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Why all the worldwide turmoil? (9/11 thread)

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There is so much turmoil in the world. Why? We hear oh so frequently from oh so many sources that this turmoil has come about because of terrorism, specifically one "grouped" terrorist act. We all know what that is and it is truly a lie of gigantic proportions, not unlike all of the other lies of gigantic proportions. 

Premise: It is completely impossible that the alleged 911 hijackers caused the collapse of WTC towers 1, 2 and 7. 

Proof one: The existence of molten metals; steel, molybdenum, iron at WTC the existence of vaporized steel at WTC, the existence of nanothermite at WTC all attest to the fact that the alleged hijackers did not cause the collapse of WTC towers 1, 2 and 7. 

The only fuel that the hijackers are said to have brought to the WTC, according to the official government story, is jet fuel. Add office furnishings and you have fuels that can reach a maximum of about 1,800F. Steel melts at about 2,800F. Molybdenum melts at about 4,700F. Vaporized steel needs higher temperatures.

Point TT-6: The Claim that There Was No Molten Steel or Iron in the WTC
Point TT-6: Buildings


Pictures of the vaporized steel 


There are, of course, many other proofs that show that the alleged 911 hijackers did not cause, could not have caused the collapse of WTC towers 1, 2 and 7.

There is currently a two year study of WTC7 being conducted at University of Alaska, Fairbanks. It is scheduled for total completion in May 2017. The study is essentially finished and in preliminary reports, the lead professor/engineer said, when asked by a lawyer, and I paraphrase,

Lawyer: On a scale of one to a hundred what are the chances the official NIST story of the collapse of WTC7 is true and accurate?

Professor: Zero.

Lawyer: If a graduate student of yours submitted such a report would you flunk him?

Professor: Yes. 

Edited by Michael Hardner
added to thread name for clarity
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What turmoil? Things are relatively quiet at the moment. All the terrorist stuff is just hype. Don't be fooled by media outlets screaming about how bad things are. Sure a few thousand people killed here and there is not nice, but it is nothing, totally nothing compared to all out warfare. Now if N Korea were to make a stupid aggressive move, watch out. Then you might see some real turmoil. For now, all's well. Enjoy your comfortable living taken at the expense of others.

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Just now, bcsapper said:

Wouldn't it be better to postpone it until May, if indeed the whole thing is going to be blow wide open by the U of A?


No...it would be far funnier to be engaged in heated debate about very old turmoil while very new turmoil rains down from the sky.

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13 minutes ago, hot enough said:


Lawyer: If a graduate student of yours submitted such a report would you flunk him?

Professor: Yes. 

This is nonsense too.  Everyone knows students don't get flunked at universities anymore. They'd sue, and the Prof would be fired. 

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44 minutes ago, hot enough said:

Forum guidelines suggest: "If you are not bringing anything new to the argument, then do not say anything at all."


They're just guidelines.  You don't have to adhere to them too strictly.

That being said, of course, my suggestion was revolutionary.  

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12 minutes ago, hot enough said:

I think we should address the science and the actual issues raised. The implications are daunting, I know.

Have you noticed how a blacksmith heats a metal until it glows at a certain colour, then they can easily pound it into any shape with their tools.

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What blacksmiths do is of no consequence to the issue at hand. According to the official US government account, the only possibility was of fuels that can attain a maximum of 1,800F. Supporters of the official story actually describe much lower maximum fire temperatures.  [1,382 - 1,472F]

"However, it is highly unlikely that the steel at the WTC experienced temperatures above the 750–800°C range."  


These molten metals of the variety found at WTC should not have been there, ie. there was no legitimate/legal reason for them to be there. That in and of itself, makes the official story false.

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Because everyone in the World want to be the strongest one. Noone want to be strong as unitedly people all over the World. Everyone want to be strongest individually. This idea is serving to evil and if you want to achieve something evil, you have to follow evil ways. This is why there is a Worldwide turmoil. Countries want to be the strongest one, the groups in countries want to be the strongest one, the persons in groups want to be the strongest one.

How we could solve this problem, actually I have some plans for it and I started a topic before related with the issue. Below >>> 


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There was plenty of aluminum in the world trade center, and aluminum melts at 660.3 °C. There was steam from the sprinkler system, molten aluminum has been known to react with the steam and create hydrogen gas which can explode; there have been many such industrial accidents. Molten aluminum also reacts with iron oxide (rust) to produce ... thermite. Of course basic chemistry is beyond the grasp of the WTC conspiracy theorists.

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LoL why its called conspiracy when someones does not agrees with the collapse story of WTC. 

But its not called a conspiracy when someones agrees with the collapse story. 

Both is the same things, then call both of them conspiracy or dont call both  of them as conspiracy.

