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You are ruled by Sharia


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7 hours ago, ?Impact said:

What, did you seriously just type that? Maybe in a few generations you might get away with that, but now you sound like a holocaust denier.

So it was Muslims who exposed priests having sex with kids? And Jews who punished it?

You ever wonder why such stories don't arise from the Islamic world at all?

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7 hours ago, blackbird said:

Altai,  you are in a state of denial.  Sharia denies freedom of religion and speech in countries where it is imposed.  That's why I asked you if you can give any evidence that the Quran and Sharia is from God.  If it does not come from God, then it must be invented by man.  The Holy Bible as I explained earlier to other people comes from God and the evidence it comes from God is overwhelming.  Many prophets and apostles wrote the bible under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and some of them were martyred for their faith.  People don't die for something that is false.  If you read the first two books of the Bible you will see some big miracles recorded.  The children of Israel were held in slavery by the Eygptians for hundreds of years until God set them free.  There were many miracles that God performed to convince the Eygptian pharoah to let the children of Israel go.  Then God parted the Red Sea and Moses led them through to the promised land.  These were big miracles.  Have you read the Quran?

I reject the illogical claims while you are denying the logic. Falsehood cannot be denied, because its also false. Only truth could be denied as you do. 

Sharia means "Quran". Some "so-Called" Muslims add within it stories-fairy tales from ancient times too and make it something else, its not Sharia. Even if we accept this illogical action of them as "true" just for a moment, their stories "cannot be" contradictory with Quran. Because Quran is at the top while ancient stories comes later than Quran, according to these "so-called Muslims". So while Allah says there is no compulsion, it does not matter what an ancient story says. Also these stories not only contradicts with Quran but they also contradicts with each other. 

Why are you picking the cheries ? You mean Quran was written by prophet Muhammad but you are ignoring Quran verses and you are following stories written by unknown persons ? Which one of us are the hypocrite ? Which one of us are in denial ? You or me ?

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7 hours ago, Altai said:

I reject the illogical claims while you are denying the logic. Falsehood cannot be denied, because its also false. Only truth could be denied as you do. 

Sharia means "Quran". Some "so-Called" Muslims add within it stories-fairy tales from ancient times too and make it something else, its not Sharia. Even if we accept this illogical action of them as "true" just for a moment, their stories "cannot be" contradictory with Quran. Because Quran is at the top while ancient stories comes later than Quran, according to these "so-called Muslims". So while Allah says there is no compulsion, it does not matter what an ancient story says. Also these stories not only contradicts with Quran but they also contradicts with each other. 

Why are you picking the cheries ? You mean Quran was written by prophet Muhammad but you are ignoring Quran verses and you are following stories written by unknown persons ? Which one of us are the hypocrite ? Which one of us are in denial ? You or me ?

Altai,  I am not cherry-picking anything.  What is truth?   You believe the Quran came from God.  I asked you to explain why you believe that.  Is that a good question?

The Holy Bible was written over a period of 1500 years and completed about 2000 years ago by about 40 different men, long before Muhammad lived.  Muhammad lived about 500 years after the Bible was completed.  The Bible has recorded many miracles that took place and many of the men who wrote the bible were eyewitnesses to many miracles.  This is one reason you should consider believing the bible came from God.  The bible is divided up into 66 books.  The second book of the Bible is called Exodus and it tells of many miracles that Moses performed by the power of God.  When Moses was in Eygpt with the children of Israel, he performed many miracles to make the Eygptians let the children of Israel go.  Then when the children of Israel were leaving Egypt, God divided the Red Sea so that they could cross to the promised land.  see Exodus ch14 vs 21

Jesus performed many miracles.  They are recorded in the first four book (gospels) of the New Testament.  The bible is divided into the Old Testament and the New Testament.  The life of Jesus is recorded in the four gospels of the New Testament.  Many of the prophets who wrote the Bible were martyred for their faith.  This is further proof that what they wrote in the Bible was true.  There are prophecies in the Bible that predicted things that had not yet happened and the prophecies came true.  This is further proof that the bible came from God.  Do you have anything to show that the Quran came from God? 

The fact that Jesus was seen after he was resurrected from the dead by many eyewitnesses proves a number of things.  It proves that Jesus is who he said he is.  That is, Jesus is the Son of God and also God.  He is not an ordinary man or ordinary prophet as Muslims claim.  He performed many miracles and rose from the dead.

