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Why all the worldwide turmoil? (9/11 thread)

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14 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

What conclusions ?  Did Silverstein come out ahead with the insurance payments ?  My reading indicates he did not when you look at the numbers, eg. when you take into account loss of revenue.  Furthermore, one would have to question how a landlord could pull something like this off and what the costs would be.  In the end, you have to conclude that the landlord being behind this is just ridiculous.

You're right, it is ridiculous, it would take a group of the elite to make this work. 

The problem with these individuals getting this rich and powerful is lower class human beings become dispensable. And god knows how they contribute to world turmoil in the name of profit. http://listverse.com/2014/02/14/10-shocking-ways-the-west-abuses-developing-countries/  https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/mar/26/legal-aid-bill-exploit-poor  and locally is this happening? https://worldmercuryproject.org/mercury-vaccines-cdcs-worst-nightmare/  then there's ag in the third world  https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/poverty-matters/2013/jun/24/gm-crops-african-farmers  or the wars in the middle east  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/william-hartung/who-will-profit-from-the_b_5915794.html

Is it so ridiculous?


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Have you seen George W Bush describing the bombs and explosions at WTC after the "plane impacts", Betsy? Why wouldn't a responsible press report on the impossibility of that occurring according to the USGOCT? You are familiar with the US government official conspiracy fable, aren't you? 

What about those explosions going off on the north face of the South Tower? What about the nanothermite, the molten and vaporized steel? Are you content with living a life of lies?

Why do you continue to deceive, you purportedly a christian, why do you continue to support those who bear false witness against millions, those who have murdered millions, the child killers, deeply evil people who seek to murder millions more?

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Because the science says the alleged hijackers couldn't have caused all the impossible things that happened at WTC on 911, it follows logically that there were no hijackers. No hijackers means that the likelihood of there being planes is also low. 

When one looks at all the highly improbable events surrounding "da plane da plane', it, like all the rest of the USGOCT [us-go-ct], doesn't make any sense at all. 


"The wings would break off immediately upon contact and the plane would explode. It would not enter the tower and then explode. The plane would simply be obliterated to pieces by the steel box columns and steel and concrete floor trusses before it got anywhere near the inside of the tower."


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How does a building that has just been punctured by the strongest part of the wings of a jet aircraft self heal so the steel structure is the same as it was ten minutes before?

"Half in half out - no break in building between fuselage and left engine."

That simply is not possible!



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Realistically. If you take away your hatred for all things that is the U.S.

How do you explain the thousands and thousands of people and the people watching live at home seeing the second plane crashing?

Yeah never mind. sorry I posted anything. Have at it

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