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Compensating Khadr

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3 hours ago, Army Guy said:

I have already said i agree that omars had some of his basic right dismissed, and that the persons that are responsible should be held accountable

That's my feeling too. Supposing that a Canadian member of CSIS or other Canadian security agency went rogue and lost it, and poked Khadr in the eye blinding him for life, should all Canadians be held accountable for the actions of that one twisted individual?

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30 minutes ago, ironstone said:

Where do all the jihadis typically come from when they come over here?What  region in the world is known for cultivating the most terrorists?Does it make a lot of sense to bring people here with little or no documentation?Do refugees from this part of the world integrate seamlessly into Western society?

Do you have any answers to the above?

We have a significant problem with jihadis? Where? Never heard that. 

I can tell you that place of origin is a very bad indicator of anything, and we will never do the dipsh!t Trump thing. Such prejudice is disgusting.

Canada's immigration points system is applied to each individual and generally works pretty well.

Maybe some criminals still do slide by who have good documentation and adequate money. 

Even refugees are screened and selected.

And to my knowledge, we aren't having any significant problems with any immigrants or refugees, or "jihadis".

We are having significant problems with some dipsh!t racist white Canadians committing hate crimes against innocent people .

Where can we send them?

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Just now, jacee said:

And to my knowledge, we aren't having any significant problems with any immigrants or refugees, or "jihadis".

We are having significant problems with some dipsh!t racist white Canadians committing hate crimes against innocent people .

Where can we send them?


One of them was last seen stabbing a police officer in the neck at the Flint, Michigan airport.  

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I'm sorry what happened to the American, but anyone who joins the military and goes out on the war field, knowing the odds of coming out alive is against them, their family can't sue. Did Japan sue the US over the nukes it dropped and killed millions? Everyone should chill out and move on, its done. I realize Canadian politics isn't  full of drama like the US is right now, because of the corruption it makes theirs more exciting and headline for the media.

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2 minutes ago, Topaz said:

I'm sorry what happened to the American, but anyone who joins the military and goes out on the war field, knowing the odds of coming out alive is against them


Actually, the odds are very much in favour of coming out alive, even if shot/wounded.   Health care is faster than in....well...you know.

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11 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Actually, the odds are very much in favour of coming out alive, even if shot/wounded.   Health care is faster than in....well...you know.

How long does a typical Canadian have to wait before a gunshot wound is treated?  Is it 5 weeks?  5 months? :rolleyes:

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1 minute ago, jacee said:

Last time I checked, that was in the US.


No worries...I'm sure Trudeau figures his Charter Right to murder Americans is worth another $10.5 million.

Wherever Canadians commit heinous crimes around the world, they are protected by Charter Rights.  

It's an amazing Canadian concept.


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17 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Actually, the odds are very much in favour of coming out alive, even if shot/wounded.   Health care is faster than in....well...you know.

Question: How many murder/manslaughter convictions and lawsuits for damages have occurred for other US soldiers killed in Afghanistan?

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11 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


No worries...I'm sure Trudeau figures his Charter Right to murder Americans is worth another $10.5 million.

Wherever Canadians commit heinous crimes around the world, they are protected by Charter Rights.  

It's an amazing Canadian concept.


Hey pos, What did the US do with the 99 jihadis apprehended in Afghanistan who were US citizens?

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Omar Khadr fact check


Things I didn't know:

Omar Khadr's parents were both in Canada, met here, both citizens before they had a family.

The US is no longer claiming that Omar was the only one alive, so must have thrown the grenade: They acknowledge the armed fighter who was shot dead (who likely did throw the grenade, though they don't acknowledge that).

Jason Kenney is an idiot ... But I knew that.


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6 hours ago, Army Guy said:


Not sure who you aimed that at.....champions of law and order....I have already said i agree that omars had some of his basic right dismissed, and that the persons that are responsible should be held accountable.....And so should Omar be held responsible for his crimes...all of them....he does not get a pass because he was a child soldier....he had no control over his situation is bullshit.....he could have surrendered to any coalition soldier at any time, yelling he is Canadian would have meant a quick trip to the embassy.....but he was having to much fun playing terrorist....

Its freaking disgusting to think we're sending people like you abroad to defend our values.

Our country's values are no better than the values of the people we send to kill in our name.

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1 minute ago, eyeball said:

Its freaking disgusting to think we're sending people like you abroad to defend our values.

Our country's values are no better than the values of the people we send to kill in our name.

I'll just add my voice here as the antithesis of that sentiment. 

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11 hours ago, jacee said:

We have a significant problem with jihadis? Where? Never heard that. 

Canada's immigration points system is applied to each individual and generally works pretty well.

Even refugees are screened and selected.

And to my knowledge, we aren't having any significant problems with any immigrants or refugees, or "jihadis".

We are having significant problems with some dipsh!t racist white Canadians committing hate crimes against innocent people .


