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Is Donald Trump the Worst President since Andrew Johnson or James Buchanan?

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22 hours ago, H10 said:

I don't see a scenario where he does except by his own cabinet who he has thoroughly alienated.

More likely Trump will quit because he realizes he is completely ineffective as a president and cannot push through any of his agenda.  Being president is hard work, it is not like inheriting a family business where you can just do whatever you want, whenever you want, play golf all day and go to dinners all night.  You actually have to read documents, build realtionships, and do work. Trump is lazy.

Why would the democrats impeach Trump and get president pence?  How is that an improvement to replace a bumbling bafoon who is wildly unpopular with a relatively intelligent, but vanilla uncharismatic, vice president.  If Trump doesn't get primaried by another Republican, which is very likely, I suspect he will get slaughtered in a landslide as long as the democrats run another progressive democrat, even a relatively unknown one. America is a progressive nation, they strongly prefer progressive candidates over establishment ones.  We seen this with Obama, an unknown progressive junior senator who beat the wife of what was then a very popular president among democrats and then a very popular Republican senator.

- Trump is in fact succeeding with many points on his agenda, especially de-regulation and taxes. The media distraction is part of the game here, whether intentional or not it keeps the news focused on nonsense, not issues that could raise serious opposition.

- As far as I understand, impeachment does not automatically lead to "dismissal". Bill Clinton was impeached.

- Charisma may have gotten Trump the presidency where Pence would fail, but the agenda does not change either way.

"The song remains the same".

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1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

- Trump is in fact succeeding with many points on his agenda, especially de-regulation and taxes. 

Care to provide some examples of successful de-regulation and tax reform that Trump has accomplished? I know he reversed some directives to agencies regarding regulation (i.e. changes to clean power plan, etc) but hardly any really major changes, and I know of no tax change. 

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2 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Trump is in fact succeeding with many points on his agenda, especially de-regulation and taxes. The media distraction is part of the game here, whether intentional or not it keeps the news focused on nonsense, not issues that could raise serious opposition.

All Trump has succeeded in is providing nonsense. Even having control of both sides of congress hasn't helped him. The constitution gets in the way from time to time.

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2 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

As far as I understand, impeachment does not automatically lead to "dismissal". Bill Clinton was impeached.

If the articles are accepted by congress, he is dismissed. The GOP controls congress currently and even they are talking impeachment. 

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2 minutes ago, Bonam said:

Care to provide some examples of successful de-regulation and tax reform that Trump has accomplished? I know he reversed some directives to agencies regarding regulation (i.e. changes to clean power plan, etc) but hardly any really major changes, and I know of no tax change. 

It's not like I read up all day every day on what Donald Trump does, but certain things catch my eye. The question is what are they actually doing, aside from tabloid nonsense.

Anyone can google "Trump Deregulation". 




Chomsky says Trump’s scandals are only a distraction to hide what's going on behind the scenes

Google "Trump Tax Reforms 2017"

The new Republican tax plan, explained


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2 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Under de-regulation, most of what Trump has done has been executive orders. That can be as easily undone by the next administration as he undid Obama's orders. As for tax reform, you realize what you linked to is just a proposal, with virtually no chance of becoming law, right? 

Of the little legislation that was passed, it wasn't exactly the kind of common sense de-regulation on "main street" businesses that people hope for when they speak of deregulation. Rather, he relaxed financial reporting rules for megacorporations dealing with foreign governments, relaxed rules trying to keep at least some semblance of reality in school curricula, allowed states to harass people who lose their jobs with repeated drug testing even if they are actively looking for work, empowered ISPs to violate principles of net neutrality, effectively allowing them to censor the internet for their own profit, and relaxed their requirements to safeguard customer data. 

I don't know about you, but that's not exactly the kind of de-regulation I'm looking for. 

Edited by Bonam
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2 hours ago, Omni said:

If the articles are accepted by congress, he is dismissed. The GOP controls congress currently and even they are talking impeachment. 


False....articles of impeachment are drafted and charged in the House, with a trial in the Senate.   The GOP couldn't even get their act together to repeal ObamaCare after bitching about it for 6 years. 

A. Johnson and Bill Clinton were both impeached, but not convicted.

Impeachment is a political process, just like any other fun and games in Washington D.C.

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7 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

- Trump is in fact succeeding with many points on his agenda, especially de-regulation and taxes. The media distraction is part of the game here, whether intentional or not it keeps the news focused on nonsense, not issues that could raise serious opposition.

- As far as I understand, impeachment does not automatically lead to "dismissal". Bill Clinton was impeached.

- Charisma may have gotten Trump the presidency where Pence would fail, but the agenda does not change either way.

"The song remains the same".

What tax has he repealed, please name 1 tax.  Also, since he hasn't passed any major legislation through congress yet, this should be a good laugh.

Clinton was impeached by the house not senate.

Trump's agenda is not new, it is old and rehashed, he was just more clever conman.  He cannot even do the one thing he was elected for cut taxes.