This is hypocrisy.

I have never think about it or never care about why these buildings collapsed but now I looked at the youtube and I see that planes hit the buildings from the top. Any ordinary persons would know that buildings could not easily be destroyed just because of the upper floors are getting a blow. Buildings are always build in a way that lower floors are built much more robust and upper floors are build much more weak and light. For example if you have seen any bombed building in war zones, many of them are not collapsed despite they are bombed from the upper floors. So its quite illogical that these huge buildings collapsed just because planes hit them from the upper floors. 

Edited by Altai
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4 hours ago, ?Impact said:

There was plenty of aluminum in the world trade center, and aluminum melts at 660.3 °C. There was steam from the sprinkler system, molten aluminum has been known to react with the steam and create hydrogen gas which can explode; there have been many such industrial accidents. Molten aluminum also reacts with iron oxide (rust) to produce ... thermite. Of course basic chemistry is beyond the grasp of the WTC conspiracy theorists.

From a supporter of the official US government conspiracy theory. 

"Some reports suggest that the aluminum from the aircraft ignited, creating very high temperatures. While it is possible to ignite aluminum under special conditions, such conditions are not commonly attained in a hydrocarbon-based diffuse flame. In addition, the flame would be white hot, like a giant sparkler. There was no evidence of such aluminum ignition, which would have been visible even through the dense soot." 

And remember, NIST denied, denied denied that there were explosions, even when there were myriad explosions reported by many firemen, reporters, first responders, ordinary folk, ... . This is all so easily found in the news reports of the day. Day two and on, dead silence from the media. The narrative had been set. The NYT applied to the courts and got a FOIA request for the many firemen that had been debriefed after 911. There are many reports from them describing massive explosions on the ground floor and sun floors of WTC1. 

One really doesn't have to go past the copious evidence of molten metals that could not have been at WTC, according to the official story. What could have caused this molten steel, molybdenum, iron, vaporized steel? Not jet fuel and office furnishings. 

9/11: FEMA investigator Abolhassan Astaneh says, "melting of girders" in WTC





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An engineer investigating the remains of the World Trade Center sees melted girders and other evidence that the towers experienced extreme temperatures on 9/11. Dr. Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl is a professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of California, Berkeley.

He later recalls, “I saw melting of girders in [the] World Trade Center.” [PBS, 5/10/2007] 
bullet He notes that steel has bent at several connection points that had joined the floors of the WTC to the vertical columns. He describes the connections as being smoothly warped, saying, “If you remember the Salvador Dali paintings with the clocks that are kind of melted—it’s kind of like that.” He adds, “That could only happen if you get steel yellow hot or white hot—perhaps around 2,000 degrees.” [CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION, 12/7/2001] 
bullet Astaneh-Asl says that steel flanges have been reduced “from an inch thick to paper thin.” [BERKELEYAN, 10/3/2001] 
bullet He finds a foot-long twisted shard of steel that is “like a piece of bread, but it was high-strength steel.” He comments, “I haven’t seen anything like this [before].” [BERKELEY DAILY PLANET, 10/20/2001] 
bullet He finds “severely scorched [steel] members from 40 or so floors below the points of impact [by the planes].” He believes this is the result of the planes having destroyed the elevator walls, thereby allowing burning jet fuel to pour down into the building, igniting fires hundreds of feet below the impact floors. [CBS NEWS, 3/12/2002] 

bullet Astaneh-Asl sees a charred I-beam from WTC Building 7, which collapsed late in the afternoon of 9/11. “The beam, so named because its cross-section looks like a capital I, had clearly endured searing temperatures. Parts of the flat top of the I, once five-eighths of an inch thick, had vaporized.” [NEW YORK TIMES, 10/2/2001] 
Other individuals will report seeing molten metal in the remains of the World Trade Center in the weeks and months after 9/11 (see September 12, 2001-February 2002), and data collected by NASA reveals dozens of “hot spots” (some over 1,300 degrees Fahrenheit) at Ground Zero (see September 16-23, 2001). But Thomas Eagar—an engineering professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology—later comments that the “temperature of the fire at the WTC [on 9/11] was not unusual, and it was most definitely not capable of melting steel.” [EAGAR AND MUSSO, 12/2001] Yet Astaneh-Asl will later put forward the “tentative” conclusion, “The collapse of the [Twin Towers] was most likely due to the intense fire initiated by the jet fuel of the planes and continued due to burning of the building contents.” [ASTANEH-ASL, 11/30/2003 pdf file] Astaneh-Asl is a member of the team assembled by the American Society of Civil Engineers to investigate the World Trade Center site after 9/11 (see September 12, 2001), though he will resign from this because he disagrees with its decision to keep findings secret until the initial inquiry has been completed. [NEW YORK TIMES, 10/2/2001; ASSOCIATED PRESS, 9/6/2002]


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7 hours ago, hot enough said:

There is so much turmoil in the world. Why?



