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Thank You, Trudeau part 2


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lok up in the sky its a bird, its a plane,

no its Fidel Jr. and you bet he's vain

first he lectures on what words to use

but wait he still wanted to be in the news

so with righteous fury

he and his cultees undermined a jury

but he wasn't done

off to India he went on a photo op run

off the plane he did prance

to engage in photo ops and dance

his family dressed like dolls

and then came the pratfalls

lecturing Mr. Butter Chicken of the Pubjab on terrorists

while forgetting to vent his travelling list

oopsy we  invited a murderer with us

oh please don't make such a fuss

you see we do better in Canada as Fidel Jr. said

we don't arrest terrorists, we compare them to Italian immigrants instead

we rehabilitate them you see

but not that damn jury

no them we undermine

because um uh oh you never mind

he never said anything bad

I mean sheesh and yegad

he was just expressing raw emotion

before crossing the ocean

his people said pander to get your vote

with either type Indian  emote

and off to India like a comet

causing many to vomit

except of course for the Squid

I mean heaven forbid

he take down the poster from his boudoire

and call Trudeau a fallen star

I mean come on oh gee

he's just like his mommy

but hey Fidel left us his son

so they'll be some more fun

I mean at least he's not a grump

like that fat man Donald Trump

well its just a matter of time until he makes the transition

and I don't mean to the opposition

I feel sorry for Sophie

who these days is kind of looking meat loafy

I think she is ready or his fall

and sudden re-emergence as Ru Paul







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On 2/12/2018 at 2:04 AM, betsy said:

How dare he interrupt to treat and correct a woman like a child (or anyone for that matter), in public,  over her usage of the term "mankind"............. which was used correctly by her anyway!

And how ironic that these crowd (which included this woman) cheering over that public correction, deferred to Trudeau's invention of a stupid term.  Not one of them stood up instead,  to correct this boy! 

No one said, "Oh let's not be so petty!  Don't go overboard that our feminist cause becomes laughing stock!"


 Women following the lead of a male who spouts off moronic stuffs, says a lot about his followers!  And they cheered him too!  

If Trudeau was mocked and ridiculed and labelled over that - what more with his followers who can't even see smack that something goes against what they fight for!   Who's more stupid?  The leader, or his followers?  :lol:


When Trudeau arrived in India he was greeted by the Agriculture Minister. What a an insult and a kick in the ass. I guess this just shows that Trudeau is considered a non-VIP "personkind" by most leaders of the world and rightly so. Trudeau is a joke. I believe that Trudeau was eventually met by India's leader but that was pretty much close to the end of Trudeau's visit. This prime mistake of ours should just stay home and let real men do the job of looking after the affairs of this country. It is sad to see that Canada is treated as an insignificant country. Well, at least we know that legal and illegal refugees love Canada. I wonder why? 

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On 2/12/2018 at 8:42 AM, Jariax said:

Not a fan of Trudeau, but Shapiro comes across looking like an ass here.

Quote: "The guy's only famous because his dad was Gary Trudeau."

You have it all wrong. Shapiro does not come off as an ass ever. It is that prime mistake called Trudeau that comes off as an ass and a goofball. Mankind, I mean peoplekind sure got a screwing when this guy entered the world. 

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

When Trudeau arrived in India he was greeted by the Agriculture Minister. What a an insult and a kick in the ass. I guess this just shows that Trudeau is considered a non-VIP "personkind" by most leaders of the world and rightly so. Trudeau is a joke.

When Harper arrived in India in 2012 he was greeted by the Minister of State for Human Resource Development. What an insult and a kick in the ass. I guess this just shows that Harper is considered a non-VIP by most leaders of the world and rightly so. Harper is a joke.

When Harper arrived in India in 2009 he was greeted by unnamed state representatives. He couldn't even rate a minister on his first visit, like Trudeau did. Harper was a pathetic one.

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Trudeau and his family were snubbed at the tarmac on their arrival.....just like the same way Obama was snubbed at the tarmac in Cuba.  Junior Ministers were sent to meet Obama and Trudeau.




Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau has been photographed in traditional Indian dress during the third day of his week-long visit to the country.

Trudeau posed at the Gandhi Ashram in Ahmedabad, Gujarat - Indian prime minister Narendra Modi's home state - while wearing a long red shirt. But once again Modi was not there to greet the leader of the world's second-biggest country, fuelling speculation he is being snubbed.