In regards to the problem with terrorism and Muslim terrorist  you "never heard of that" because you choose to ignore it.

Your second comment displays your ignorance of the problems with the current points system wh ich everyone agrees who works in immigration needs to be revamped.

Your third comment simply reflects again your lack of awareness of the issues with the 3 categories you mentioned. You pose your lack of awareness as knowledge-its not its ignorance as to subjects you claim to have knowledge on. How you are not aware of the collapse of the refugee determination system and the current back-log speaks to that ignorance and/or deliberate selective bias and refusal to discuss certain issues that don't suit your selective agenda of outrage.

Now who are these racists? Do provide names of these racists and why you know  they are  only white? You just reflected your own racist bigotry against whites in that statement. You assume racists in this country are only white which is racist. You are exactly what you seem to be accusing others of. You also threw that comment out to smeer who? Who are you smeering? Am I a white racist because I question Kadr being compensated? Go on finish the veiled reference to which posters or Canadians you smeer.  Am I or Canadians racist because I or they question the collapse of the immigration and refugee system o r the payment ot Kasdr?

Tell me what colour are you that you believe its acceptable to smeer whites as racists and no one else?

Bigotry is bigotry. You engage in the same smeers white racists do.

Jacee the fact you are unaware  that  a legal issue exists does not mean it does not exist-it could also mean you are unaware of the issue because of your ignorance or deliberate selective political bias that chooses to pretend it does not exist either way your trying to pass off your lack of knowledge as the standard you use to smeer people is illogical.

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9 hours ago, eyeball said:

Its freaking disgusting to think we're sending people like you abroad to defend our values.

Our country's values are no better than the values of the people we send to kill in our name.

What is repulsive are your adolescent words.

The level ofyour discourse-." freaking disgusting"  speaks loudly to your emotional leve of i.q..

.You really need to be dragged by your ear out of Mama's basement and placed in a room with the victims of terrorists or better still the storage area of  the mutilated bodies caused by terrorists. You need to have the blood of an innocent victim rubbed in your face. What else would wack that sense of privileged, elitist, sheltered softness from your words.

You presume living in Mama's basement  you have a clue what his world and what  boots he puts on or put on? Hmmm? You?

When have you eve left Mama's basement and smelled flesh burning? You? ..

"trying to clear up a misunderstanding with a teen is like trying to clear up their acne, its a never ending process."

.Rue 73 BC

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9 hours ago, jacee said:

Omar Khadr fact check


Things I didn't know:

Omar Khadr's parents were both in Canada, met here, both citizens before they had a family.

The US is no longer claiming that Omar was the only one alive, so must have thrown the grenade: They acknowledge the armed fighter who was shot dead (who likely did throw the grenade, though they don't acknowledge that).

Jason Kenney is an idiot ... But I knew that.


If Jason Kenney is an idiot what does it make you? 

To start with Chretiens not Kenney initiated and ordered the actual detention of Kadr and generated the violations. Kenney's government inherited the decision Chretiens made.

Secondly, you quote the above article as if it settles the issue?

Tell me why I should not think you are an idiot for thinking if you quote that article it proves your point?

Tell me why I should think you are not an idiot for not realizing whether Kadr threw the grenade or  not he's a se;lf admitted terrorist who was in Afghanistan to engage in terrorism and was engage din terrorism when he was injured.?  How is it not idiotic to understand  the throwing of the grenade is not germaine to the point Kadr was a terrorist and would have been detained whether he threw a grenade or not.

How does that make Kenney an idiot and not you?.

You realy want to call anyone else an Idiot?

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10 hours ago, Omni said:

And I thought you claimed to be something of a lawyer? You just exposed that as a fallacy. 

That petty name calling has grown thin. Y ou and Hot Enoiugh throw out the lawyer name calling ith anyone who disagrees with your political views.

Grow up.

You came on this board and told people you advised them as to the legal issues of Kadr. Don't play the role of a legal expert and then act inspid as if someone else is doing it because they disagree with your political views that select which laws you uphold and which ones you ignore depending on your partisan biases.

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10 hours ago, Omni said:

What a silly question. I'm shaming your kangaroo courts.

Your responses attempt to insult people you disagree with. Your responses don't address specific legal issues associated with the Kadr case because you have no response tot hos elegal issues, they aren't convenient to your political agenda which assumes the only recourse was to g ive Kadr 10.5 million becayse the political party you blindly follow didn't want to deal with the clean hands doctrine in co urt because that necessarily would have dragged up Chretien's creation of the decision to leave Kadr in G Bay.

You sure as hel do not shame Chretiens and your beloved Liberal party for their role in creating this fiasco. Who you? Nah. You do what all leftists do, ignore the issues and create a righr wing scapegoat, whether it be Harper, the US or Army Guy.

I hear Macrus is selling Omar and Justin posters 2 for 1 today. Hurry. Supplies are limited. I have some. They ,make great toilet paper. They inspire me to be a better man when I wipe with them/ 

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