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The U.S. Launched 59 Cruise Missiles against an airfield in Syria .

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6 hours ago, capricorn said:

This may come as a surprise to you, but some people join the military simply because it is a JOB. I would rather see them working in the military than being unemployed.

Well, personally I would prefer that Canada did not have a military at all, and that also goes for the rest of the world. A country having a military is always a threat to world peace. Surely in this day and age countries should be able to work out their differences without having to resort to war. Enough wars already. Works for me. 

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5 minutes ago, taxme said:

A country having a military is always a threat to world peace.

Yes Switzerland, Jamaica, Sweden, Canada, Norway, Denmark, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, to name a few and hey don't get m e started

on Tonga's army.


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4 hours ago, Wilber said:

So what, no one has said they do. But hey, I never bothered to ask any of the ex military guys I worked with if they thought they would have done better in life if they had never joined. Seems like a rather insulting question.

Some ex-military have had a rough time trying to cope with civilian life after serving in the military. So much for those people that now Canadians have to take care of(PSTD)when they return home. Joining the military does have it's up's and down's. And when they do leave the military there are probably few jobs waiting for them because we have an unemployment problem in Canada. Too many new immigrants taking many good paying jobs from them. But I bet you do not care about that, eh? 

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3 minutes ago, taxme said:

Some ex-military have had a rough time trying to cope with civilian life after serving in the military. So much for those people that now Canadians have to take care of(PSTD)when they return home. Joining the military does have it's up's and down's. And when they do leave the military there are probably few jobs waiting for them because we have an unemployment problem in Canada. Too many new immigrants taking many good paying jobs from them. But I bet you do not care about that, eh? 

I bet you have proof of the immigrants taking good paying jobs. Let's see it.

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2 hours ago, Argus said:

So there is no room in your consideration for the possibility Trump was given the actual news and it is you who are mistaken?

Well, I read on the internet that Trump actually bombed an empty airfield. So, no big deal then. And if so, well then there was no one hurt as the main scream leftist media tried to make it out to be. But you and me will never know what the real reason was for this bombing because you and me are kept out of the loop and the real game of politics that is played only by the big boys who run the show. You and me are peons like pawns on a chessboard. We peons are forced to fight up front and get injured or killed just so the elite can live to create more havoc and chaos on another day.

The cabal elite establishment have been trying to get Assad out for years but have failed. When he is gone then chaos and havoc will get even worse in Syria. There will then be no peace at all for Syria. Iraq and Libya are prime examples of this. They were supposedly liberated from dictators but one would say that did not work out all that well for those two countries, and it's people. But keep listening to the main scream leftist media because they will keep you informed and will always tell you the truth. Chuckle-chuckle. 


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On 4/7/2017 at 4:46 PM, DogOnPorch said:

There were always chemical weapons in Iraq. The Red Herring was Saddam working on a nuke at that late stage of the game. However, the Anti-Bush crowd still maintains that No WMDs Were Found. That includes nerve agents. But this is untrue...and has always been untrue as the Iran-Iraq War was full of Iraqi nerve gas attacks.

ISIS looks harder than UN officials in shiny shoes when it comes to WMDs...they've found all sorts of goodies and boasted about it. But still...the narrative reads: No WMDs were ever found in Iraq.

No the red herring was the "large active chemical weapon manufacturing" capability that Iraq was accused of having prior to the invasion.

And nobody said "no WMD's were ever found". Some of stuff WAS found... it was inventoried and destroyed. But it was insignificant when compared to the claims made prior to the war. Christ... even Bush admitted he was wrong. Funny that you guys still stick to this revisionist history.

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33 minutes ago, taxme said:

Some ex-military have had a rough time trying to cope with civilian life after serving in the military. So much for those people that now Canadians have to take care of(PSTD)when they return home. Joining the military does have it's up's and down's. And when they do leave the military there are probably few jobs waiting for them because we have an unemployment problem in Canada. Too many new immigrants taking many good paying jobs from them. But I bet you do not care about that, eh? 

You've made it very clear what you think about the military and the people who are in it. Don't now tell me that you give a shit about what happens to them when they get out.