Trudeau, his wife Sophie Gregoire and their three children posed for a family portrait before marvelling at the legendary marble monument frequently visited by foreign leaders.It came after an apparent 'snub' at the start of his trip when the country's PM Narendra Modi failed to meet them at the airport and instead sent a junior agriculture minister.

But the arrival was a far cry from when former US President Barack Obama and the leaders of Israel and the UAE made the trip, with Modi patiently waiting for them on the tarmac.





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9 hours ago, ?Impact said:

When Harper arrived in India in 2012 he was greeted by the Minister of State for Human Resource Development. What an insult and a kick in the ass. I guess this just shows that Harper is considered a non-VIP by most leaders of the world and rightly so. Harper is a joke.

When Harper arrived in India in 2009 he was greeted by unnamed state representatives. He couldn't even rate a minister on his first visit, like Trudeau did. Harper was a pathetic one.


Harper didn't  grovel - unlike Trudeau (and his family)!







“We usually don’t criticize a government’s foreign trip. But this one seems like there is an issue, as there aren’t a lot of diplomatic meetings compared of the length of the trip,” said Aaron Wudrick, the federal director of the Canadian Taxpayers Association.

“Usually [prime minister] visits are full of meetings with heads of states. But Trudeau hasn’t even met the [Indian] prime minister yet and he’s been there for half a week,”  Wudrick said.


On Tuesday, Trudeau sat down with six of India’s most influential business tycoons, making deals which he says will create more than 5,000 new jobs in Canada.

However, Wudrick said the investments could have happened without a face-to-face meeting.





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There's a difference between dressing up like everyone else, as seen in those pictures, and dressing in a patronizing way like our ridiculous Liberal PM did in India. Harper is wearing the same clothes that the others are. Trudeau on the other hand insulted Indian people by becoming a caricature of what an uncultured person thinks an Indian dresses like. But the ability to differentiate between things clearly is not a strong Liberal trait.

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On 2/24/2018 at 6:52 PM, ?Impact said:

When Harper arrived in India in 2012 he was greeted by the Minister of State for Human Resource Development. What an insult and a kick in the ass. I guess this just shows that Harper is considered a non-VIP by most leaders of the world and rightly so. Harper is a joke.

When Harper arrived in India in 2009 he was greeted by unnamed state representatives. He couldn't even rate a minister on his first visit, like Trudeau did. Harper was a pathetic one.

This all just shows that most countries could careless about Canada. If Trump went to India you can be dam sure that the PM of India would be there to meet him at the airport. The Indian PM knows as to who is important and who is not. Trudeau tries to suck up to as many countries as he can to try and make points and get their attention. It does not work. They ignore him as we saw already. Trudeau is pathetic and a foolish looking dancing clown. I guess that if he ever goes to Africa he will probably end up putting on a feathered head dress and a silly looking Zulu costume holding a spear and shield. Hey, you never know, eh?  

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On 2/24/2018 at 9:52 PM, ?Impact said:

When Harper arrived in India in 2012 he was greeted by the Minister of State for Human Resource Development. What an insult and a kick in the ass. I guess this just shows that Harper is considered a non-VIP by most leaders of the world and rightly so. Harper is a joke.

When Harper arrived in India in 2009 he was greeted by unnamed state representatives. He couldn't even rate a minister on his first visit, like Trudeau did. Harper was a pathetic one.

Funny thing harper was meeting with modi just before trudeau landed. And harper also recieved the royal treatment and worked the whole time there. He did not waste our money on a junket with his family.

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7 minutes ago, PIK said:

And harper also recieved the royal treatment and worked the whole time there. He did not waste our money on a junket with his family.

Sorry, but he brought his wife along on his junket. They were all over the country, in Agra, Bangalore, Chandigarh and New Delhi. They visited the Taj Mahal, the Keshgarh Shahib gurdwara, a Sikh temple in the city of Anandpur, a Sikh heritage centre, etc.

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On 2/22/2018 at 11:41 AM, Jariax said:

Which is it? Do you want women treated equally in politics? Or do you want 50% women in politics? You can't have both. 

50% = equal representation = equal treatment. Women are half the population they should be represented as such. Women dominate many aspects of society and have different perspectives on many policies debated and introduced into law, they should have the power to veto laws that affect their lives.