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12 hours ago, taxme said:

The cabinet has alienated Trump because they are not on his side. Most of the them are democrats in republican clothing. Trump is working on that. Most will probably be gone in 2018 voted out by the people who put Trump in there as president. 

Trump will not back off or quit. Trump will stay in there for the long haul because he has the backing of the people who voted for him and he knows it. Trump didn't get to be a billionaire from giving up on his first try. Trump is not concerned about the globalist elite agenda documents. Trump wants to burn them. Trump is lazy? Are you kidding me? One does not become a billionaire from being lazy. Such ridiculous talk. 

Trump picked them.  Trump is a traditional democrat, was a life long democrat, and pretended to be a republican because in his own words they are stupid and gullible.  Everything Ted Cruz said about him being a fraud and a con are true.


Trump is a quitter.  Trump is not a billionaire, he inherited inflation adjusted 10 billion and lost it all through several bankruptcies.  Then why does Trump not read?


12 hours ago, taxme said:

There is no one that the dumbocrats can bring forward that would be able to oust Trump from his presidency.  The dumbocrats are all in disarray. All they can do these days is try and nail Trump on something to try and get him impeached but so far nothing has worked for them yet. Trump will be president for the next seven years unless he gets assassinated by the deep state who apparently took out JFK. Well, I would not say that Trump was a progressive candidate at all. Trump didn't even want to call himself a politician. The word politician can only be associated with the words crooks, liars and thieves because that is what most of them are. Politicians are certainly not there for we the people as far as I am concerned. Just saying.  Obama became president because he was the candidate that the globalist elite wanted as president of the USA. And look at the corruption and mess that guy created and left behind for Trump to clean up and for Trump to now try and drain the swamp. It still bothers me as to why when a guy comes along and says that he wants to drain the Washington swamp many people are against him. Do some of those people suffer from some kind of mental illness? It sure looks like it to me. But hey. 



But Trump is a liar, a thief and a crook and a con too.

What corruption did Obama have?  Do you see how Trump has a lobbyist running the DEA for protectng the opium dealers?

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6 hours ago, Bonam said:

Under de-regulation, most of what Trump has done has been executive orders. That can be as easily undone by the next administration as he undid Obama's orders. As for tax reform, you realize what you linked to is just a proposal, with virtually no chance of becoming law, right? 

Of the little legislation that was passed, it wasn't exactly the kind of common sense de-regulation on "main street" businesses that people hope for when they speak of deregulation. Rather, he relaxed financial reporting rules for megacorporations dealing with foreign governments, relaxed rules trying to keep at least some semblance of reality in school curricula, allowed states to harass people who lose their jobs with repeated drug testing even if they are actively looking for work, empowered ISPs to violate principles of net neutrality, effectively allowing them to censor the internet for their own profit, and relaxed their requirements to safeguard customer data. 

I don't know about you, but that's not exactly the kind of de-regulation I'm looking for. 

I didn't say anything about agreeing or disagreeing. My posts over the past several days have highlighted the fact that things are being done quietly while we blather on about the colour of someone's hair, etc. Whether done by executive order or not, they're being done. I didn't say about the method of passing these changes. It's my understanding that president Obama used EO's in a likewise manner.

Re taxes, they (Trump and republicans) developed the plans and are about to vote them in. The ground work is done, and no reason to expect they will not pass. It's not as controversial or difficult a health care. Note I didn't say these changes are good or bad changes, quite simply I don't know about the details. I provided the info without judgement.

My point is not about the info itself. Think about what Chomsky is saying in those links.

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3 hours ago, H10 said:

What tax has he repealed, please name 1 tax.  Also, since he hasn't passed any major legislation through congress yet, this should be a good laugh.

Clinton was impeached by the house not senate.

Trump's agenda is not new, it is old and rehashed, he was just more clever conman.  He cannot even do the one thing he was elected for cut taxes.


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3 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

 It's my understanding that president Obama used EO's in a likewise manner.


It is very true indeed and it is why what Trump is doing is very dangerous.

Obama blasted Bush's temple, so Trump blasted Obama's temple;

Then Obama The 2nd blasted Trump's temple, then Trump The 2nd blasted Obama 2nd's temple;

Then there will be Obama The 3rd and Trump The 3rd to do the same thing;

Then USA will soon become a country like Iraq where people used to blast other's temple each other instead of seating down to talk  and  compromise to settle their argument.

Edited by xul
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50 minutes ago, xul said:

...Then USA will soon become a country like Iraq where people used to blast other's temple each other instead of seating down to talk  and  compromise to settle their argument.


No, that is how the USA was born and grew to become the most powerful nation on the planet.

See "U.S. Civil War".

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11 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


False....articles of impeachment are drafted and charged in the House, with a trial in the Senate.   The GOP couldn't even get their act together to repeal ObamaCare after bitching about it for 6 years. 

A. Johnson and Bill Clinton were both impeached, but not convicted.

Impeachment is a political process, just like any other fun and games in Washington D.C.