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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

So your saying all those that did not follow your career path are not using common sense, or just dumb stupid animals....WOW.....listen everyone marches to their own drum....soldiers join for thousands of reasons, some decided by courts as an alternative, others no jobs in their local neighborhoods, some for the adventure, some for the free education,or job experience, some to travel, some join because they want to be a part of something larger, they want to serve the nation...And here i thought we lived in a free country where a person could chose their own path to walk.....No i guess not, not only to military members have to worry about getting bent over the table by our government ,but now we have to watch our backs from our own citizens.....Nobody has said you had to join the military to be somebody, it is not a life for everyone, it takes a certain type of person....and your not that type SO what.....nobody cares except you.....but that is not enough for you, instead now you've taken to media to call them names , and degrade them.....if that floats your boat....giver.....one day when you grow up, you'll see that may the military is not all that bad after all....

The military does not give one shit about what our politicians think about our military.....we have seen them come and go, from the kissinger's to the cretien's , now things go a lot better when they do approve of the military, but we don't need their approval to do our jobs..... 

I don't believe that taking up a career in the military is all that a smart thing to do. But if it worked out well for some people well good for them. I didn't call anyone "dumb stupid animals". I only just quoted what Kissinger said about people in the military. Wow, blame that quote on me. WOW. 

We pretty much can chose our own path to walk. Lucky us. We are always led to believe that we live in a free country but that is not always the case. Your freedom depends on what our politicians will allow you to say. Indeed you really do need to watch your backs from the back stabbers who think and say that soldiers are "dumb stupid animals". It is your leaders that could careless about you as you said. You have no need to worry about getting stabbed in the back from citizen.s. Maybe some flak now and then but that is about all you will get from them. 

So just where have I called military people names? I am fully grown up, and I have a right to my opinion whether you like it or not. I do not see a need for a military. Maybe a national guard of some sort. Switzerland is doing just fine without a military as far as I know. 

Maybe the military doesn't give one chit about what your politicians say about the military but the military takes their orders from them. And if they say it's off to war then you are off to war to get maimed or killed for the elite establishment, and nothing more. It's funny that we have laws against people who want to kill other people but yet in war it is alright to go kill someone, and the more the merrier. One can go kill when the government says that you can go kill. There is really something wrong with this picture.  


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1 minute ago, taxme said:

. It's funny that we have laws against people who want to kill other people but yet in war it is alright to go kill someone, and the more the merrier.


Wait a minute, you could be on to something here.

We're gonna need a bigger police department.  All those murder charges!

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49 minutes ago, Rue said:

Yes Switzerland, Jamaica, Sweden, Canada, Norway, Denmark, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, to name a few and hey don't get m e started

on Tonga's army.


Your lumping Switzerland and Canada together here. Switzerland does not have a military, Canada does. So, what are you trying to say here? 

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48 minutes ago, Rue said:

I bet you have proof of the immigrants taking good paying jobs. Let's see it.

C'mon, every Canadian government agency, and pretty much every corporation has a minority hiring policy. We have been taking in hundreds of thousands of new third world immigrants into Canada for decades now. You are not going to believe and tell me that many of them are not being hired, and are taking jobs away from host Canadians. C'mon, I cannot believe that this is not happening. Only a fool will believe that this is not so. And I wonder as to how many jobs may have gone to one of these new immigrant refugees? 


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20 minutes ago, Wilber said:

You've made it very clear what you think about the military and the people who are in it. Don't now tell me that you give a shit about what happens to them when they get out.

I have made it clear that I do not care if we have a military or not. So, just where did I say that I did not give a shit about them? Did I actually say that I do not give a "shit" about them? Show me verbatim the words? 

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43 minutes ago, dre said:

No the red herring was the "large active chemical weapon manufacturing" capability that Iraq was accused of having prior to the invasion.

And nobody said "no WMD's were ever found". Some of stuff WAS found... it was inventoried and destroyed. But it was insignificant when compared to the claims made prior to the war. Christ... even Bush admitted he was wrong. Funny that you guys still stick to this revisionist history.




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1 minute ago, taxme said:

I have made it clear that I do not care if we have a military or not. So, just where did I say that I did not give a shit about them? Did I actually say that I do not give a "shit" about them? Show me verbatim the words? 