Ask Donald Trump.

Because, Hillary Clinton and Obama actually created ISIS, and other Islamic terrorists that are creating most of the turmoil all over the world.



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2 minutes ago, hot enough said:

Such information only supports the fact that the alleged hijackers have been falsely accused, Betsy. You do understand the significance of the molten steel, molybdenum, ..., don't you?

You asked, why is there turmoil in the world - read the news!  Who's mostly involved???

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5 hours ago, ?Impact said:

Molten aluminum also reacts with iron oxide (rust) to produce ... thermite. Of course basic chemistry is beyond the grasp of the WTC conspiracy theorists.

That's not basic chemistry at all. Regardless, the thermite that was found was superthermite/nanothermite, a recently discovered, at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, about mid 1990s, patented 1996/97, non-commercially available US military explosive. This is not your ordinary thermite, which is ground down. This is built from the atomic level up. That's not something the alleged hijackers could have done. 


In order to understand what nanothermite is, we first must understand what ordinary commercial thermite is. Thermite is a mixture of a metal and the oxide of another metal, usually aluminum (Al) and iron oxide (Fe2O3), in a granular or powder form. When ignited, the energetic Al-Fe thermite reaction produces molten iron and aluminum oxide, with the molten iron reaching temperatures well in excess of 4000° F. These temperatures are certainly high enough to allow cuts through structural steel, which generally has a melting point of around 2750° F.

There is also a variant of thermite known as thermate, which is a combination of thermite and sulfur, and is more efficient at cutting through steel. This form of thermite is believed to have been used in the demolition of World Trade Center Building 7. Although conventional thermite has the capability to cut through structural steel, it is technically an incendiary and not an explosive.

Nanothermite (also known as superthermite), simply put, is an ultra-fine-grained (UFG) variant of thermite that can be formulated to be explosive by adding gas-releasing substances. A general rule in chemistry is that the smaller the particles of the reactants, the faster the reaction. Nanothermite, as the name suggests, is thermite in which the particles are so small that they are measured in nanometers (one billionth of a meter). The authors of the peer-reviewed Active Thermitic Materials paper, which documents the discovery of these materials in the WTC dust, explain:



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Speaking about the turmoil in this world, the following link may help. Jim Marrs , has many books out and please visit his website  and read more of what he has found over the years. The link starts out asking what happening to Chandra levy and what he found was a connection with Levy and what she knew and how the CIA/ or FBI or both stopped her from revealing info. that 9/11 was about to happen and the connection of the Oklahoma bombing  and Timothy being a CIA operative, just like Bin laden, they had to get rid of them and create fake news on all them. The Elite/ Illuminati are well at work in  the world.                                                                       http://jimmarrs.com/news_events/news/what-really-happened-to-chandra-levy/

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6 hours ago, Altai said:

Buildings are always build in a way that lower floors are built much more robust and upper floors are build much more weak and light. For example if you have seen any bombed building in war zones, many of them are not collapsed despite they are bombed from the upper floors. So its quite illogical that these huge buildings collapsed just because planes hit them from the upper floors. 

Skyscrapers like the world trade center are very different than stone structures. They are relatively light for the volume they occupy, but overall because of their massive size the weight was about 500,000 tons in each tower. About 20% of that weight was steel. Unlike a shorter structure where gravity load might be the prime consideration, a tall structure like the world trade center deals with massive wind loads and that becomes the dominating factor in the engineering design. Note that the planes did not crash into the top floor, but between 15-25 floors down from the top depending on which tower was hit. That means that there was anywhere from 60,000 to 100,000 tons of weight above where the fire weakened and buckled the structure.

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24 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

Skyscrapers like the world trade center are very different than stone structures. They are relatively light for the volume they occupy, but overall because of their massive size the weight was about 500,000 tons in each tower. About 20% of that weight was steel. Unlike a shorter structure where gravity load might be the prime consideration, a tall structure like the world trade center deals with massive wind loads and that becomes the dominating factor in the engineering design. Note that the planes did not crash into the top floor, but between 15-25 floors down from the top depending on which tower was hit. That means that there was anywhere from 60,000 to 100,000 tons of weight above where the fire weakened and buckled the structure.

The molten metals tell the whole story. They were impossible according to the official theory. Nanothermite, this new superthermite, which had no legitimate, legal reason for being there, can account for the collapse of all three towers, one of which, WTC7 fell at free fall speed. That too, makes the official story patently false, as it is impossible for a building to be there one moment and the next go into free fall for 2.5 seconds, 105 feet, eight floors.

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