It's good you understand the process because you may soon see it unfolding again soon. His little attempt at a kumbaya with McConnell  yesterday was quite a laugh and quite likely futile. And then saying that other presidents including Obama didn't call families of fallen US troops whilst he pissed away 2 weeks doing nothing with regard to the latest occurrence must be truly embarrassing to anyone with an ounce of dignity in them. Politicizing dead soldiers should have people on both sides of the aisle shaking their heads in disgust. 

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10 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


No, that is how the USA was born and grew to become the most powerful nation on the planet.

See "U.S. Civil War".

I remember once Taiwan president commented on China:

How can China be great? It's just big...:P

so is USA:lol:

Besides,  other great powers then were busy on competing supremacy in Europe, so they didn't have chance to use America's weakest moment for their gain. If Americans were in civil war now, I bet Putin would willingly hand out weapons on both side, free of charge...

And to American's credit, after the war, both side compromised a lot to heal the wound of the war. General Lee's temple:D hadn't been blasted for over 150 years...until President Trump was elected and the nation was teared apart again.

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16 hours ago, Omni said:

If the articles are accepted by congress, he is dismissed. The GOP controls congress currently and even they are talking impeachment. 

Traitors to the American people is what most of them are in the republican party. They prefer to keep the Obama and Clinton years alive and well. When you are one against a hundred you know that you have a tough battle ahead. The congress and senate have the power to and can make America great again but they refuse to do so. Corruption for most of them is what they want to keep alive and on track because there is plenty of money to be made from it. And people like you want to keep encouraging it, right? 

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Sometimes, the way you do a thing matters more than the thing itself.

For example:

Hugh Hefner or Harvey Weinstein, who got more women on his bed?:lol:

I suppose the answer is Hugh Hefner.

But why is Harvey Weinstein disgraced, not Hugh Hefner?

Because Hefner was President Trump's supporter:P

LOL, I'm joking.

It is because the way how Harvey Weinstein got these women on his bed.:rolleyes:

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2 hours ago, Omni said:

It's good you understand the process because you may soon see it unfolding again soon. His little attempt at a kumbaya with McConnell  yesterday was quite a laugh and quite likely futile....Politicizing dead soldiers should have people on both sides of the aisle shaking their heads in disgust. 


Clue: Trump doesn't care...when will his critics figure this out ?

A Clinton win would have been far more disgusting.

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8 minutes ago, taxme said:

Traitors to the American people is what most of them are in the republican party. They prefer to keep the Obama and Clinton years alive and well. When you are one against a hundred you know that you have a tough battle ahead. The congress and senate have the power to and can make America great again but they refuse to do so. Corruption for most of them is what they want to keep alive and on track because there is plenty of money to be made from it. And people like you want to keep encouraging it, right? 

Just for your edification, to say "the congress and the senate" is redundant. Congress is the senate and the house. And if you want to further your understanding of things, look up the word  corruption, in your Funk and Wagnells and you'll probably find a picture of Trump. Or simply ask the contractors who got screwed by him, or the Black people who were denied being allowed to rent in his buildings. 

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2 hours ago, Omni said:

It's good you understand the process because you may soon see it unfolding again soon. His little attempt at a kumbaya with McConnell  yesterday was quite a laugh and quite likely futile. And then saying that other presidents including Obama didn't call families of fallen US troops whilst he pissed away 2 weeks doing nothing with regard to the latest occurrence must be truly embarrassing to anyone with an ounce of dignity in them. Politicizing dead soldiers should have people on both sides of the aisle shaking their heads in disgust. 

Trying to kumbaya with traitors like McConnell, Ryan and McCain will never work. The only way for Trump to make America great again is to get rid of those traitors to America. 2018 will do just that. Obama was well known for giving the military the finger. While Obamorama was president the American veterans affairs department was a prime example of how corruption really works. Then Trump came along and fixed that problem. Now the American veterans are getting the proper treatment that they deserve thanks to Trump. And we should know who they will be voting for the next time around. 

Personally, I believe that you have to be one of those zionist globalist elite agent provocateurs that we have all heard about. Keep the sick and corrupted system alive and well no matter what. Thank God that Trump is president and has now put a lid on all of that corruption and filth that went on in America. Wienstein would never have been exposed if Hillary were president. They are suppose to have been great buddies, don't you know? Maybe they even had a little thing going on in the past between them? Hey, you never know. :D 

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7 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Clue: Trump doesn't care...when will his critics figure this out ?

A Clinton win would have been far more disgusting.

The POTUS doesn't care about fallen soldiers. That's what I would call disgusting. But of course you're free to support the creep.

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3 minutes ago, Omni said:

....And if you want to further your understanding of things, look up the word  corruption, in your Funk and Wagnells and you'll probably find a picture of Trump. Or simply ask the contractors who got screwed by him, or the Black people who were denied being allowed to rent in his buildings. 


Actually, it has been updated with a photo of Trudeau and Morneau, his fine upstanding finance minister.

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