A central message in the Bible is that God wants men and women to have a personal relationship with him.  That is why he sent his son, Jesus, to die on the cross and shed his blood for ours sins.  Read the gospels and the book of Hebrews about the necessity of having a sacrifice to pay the price for our sins.  Jesus paid that price.  The Quran has no similar saviour who paid for our sins.   If you look at the Old Testament you will see in Old Testament times the Jews offered sacrifices for sins on an alter.  That was only a picture of Christ, the one and only sacrifice for sin.  He could do that because he was God's son.  God sent his Son to be a sacrifice for our sins.  God wants you to believe in Jesus and it is through Jesus that we can know God.  "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."  John ch14 vs6

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19 hours ago, Altai said:

- The word jizyah derives from "cezaya" which means punishment. We also have the same word in Turkish as a result of interaction with Arabic and it means the same thing, so punishment. In Arabic, the word "dariba" means tax. So the word "Jizyah" is used to describe war reparations. 


Thanks for explaining that.  Now, I must admit I thought it was still being imposed due to posts made on this board and I hadn't actually checked it out until this morning.  It seems that has become a practice relegated to history, notwithstanding the attempts of some terror groups to revive it.


20 hours ago, Altai said:

-  Men gets the heritage  twice more than women because men "have to" work and they "have to" meet all needs of their wife and family. Women "dont have to" work and they are only responsible of raising and educating their children and take care of their husband, they dont have to work.


Sometimes a woman will have to work, for instance if her husband died or deserted her, or pehaps if she has never married.  Should a woman still be denied the full share of an inheritance that may help her and her children?   I suppose you will answer that the brother will take care of her but when it comes to money and inheritances, siblings do not always do as they should for each other.   If a law is going to dictate who gets what, would it not be fairer and safer to require that an inheritance be shared equally?    Can parents overrule this inheritance law, if they want?

In my country, parents can decide who gets the inheritance - they can even essentially cut a child completely out of any inheritance.   But at least they can respond to the reality that one of their kids may a criminal and would only use an inheritance to further his/her criminal endeavors and leave him/her little or nothing, or perhaps one child will need the major part of an inheritance because he or she has a condition that will require lifelong care.   If the parents die without a will, then the courts will generally apportion everything equally.


20 hours ago, Altai said:

- Men are much more familiar with financial affairs because of their responsibilities while women dont have to be familiar with it because of their responsibilities. Men are much more strong and tough due to their nature while women are much more elegant and fearful because of their nature. Therefore Allah wants women to support each other. 


This makes women remarkably easy to take advantage of, and while it's nice to assume that all men know how to handle financial affairs and would never take advantage, this is simply not reality; nor is it reality to suppose that a woman will always have male relatives to look after her.   Imagine that a woman's husband dies and leaves her fairly wealthy; she was considered too inept to learn financial mattes and so someone comes along and tricks her - she loses all her money and ends up destitute on the street.   You may think this is far-fetched, but in Canada we used to have a kind of similar social expectation that men handled the money because women 'didn't have to' but then when the husband died, women were left clueless and struggling because they had never learned about their finances.   If they choose to, can a husband and wife decide to share financial matters, or could a woman be the one 'responsible' for it?   Does Sharia allow for that kind of flexibility in it's application?

I think a system of laws or a social system which assumes women aren't capable of taking care of themselves and therefore must rely on men is unfair, and puts women at a distinct disadvantage.  There is no guarantee that just because a law says 'men will protect/care for women responsibly' that it will happen or that any particular woman will always have a male relative to care for her.   If a woman happens to be married to a man who beats her harshly, which is contrary to the Quran, but she is completely financially reliant upon him because of Sharia law, is that just?  

Did Allah intend for women to be helplessly reliant upon men, regardless of the circumstances of her life or the character of the men in her life?   



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3 hours ago, blackbird said:

Altai,  I am not cherry-picking anything.  What is truth?   You believe the Quran came from God.  I asked you to explain why you believe that.  Is that a good question?

Please read the OP and avoid derailing the topic. If you want to discuss something else, you are free to start another topic. I wont warn you one more time if you keep insisting on this rude behavior and I will put you in my ignore list where you will stay forever and you will lost all your opportunity to have a possible communication with me in the future.

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2 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Thanks for explaining that.  Now, I must admit I thought it was still being imposed due to posts made on this board and I hadn't actually checked it out until this morning.  It seems that has become a practice relegated to history, notwithstanding the attempts of some terror groups to revive it.


Re: Dervived From:

Cizye is Turkish.

Jizya is Arabic.

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2 hours ago, dialamah said:

Thanks for explaining that.  Now, I must admit I thought it was still being imposed due to posts made on this board and I hadn't actually checked it out until this morning.  It seems that has become a practice relegated to history, notwithstanding the attempts of some terror groups to revive it.