Go back and read some of your own posts. You think they are all brainwashed twits who get what the deserve.

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13 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

Wait a minute, you could be on to something here.

We're gonna need a bigger police department.  All those murder charges!

I am on to something here. Really. :D  

But don't worry the killing will continue because the government says it is alright to kill people under certain circumstances. The government abolished the death penalty because it is suppose to be cruel and unusual punishment. But it is not cruel to go out and kill people if the government says that it is alright to kill. C'mon can't these politicians make up their bloody minds? 

"Bigger police department" You funny guy, you. :D

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2 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:




Well at least you provided some proof this time to back up your assertions.

All that were found were small quantities of chemical weapons that were way past their effective use date.



He narrated a slide show, described as the White House election year album, making hay of the administration's reputation for secrecy and strained relations with European allies. But it was the joke about the war in Iraq that drew attacks.

A slide showed Mr Bush in the Oval office, leaning to look under a piece of furniture. "Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be here somewhere," he told the audience, drawing applause.

Another slide showed him peering into another part of the office, "Nope, no weapons over there," he said, laughing. "Maybe under here," he said, as a third slide was shown.

Remember Powell had come clean in the years after indicating he was pressured into putting forth the false narrative of the 'immediate WMD threat' that Iraq supposed to have had. They relied on terrible 'intelligence' that brought them to war.

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7 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

Well at least you provided some proof this time to back up your assertions.

All that were found were small quantities of chemical weapons that were way past their effective use date.


Remember Powell had come clean in the years after indicating he was pressured into putting forth the false narrative of the 'immediate WMD threat' that Iraq supposed to have had. They relied on terrible 'intelligence' that brought them to war.

Another poster that doesn't understand how sarin is employed.

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12 minutes ago, Wilber said:

Say What!

If you were Swiss you you would have been required to do compulsory service and be a member of the militia.

Swiss Military

I don't believe that soldiers in Switzerland need to worry about going off to war and get maimed or killed when some silly ass country decides that they want to start a war somewhere around the world like some countries like to do. I won't mention any names. I don't believe that Switzerland gets involved in any wars. They prefer to stay neutral. Smart people those Swiss are. They don't send their soldiers off to war to get maimed or killed like we do here in Canada. They prefer to just play a roll in peacekeeping. Canada can do the same, and save our soldiers from getting maimed or killed. Why not? Maybe you like wars? 

Maybe it would not be such a bad idea having a compulsory military program for Canada like they have in Switzerland. That would be okay and would work for me. It would get some of those teenagers that are living in their parents basement out of there, and give them something to do besides playing video games. It would make a man of them, I hope. At least there should be no problem for any of them developing PTSD which has caused plenty of problems for soldiers exiting the military, not to forget the huge cost to the taxpayer's that are associated with PTSD. 

"Say what"? Well, that is what i have to say. :D

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So now they do have a military. I bet they have a lot more people under 40 with basic military training than Canada. Their militia also take their weapons home with them. 

I see you think compulsory military training might be a good thing for others. No mention of what it might have done for your attitude if you had gone through it.

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On 4/7/2017 at 11:17 AM, blackbird said:

The U.S. launched 59 Tomahawk Cruise missiles against a Syrian airfield after notifying the Russians the attack would be coming, enabling everyone to get out of the airfield in time.  This was in reaction to the chemical gas attacks against men, women, and children a few days ago.  News reports say it is to send a message to Assad not to do it again.  Canada PM announced Canada supports this action.

What happens next in Syria? 

It looks like Trump bombed an empty airfield according to what I heard on the internet. No one was injured or killed apparently. It would appear as though all this fluff stuff about injuries and killings happening was all just a false fake news story put out by the elite establishment and the liberal lefty fake media to try and get Assad ousted from power. It is not going to happen, folks. Assad is going to stick it out and keep trying to destroy ISIS with the help of Russia, and America , if what Trump has said already that he is going to bomb the hell out of ISIS. When will we ever see the day when all this ME bull chit come to an end. I guess when the Soros/Kissinger types are gone and end up sitting on the left side of satan. Does satan give out awards or badges for the scum that help create chaos and havoc on the world?  Just curious. 

