibilities, is mostly being spread by Christians and not non-Christians, if I can match the numbers to the U.S. jail population which is only about 2% while you Christians are over represented in the 98%.

Strange that you only blame the mothers for the pregnancy. I always thought that there were men involved as well.




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9 minutes ago, betsy said:

HELLO?  Stop for a minute there, and think.  

You stop and note how much better things are getting, while you wish to reverse the trends of the lowering abortion rates and most other markers for evil. Stats are given at the end of this link that shows how rapidly our morality is moving things to a much better world and stats.




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Just now, French Patriot said:

You are shirking your duty to the health of other women by promoting ideas, that, if we regressed to what you want, would have them butchered in back room abortions.



Well, ladida.  I'm getting confused with you guys.  Aren't these women supposed to have control over their own bodies?    If these women can't even be responsible enough to ensure that they use protection to prevent pregnancy.....AND STD........ why would they become my responsibility?



Perhaps you''ll agree that women who can't make a rational choice should have that choice be taken away from them?  We'll decide if they're responsible enough to be allowed to have any children at all!

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6 minutes ago, French Patriot said:

You stop and note how much better things are getting, while you wish to reverse the trends of the lowering abortion rates and most other markers for evil. Stats are given at the end of this link that shows how rapidly our morality is moving things to a much better world and stats.




Oh boy.....yeah, that figures.  You've been listening to a confused man.  Don't get me started on Dawkins.....:lol:




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35 minutes ago, French Patriot said:

You stop and note how much better things are getting, while you wish to reverse the trends of the lowering abortion rates and most other markers for evil. Stats are given at the end of this link that shows how rapidly our morality is moving things to a much better world and stats.





What better world????  Will you stop daydreaming.....and open your eyes!   How are lives valued these days???

Don't blame it on guns, or knives.....or any weapons!    Point the finger at people who have no qualms de-valuing lives and sanctioning, promoting slaughter of the most defenseless and innocent human beings!


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They don't want to see pictures of abortion....because it bothers them.   Why does it bother them? Why are they so sensitive about it?  

Why don't they want any reminders about what happens when children are being killed?

  Because, it stings the conscience.   They know it's wrong!

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