1) Sometimes a woman will have to work, for instance if her husband died or deserted her, or pehaps if she has never married.  Should a woman still be denied the full share of an inheritance that may help her and her children?   I suppose you will answer that the brother will take care of her but when it comes to money and inheritances, siblings do not always do as they should for each other.   If a law is going to dictate who gets what, would it not be fairer and safer to require that an inheritance be shared equally?   2) Can parents overrule this inheritance law, if they want?

In my country, parents can decide who gets the inheritance - they can even essentially cut a child completely out of any inheritance.   But at least they can respond to the reality that one of their kids may a criminal and would only use an inheritance to further his/her criminal endeavors and leave him/her little or nothing, or perhaps one child will need the major part of an inheritance because he or she has a condition that will require lifelong care.   If the parents die without a will, then the courts will generally apportion everything equally.


This makes women remarkably easy to take advantage of, and while it's nice to assume that all men know how to handle financial affairs and would never take advantage, this is simply not reality; nor is it reality to suppose that a woman will always have male relatives to look after her. 3)  Imagine that a woman's husband dies and leaves her fairly wealthy; she was considered too inept to learn financial mattes and so someone comes along and tricks her - she loses all her money and ends up destitute on the street.   You may think this is far-fetched, but in Canada we used to have a kind of similar social expectation that men handled the money because women 'didn't have to' but then when the husband died, women were left clueless and struggling because they had never learned about their finances.   If they choose to, can a husband and wife decide to share financial matters, or could a woman be the one 'responsible' for it?   Does Sharia allow for that kind of flexibility in it's application?

4) I think a system of laws or a social system which assumes women aren't capable of taking care of themselves and therefore must rely on men is unfair, and puts women at a distinct disadvantage.  5)There is no guarantee that just because a law says 'men will protect/care for women responsibly' that it will happen or that any particular woman will always have a male relative to care for her.  6) If a woman happens to be married to a man who beats her harshly, which is contrary to the Quran, but she is completely financially reliant upon him because of Sharia law, is that just?  

Did Allah intend for women to be helplessly reliant upon men, regardless of the circumstances of her life or the character of the men in her life?   



1) According to Sharia, men have to meet all needs of their ex-wifes until they reach to an enough welfare level. Having a job or marrying with someone else. 

2) The heritage owner can do whatever he/she want with the heritage. First of all, the heritage have to pay all the debts of the deceased person. Then willingness of the deceased person is made with the rest of heritage. Finally kids can share rest of the heritage according to Sharia. 

3) Probably noone will dare to fool a widow woman in a Sharia ruled country if they dont want to lose their hands or their heads.

4) You show the typical features of a kafir by distorting the meanings despite I make the explanation. So if you also know what does it mean, why are you asking me. This is why you are in my ignore list. 

5) There is no guarantee for anything. Muslims are "ordered to help" those: Parents, relatives, orphans, poors, neighbors, travellers. Verse 4:36.  If you are woman in a Sharia ruled country, everyone will help you.

6) Read the 5 and all the other posts of mine in this topic again.

7) Leave being a freeloader and research yourself for all of these things, because all of the answers of your questions are openly written in Quran. I dont think that you are trying to understand and learn something. You are trying to be a parasite.

8) Byeee !!! 

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1 hour ago, Altai said:

5) There is no guarantee for anything. Muslims are "ordered to help" those: Parents, relatives, orphans, poors, neighbors, travellers. Verse 4:36.  If you are woman in a Sharia ruled country, everyone will help you


If you were listening, I would tell you that I've seen this in action in my sister's family and when done right, it's very effective.  But I also saw women begging on the street, so clearly not everyone in a 'sharia ruled' country will help others.  


1 hour ago, Altai said:

3) Probably noone will dare to fool a widow woman in a Sharia ruled country if they dont want to lose their hands or their heads.

Except that who would be the witness if a woman brought a charge against that person?   She would need *more* witnesses than would a man in similar circumstance.  Is that fair?

You are young and naive, and in some ways it's kind of cute.   I suppose some day you will realize that the world doesn't work quite as simply as you imagine.  In Muslim majority countries, where Sharia law is implemented, women are disadvantaged and often oppressed - the stricter the code of Sharia followed, the worse is the woman's lot.   Muslims who believe that the intent of Allah and Muhammed was to value and honor women should be aware of the injustices and inhumanities done because of Sharia law and work to change that, rather than burying their head in the sand and pretending this doesn't happen.

If someone who hasn't yet made Altai's ignore list would like to repost that for me I would appreciate it, cause I would like her to see it.