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19 minutes ago, GostHacked said:


All that were found were small quantities of chemical weapons that were way past their effective use date.


Remember Powell had come clean in the years after indicating he was pressured into putting forth the false narrative of the 'immediate WMD threat' that Iraq supposed to have had. They relied on terrible 'intelligence' that brought them to war.

That's it? Lol. That's your narrative ....there were only "small;; quantities of chemical weapons that were way past their effective date"

Tell me how much nerve has or mustard gas in "small quantities" is safe? Do tell. Better yet, what the phack are you talking about. Since when does mustard gas have shelf life? Oh please explain that chemicals do you claim had "expired"? Please do share.

Tell he does Halabja mean anything to you?

The US acted morally to rid the world of a man engaging in genocide of Kurds and the massacre of his own innocent civilians.

I commend them. Small quantities of chemicals my ass. The only revisionism is this left apologizing for Hussein pretending he was not dangerous because no chemicals were found. They were always there. The fact they did not "find" them as you say doesn't mean they were not there.




Donald Rumsfeld met with Sadaam Hussein in 1983 when he was the Secretary of Defense for Bush Sr. He arranged the sale of anthrax and bubonic plague. The US provided Hussein  such chemicals up to the Gulf War when Hussein invaded Kuwait. The US backed Hussein against Iran. This is all now released in declassified info.It aso appears just one week before the invasion of Kuwait, Hussein claims and it may very well be true because the declassified info that April Gkaspue the Ambassador to Uraq gave him a mixed message that led him to believe the invasion of Kuwait would not cause a US reaction.

A declassified document shows an affidavit from Howard Teicher of the National Security Council during the Reagan era stating that in those days the US actively supported the Iraqi war effort against Iran. Its no secret. So if anyone knew what technology Hussein had, of course it would be the Americans. There is a 1994 Senate Banking Committee document also released showing dozens of biological agents were shipped in the mid 80's from the US Commerce Dept., specifically Anthrax.

In November 1983, a month before Rumsfeld  visited Baghdad, the then US Sec. of State George Shultz was given reports which are now declassified showing daily use of chemicals by Hussein against the Iranians as well as the Kurds. There were also stories the gas used against the Kurds was from Iran not Iraq.

The Halajba gas attack was real.


Did it ever dawn on you the US knew there was gas because they gave it?

You so sure it didn't continue to exist?


Here you want to selectively quote the Guardian? Go back to it then and explain this:


What I am saying is you and I, no one knows the true story of WMD in Iraq:



In fact it appears there certainly were WMD's and what happened to them is that they may very well have ended up in the hands of Al Quaeda, Daesh-ISIS, Syria.

It could very well be the WMD's suddenly were not found because maybe the US preferred that to finding them and having them traced back to the US?

Can you say that was not the case?

Of course not.

You don't have the true story and one of your leftist trendy anti American friends do.

The reality is chemicals have been around since 1915 in that area of he world first created by the Germans and then brought in by the British.

The cold reality? Iran, Iraq used them. So has Al Quaeda, Daesh, Syria.

I stated on this board before, much of what we read about "nuclear" Iran could very well be a cover story for another fear, and that is that Iran, Syria, Iraq, the whole bloody lot of them including Daesh and Al Quaeda have their hands on toxic chemicals and gas and that is the real fear not nukes.

You and I will never know the truth. The best we can do is follow up with declassified info years after the fact.

The fact is the West, in particular Britain, Germany, France, Belgium and the US have sold chemicals to ME countries as have China and Russia and you and I do not know at what quantities and who has them. I can tell you this, certain chemicals can sit for centuries and not break down. Viruses in air tight containers don't expire.









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One thing we also should talk about are the chemical weapons the  rebels or any other group has, remember the rebels are supported by the US and other NATO countries and they, with good reason want Assad gone. A military doctor has come out and said it wasn't sarin , it was chlorine  and the pictures of the kids hurt show no workers wearing protective gloves and no burns on bodies. Also, Trump was told he should send 150,000 boots on the ground but Trump not sure he should.

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