Trudeau's stacking of cabinet is only a small step in that direction.  

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23 hours ago, ?Impact said:

Sorry, but he brought his wife along on his junket. They were all over the country, in Agra, Bangalore, Chandigarh and New Delhi. They visited the Taj Mahal, the Keshgarh Shahib gurdwara, a Sikh temple in the city of Anandpur, a Sikh heritage centre, etc.

He was working and of course everyone gets shown around but show me where he spent 8 days touring the country while we spend 250g's (?) on his clothing. This is night and day, not even close and harper was probably forced into it. And did harper have 14 ministers and bring in his own indian cook? Did harper ever get drunk and do interview? Did he invite a terrorist to dinner? And the one big one, Modi was there to see Harper, he was not snubbed, that the whole world could see. I love that you defend your boy, but you are defending the indefensible.

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On 2/25/2018 at 10:50 AM, ?Impact said:

Yes, far be it for Stephen Harper to play dress up:





and of course my personal favourite:


The top picture he's not wearing any costume. Clearly the poster does not understand what a suit is. In the second one the shirt is nice. Its not an elaborate costume. You really think if all Trudeau did was wear a Nehru suit anyone would have made a  comment. Give it a rest. He dressed up with his wife and children like trained monkeys for photo ops. The pictures you have of Harper were taken  where he and other politicians were ASKED to wear the shirts and in fact were invited to the countries they were in. As for the last picture last time I looked Harper lived in Alberta most of his life so of course he's gay and dresses like that. Does the poster who placed the above have anything against gay cowboys? How homophobic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  By the way in the last picture the picture of Harper was shopped, i.e, superimposed into another man's head as a joke picture. Clearly our fashion critic does not know what a photo shop picture is.


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On 2/26/2018 at 10:05 AM, PIK said:

Funny thing harper was meeting with modi just before trudeau landed. And harper also recieved the royal treatment and worked the whole time there. He did not waste our money on a junket with his family.

Not to mention he was in fact invited to the countries he traveled to. But hey why be so picky.

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On 2/26/2018 at 10:14 AM, ?Impact said:

Sorry, but he brought his wife along on his junket. They were all over the country, in Agra, Bangalore, Chandigarh and New Delhi. They visited the Taj Mahal, the Keshgarh Shahib gurdwara, a Sikh temple in the city of Anandpur, a Sikh heritage centre, etc.

Its not even that for me. You want to bring your family and pay for them that is your business. Use them as political tools for photo ops to show back home they become fair game for criticism. Its not fair to them to prop them up as puppets. I actually feel sorry for them. I think Trudeau is an abusive prick using them like that.

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On 2/25/2018 at 7:42 AM, betsy said:

Besty I think the family was used by Trudeau. I think they are in one sense victims of his abuse. You can see he thinks of them as nothing but photo props. I don't have anything bad to say about them. Just him. He has made then cannon fire. He's using them. He's disgusting for doing that. Its shallow crap. You want to pose for a Christmas card photo maybe but don't use your children and wife as dolls to wind up and pose. Disgusting shallow behaviour. Gee I wonder where Justin learned that from.

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1 hour ago, PIK said:

And did harper have 14 ministers and bring in his own indian cook?


And the one big one, Modi was there to see Harper, he was not snubbed, that the whole world could see.

I haven't looked up the details of who he dragged along to India, I know he had 18 in the official delegation to Israel (Ministers, MPs, etc.) and 208 others like rabbis, lawyers, president of Outback Steakhouse, etc.


I already pointed out that the Prime Minister of India was not there to greet Harper on either of his junkets to India. In 2012 it was Minister of Human resources (are you claiming that outranks Minister of agriculture?), and in his first visit in 2009 which is comparable to Trudeau's first visit he got some unnamed government representative so if anyone Harper is the one snubbed according to your ridiculous criteria.

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3 hours ago, Rue said:

Besty I think the family was used by Trudeau. I think they are in one sense victims of his abuse. You can see he thinks of them as nothing but photo props. I don't have anything bad to say about them. Just him. He has made then cannon fire. He's using them. He's disgusting for doing that. Its shallow crap. You want to pose for a Christmas card photo maybe but don't use your children and wife as dolls to wind up and pose. Disgusting shallow behaviour. Gee I wonder where Justin learned that from.

Well.....it's the children that are being used.   Maybe, they all love the limelight.

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