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13 hours ago, dialamah said:

If someone who hasn't yet made Altai's ignore list would like to repost that for me I would appreciate it, cause I would like her to see it.


Don't know if I am on the ignore list or not.  She threatened to put me on it if I continue asking a question she didn't like.  So I gave up.

Do you know what OP means?

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2 hours ago, blackbird said:

Don't know if I am on the ignore list or not.  She threatened to put me on it if I continue asking a question she didn't like.  So I gave up.

Do you know what OP means?

Now I will put you in my ignore list because of lying and slander. Despite I excplained why I dont reply you, you dont want to understand because of it contradicts with your personal ego and interests. This topic is about "whether or not Sharia is similar with countries laws including Canada laws". You are asking something complately irrelevant with the topic subject. You are asking me "Whether or not I can prove that Quran is the word of God". So in this case it does not matter whether or not Quran is the word of God. Here the case is there is something called Sharia and its similar and non-similar parts with countries' laws. Your question has "zero" effect nor "relevance" with the content.

So Quran is not the word of any God/Gods, but I am still questioning its suitability with countries' laws.

Quran is the word of God/Gods, but I am still questionin its suitability with countries's laws. 

I invited you to start another topic and you rejected it too.

Bye !!!

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7 hours ago, Altai said:

Now I will put you in my ignore list because of lying and slander. Despite I excplained why I dont reply you, you dont want to understand because of it contradicts with your personal ego and interests. This topic is about "whether or not Sharia is similar with countries laws including Canada laws". You are asking something complately irrelevant with the topic subject. You are asking me "Whether or not I can prove that Quran is the word of God". So in this case it does not matter whether or not Quran is the word of God. Here the case is there is something called Sharia and its similar and non-similar parts with countries' laws. Your question has "zero" effect nor "relevance" with the content.

So Quran is not the word of any God/Gods, but I am still questioning its suitability with countries' laws.

Quran is the word of God/Gods, but I am still questionin its suitability with countries's laws. 

I invited you to start another topic and you rejected it too.

Bye !!!

What lie or slander did I say?  Disagreement and pointing out facts is not a lie or slander.  You might not like it or disagree with it but it is a point of view.  A lie is something meant to deceive.  Sorry if I offended you.  If you want to put be on your ignore list, you are free to do that.

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Another similarity is about racism issue. Sharia prohibits racism. Many countries in the World also prohibits racism "on the paper" but almost all of them and their people behave racist in every area of their lifes.

Verse 49:13 say that the best person for Allah is the one who respects most and gives importance most to his rules. 

Verse 49:10 says that all Muslims are only best friends. 

Verse 23:101 says that it wont be matter what race or ethnic people are when they will be in front of Allah on the day of reckoning. 

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29 minutes ago, Altai said:

Sharia prohibits racism. Many countries in the World also prohibits racism "on the paper" but almost all of them and their people behave racist in every area of their lifes.


Muslims and Muslim countries also "behave racist", despite what the Quran says.   Despite your conviction that Islam is some panacea "If only people followed it", Muslims are no better at following the best tenets of their faith than any other religious group.    There are wonderful Christians and wonderful Muslims; there are mediocre Muslims and Christians and absolutely horrific Muslims and Christians. Right now, at this point in history, Islamic countries and Muslims have some catching up to do with regards to women's rights and minority rights, not to mention the ridiculous laws against apostasy and heresy some Islamic countries impose.    Perhaps you could work toward the betterment of Islam in regards to these things, rather than endlessly repeating how 'right' the Quran is.   



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The premises of the thread as is delusional.  None of us of course are ruled by Sharia law. Sharia law is the law of Islam enforced in Muslim countries or followed by those Muslims outside Muslim nations who choose to follow it.

Sharia law is the act of a Muslim state enforcing Islamic religious precepts through state structures, usually councils. Its based on "Sunnah"  the alleged words of Muhammad and the Koran, the alleged written records of what Muhammad said. Neither Sunnah or the Koran is first hand-its 1000th hand-its someone's version of someone else's version of someone else's version and so on of what they think Muhammad said no different that why for example the gospels in the New Testament are referred to the same way "gospels according to...". The people who wrote the Koran like the New and Old Testaments were ghost writers. No one really knows what Muhammed actually said any more then they know what Jesus or Moses or anyone else actually said.

On the one hand Sharia law is not supposed to be subject to different opinions or alterations but none-the- less its  interpretation ("figh,")  is completely inconsistent since Imams and Mullahs are not educated under one central education system and so their individual interpretation of it varies and there is no uniformity in how each Imam or Mullah interprets the Sunnah or Koran. Also keep in mind man Imams and Mullahs are self taught.

When Islam and the Sunnah and Koran are enforced or set in motion by the state, the state makes no distinction between Islam the religion, Islam the state, and Islam the legal system created by the state to apply Islamic preachings of Muhammad. 

The application, enforcement, interpretation, structure, institutional systems, of each Muslim state depend on the  nation you are in and so the way Sharia law is enforced in Sudan, Libya, Chad, Dahomey, Senegal, Nigeria, Mali, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Somalia, Tanzania, Kenya, Indonesia, Albania-Croatia-Serbia, China, Russia, Chechnya, on and on is not the same although it can have similar practices. There is also no legal  system where decisions of Imams or Mullahs are recorded Iin writing or passed down orally and used by subsequent Imams and Mullahs with similar fact situations as binding principles[. There is no one written code either. Muslim states that were French colonies may have codes like France does, but they are still subject to a greater sharia law.

In the West our laws are created in essence to  regulate public behavior (criminal, regulatory laws) and  provide assistance to resolve disputes between individuals or parties in private disputes (civil law) but it deals with behaviour between more than one person in public. Sharia law goes much further. It regulates not just government or public behavior, but individual, private beliefs. So it necessarily imposes a system of belief on individuals that we in the Western world would never stand for. It in fact is similar to a time period when puritanical Christian beliefs first Catholic and then later Protestant as well as Catholic were imposed that way. Western society however evolved past this. We no longer burn witches at stake, stone homosexuals, etc. The Catholic and Protestant churches today may retain formal symbolic ties to the state but no real every day power. So for example the Queen of England is also the head of the Anglican Church but when she is Queen of Canada and Britain she does not order Jews or Muslims or non Anglicans to be Anglican. In fact the Queen is deeply respected by the Chief Rabbiah of Britain, Catholic Church in England, the heads of the Muslim, Hindu and Wiccan religons in Britain. She is enlightened, highly educated as to other religions and customs and is a symbol that defines all religions as having equal rights.

In Sharia law nations, a non-Muslim citizen is not defined as an equal to a Muslim. That is fact. Sharia law defines non-Muslims as not capable of being able to tell the truth and thus requiring a Muslim to present their cases in court and testify for them. Non Muslims can not own land like a Muslim can. In Sharia law questioning an Imam’s or Mullah’s version or interpretation of the Koran can lead to state imprisonment and in theory death. In some nations they still cut of a hand when you steal. If a Muslim converts to Christianity or another religion they face death, not to mention a person who is said to lead a Muslim to convert is punishable by death.  In Muslim countries adult men are still married to infant girls. Book 41, Kita Al-Adab is cited to justify cutting a young girl’s clitoris, in fact mutilating it so she can not possibly enjoy sex. Men can have 4 wives, women only one husband. Men can beat their wives for being disobedient. Division of property and custody of children on divorce which can only be initiated by men is done in an unfair manner in favour of men. To this day you need 4 male witnesses to prove rape against a woman. When a woman's testifies in court it only carries  ½ the weight of a man's. Fact, a female heir inherits only half of what a man inherits. Its very well known to some of us that for example in Saudi Arabia a woman who drives a car is said to commit a “ fitnah ” roughly translated as affront to society or disruption or riot or upheaval or rebellion subjecting her to whipping, prison sentence, even death. In sharia law a woman cannot speak alone to a man or be in the presence of a ma alone or be touched by a man who is not her husband or relative. In sharia law, it is acceptable for Muslims to lie to non Muslims (“ Taquiyya “ ) as long as they can show it is to the benefit of Muslims.

Now the person who poses as the thread creator I have to openly question. This creator claims Muslims don't lie. They of course lie as all humans do. Next this person will say Muslims don't fart either.

I  believe the thread creator is not capable of discussing sharia law openly and candidly and admitting many of the things it holds as truth. I also note the creator's first opening comment dictates what people are allowed to discuss showing an attempt to control what people think. This creator then exhibits this continued behaviour as this creator does on other threads of banning or censoring people the moment the creator of this thread disagrees with them.

I myself think the device of this individual in using a picture of a young woman and posing as a young woman does not match the profile of the writing which I find distinctively male in phrasing. In fact the more I read, the more I see evidence of someone  trying to proseltyze and spread the word of Islam. Myself I find it very difficult to grasp how any young woman would subject herself to a system of law that allows her clitoris to be mutilated, her very essence defined as subordinate to a male's and her very purpose in life dependent on what men define her as.

I lived in a country, Israel where Muslim Israelis could opt out of Israeli family laws and follow sharia laws but chose as Muslims to flee sharia law and seek protection in women's shelters and under Israeli non religious family laws prohibiting domestic violence. I also have witnessed first hand in Canada in our family courts what happens to young women who question their Muslim  religion, or not even this  religion but the  customs carried on in the name of Islam such as the head covering with is not a religious edict but a cultural choice based on the premises that the sight of their skin sexually excites me and all other men and I presume although no Muslim ever said it lesbians.

I find any young woman who would dress as the woman is posed in the avatar and writes what is found on this thread highly improbable. Ask yourself why this individual in the Avatar is not covered and ask does the image you see of a distinctly Westernized young woman match the fundamental Islam she preaches?

I contend the Western depiction of the young woman in the Avatar  and the Sharia law " she "  speaks of direcly conflict. Been there done that with Muslim extremist men trying to lure young women and men into extremist Islam.  Not only been there, done that, but witnessed the consequences of extremist puppets allowing others to tell them how to think and what to preach.

Give me twenty minutes with one teenager being recruited using the pretext of the pretty poser. if they are that young, just twenty minutes. Its all I need..that and a morgue showing them what a female body looks like after the clitoris circumcision caused the girl to bleed to death. Just twenty minutes to have them read the label on the body parts left over from a bomb or see the burns or permanent fractures of an abused women from some religious man. That's all it takes.

It aint got nothing to do with Moe-Zuz, Gee-Zuz, Moe-Hamed, Al Ugh, Jehove Ugh. Its just some men with small pee pees trying to recruit young, lonely, confused people.

Epic failure Omar. Yer net has too many holes in it to catch anything


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33 minutes ago, Rue said:

The premises of the thread as is delusional.  None of us of course are ruled by Sharia law. Sharia law is the law of Islam enforced in Muslim countries or followed by those Muslims outside Muslim nations who choose to follow it.

I agree!  We are not ruled by Sharia.

I pose we are ruled by corrupt rich elites.

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8 hours ago, Rue said:

The premises of the thread as is delusional.  None of us of course are ruled by Sharia law. Sharia law is the law of Islam enforced in Muslim countries or followed by those Muslims outside Muslim nations who choose to follow it.

Sharia law is the act of a Muslim state e


Ofcourse you are ruled by Sharia. You cant discuss with me anything, you are not capable to discuss with me, this is why you are in my ignore list ^_^ if you want to discuss with me anything, first of all you "have to be" a honest person. 

Can you prove us that you are a honest "Israeli" LoooL (I know its impossible but still I will try) ?

I have an offer and I will prove that you are a liar, but first, you should promise me and everyone in the forum that you will leave the forum forever if I prove you are a liar. I also want mods to promise us they will ban you if you reject to leave forum despite I prove you are a liar.

Think about my offer and let me know your decision, you can send PM. My offer is valid for 1 month from now on. 

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48 minutes ago, Altai said:

Liars can only give me negative reps, they cant stand in front of me. 

Keep calm and say Allahu Akbar ^_^ 

You put everybody that disagrees with you on your ignore list. Have the guts to argue your points and listen do a different point of view. Posters have made some very good points and you just call them liars or you ignore them or you ask that they no longer post on this sight anymore. 

But keep telling yourself they are all liars lil girl

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11 hours ago, Altai said:

Ofcourse you are ruled by Sharia. You cant discuss with me anything, you are not capable to discuss with me, this is why you are in my ignore list ^_^ if you want to discuss with me anything, first of all you "have to be" a honest person. 

Can you prove us that you are a honest "Israeli" LoooL (I know its impossible but still I will try) ?

I have an offer and I will prove that you are a liar, but first, you should promise me and everyone in the forum that you will leave the forum forever if I prove you are a liar. I also want mods to promise us they will ban you if you reject to leave forum despite I prove you are a liar.

Think about my offer and let me know your decision, you can send PM. My offer is valid for 1 month from now on. 

Of course I am not ruled by Sharia law. I live in Ontario Canada. The laws that I abide by and follow are the municipal laws of Mississauga, Ontario, the provincial laws of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada. That's it.

Next I am a Canadian. So giggle tee hee but I am not Israeli. More to the point anyone can claim anything on this forum like you claiming to be Turkish or female. It means nothing. On forums one's identity as you have shown can be hidden and they can make any ridiculous comment or pose as anyone they want to. Right Omar is it? Or is it Muhammed? Abdul? Farouk? Gamel? Yasir? Wait don't tell me Mujibar? Barak? Sirhan?

Next you have an offer that you will prove me a liar but first I most promise everyone I will leave the forum if you prove I am a liar. Tee hee. That is illogical. You have already stated I am a liar. Tee hee because I am Israeli hee hee. So  if I am a liar even though I will promise to leave I won't really leave tee hee giggle giggle? Is that the stupid childish banter you want me to respond with?

You want to prove me a "liar "or anyone else stop acting like a child with your idiotic challenges. Spit it out.This is a forum. Please do not write me such childish posts. If you have something to debate, debate it. If you have something to say, say it. You want to prove me a " liar ", go ahead and stop sounding like someone in elementary school, take what I have written and prove it wrong. Go on. Put up or shut up but please stop speaking to me like a child.

I have expressed my opinions. You don't agree with them say why. Stop calling me a liar because I disagree with you. The fact people disagree with you does not make them liars. Your subjective opinions as to Sharia law and Islam are just that-they are not infallible facts-they are subjective opinions, no more, no less. You speak for yourself, no one else whether they be Muslim or non Muslim.

Now put up or shut up. Take what I have said and challenge it and state why. Prove what I said "wrong". This is a forum for debating. I suggest if you won't want to debate you  get off the forum.



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1 hour ago, Rue said:

Of course I am not ruled by Sharia law. I live in Ontario Canada. The laws that I abide by and follow are the municipal laws of Mississauga, Ontario, the provincial laws of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada. That's it.

Next I am a Canadian. So giggle tee hee but I am not Israeli. More to the point anyone can claim anything on this forum like you claiming to be Turkish or female. It means nothing. On forums one's identity as you have shown can be hidden and they can make any ridiculous comment or pose as anyone they want to. Right Omar is it? Or is it Muhammed? Abdul? Farouk? Gamel? Yasir? Wait don't tell me Mujibar? Barak? Sirhan?

Next you have an offer that you will prove me a liar but first I most promise everyone I will leave the forum if you prove I am a liar. Tee hee. That is illogical. You have already stated I am a liar. Tee hee because I am Israeli hee hee. So  if I am a liar even though I will promise to leave I won't really leave tee hee giggle giggle? Is that the stupid childish banter you want me to respond with?

You want to prove me a "liar "or anyone else stop acting like a child with your idiotic challenges. Spit it out.This is a forum. Please do not write me such childish posts. If you have something to debate, debate it. If you have something to say, say it. You want to prove me a " liar ", go ahead and stop sounding like someone in elementary school, take what I have written and prove it wrong. Go on. Put up or shut up but please stop speaking to me like a child.

I have expressed my opinions. You don't agree with them say why. Stop calling me a liar because I disagree with you. The fact people disagree with you does not make them liars. Your subjective opinions as to Sharia law and Islam are just that-they are not infallible facts-they are subjective opinions, no more, no less. You speak for yourself, no one else whether they be Muslim or non Muslim.

Now put up or shut up. Take what I have said and challenge it and state why. Prove what I said "wrong". This is a forum for debating. I suggest if you won't want to debate you  get off the forum.



You are coward and this is a shame. Prove us you are not a coward. Do you accept my offer ? We can talk on Skype, I will open my webcam and I will show you my ID card. Do you promise that you will leave the forum and will never back, why are you such coward, maybe I am just bluffing ? But I also want mods to give assurance that they will ban you if you reject to leave forum. 

Think about my offer and I give you 1 month. Let me know your decision :lol: cowarddd.

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19 hours ago, GostHacked said:

I agree!  We are not ruled by Sharia.

I pose we are ruled by corrupt rich elites.

Cliques for sure. Whether they are elite, I leave to you to call them that, They ain't elite to me. Rich? Some of them are depending on how you use that word rich.

Rich in money?  Material goods?

Some of us measure people's wealth not in material goods they have or money but in the amount of things they have given to others unselfishly and

you know how many friends they have, people they have helped.

I am serious now because we probably don't disagree on what I said. For sure these elites or cliques or whatever we call them these concentrated power circles exist, for sure. No argument from me, but their power for me is illusionary. They have power over you perhaps or me in the sense of controlling the price of oil, but they sure as hell do not control my ability to do good things for others. I have that free choice. My free choice to do good things and help others is a gift that came with life. No elite can take that away. I think that was the point of Jesus, Buddah, Moses, etc. I also learned it from "poor" homeless people, mentally ill people,  animals. Prophets come in all forms not just Altai or say me responding to you right?

Look at this thread. We have no shortage of them with people posing as experts on the Bible, Koran, etc. and quoting verses.

That's not sharia law, its not the voice of God its just some human writing and telling you what they subjectively believe.

I respect peoples' subjective beliefs when they are stated in a humble, non-presuming way. When they are presented with arrogance as "Altai" has, this tone of presumption they know better, I just call them bursts of methane gas.

Years ago because I was a family mediator at a time when there were very few male ones and I was one of the first appointed on the Toronto court roster I was asked for my input on Muslims requesting they be able to opt out of Ontario family laws  and decide their matters using sharia law. I was dead against it and called a racist for saying that. I said the same exact thing about Jews wanting to opt out for Rabbinical councils deciding their family matters and orthodox Christians doing the same.

I don't think its possible to run a democratic nation and adapt sharia law. The two are in direct conflict just as many orthodox Jewish or Christian laws would be.

If we actually followed sharia law,  men could marry four times and discipline their wives with force of their hand. I don't buy that. I don't accept the inheritance laws, dowry laws of orthodox Judaism, any more than I do sharia law. I don't agree with certain laws followed by Mormons, the Amish and other ultra orthodox sects of Christianity when they come into conflict with existing laws defining women and gays as equals or say keeping the state out of religion and vice versa.

You pretty much agree with me.  We aint saying anything earth shattering. I respect the right of Muslims to pray in their own religion in a mosque. I just believe that when it comes into conflict with existing Canadian laws, I don't think we should allow Muslims or Jews or Christians or anyone to feel Canadian laws can be opted out of when we don't like them as if we can pick and choose those laws we follow and those we don't. 


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15 minutes ago, Altai said:

You are coward and this is a shame. Prove us you are not a coward. Do you accept my offer ? We can talk on Skype, I will open my webcam and I will show you my ID card. Do you promise that you will leave the forum and will never back, why are you such coward, maybe I am just bluffing ? But I also want mods to give assurance that they will ban you if you reject to leave forum. 

Think about my offer and I give you 1 month. Let me know your decision :lol: cowarddd.

What a silly thing to say, Skype? Lol. Right that will prove who you are,  Lol.

Skype? Lol.

How does a "young woman" such as you pose as you do? You have made a point of providing avatars showing you as a young attractive female in Western attire. You don't cover yourself. So please,  explain how you pick and chose the clothing style and hair cut and lipstick you want, when your fellow Muslim women can not?

That's the issue.

You can come on the forum posing as a modern Westernized young woman but the way you dress would get your life threatened in an ISIS controlled area or in Iran or in Saudia Arabia or do you deny that?

Tell me Altai, do you not think I have witnessed the results of a young woman with your image after her father and brothers and uncles quoting sharia law have beaten the pulp out of her? You think that has not happened? Do you want me to put up pictures of mutilated women who were killed and permanently scarred in the name of Sharia law? Well?

You think I haven't seen genitally mutilated young girls, girls beaten silly for dating a non Muslim and not covering themselves in Ontario family courts? How about you get yourself on a plane and come see. Skype my ass. Let's talk reality. Domestic violence. Vengance killings, abuse, physical beatings, incest, rape, men raping boys in broad day light in Afghanistan in such frequency that you are damn right I have sit and listened to Canadian soldiers coming home try drink themselves to oblivion to try get it out of their heads.

What world do you live in Altai because the one I live in won't be denied by you presenting your alleged self on skype.

Who do you pose as Altai? Hmmm?

Please explain.. How do you claim to be a free woman, a supposed Westernized, modern young Muslim and deny what sharia law says about women? Do explain Altai because posing on Skype won' answer that.

That was my point.  My point is to challenge your very claim of who you pose as and to challenge you to look at what is happening to women in the Muslim world if you claim to be one. It has nothing to do with Skype and everything to do with those portions of sharia law you won't acknowledge or discuss.

You parrot what some man has told you. Your body, your mind, they just parrot what you have been told to say. Is that not so? How do you as a young woman if you are one explain what your religion says about women? You refuse to answer that. Answer it.

Explain how you reconcile being a modern woman with the values you try preach to others because from where I sit, you sugar coat slavery, sexism. tyranny, fascism.



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1 hour ago, Rue said:

What a silly thing to say, Skype? Lol. Right that will prove who you are/ Lol.

Listen do explain to me what I will now ask. Skype? Lol.

How does a young woman such as you pose as you do? You have made a point of providing Avatars showing you as a young attractive female in Western attire. You don't cover yourself.

So now explai blah blah blah blah


You are a waste of oxygen. As I said before, if you want to talk to me, you have to be a honest person first. You have no chance to talk to me in this life ;)

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